Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Yesterday afteniQOn at 4 o'clock
.William Behfiett, tho' diver for the
Salem water .company, discoveed n
split in the pipe lino running to tho
crib in the gravel island in tho river
and through which passes the water
consumed by the city, about two
inches in length and three-eights of
an inch in width.
The split was discovered in the
section of uncovered pipe lying on
tho mud banks a few yards south
west of the Oregon City Transporta
tion company's dock, and it was loca
ted within a few feet of the place
where the line began to go under the
ground and on over to the crib. Tho
hole is on the top of the pipe and
the flow of water through it is not
impeded by either brush or mud.
Mr. Bennett made an examination
of the pipe lin'e in August but found
no openings in it, and is of the opin-
ion that the hole was made, in the
pipe by the high water prevallng
about Thanksgiving, although it is
possible that contraction may have
. "been, the cause of the pipe splitting
so peculiarly. In any event, there
is signs of a severe strain on the
pipe as though some great pressure
liad been brought to bear by float
ing water logs or swift running
water, and the split was made be
tween the rivets and near the joints
of the line.
Owing to the extreme cold water
Mr. Bennett was unable to work con
tinually, but he located the leak be
fore evening'. Tho water Is very
, -cloudy at present and it was impos
sible for the- diver to see, but by
.feeling carefully over the pipe any
trace of leaks could be discovered
A temporary repair will be made
Ao the pipe today some time. An iron
Jacket will be bolted about the leak
'and the jacket or sleeve will be
will serve as an ausolutely water
proof protection to the spilt until
such time as the water becomes
warmer and clearer when a cement
jacket will be placed about the pipe
at the leak. - Tho material will prob
ably arrive In this city from Port
land today and work will be com
menced at once repairing the leak.
sands or new Christmas Uirts
Are awaiting you here. This is an Ideal Christmas Store, because you rushed the goods out of
here so fast this fall that in order to supply Christmas Gifts, for the convenience of our custom
ers, we were obliged to fill every department with brand new goods, otherwise we would scarcely
have had anything to show you where now the store is overflowing with good things. We have
been contemplating selling the store the first of the year, but until we do you will find that
most inexpensive articles will measure up to a certain standard which we have established-and
thus maintains our reputation for best in quality the most in value.
Served as coffee, the new coffee
substitute known to grocers every
where as Dr. Snoop s Health Coffee,
will trick even a coffee expert Not
a grain of real coffee In it either
Pure, healthful toasted grains, malt,
nuts, etc, have been so cleverly blend
ed as to give a wonderfully satisfy
' fng coffee taste and flavor. And it
..1s "made in a minute," too. No te
dious 24 to 30 minute boiling. J. W,
The board of education of Port
land has Issued a tax levy of five
mills and a bond issue of $350,000
for the ensuing year.
A New Organ
Delivered to Any Roil
road Station or Boat
Landing in Oregon
Here Is a picture of one of the moat
?erfectly finished organs now manufac
ured. It Is the Pacific Queen, made
especially for Ellors Piano House.
Choice of fancy walnut or selected oak
cases. Fine, very large beveled plate
mirror, pertecuy iinisnea; an ornament
to any mansion.
Numerous new and valuable Improve
ments are embodied In this organ, mak
ing it at once one of the best and most
durable organs manufactured in the
United States.
Built with special regard to Pacific
Coast climate.
Besides the regular reed tone, this
Instrument also has several octaves of
the regular pipe effect, to be found la
no other make.
Great Special Offer
To more thoroughly Introduce this
organ we are making most exceptional
concessions in our prices and terms and
will deliver a strictly brand new, per
fect and fully guaranteed organ, freight
paid to any. railroad station or boat
landing In the state of Oregon for
on payment of $8 down and 14 a month.
The fancier styles, 52, JBff. eta, on
same terms. Write us today, as this
offer is positively limited.
A Few Hints
For Women
and Children
Fancy Hosiery
Furs, Umbrellas
Fancy Neckwear
Fancy Aprons
Leather Handbags
Belts and Buckles
Muslin Underwear
Waist Patterns
Dress Patterns
Sllk Kimonos
1 i
V. "nf --4 it-
Crepe Kimonos
Teddy Bear Klmonoi. J
Silk Petticoats y
Wool Sweaters
Knit Underwear
Kid 'Gloves
Wool Blankets
Table Linen
Marseilles Spreads
Sateen Comforters
Few things give as much genuine
pleasure to tho mother or father",
few things would delight tho sister
or daughter more than a pair of
fancy slippers. Our Christmas stock
of slippers for men, women and
children is the fullest and best wo
have ever had.
Prices 50c to $2.50
Befsre Christmas Sale of Men's Clothing 20 per
cent, 15, off on every suit
A Christmas
Gathering of
T7 IT T' ' 4-
Fancy uooas ;
Fancy Neckwear in all the latest
1909 creations; every collar Bfcrlctly
new and up- to date. The variety of
styles are so extensive we can suit
every taste.
Prices from 15c up
Christmas ; ;
Specials 1 1
... I
$1.80 Teddy Bear Kimonos. . . $1.49
$3.00 Crepe Kimonos. .... .v . ?2. 30
$1.00 Embroidery (wide)". . . .. 59c
... .vs
75c Embroidery (wide) ....... .45c
20c Embroidery (medium) 15c
$1.00 Dresser Scarfs ....60c
$1.00 Pillow Shams ... ...60c
$11.00 Belt Buckles. ; $2.00
$2.25 Belt' Buckles $1.75
I I II 1 IHWIil till 1 1 i i Hi 'I
Oh, such an array of them, and
they are all so dainty and pretty.
This is the greatest lot of handker
chiefs ever shown In Salem.
Prices from 5c to $1.75
Tasteful hosiery in all colors and
with many different embroidered de
signs. Extra special on these for
Silk Hose $2.85
$1.75 Fancy Hose 99c
$1.00 Fancy Hose 69c
90c Fancy Hose 61c
65c Fancy Hose 490
A Few
Sensible Gifts for Men and Boys
Gloves ..$1.00 to $2.25
Lisle Hose .25c to 50c
Underwear 2 Go to $3.00
Umbrellas $1.00 to $10
Fancy Shirts 50c to $3.50
Cult Links 25o to $1.00
Cuff Link Sots 75o to $1.50
Scarf Pins . . .' 26c to $2 50
Pajamas $1.25 to $2.50
Night Robes 50c to $2.50
Mon's-Suits 20 per cont less
Men's Overcoats. .20 per cont less
Suit Cases $1.25 to $12.50
Collar Bags ...';... . to
Smoking Jackota. . . .$.400 to $8.60
Bath Robos $3.50 to $6.00
Gordon Hats $3.00
Suspenders t 69a
Llnon Hdkfs 16o to 75c
Silk Hdkfs 25o to $1.50
Boys' Suits. .$2.00 to $8.50
Boys' Overcoats. ... .$3.00 to. $8.50
Correct, stylish apparel. Wo have clothing in which tlio man
of fashionable tastes will And no fault.
20 per cent reduction, 15 off now
Beautiful Holiday boxes with
Nocktio, Handkerchief and Hoso to
match, all colors. $1.50 per box;
Special ; .81.20
75c Golf Shirts . ; 50c
50c Golf Shirts 40c
$1.00, $1.25, $1.75 Oloves for
men .,. . 90n
4 pairs oxtrn good Sox 50c
"8 pairs black or tan Sox 2Cc
$4.00 Fancy VeBts... $..2.50
$3.50 Fancy Vests $2.25
$3.00 Fancy Vests $2.00
$1.50 Fancy Vests $1.00
XlMrmt, leading and Most Ileaponalbl
Western Dealers.
iBtorea at Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma,
Boias, Walla Walla, San Fran!oo, etc.
w 4 AOdraia Nearest Storo,
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 22. Charging
that her brother John J. Sesnon, had
accumulated more than $300,000
from the investment of a loan of
$3500 made to him by tho plaintiff
at San Francisco, in 1902, Mrs. Mary
A. Austin Is suing Jn tho superior
court today for an accounting and
one-halt of the accumulated profits.
She has been grnnted an order by
tho court, rostrainlng Sosnon from
disposing of his property.
The complaint states that In 1902,
Sesnon camo to San Francisco from
Alaska, where he had lived several
years,, and told IjIb sister, Mrs, Aus
tin, that he needed $3500 with
wnich ho could purchase lighters and
wharves at Nome, worth largo sums
of monoy, and capnblo of yloldlng
big revenues, rMs. Austin states
that she staked her brother with
the sum deslrod, and that the broth
er afterward sold the business for
$250,000 and returned to Califor
nia. The sister charges thnt she
has been unable to procure the re
turn of her Intorests or an account
ing. o
Killed by a Gas Explosion.
Muskogee, Okla., Dec 22. Mrs.
Charles Condry and her daughter,
Ordroy, 10 years old, were fatally
burned, while Charles Condry, throo
children and Mrs. Lillian Harris, n
neighbor, wero seriously burned to
day, when tho front of tho CoMxs
I home was blown out by a gas xpief-
u 4 W" ff ,15
Tho acoldont w-ae caused,-'!))- it 44
fectlvo motor. H t the hos
pital today that!'Mra, Condry aud
Qrdrtjr could sot recover.
tho girl had been dohncast, and her
friends say tho remark preyed so
upon her sensitive nature that, In a
sudden fit of despondency, she do
aldcd to forget It in death. c
Miss Bauor ha dbeon playing a
piano when she was seized with tho
desire to take her life. Ilor mother,
in another room, heard her suddenly
stop fingering the koys. An hour
later Mrs. Bauor found her swing
ing at tho cd of a ropo sasteod to a
hlngo on the parlor door.
San Francisco, Dec. 22. Tllat is
was not 111 health, as her mothor
claims, that prompted Tsthcr Bauer,
a telephono girl, to hang herself
from a door hlngo In her homo late
yesterday, was tho conclusion reach
ed today by Intimate friends of tho
dead girl.
For Bovoral years past Miss Bauor
had suffered with a slight facial
blemish an dshe had grown sensitive
about it. Two weeks ago, at a dance,
she overheard some one say;
"Miss Bauer is an elegant dresser,
but her complexion Is very poor."
From that time up to yestorday
Salem's Old Reliable
Has been thoroughly renovated
from ceiling to basoment.
Nickel plated racks have been
put in in place of woodon ones.
Tho woodwork has been onam
eled and a marble wainscoting
put in. Drop in and look
E. Q Cross & Son
Phone 391
Pnsadena, Cal., Dec. 22. Owing
to the precarious condition of Carlos
Wright, tho young man who returned
to his home hero yesterday, after an
absenco of nine days, with nothing
to oxplaln IiIb whereabouts botween
tho tlmo ho loft church Sunday, De
cember 12, with a noso bleed, until
hist roturn yesterday with two bullet
wounds In his legs.
Under strict ordors from physi
cians, no one, Including his parents,
hns been allowed to question him re
garding the experiences which ho
wont through whllo nbsont from his
home. -
Soon aftor ho was carried into tho
home of his nunt late yesterday af
t onion, tho young man became delir
ious. It was necessary to administer
oiilatos oarly today before ho wont to
deep. According to his story, told
yesterday, ho was shot by two men
In tho Catholic oemotory, and then
rushed to San Francisco In an au
tomobile. Ho was plncod In a hospi
tal, so ho asserts, from which ho oa
caped and returned to his home.
Doctors oxnmlned the young mail's
wpunds today. They atatod that
Wright had evidently been undor
medical" caro somewhora, as tho
Crossing were proporly mado.
Late this nftornoon Constables
Austin and Newell probably wljl boo
Wright, and thay oxpect to gain some
admissions which may result in an
prohondiug the two men whom
Wright claims abducted him.
Washingon .County .Man .Is
Convicted In First Degree
for Killing His Wife.
Hlllsboro, Oro Dec. 22.--Aftor
deliberating an hour and ilvo rain
rtoH the Jury in the case of tho stato
of Oregon vorsus John D. Itosclalr.
charged with wife murder, today at
11:30 brought in a verdict of mur
der in tho first tdogreo, Hoselatr
fM not change countenance whon
tho verdict was road. As UBual. tho
Jury was polled and Judge Campbell
gave notice that ho would pronounco
sentenco next Monday.
Pope Plhs Is conflnod to his hod
with an atack of godt. His physi
cians mi Id today that tlioro is no
cause for alars.
Goorgo W. Steele, a well-known
contractor of Ellonsburg, Washing
ton, was instantly klllod by a pro
mature explosion whllo thawing
frozen dynnmlto yesterday.
iWhen you buy; a watch' go.
to a, reliable jeweler svho Seals
in nothing but Ijewelry; and
watches. He .will not sell yM
a watch untfli it is in correct
'II Ail
shape, is regulate3 unci oilea1-
then, if the ivvatch is a IWal
tham, it will stay correct.
N. S.When baying a Wallbam
Watoh alwaya uak your jeweler
for one adjusted to temperature
aud position.
Try a Journal want ad.
20 Discount I
Now Is the tlmo to buy your handbags. Wo are making a
apod ul of 20 per cent discount front our hlgh-clowi Una of
The Commercial Book Store