Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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4, .-. .
'. r .
Economizes eggs,
flour and butter;
makes the biscuit,
cake and pastry
more appetizing,
nutritious and
m$W Bnsislo from Royal ytjtgi 'hSwwk
rapQ Grossm of Tartar feLJ: ' 'prak
if mm
m power f ,
Absolutely PBtro "
ilijSv Safeguards your food agafast
Atom sad Lirao PliospkteV
A solid committees of tho Board of
Trade blew lntotno City Council last
night and dropped Into, chairs with
ominous look on their faces. Later
- (Contluod from Pago 3)
EriEaboth Dunn, Portland. 231,760
Irma Brown, Indopondonco 214,860
Blanche Mulkoy, Mon 206,300
Boss Emory, Blodgott. . . . 130,700
Ruth Frloa, Crabtroo 128,000
N. Zoo Yantls, Oronco 126,750
Iva Olbort, Rookroall. . . . 122,510
Alma McDonald, Lebanon 122,516
Eva Dundas, WUlamlna. . 121,840
Ethel Huffman, Sheridan. 121,740
Cath. Sutherland, Shedds. 127,100
Edna Gnoths, Lebanon. . . 120, 50ft
B. Goodrich, Cott'go Grove 120,300
Lucilo Borry, Shoddo 120,300
Goldlo Jones, Sholburn... 119,800
Miss L, Klmsoy, Albany. . 119,610
Wanda Ramm, Crabtreo. . 119,010
Ruth Fry, Lebanon 118,340
Gortrudo Imus, WUlamlna 118,010
Ethel Motzgor, Dallas.... 117,200
, Birdie DoVnnoy Thomas. 115,680
Ethel Toozo, Falls City... 115,340
Charotto, Hoosrahl McKoo 115,300
Roso Snodgrass, Tulman.. 114,760
Graco Davis, Chltwood... 112,510
Hazel Howard, Newport. . 112,210
Alpha Donaco, Lebanon.. 110,780
Myrtlo Vaughn, Ilarrlsb'rg 110,300
L. Longharty, McMlnnvlllo 109,280
Mabel Ellis, Indopondonco 108,610
I. Courtmancho, Shorldan 105,3901
Ora Seaton, Canby 103,800
Winnio Landesse, Cot. Gr. 100,460
Cecil Miller, Myrtlo Point 99,710
Ethel Gray, Nowport:?... 99,040
Lottlo Veatch, Cot. Grove. 98,900
Ethel Romg, McCoy.
Kato Jonnlngs, Indepond..
Con. Miller, Harrleburg. .
Louise Koiger, McKoo. . . .
J. Fagonstrom, Wilamina
Wiggins 89,480
WIdonor, Harrlsburg 87,610
George, Newport.... 84,740
Lawler, Dallas 80,490
White, McCoy 76,590
Earhart, Ind. 74,480
Bennett, Marshfleld 61,300
Iva Burton, Independence. 58,320
Morlo Post, Nowport 35,320
Gen. Songstakon, M'shQold 34,860
Edith Shaggs, Blodgott... 1,090
Ida Judd, Nowport 30
Miss M. Merrick, Blodgott 20
Spclinl Holiday Rotes
Holiday fares via Oregon Electric
railway; round trip tickets at ono
nnd one-third faro will bo on Balo be
tween Salem and all points on this
lino on December 17 and 18, Do
comber 24 and 25 and 31, 1909, and
January 1, 1910. All tickets will bo
good for return until Tuesday, Janu
ary 4, 1910.
2-15-lw Traffic ManngOK
ranuMTMVimiiM,,! .i- .
Infirrfirnlo. nf AvpV Hair Vlcnv SuIpIilt, Olyccrin, Quinln, ivudlum CliioritJ, Q
inRreaiEniS OT Ver S liair Vigor. Clipscum SjbC( Alcohol. Water. Perfume. I
AnyHilniS Injurious here?
svnvtrwrifif or tncric ncrer
WIU ft sto falUrtir hair?
Will It destroy ciundruff?
Ask vour doctor.
AsU your doctor.
Ante your doctor.
Ask vour doctor.
.T, n, Atkii Company. TmMl, M.
Your Gift Store Ss Here
No Need to (JiiestionJust Visit Us
In Hooping with tho grand onward swoop of this tlmo-honorod os
tabllBhmont, wo hnvo tho pleasure of announcing that tho presont
Xmns sonson has inoro than demonstrated that Saltaiultos appro
clalo an iccoluolvo Jowolry storo, whoro tho goods havo boon mado
by tuastor workmen and sold at modost prices. Hero you havo de
signs full of tho boauty of nrt In glittering profusion. Trustwor
thy goods, subject to ovory tost oxoluslvo things.
A Watch is Always Valued, Select It Carefully
As a friend
If you wish for oxoIubIvo ologanco In a wntch, with absoluto accu
racy of tnovomont, your Ideas of perfection will moot a rovolation
The Howard Watch-Let us show you why
Amorlc'nns should buy Amrolonn wntchoa, mado by Amorlcnn tools
and mnchluoB and by Amorlcnn Bktll and labor and at American
prices. When a doalor tolls vou a Swiss watch is hotter, thoro is
inoro In it for him.
Havo poflltlvoly forged tholr way ahoad of all othor nmkos by tha
sovoroat of tostu. Thoro nro dlffonmt grades of movwmonts at
different prlcos. Thoy aro fully jowolod, adjusted for all tomporn
turos, acuurato and roliablo. Wo haw thorn In nil sizes and for all
purposes. Somo pooplo roqulro a light watch, othora a hoavy ono;
much deponds upon tho wonror.
Don't Let Us Have Any Disappointments
Wo aro striving our boat to avoid thorn kindly assist.
Thoiv are only four inoro buying days remaining, and tho last
two of thorn will ho days of such tremendous activity that this
groat organization will bo taxod to its utmost onnnolty. Wo havo
taken this opportunity to urgo ovtoryono to consider this condition,
and mnko full uso of the ndvantagoa tho prosont wook affords for
satisfactory and comfortable Christmas shopping.
AS TO ENGRAVING Whon purchasing prosonts wo will on
donvor to fulfill your orders promptly wo do ask you to bear with
us by purchasing ourly to thoBo who ordor ongravlng that is not
noodod for Chrlstmna proeontutlon, kindly postpone your lnstruc
tlons until nftor the holidays.
Always keep before you our motto: "The Maximum
of Quality for the Minimum of Price.'
The Store of Plenty With Economy
Phone 1255 SALEM State and Liberty
It developed what was their mis
sion. Before the mayor's somewhat
theatrical message about grim death
stalking the streets of Salem had
boon read they got up and demanded
a general ciean-up of tho city, but
deplored tho unusual prominence
given to bad advertising generally.
President Kay was Invited to speak
and said tho city ought to have a
cleap-up generally. A dirty city and
lack of Boworage was as much to
blame as water. The time had come
for' more work and less talk about
theso things. Ho asked that the
mayor order a general clean-up and
uso all his police authority to clean
tho filthy alleys. Salem water could
bo much improved by a filtering
system. Ho scored newspapers for
knocking the city. (Tho Capital
Journal Is not guilty.)
F. G. Dcckebach spoke on tho
same lines. Ho said the city had the
power and tho council could exer
cise it. Nino months in tho year
Salem had as good water as any
in tho world. It was better than
nine-tenths the cities hp.d along the
Ohio and Mississippi. Tho thing to
do was to act now and at once. Let
us stand fast that wo havo a healthy
town. Squelch ths Idea that we have
an unhealthy city.
Mr. Stolz spoke of the engineer
who reported three years ago, who
favored taking water from the river
at Hall's Ferry and put In a filter
ing plant at Salem. Ho told of the
water system of tho Oregon City Al
tering pitint. Such a plant could bo
put in place in six months.
At this point tho mayor's message
was read about dlseaso-breeding
pest-holes, etc., etc.
The miyor asked for a special
police officer to enforce a more
stringent cleanlng-up of the city.
Mr. Stockton said this council had
been blocked in building sewers by
the people. Unjust odium, had been
cast at the council for not looking
after the. city's health-,
Mr. Greenbaum objected to taking
a man off tho police force and put
ting him under tho health depart
ment. Mr. Stockton favored creatng the
offico of sanitary Inspector and a
place for refuse.
Tho motion to havo a sanitary of
ficer appointed prevailed, and this
onded the seance about public captation.
Larger Crowds Every,
But wltn out large force of extra help we endeavor to take the best of care of everybody. The
holiday stock is thinning out rapidly, and it behooves everyone to shop at the earliest possible moment.
Remarkable Values in
Women's Hand Bags
A most important Item is this collection of fash
ionable handbags in styles to please the most
particular and at prices to satisfy the economical
woman. Any one of theso bags would make a
Christmas gift that would be appreciated. Extra
good quality leather, single or double strap
handle, gilt or gun metal trimmings, separate
coin purse with lap and gilt nameplate, at prices
ranging from $1.25 to $5.65.
Sweaters!) for
Sweaters occupy a commanding positioh among
desirable holiday gifts, and these ar.e swellest all.
wool sweater coats ever shown at the prices we
quote. A very pretty fancy weave in lengths
that extend over the hips, with two side pockets,
turn back cuffs and large pearl buttons; colors
white, gray or red, at prices up ,to $13.54.
... t 1 '
Wlin is a cold In the head? Noth
ing to worry about If you treat It
with Ely's Cream Balm. Neglected
tho cold may grow into catarrh, and
tho air-passages bo so inflamed that
you havo to fight for every breath.
It is true that Ely's Cream Balm
masters catarrh promptly. But you
know tho old saying about an ounce
of prevention. Therefore use Cream
Balm whon tho cold in the head
shows itsolf. All druggists, 50c, or
mailed by Ely Bros., 5G Warren
street, Now York.
The trend of gift-giving is decidedly toward the more practical toward things that combine utility and
beauty at a reasonable outlay. Fine figured sllkoline covered Comforters with pure white cotton filling
at $3;85 and BLANKETS Fine large size, all-wool plaid blankets at $4.90, $6.35, $7.65 and $8.25.
TWO-POUND WOOL WADDINGS for comforters, full size, sheared from lambs only and treated by a pro
cess that makes them moth proof and leaves the wool in a light, fluffy condition. We sell them for $2.00.
uarters for Men's
There are scores of things here that men appreciate as gifts slippers, gloves, fancy suspenders, black
silk reefers, linen and silk handkerchiefs, fancy socks, mufflers, sweaters, cuff buttons, etc., at prices that
go with quality buying. Bear in mind that you always get first quality at CASH PRICES, which credit
stores can't match.
NECKWEAR gotten especially for the holiday trade. A new assortment of four-in-hands in a large va
riety of choice patterns arid colors, neat stripes and figures, open ends and reverslbles at 25c and 50c. No
need of overlooking anybody.
iin i hi ii mil i i n ii i ii ii Tifivr
air I I Jf AlVlrVJ Jli I w3 ULi LIliU I U
! . i
We are ever ready with the gifts that please and satisfy those gifts that are not trans-
ient forgotten. Every purchase you make here, whether in Chinaware or Glassware, is a J
I stock gift, one to be remembered and valued. Complete Sets of Chinaware, Plates, Cups,
and Saucers, Salad Sets, Dinner Sets, both in American, French, English and Haviland
I China. All pieces having those dainty decorations that always please. Water Sets, Lamps -
Jardinieres, Indian and Norwood ware, Royal Doulton, Tiffany, Bohemian and Austrian Glass
ware in Water Sets and Vases
Phone 67. 270 Commercial Street