PAGE TWO DAILY CAPITA Ti JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1000. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFEIt, Editor and Proprietor. - todejxindciii Nowspnper Devoted to Atn?rlcn Principle) And the Pronto and'Developement of AH Oregon. fiibltnbcxi Hvetf Urcnlns Except Sunday, galern, Ore. --it j - r ,-i SUBSCRIPTION. RATES, (invariably in Advance) ' tally, by Minor, per year...... 86,00 Per month ..600 lallt, l)y mall, por rear,. .. 4.00 Per month 85o Veokly. by mall, por TCftr...... .1.00 Six month ...,60c U NION(ffiy)LA BE L REVISE THE CITY BUDGET. The people of Salem expect the city council to do a lot of trimming on the city budget. Some of the items are out of all proportion to the city's needs, as for instance $6,500 for engineering. With two good hospitals in the city, it is hard to see what good result could be accomplished with a $1,500 city hospi tal. It is ridiculous to keep a city physician at $16 per month with duties as sanitary inspector to order a cleanup. There should be a readjustment of the lighting system, and provision for streamer lights at least during the holidays and 4m occasions like the state fair and when the legislature is in. .session. Like most governments, the city is paying to much for extra-official services and too little for real necessities. COUNTY COURTS WILL GO SLOW. -The -county court of Marioncounty and other counties will do well to go slow in creating a large road fund. Ijris a terrible temptation to a certain class to get busy when there is a large fund piled up in the treasury. The.present Marion county court will not levy a large gen eral fund to hand out to communities that have a little pull. As,fnearly as possible the money collected in each precinct will toe tianded back to the precinct for road purposes. The, .people locally under a good supervisor will get more mm done for the money when they realize that they are spending . .what they themselves have paid. Jm p.epple in the various localities know better what they need than does the average court or county road master. Local self-government Is not altogether a dream and the people are more intelligent than some give them credit for. THE MASSACHUSETTS TOWN ELECTIONS, Elections were held in about fifteen Bay Stale cities on Tuesday,' Dec. 14, in which prohibition was involved. One of the cities was Worcester ,the largest dry city in the world, the special battle ground of prohibition. Newton, Medford, Newburyport and Salem were conceded to be "no-license" towns, while others were claimed by the "drvs." The elections were held nearly a week ago and the news has been strangely kept out of the Associated and United Press, The Capital Journal will print the news as soon as it can be obtained and has sent another telegraphic request for the facts of the Massachusetts town elections. GOOD WORK AT FALLS CITY. The Law and Order League did good work in securing convictions of the blind pigs at Falls City, Some of them were running poker games, slot machines and dance halls and should have been prosecuted long ago. On the rest of their cases in Polk county they fell down, and the grand jury refused to find bills and cause costs, The reckless running up of fee and cost bills should be sat down upon in any community. ALEM HIT SALT LAKE capltol for clients in the East. Ho has the distinction of being one of the United States most learned men at law, ho having been called upon to take an active part In the Gold field strikes, and was associated with counsels in the Idaho tragedy. Mr.. Stelgmeyer has a beautiful home In Salt Lake City, which came to him through his great success as a legal adviser for many prominent people throughout the United States. Among Attorney Steigmeyer's clients are leading capitalists of Chicago and New York. Holiday fdeas in Plenty k I 9 010 ges Thinks It Would Make An Ex tremely Ideal Sum mer Home. PATENT MEDICINE ADVERTISING. a 'Some people object to patent medicino advertising in general newspaper, So do we, but we do not see how when it is manufactured and sojd why newspapers should. not advertise it. The Capital Journal rigidly excludes objectionable and do moralizing nostrums that are run in many other respectable papers, We realize that backaches and kidney pills are not pleas ait subjects to thrust before our readers. We started in once to have no such advertising in our paper but got no encouragement whatever. The time is coming when we shall not print many things that are now printed in the papers. The Capital Journal excludes scandals, and matters that are published in the local Good Citizenship League organ as unfit to go into any family, As a rule, we are trving to be just as good in our newspa per as the ordinary citizen and not claiming any superior virtues, "I am much Impressed with your Httlo city," said Frederick S. Stelg meyer, a prominent attorney from Salt Lake City, who Is spending a few days visiting the city and transacting buslnesss, "and your people here are sociable, and of a class that makes the stranger amidst their community feel at home. "Your wide streets, abundance of vegetation and dcslrablo location be tween mountains and foothills In spires a feeling in me that I can only describe by saying that I would like to make my summer home here. The city is not large, nor is It as lively as several In which I have had occasion to visit heretofore, but the general reign of peaceful quietness and the class of people living here, renders the surroundings most comfortable and pleasing." Attorney Stelgmeyer is looking af ter some legal business at the state STATE ASKS Cannot harm healthy human bodies. Wo cannot havo healthy bodies unless we havo pure blood, tho kind of blood that Hood's Sarsaparllla makes. Thin great medicine has nn un equalled, unnpproached record for puri fying and enriching the blood. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general debility, and guilds up the wholq system. Get It today In the usual liquid form or In -'"violated tablet form called SarsUbs. All the new ideas in Christmas Jewelry await your inspection. That they will win your approval is certain. They havo won the approval of so many gift-buyers already that the regular Christ mas Boxes are fast filling with presents to be laid away until Christmas. We havo appropriate presents for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and the Baby Make Any Comparison You Like You will be surprised to find tho beautiful gifts at such a reas onable price at R I v-nas n Jeweler and Diamond Setter I 123 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. T T fl mges 9 Judge Burnett of the circuit court has Issued an order to Clerk Allen directing his to summon Dr. W. H. Byrd and Dr. J. N. Smith as addi tional witnesses in the case of the state of Oregon against George Mey s, charged with the murder of Night Patrolman Thomas Eckhart. Tho order was made In response to a petition filed by District Attorney McNnry setting forth the names of the witnesses who will testify In the case, the testimony which they will ; 9 Hive, and also snf.Mnir fnrth 'thnr n fair and impartial trial could not : be had without the evidence of these ! additional witnesses. According to j me puuuuu uociors uyra ana smun attended nnd treated Eckhart after he was wounded, and will testify that his death was caused by tho gun shot wound received, and that Eck hart stated to them that it was received at the hands or George Mey ers. Other witnesses who will testify for the state are Leavitt Miller, Wm. Ivan, Peter Graber, Arthur Meyers, a brother of the defendant, and C. L. McNary. The case will come up for trial on January 3, 1910. , Rigdon & Lehman ONLY WHITE HEARSE IN SALEM 9 9 Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia." says Dr. Wf J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While of course, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many timds in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case where it has not controlled the trouble. I have used it myself, as has also my wife for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recom mena it as superior to any cough remedy to my knowledge.' For sale by all good druggists. o To share is the bliss of heaven, As it is the joy of earth. Don't Be Hopeless. about yourself when' you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff joints of course you have tried lots of things and they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Liniment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. Sold other by all dealers. Holiday Offerings 1 tltj I OIlllfcM Y wfNDo'wS SEE OUR WINDOWS FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. All the rpdlight houses in Salem havo now put up big signs! "Furnished Rooms to Rent," The prosecution of the women in the redlight district has had the usual effoct of converting their places into rooming houses. As rooming houses they are infinitely worse to the com munity than when known for their real character, A stranger coming to our citv, ar an inexoerienced young man or woman, is now in real danger of being deceived and ruined. VYIiat havo the reformers accomplished by changing the signs? "if A uanta roai ona Hank f! Anient. OrvKon. OXJUGST NATIONAL HANK IN MAWON COUNTY. Savings IK'imH incut In Connection. J. II. Albert, Proslilet. B. M Crolsan, Vice-Proa. ,Ios. W. Albart, Cashier A Thrilling Rescue. How Bort R. Loan, ot Gheny, Wash., was saved from a frightful doath Is a story to thrill tho world. "A hard cold," ho writes, "brousnt on a doaporato luug troublo that baf flod an export dootor here. Then I paid $10 to 115 a visit to a lung itpeclalUt In Spokane, who did not help me. Then X went to Califor nia, but without benefit. At last I used Dr. Klug'a New Discovery, THE HOLIDAY SHOPPING DAYS are a busy tims for all of us, and if you have to buy Christmas presents for men you are probably at this moment in a more or less frantic attempt to decide "what he'd like." We know and we have it htv w A V AAIAM 9 ensi i i , r Die A mas Gift For M Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 Silk Hose i.oo to Fancy Hose 25 to Dress Shirts v i.oo to Fancy Shirts . ... V . . . . . . . . 1.00 to Cuff Links V- Silk Suspenders . ' -J.' Linen Handkerchiefs . . . .jt. . . . . Silk Hankerchlofs '. J . 4 :. Fancy Handkerchiefs ....'..;... .11; . 'if. Full Dross Protectors . ... f .. 1.00 to Scarf Pins - 50 to v .50 to .50 to 25 to .50 to .25 to 2.50 .50 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.50 .50 1.00 .50 S.50 1.50 $1.50 to 1.00 to 2.50 to Pnjames Night Robes Sweater Coats Bath Robes fi 00 tQ Smoke Coats ,v Lounging Coats ,, v "; ' y. ' '" Collar Bags I f , Traveling Sots Suit Cases Umbrellas '''''' Knox Hats Men's Caps 5.00 to 2.00 to 5.00 to r 5.00 to 1.00 to .50 to 4.00 - 3.00 5.50 15,00 12.00 20.00 3J.O0 10.00 15.00 S.50 5.00 1.00 OUR DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY NECKWEAR embraces every new style and coloring. I 1 """ quaiiiy nereto any limit at prices from I aw 10 q.ov. nememuer we are me exclusive agents for Reiser's Neckwear. EVERWEAR HOSIERY-GUARANTEED. We are making a special exhibit of Ever TSSFZTZrZ nw-in . $l.SO arid are unreservedly guaranteed to wear for moths free from holes or rips. All colors, all sizes. Ask to see them. .... STORE OPEN EVENINGS six 0 167 Commercial St. D. R. YANTI Telephone i?36