DAILY OAPITAI. JOURNAIi, SALESiL OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1000 PAGR 'MX PLENTY OF ROOM. No Trouble to Find a Plado For Him to Rest In Sleep. Ilfji l)linlti't I ho soldier takes along 'oh The ufiiri'h. but uxmilly not tii lout "Ubuk' k"") makes tbt ground iih soft f'a bed uh he wuiUH. TIip case Is pretty ."nearly Hie winio with the proHpcct'or and tjie frontiersman. In writing of the "IHguwnytt and Byways o tlio Pacific Const" Mr. Clifton JohnHon tells of tbo practice on the ranches of tb west, lie was tbo guest of an .,, oarly settler While wc were chatting a laborer paHHcd. shouldering a roll of blankets. Tbe,-bntcht'r had come to the door, and lit? Willed to the pawnor and said: "Yihi see that fellow, don't yonV Well, when I lirsl reached here from the " enxf I thought a man with a bed on . bin back was the funniest thing I'd ever come across, "A rancher In this country won't take his hired man Into lils bouse. They've got to furnish ihelr own blan kets and usually sleep on the bay in the barn. "1 know a fellow who. when he'd just arrived and didn't understand the , way thoy manage, got a Job harvest ing on n big wheat ranch. The help usually sleep In the straw stacks then, and' it's precious little time they get to sleep anywhere. But he didn't know anything about that, and he was sitting around in the evening and Unnl y said to the rancher. 'Where nm 1 to sleep tonight?' "Why. I don't care where you sleep.' said the rancher. 'I've got 0Q0 acres of land around here, nnd If you can't Hud a place to sleep on that I'll ' get 'my next neighbor to lend me a , piece of bis.' " : TOWER OF BABEL. Traditions 88 10 tne Heioht of 1,10 Fn" mous Structure. The. actual height at which the last stone of that famous structure, the tower of Babel, rested cannot, on nc ciiHit of the. rnmotoness of the times at which it is said to have existed, ever become more than a matter of merest coujecture. Herodotus, who lived nbou't 1,700 years after that "great spiral way to heaven" Is said to have been attempted, says that ho saw at Babylon a structure consisting .of eight towers raised one above an other, each seventy-live feet In height, but whether this ruin "was the re mains of the tower of Babel it was even then Impossible to ascertain. Ile rndotus, usually minutely exact lo his writing, leaves us In Ignorance as to bow the upper level of each of these Keventy-ttve foot towers wan reached 'from the level bolow. " As might 'V expected, oven tin tra dition, n wide difference of opinion ex ists as to the height of the tower. Most orientalists maintain that God did not put a stop'tcMliP' work until the tower bnd reached a height of 10.000 fath oms, or about twelve miles. In Cey louese tradition It Is said to hiive been iih high as 20.000 elephants, each standing one above the other. St. Jerome asserts on the authority of persons who had examined the ruins that It did not reach a height exceed ing four miles. Other statements are still more extravagant London Sat urday Bevlew. Happy Events. A teacher in one of the public schools of Vienna In order to test tho nullity of her Junior class-girls eight to nine years old In composition writing gave each little miss a subject to be dla t'uBHed "at once without consultation and without help of any kind." The articles were found to he so Interest iiig atul amusing thu,t tufty have been 'ijolleO tfVr f6rf 'it Wllftu'Ucrti. One article on "My Three Happiest Days" Is notii bj9,.hL the Uiilniie l olli'Ctliui. In well iJhn'sin aial efenrly rounded sen- ,.vteuceH the little gin says Unit, being fijjst In the woods, having to Tim away YfrjiiuKU Ylllcll broke out in their ,'limiHO iViitl watching littlo boat m thu;vlnii.tOH8eil It on tho waves and tliially HJumshed It, were the most."uup uW'Vtet' that she could think of. Anotlfier In describing "fairyland" said thill St must, be a place wliore "every .tffliUMtto 18 Wro e-SWilt that the WsfoiffiJ bo fcudflll m across at . dlUTmrii u' tho your W tuflt we count tiHe a Hft-liii'ttlid jump miffuid skate." 4 f '-r -- ' James-1, end Billiards. v43UmM',(f HDpMtS to have Inherited . his iiintlior's love of blltlimU. Among the payment from his privy purse not ed in tho exchequer records Is one to "Uenrv Wiijjw. upr joyner.. for a 111 IhmlH bounlf. Twelve .finite long ind fowor f(Nite hroiule, tl)t frame Mug wnilmittive. well wrought and earved. with eluht great skrewes and i-! :titten small slsreww," sftliuur.v hllllard rule lit torn In thu days t the Stu nrtK wnsjiue to tlje effect that no by njaiider. fviMi.lhn.MKli he was betting on the game, whould be allowed to offer udvtee nnlewt hhUwI. K be did so It wiih provided that "he shall for evory fault Instantly forfeit twopence for the good of the company or not be K!lffe.red to Ktiiy In l!l4u"."-,"ultt,. Chronicle. HI. Early Horn? Coming, 'iPei'x .vowr iitiHimnU cHtry , tatcn. fcfty. Sir- HoiiielMHlyr Nd. 1 never knew him to." HQhyllH'ti ' mwm ''i oarly! hnt inMw l IH -VOHr traHiltiK?" . B 'fll li tl"' '"int. There Is always BoliiieiW l w,,,, l get home lu tbo inornlni-OUlenBo Record-Herald. " ' Amiwerlnn LUtlo EddU. T.ltil IWlle Say. tw. Q political o no. Hon ualuiiK to different irtlo? l'i-No, uiy wn? thy belong to differ ?t faction In tbo sauia imrty.-Ex-change. BURNS WANTS ANOTHER GO WITH JACKSON San Francisco, Dec. 22. Com ment among tho sporting public varied today when Tommy Burns' cablegram, received hero from Syd ney, to fight Jack Johnson boforo tho July go with Jeffries Is pulled off, was made public. Tbo cablo gram reads: "If articles with Joffrlos allow Johnson fight boforo July, will fight will light Johnson finish fight, win ner take all. TOMMY BURNS. Inasmuch as one of the clauses of the Johnsoy-Jffrles nrticlos for bids cither of the principals to en gage in a contest prior to the cham pionship fight on July 4, it is not considered likely that tho Austral ian's offer will bo considered. XUAH TREE TONIGHT AT SCHOOL FOR BLIND As" most of tho Inmates of the school for tho blind will spend tho Christmas holidays with tholr par ents, relative or somo friends, in or der to give thorn time to reach their respective homos in sufficient time to spend Christmas ovo, tho mnnngo mont of the school have decfuofl to celobrato tonight Instead of Friday ovon'ng, as first Intended. The Interior of the institution has been beautifully decorated for the occasion, tho work of tho Inmates thomsolves, and they are eagerly awaiting tho event. Tho traditional Christmas tree will bo in evidence, and Santa Claus will make his ap ivenrance upon tho scone nnd dis tribute the many gifts with which It will bo loaded down, and will see to it that each Inmato will receive a present. Prior to tho distribution of tho gifts an entertainment consist ing of songs nnd music and a can tata will he glvt?n. Thoso who will not spend tho hol idays at tholr homes, but remain at the institution, will enjoy a good Christmas dinner of turkeys and many other delicious dishes, on Christmas day. i O ; TYPHOID FEVER OASES , , ARE DIMINISHING Dr. O. B. Miles, secretary of tl)Q Salem sanitary department, said to day that tho typhoid fever cflaes in this city were diminishing In num ber rapidly now, that the public Is using tho utmost caution In consum ing tho water. Although an oxact Gstlnmto of the decreasing number of cases has not boon made as yet, but, according .to reports 'being hand ed In from tlmto ..to tlmo dur'ng 'tho past woolc, but: very few new cases havo materialized . Dr. Miles was "not surprised afitjip' discovery of tho lertk In the mala which convoyed the water to Salem consumors, and sovoral weeks ago ho suggested to tho company that thqy make an lnvo3t!gat'on and as certain If anything is wrong ylth the plpo lino lading -frdhi th Inlnko In tho Wlllnmotto rlvor to this city, "Ilowevor," said tho, officer of the snnltnry board today, "wo are going to continue examining nnd testing tho wator In Salom rogulnrly, and, bi weekly tests, wo can ascortnln. whoth or or not tho troublo lies In leaky pipes or in tho. crib. It Is probablo that thero will bo no nwldonco of germs after th? ' plpo has' boon ro palrcd, but whether or not thero aro other holes- It) tho plple- remains to bo soon. If it can bo actually ascer tained that tho pipe is free of furthor dorect, and thoro Is still ovidonco of gorms, thou an Investigation will bo In order for tho crib. "Now that tho city has socured a special sanitary offlcor, wo can pro ceed on a syst'matlc plan to clean up tho city nnd avoid much of tho causes for probable Hlcknoss. Anyoeo In tho city or suburbs finding a reason able causa to bollovo that unsanitary conditions (oxlit In tholr vicinity nro requested" to call up tho specfal offi cer or niysolf. and wo will look into tho casos without delay, and if noc oBsary tako Immediate stops to nbol- sh anything that may even grow to li a menace to tho public. Tho now sanitary officer, Mr. Long, has boon biiBy today investigating, and his re port will bo acted upon at once. o This Is Worth Keinumlierlng. cold, JuRt roniembor that Foloy's 1 M, ...111 - I. T)n...A liouuy mm mi win uuru u. uuuium- bur tho ntuuo, Foloy'B Honoy and Tar, a - . a- 1. ... I ... . T rt T.. ailU 101 HMD HIIUbllllllUH. J. i. JUII) :wca!B Hmm mm iiwnn Mgm 1ft5! rifitm a.s SufifiCStlOllS Yes, wc are the Christmas gift store. Here are a few particularly desirable specials. We have fourteen or fifteen dozen fancy and Dutch collars that we are determined to close out by Christ mas eve. They are exclusive-something different from the average stock goods, and are bar gains that are not offered you elsewhere Phone63S State and Liberty: Is commonly said of babies wbo have died of the croup. How unnecessary this Is. No child ever had tho croup without having a cold or cough at the Btart. If you will stop the first Bymptom of tho cough with i-Bal lard's Horehound Syrup thero Is no danger whatever of croup. Sold by all dealers. o Flouring Mill Starts Tomorrow. Tho Salem Flouring Mills Com pany completed repairs on their flumo yesterday, which conveys their water power from the ditch to the mills, and will start up tomorrow on soveral large orders. The flume was washed away by the recent high water and haB delayed grinding for sovoral weeks. The mill will grind out five carloads of flour for South jorn Oregon, Including a car to Brit ish Columbia, and several other smaller orders. o After expdsuro and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar, the groat throat and lung remedy. It stops tho cough, relieves tho congestion, and expels the cold from your Bystem. Is mildly laxa tive. J. C. Perry. o 'AQ.ro Weather in Montana. Butte, Dec. 22. Montana is shiv ering in tho grip of an unusually cold wave. The temperature has fallen 14 degrees bolow zoro la many sec tions of Western Montana, and stock is said to be dying from the cold. o Don't Bo Hopeless. about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you have tried lots of things and thoy failed. Try Ballard'B Snow Liniment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. Sold by all dealers. Your Gift Store Is Here ! No Need to QuestionJnst Visit Us IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT In keeping with tho grand onward sweep of this time-honored es tablishment, we havo tho pleasure of announc'ng" that the present Xmas season has more than demonstrated that Salomltes appre ciate an exclusive Jewelry store, where1 tho goods have been made by master workmen and sold at modest prices. Here you have de signs full of the beauty of art In glittering profusion. Trustwor thy goods, subject to every test exclusive things. A Watch is Always Valued, Select It Carefully As a Friend If you wish for exclusive oleganco In a watch, with absolute accu racy of movomont, you ldes of perfection will meet a revelation in The Howard Watch Let us show you-why I Americans should buy Amreican watches, made by American tools and machines and by American slc.il and labor and at American pr'ces. When a dealer tolls you a Swiss watch Is better, there Is more In it for him. THE HOWARD ROCKFORD Havo positively forged their "way ahead of all other makes by tho severest of tests. Thero are difforqnt grades of movements at d'fferent prices. Thoy are fully Jeweled, adjusted for all tempera tures, accurato and reliable. Wo havo them In all sizes and for all purposes. Somo people requiro a light watch, others a heavy one; much depends upon tho woaror. Don't Let Us Have Any Disappointments Wo nro striving our best to avoid them kindly ass'st. Thoro aro only four more buying days remaining, nnd the last two of them will be days of such tremendous activity that this great organization will bo taxed to its utmost capacity. Wo have taken this opnprtunlty to urge ovieryono to consider this condition, nnd mako full use of tho advantages tho present week affords for satisfactory and comfortable Christmas shopping. AS TO ENGRAVING When purchasing presents we will en doavor to fulfill your orders promptly wo do ask you to bear with us by purchasing early to thoso who order engraving that is not needed for Christmas presentation, kindly postpone your instruc tions until after tho holidays. Always keep before you our motto: "The Maximum of Quality for the Minimum of Price.'' BARR'S JEWELRY STORE The Store of Plenty With Economy Phone 1 255 , SALEM State and Liberty Silk Waists, $4.00, $4.50 and up now. ,$2.48 antT.up Wool Shawls, $1.25, $1.50 and up now.--69c and up Handbags, $1.00 to $12.50, now 69c and up Kid Gloves, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.00.98c,$1.39, $1.69 Plain and Fancy Jeweled Combs, 45c to $7.23c and up Dutch Collars, 35c to $2.75, now 19c and up Other Fancy Neckwear, 30c to $2.50, now. -19c and up Fancy Aprons, 85c to 95c, no w 69c Handkerchiefs, 10c to 50c, now 7ca"d"!! Kaiser's all-silk' Hose, $1.75 to $2.50, now... .$1.39 ALL FURS AT ABOUT ONE-HALF REGULAR VALUES HAT T RFRG'S MTlIMMMMMt"KJ I COMPLETE LADIES OUTFITTERS . CURED TO STAY CURED. How n. Salem Citizen Found Com plcto Freedom from Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders From any disease of the kidneys, Bo cured to Btay cured. Dean's Kidney Pills make lastln cures. Salem, people testify. Hero's one case of It: N. S. Williams, foot of Gaines Ave., "Salem, Ore., says: "A number tho doctors told me that my kidneys wore badly disor-i dered. I came out West tniniting that the change of cl'mato would help me, but this was not tne case and although I tried many reme- dies. I became no better. I suffered' intensely from a burning sersation in the small of my back as If live coals were placed directly over my kidneys. The kidney secretions were irregular in passage and un natural. After taking the content. of two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I did not have the least pain in m, back and my kidneys were restored to a normal condition." (Statement given Jan, 30, 1906.) Confirmed Proof. On Nov. 20, 1900, Mr. "Williams said: "The statement I gave fo, publ'cation in 1906 in favor , of Doan's Kidney Pills was correct. This romedy cured me of kidney ar.d bladder trouble and I have recom mended it on many occasions." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted States, and take no other. Remember tho name Doan's I Try tho Journal'B classified ads. 1 1 1 The "Red Cross" Pharmacy Where you meet your friends. Ap propriate, acceptable Christmas gifts Toilet Sets. Perfume in Choice Cut Glass; in fact, everything for "Mye Dainty The suggestions that are to be found here will furnish selections for many pleasing Christmas gifts. Throughout the line the high standard of qual ity is maintained, and prices con sistent with the values range to the popular fancy. The "Red Cross" Pharmacy Commercial and State Streets. Phone 1 44 Holiday Goods at I Reduced Prices Ladies' 2 5c Linen Handkerchiefs only 1EC Ladies' 25c Silk Handkerchiefs only -l&c Big line of Holiday Handkercnlefs from 2c each up NEW NECKWEAR. Ladles' 25c Collars or Ties , 10o. Lad'es 35c Collars or . Ties Ifro Ladies' 50c Collars or Ties .2Bo iiadles' 75c Collars or rTles 35c Large assortment of Men's Ties 25 Large assortment of Dutcn Collars 25c up Fancy Aprons, Hand-Made Hand kerchiefs, Dutch Collars LADIES' COATS ROYS' OVERCOATS LADIES' PURS MEN'S OVERCOATS DRESS GOODS ROYS' SUITS BABIES' COATS MEN'S SUITS Albums, Dressing Cases, Toys, Christ mas Decorations TABLE LINEN IM3D COMFORTS NAPKINS SHAWLS 1U2D SPREADS TOWELS LACE CURTAINS GLOVES FOR USEFUL .240 nnd 24G ROSTEIN Fancy Table Covers, Shams and Scarfs, $1.25 to $2.50 now 69c and up Belts worth up to $2.50, now 69c and up Umbrellas worth from $1.00 to $8.00, now69c and up Sweaters, all-wool, $1.25 to $7.50, now88c and up Hose Supporters, 25c to $1.00, now 17c and up Belt Buckles and Scarf Pins, 75c to $1.50. ,59c to 98c Hundreds of other bargains in Suits ,Coats, Dresses, Caps, Dress Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Underwear, Hosiery, Infants' Goods of all kinds, Hair Goods. , . Ladye Fair", MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Men's Silk Shirts $4.50 values $3.00 - Men's Fancy Suspenders, 50c values 35c Men's Fancy Suspenders, f sets $1.00 75c Men's fancy sleeve-holders, pair 10c up Socks, Neckwear, Under wear, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, low prices. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Commercial Strtel. SALEM OREGON GREENBAUM v