Utiiut CATITAli JOURNAL, HAJLEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1000 Interested in Fine Mechan A I I Money ?vjt NOW IS THE TIME-FRAKES IS THE PLACE-25 CENTS WILL DO THE WORK OF $1.00 Your money novor covered more ground than this at Christmas. There are a few stingy soUls who say each year that "Christmas Is just for the Children" and you'll usually find that thoy haven't any! Christ mas Is for tfaQ young at heart-for the bravo souls who never grow old-for all who love their fdllow men. Everybody can make this a merry Christmas-for everybody else. It isn't sH much 'how -much you epond aa how you 'spend it The gift that comes from the heart Is double In value. A little care in choosing, a little taste displayed will add immeasurably to the value of the gift you send. Every article we sell is to Improve the appearance or comfort of the one It Is purchased for, and no gift Is so thoroughly appreciated by the receiver as the practical one. What more practical, MeVviceable, gift for mother, wife, sic tor or daughter than a serviceable tailor suit, a swell long coat, a becoming silk or cloth dress, a dainty silk net or lingerie waist, a beautiful lace .coat, silk petticoat, a tortoiao shell or rhinostpno hair ornament, chic tailored or dross hat. On tho -first of tho year we will make oxtonsiva alterations, adding several new departments, and it is our indention. to close out this up-to.-date stock of Ladles' ready-to-wear garments . this wodk if prices wlll do it. 2G centa will have tho purchasing power of a dollar. Did you ever have a chance to buy sensible Christmas gifts so cheap? Our statements brief, ooncise and direct to the point will you pass them 1. I J. X 1 ll A 1 n TTT 1.. 1 1 uy wituuiu iiivesugauug; we uuuevu uuu $27,000 STOCK TO SELECT FROM MILLINERY $6.50 Trimmed Hats for $2.45 $10.00 Ttrlmmed Hats for, 3'25 Pattern , Huts are '.."". One-Fourth Price And bo 6n from ond to end of the dopartmont, feathers, wings, flow era and shapes Included? ""Nothing is reserved, i .It's -the most de termined MUHnory Cloaranco-wo over know , ' .If n trimmed Hats . ' Values to 115.00 75c Feathers and Wings Values to $7.50 75c IJlowcrw Values to $10,00 25c i SEPARATE SKIRTS Elogant Skirts that havo tho hang and stylo about them which a " well dressed woman demands. Strictly tailored styles, with tho now plaited effect. Splendid materials. In black and colors. All cizes. Regular $6 values for $3.49 Separate Coats, $12.50, $18 and $25 Values Separate Coats are In strong demand this winter, both from the; standpoint of fashion and utility. This is due In a great measure to tho popularity of ono-ploco drosses. Your Choice $4.95 : THE SUITS Are elegant Fall and Winter models that excel in style, fabric, work manship and, most of all, rare value giving. Materials are broad cloth, plain and fancy serges, diagonal serges, homespuns, knicker bocker suitings, wide wales, etc. Long coats (45 to 50 Inches), tight, Boml and seven-eighths fitting, skirts plaited and gored with yoke effects; all tho wanted colors; every stylo in every pried men tioned. All suits have been divided into flee lots, prices starting as low as $14.95 each. 40 Suits, $30.00 values, sale price $14.05 50 Suits, $35.00 values, sale price 10.85 50 Suits, $40.00 values, sale price .W4M..,iV. 22.75 "'SOSuitsi $50.00 values, sale price '. ...... ftl.05 25 Suits, $65.00 values, sale prico . :.. 1 i'w:KfZ?x. : . ,28.05 Panama Skirts, values to $22.00 $7.25 Panama Skirts, values to $12.00 4.25 ONE-PIECE DRESSES Excollont styles In one-piece dresses which fashion rules as fore most, in.'stylo thl3 season, In Panamas, serges, wide wale serges and broadcloths, in all tho leading colors. Some have girdle with panel front and others are beautiful in their severe plainness. Trimmings used aro laco yokes, self shade; others , aro fancy braid, and button trimmed. , Three-quarter and knee ploated skirts; some show the Gibson effect over tho shoulders. Sizes range 34 to 42.;' Values $37.50 now $1 1 .85 RAINCOAT Mado just like the men's stylos, of the very best rainproof ma terials, with tho raglan and-mannish sleeves. Value to $20.00 V.' ....$0.50 Value to $16.00 7.75 Value to $12.50 5.75 HAIR GOODS This Is the largest and finest stock of hair goods on the Pacific coast AU convent cut. The stock Is to be closed out at era-making prices. The whole stock goes. , COMBS and BARRETTES Hair Combs and Barrettes in shell, amber and jet, beautifully carved, some gold inlaid and set with brilliant Rhinestones. AT OXE-QUARTEK THEIR REAL VALUE. Waists for Christmas The assortments represent the very newest and most desirable dainty lace effects, serviceable taffetas and large variety of evening effects, in now shades of navy, greens, Copenhagen and grape, at $4.9o Messaline Waists in. white, pink, light, blue and lavender, beauti fully made and daintily trimmed with Val. laces, at $5.45. New Net Waists in white and ecru.splendid quality and well made, prired at $5.95. Not a waist in the assortment worth less than $12.50. Military Capes About twenty elegant Capes marked at a price that will . assure their quick clearance. In this lot you will find the 'most beautiful styles in military and Napoleon effects. Wide sweep, braided collars and gilt buttons; some with scarlet lining. ValuoH up to $30, your choice for $12,75. Jumper Suits, value to $6.00, now 1.00' Plumes, value to $7.50, now 75c Silk Petticoats, value $7.50, now $3.25 Heatherbloom Petticoats, value $2.50, now 75c Lingerie Dresses in pink, blue and white, value from $12.50 to $30.00, now ..." . $3.50 IF IT COMES 279 N. Commercial St. FRAKES IT'S No Commercial St CEYLON MENUS. Tho Way Natives Wrestle With tho English Lannuaoe. A uiler In tlif Kplciire U'IIh of huv. eral menus with which he wan con fronted when traveling In Ceylon. The muuu. lie 8ii,vh. la uu Indispensable ad junct to a respectable luncheon or din ner table In Ceylon. As a rule, the head servant writes It out mul from his elementary knowledge or Kugllsh as "she In wrote" sjiiiugs a host of quaint blunder. At the Haute time his fertile oriental brain in ever apt to add footnotes, which lire perhaps his happiest achievement. At one lunch tlime tlsural among the dlaliiw "roam beuf." but It caused the hostess Home constornatlon when she discovered the additional logcud in very small letters, "roast beef, smelling a little." the parenthetical note being meant to intimate Unit tho dlidt was accompanied by a nance of savory odors. On another occasion thpro appeared this following acknowledgment of de ficiency: "Stcnk and kidney plo; no kidney." It was altogether dollsbtfnl. con tinues tho writer, to And at ono dinner our old friend Welsh rabbit appear ing ob "WelKoh rubbish." Tho same genius translated haricot mutton into "hurrygod muttou." Our own boy, ho adds, on tho occasion of a hastily Im provised dinner, was uuablo to accom plish a dessert. Consequently he put the word "platen" at the end of tho menu, A COSTLY JRIFLE. jt""Drouoht Bankruptcy to an English VC Iron King. -jvaa a common ponny postage VXtawktlint brought Uobnrt, tho great 3 nrltyVlrou klnif." to Wul.' At tbb twpt Whit worth 'per"01. whcn tlfenTwaa n big crisis In tho Iron trado. - I., nil tinrta nf flirt Wlirlll UUUWU upvum m ' ' " - - - Stclegrnpliea now to him lu cipher, .A'-ft llMnlliliil lltl, tlAJlfell 111- wavsL Instructed to write. At that pe SoTIMhs'prTulpal auont. who was lo his cklot partnor. was in Bhotllold and wrote I) I m from thoro warnlnj: hint to ne out all iron Intoruetu for tho tlmo on aewjuut of the Whltworth crisis. liobart httii frtHpient tlw of Irritabil ity. Mid ItO Ui IWttlvlHK u tot of unstHmped letter of no. JuijKjrtnm'e on which ho had to pay double postage. One morning in niiKer ho jjuve orders that such letters were to be rcturwd to the poxtmap. The very 1 1 s t Mil stamped letter rocelvtttl alter tlnn was from bis partner. It was rcjeeted.-as .soon as It arrived. Conscoticiulv. I.iiowIiik uoililujr f the existence of the letter or the nil Important private news It contained, llobart pledKed himself next day for more Iron deals than even his mighty credit was uood for. The great drop In prices came two days later, and Ho burr, once a millionaire, was involved lu a hopeless bankruptcy from wblch he never recovered. Uitulon Tele graph. Pillsbury's Wonderful Memory. Harry N. I'lllsbury. the chess player, offered one day lu South Hethlehem. Pa., to utemorljie thirty words, no tuat tor how hard they might be, the selec tions 4o be read to hltu only once. Professor Merrlman or Lehigh pul verslty and Dr. Threlkeld-Hdwards of lk'thlehcin picked out most ot the, fol lowing words: Autlphloglstlue, perl oRleum. takadlnstase. plasmou. ambro sia. Threlkeld, atrcptococcus. stnphe locoecus. micrococcus, Plasmodium, MUuiaainni Krtdhnlt. l'hlladelnhla. Cluelnutttl. athletics, no war. uiicucn- berg. American, misala. phliosopuer. Plot Potgleters-itost. Salmagnniu. yom slllecoolsl. nangniauivato, Schlochtcr'a Nek. Mauxluyama. theosophy. cate ohlHtu. MadJcstHunslopa. ; Mr. Plllsbury Inttnedtatcly reieated these words In the order given and lu tho reverse order. Didn't Teach Him That Trick. "That's a werry knowing animal o' yoi.r-. ' wild a cockney gentleman to the uctpe,r ot no lepiu:it. "Very.? ,wa tin? ceOl rejoinder. Tie pertorms strange tricks and linnilcs. Uocs w':" liypilrcd the cock lu . c.Vtig tlif' ittdftiut ,uir.nigh his glasv ".Sttrprlsln'S' retortl the keejier. "We've learned ittin to put motley in that bos you see up then. Try him with half a crown." The cockney handed the elephant; halt a crown, and. sure enough, he took it in his trunk nud placed It In a box high tip out or reach. "Well, that Is very hoxtraordlnary hastonlshlng, truly:" said the green one. opening his eyes. "Now let's see him take It out and 'and It back." "We never learned hltu that trick," retorted the keeper and then turned away to stir up the monkeys and punch the hyenas. Loudon Tlt-Blts. A Cockney. Mlnsbeu. a dictionary mnkor oC Lon don, lu UH7 Issued a work which. gave the following anuiHlng account ot tu origin ot the word "eocjaieyt" "A cockney, or qoqkn applied only to que born windu tfiepuut) of the lo$ iohathnt Ik. within the city ot 1-oh- dohwwhlche termo cntuo ilrst out of tho following tale: "A iltlen'a koiiiio, riding with hi father out or London lujo the c0untry nud holng a novice and tnoroly Iguo raut ot how curue aujl caiel do In orwtso. nslutl whim ho lumnl a horse uelgh what tho laro dlde. IIW father nnawcred. Th Horse dotho ttolgh.' Rldlug fxtrther. he hoard a cock- erdw and nld. Hothw tho cocs uelRh toor Aud thoreloro cwknej. or i-iH-kuelgb. by Juverslon tha: Ineoetus- i. o.. raw or uurlpo lu couutroy-Bignu affaires." Rearranging the Basis. "Yoti are charging me 7 a week for boaul and lodging. Mrs. irons." said the gray haired person of the nnme of Harris. "May I ask how you would Itemize HV What part of it Is for board y "Five dollars." replied the landlady. "And $'.! rvr my roomT "Yob." "Well. ir you don't mind, Mrs. Irons," he said, proceeding to square up for another wools, "we'll copslder here artor that Pin paying you $5 for lodg ing and 5U for board. It will seem more as It I were gottlug the worth of my ntoney."-Chlcago Tribune. Tho Fortune Tollors. Ladv-I'oor m! So -vou nre Ju8t out of jnli? Tramp-Yes. njum 1 was a victim of fortune tellers tenkyoara Ihoulsjrlqt attorney mn up-v.uu Hm II &, B wHiofo,w. , fl f i I k y ; l-J i lQSjnaajBjnnjgQajBjBjgH nrcdlcted next teu years.-Puck. A Paragon., "What reason have you for thinking that he's a perfect gentlemau?" , aUktUJUBt 1 d dluner at h,18 n'oWWnd neither blwlfe tmrdaagh. tcr corrected him once."-Detroit Free Prww. Do your Christmas shoplpng now Wc have ajifull assortoieot lof practical pres ents for men and boys. Soils, ov ercoats, house coats, hats, ties and many other suitable gifts. ALEM WOOLEN MIU QTOBF