DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 3ALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1009. PAGE NXNJB Ooo ooo PEOPLE'S PULPIT i Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. God's Work v and Ours. -Qoo ooO-- Sunday, December 12. Pastor Rus- icll of Brooklyn Tanernncie prencneu loday from the following text to a Backed house: I. "Work out your own salvntion with fear and trembling, for it is God which svorketh in you both to will and to do )f his good pleasure" (Phillppians ii, 13). The proper relationship between faith end works and between uoas work Ind ours are matters apparently not llearlv understood by the majority of Christian people and, of course, uot at ill comprehended by the worldly. It ! miiii .npfti wlitlo hlifr Vflrv 1 1ll- p liuiv" m' .redeemed us and reconciled us by his f,ortnut, that each Chris ian entering blood ,s QUp Advocnto wW tho into covenant relationship with God Pntller Iin(1 mil. i11HtrIletor ns tho. Trn- xvil, 17). St. Paul refers to tho Scrip turcs as the power of God, saying," "All Scripture Is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruc tion in righteousness; that tho man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur nished unto all good works" (II Tim othy ill, 10, 17).. "Ye Are God's Workmanship." We have seen that God does a work In his consecrated people, using his providences In connection with tho ex periences of life, and that he specially uses his Word for their instruction Iu righteousness. AVe arc to remember incidentally that our Lord Jesus who ..1 .....ln....f-...,.1 .lloflili Ilia rtTrn M. flit!..- ,l.n iinnlaftitinn iwlilili lit! llll'LlL VI VWiwi) ' .. i i e i,t,,. tu'lfi'Mim 1 1 In tlio mot. flllliUU UJ. 111111 lUUllluuiitlj .J I 'i .fii i:uini iwliioi -to'-. .,,.. t. -!--.- I . . n..1...1 Ptipntnaannaa ...ii.i. 1 II-,. tl.l.t ll'llf Willi IUC11 1ICUI.I.IULI ... firiTlllll IV llll'lllllll MHII III lit; II1I1I1UUL UL- ther's representative; that through him we may be all taught of God in the School of Christ. Next we should note the Divine method in this work of grace being curried on in our hearts from the time we fully submitted them in full consecration, in faith. Our text declares that God's work in us is divided Into two parts to will and to do. Let us examine first How God Works In Us to Will. The will is the real person or ego. Mark well that we purposely avoid Tue merely responsible as the Ul'lIL UL MUIVUIIL V LUU Will. V 1LU llllll Mil J I I III I - 1 llllllll i: 111 L Jl dl iailL n mn rui iniiiiiiiiu mi iiruriiTi i inn ii i mn . 1 I . I . Ir lr"Sonrpri In fiort's Word. Tue nuestlon A IK 1 1 1 1 lrillll I'lt'IllUl lilt Ullll L1U1 V 11 11 LI. 11UU' n a worn, nor measure or misery, dug Iff or flpfith. Is tho Alternative. Who arc addressed by tho Apostle, in rpRsincr rim wimmv or lennranriv Jusa ntwv buw awJuw .-uuwb w w ms provided reconciliation with the iiiLii 3iii:tfin eti i.ii is iiriiiLereii uiiiL'u ul oittoi t r riifk irnrtifir n iiiq Kiurir-nf isuu luui u uuiiua.uii luuj uiu licii o -sf fi-wl 4Aiif.linftd itI r It I nan a f "hmet" the world tho will and the body are usually at one sympathetically co-operative. But in those begotten of God's Spirit as his children matters are dif ferent. Their wills by consecration are developed along Hues quite antag onistic to the natural preferences of their flesh, so that tho Apostle wrote, "With the mind I myself serve (or desire to serve) the Law of God, but with the flesh I serve (or desire to serve) the law of sin" (Romans vii, 25). Henco every spirit-begotten per son has a warfare between his new mind, with its holy aspirations and de sires and its opponent flesh with its animal propensities, some good and some bad. Hence the Apostle exhorts all these New Creatures to "war a good warfare" against their own flesh and to bring it into subjection to the New Mind and to the Divine Law. He .urges that Ave !Brlng every thought Into captivity to the obedience -of Christ" (II Corinthians x, 5). This, of course, would mean absolute perfec tion, so far ns the New Creature would be concerned and a complete deadness so far as the flesh is concerned. With every thought captivated to the Lord the individual would never in any sense commit sin other than the sin Iinln T ml t Ii.!.. I-Tnnl f-Imli. Wnliiflm. I "I. ihiiuiuu.ii iiuijb..i.vkiuii r, in tue glorious luiueiiiiuu ivmguom which uiu I'uium uub iuu'iuiu suun i, i, in ii, i.i,...r.i,,.,. ,,f ii fi,n illes of the earth. But all these bless ings they have received through faith ixnu not actually, xney must wait ior tho actualities until they and all of God works in the minds of his peo ple not along the lines of enslavement of the mind after the manner of Satan and those who aro subject to his de lusionsby hypnotism, etc. God's op eration is the very reverse of this. He enlightens the mind to do his work. He heir brethren of tlie same class, "called displays to .our minds gradually light uuu J ii iin; will; jjwjiu jl uivii v,i fvtfvl In h:iriwfniv hi liinrr. 'Ponies How God Works In Us. Our text declares that Ave should wonc our our own saivauon, uecause J l UUU 111 I L II 1I111I.11I .11 1..7. . i-infc flmYu ii'.ivlr flrul- mill mire nilliuii. iueutly. Ix.'t us therefore consider tho matter In this order. How, lu what sense, does God work 'in his people not in the world; not in the repentant sinner; not in the merely justified; but in tnose wno nave passeu tnose stages of approach to God and, by tho be getting of his holy Spirit, have en tered his family as children, as sons? "Behold what manner of fovc the Fa ther hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called tho sons of God" (I Johu ill, 1). ".And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, nnd Jolnt-helrs with Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans illl 1T 1Tau .Lino f2r.fl iiiil- in cunlt 1111, 4 11 "VII , V VJUU ' v 4. ... u V. w ns have thus become his children his sous? Wo reply that he works in them through his spirit tho spirit of tho and Truth, purity nnd goodness lu their true colors, lu contrast with sin, ig norance and defilement. ,And In the same words he sets before us the great prize of glory, honor and Immortality and jolnt-helrshlp with our Redeemer in his Kingdom. The power of these hopes working in a consecrated mind is wonderful, it can make the uaturally weak strong, (ho naturally timid bold as a lion. i This operation upon the mind is a gradual one from the time of our be getting of tho holy Spirit until our change not all at once, but gradually, little by little, the Lord displays to us 'one feature after another of his won derful Plan of salvation. Step by step he Bhows to the appreciative and obedi ent heart the riches of his grace, his loving kindness, his tender mercy, tho boundlessness of his love and the ulti mate outworkiug of his Divine powers 1 for the blessing of all of his creatures 1 who will accept his favors on his own terms, AH the while ho leaves us free agents to will in harmony with his proposition or to reject it. Ho will coerce no one. Oifr Lord Jesus ex- dolng.. Of tho Divine influence in our hearts working in us both to will and 10 do God's good pleasure, St. Peter gives us a word right to the point, saying, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might bo partakers of the Divine nature" (II Peter i, 4). Work Out Your Own Salvation. We have hear'd many improper pray ers presented at the Throne of Grace by well-intentioned but misinformed children of God. Jinny Christians re quest God to do for them that which ho tolls them they must do for them selves. Tho one who nsks ntnlss some times leaves tho Throne of Grace con fident that God will do for him what God has never promised to do for any body, but has told us each must do for himself. Jinny pray, "Abandon us not in temptation, but deliver us from tho Evil One" and then walk straight into temptation, wholly neglecting the directions of God's Word. Indeed, many so neglect the study of that Word that they are not aware what aro Its teachings, its counsels. respect ing Satan and the temptations from tho" world, the flesh nnd the devil, to which all must bo more or less ex posed for their tqsting and character development. Some pray to God to save them by his Divine power and expect him to work miraculously In them, while they arc giving the best of their time nnd talent and influence to business or to pleasure or to self-gratification. Such need to learn the meaning of our text, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." They need to loaru the meaning of the Apostle's words, "Keep yourselves in tho love of God." God absolutely refuses to deal with us as machines. More than this, he refuses to coerce, to push, to. pull, to drive, those whom he is now call ing to sonship and jolnt-helrshlp with Christ in his Kingdom. During the Millennium the world will receive all sorts of pulling, push ing, driving, "stripes," for their correc tion in righteousness, to make them all eventually see, tq ultimately .force all to take their stand for right or for wrong, intelligently. But now it is different. God is "calling," "drawing" and accepting through faith in Christ as "members" of tho Body of Christ, only such aB have a willing mind only such as can be moved to energy and devotlou by the enlightenment of their minds through the Truth. None others are wanted for this "elect" class. Those who rightly understand our text could never have so misunderstood tho Savior's words to the dying thief, "Thou shalt be with mo in Paradise," as to suppose that he meant that the penitent thief would be a member of tho "elect" Church, his joint-heir in the Kingdom. Indeed liotl That thief had not worked out any salvation! Ho will indeed be in Paradise eventually. Paradise will be restored and tho whole earth become as the Garden of Eden under the Millennial reign of Christ and his "members," tho Church. But ho was uot "begotten of the holy Spirit." Ho was not "transformed by the renewing of his mind," that he might prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. He never added to his faith fortitude; and to fortitude knowledge; and to knowledge temper ance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love, as the Word assures us all must do who would make their call ing and election sure (II Peter 1, 10, 11). AVe will not, however, discuss the thief further, ns we did so on n pre vious ocenslou and that sermon Is in print. I will be pleased to mall it free on post card request. The spirit-begotten children of God must work out their salvation as New Creatures in Christ by growth In grace. And growth In grace means growth in knowledge not general knowledge, but tho special knowledge provided by the Lord In his Word. It Is In full accord Avlth what we everywhere observe of tho wide-spread Ignorance of the Word of God, even amongst Christians, that tho Scriptures declare, "My people per ish for lack of knowledge" ("osea iv, 0). Development lu heart, In character, is necessary to lit us for the future service as "members" of The Christ, associated lu his glorious Kingdom work. Our call Is to be kings uud 1 priests that wo may serve tho world of mankind, to prepare us ior muu service is the object of our present call aud tho trials of faith and pa tience, that by all these, character-likeness of Christ might be developed in us. If we do these things we shall - - ! . . 111 1... i luivnr fun mill an entrance wm uo I coughs KINO OF CURES golds I I THE WONDER WORKER I I FOR I h.tl' iiilijua I AND 1 I THROAT PR, KING S I LUMPS I I FOR COUGHS AMP COLDS 1 1 I PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my gTave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's. New Discovery cured mo so completely that I am all-sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY j. c. Perry I Worms "Cascarets are certainly fine. X gave a friend one when the doctor was treating him for cancer ot the stomach. The next morning he passed four pieces of a tape worm. He then fjot n box and lu three days he passed a tape-worm 45 feet long. It was Mr. Matt Freck, of Millersburgr, Dauphin Co., Pa. Iom quite a worker for Casca. rets. I use them myself and find them beneficial for most any disease caused by impure blood." Chas. K. Condon, Lewiiton, Pa., (Mifflin Co.) Mcasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste- Good. Do Good. Never Slckon.Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold In bulk. Tho nenu lne tablet Btr mped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or you' money back. 921 H-H I I I i --H-H I S H M. EPPLEY'S PERFECTION j BAKING POWDER MADE IN SALEM NONE BETTER SHOULD BE USED BY ALL SALEM PEOPLE M. A JMcCorlrlo; Pres. W. Y. Richardson, Sec. SALEM, OR. WWWWHI Ml 8 H'HlM"i" I'M' 1 8 I till HUM III AFTER HIS COLD RIDE , Santa Glaus may fc61 llko warming his hands on tho kitchen hot vrater holler. Is your In g;ood condition? Bettor have us look over It to make " r, sure. It wouldn't he very comfort nhlo to have your plumbing break down on Christmas, would it? GRABER BROS. 141 S. Liberty St, SAUSM , 44 I'M HIM M'I'H M I'M IH'i OREGON SIENNA MINERAL PAINT CO. Manufacturers of and .dealers In Paints, Stains, Varnishes, Fillers, Shellacs and Wall Tints Hhroshcrnien Attention! Not is the time , to bring, ypun threshing engines to have them repaired. Do not wait until th.e T last day, as there may he some X one anoaa or you, uoma early and avoid tho rush. 1 Wo carry a full lino ot high -pressure: steam gauges, also best Scotch water glass. Repairs on auto mobiles, marine nnd threshing engines and all farm machinery a specialty. ' E. M. KIGnTLTNGKE, 178 South Liberty Street rtinuiiiniimniii mm TmMi: tho Kiilrlt of holiness: the snirlt pressea tlie l-ntliers sentiment in tins ' ,m,.,tiUi u i tim vorhiHtIntr Klntr iship. ""lucr, Buying, "xne miner scmjkijiu .,.,, (lf ...... rord ulul Savior. If we do i of consecrations the snlrlt of sonship. That Is to suv. n certalu holy power such to worship him as worship him in or inlluence operates in and about the spirit and In truth" (.John iv. illi). spirit-begotten children of God lu har mony with this relationship. It has to do wlt,h all of their experiences in life-home, family, busluoss, joys, suf ferings, pleasures, sorrows. Hut God's speclul wnj of dealing with his Hplrlt-begotten children through their Intellects communicat ing with them through tho holy Scrip tures. As the Apostle says, "God who spake In time past unto tho fathers by the prophols huth in those Inst days spoken unto us by his Sou" (He brews i. ii. Tho twolve npoatloBwhom the Father specially gave to him, he particularly accepted tis his reprbsenta tlvps, his mouth-plecee, the channols tl)' P??U whom would come to tho f.unily of God the instructions neces sary for their development iu holluosti the iBstrnctions necestwry for their ittaluaient of the hope of their calling glory, honor and Immortality In Jolnt In irshlp with Jems their Redeemer as tho spiritual Seed of Abraham for the Messing of the world (Galatiaus ill, 30). Our LoM J-4t refers to this work t iol lu hi ieople through bis Word, sajintr. Sanctify them through thy Truth Thy Word Is Truth" (John these things heartily they "will prove that we are copies of the Lord .lesus and It is the Divine predestination that only such as are copies of God's dear Son shall bo his Jolnt-helrs In the King dom (Romans vlll, 17). How God Works In Us to Do. Endoavor to do light naturally fol lows right wllliug. Rut this does not signify thnt God completes u work upou our wills Ilrst nnd then begins a fresh work upon us, stimulating us to SEND A TEXT PX)R A SERMON is do right to tho best of our ability. On 1 To Pastor Russell. Brooklyn Taber- the contrary, as through 1i!b prevalence naele, Brooklyn, N. Y, and Word God oxerclsed an Influence I poator Jlinwcll will be glad to have upon our wills through the knowledge ' tl j,0Ht turd from such of our readers of hi Truth, little by little each new aB nro Interested In his weekly dls- polut of Truth was expected -to be ac knowledged by efforts on our part to do God's will to tho extent that the now will was ablo to control the Im perfect body. Wo mny safely con clude tlint eacu stop must be followed doing before another rTrnMi ivtiiilfl lin flrrimtAil nu .1 liiiciTn for ' 1.1.. ...iiu.. ), ihm firm! thtrlii uf rnir onalf rw,uers ho'uni from. To the sender of doing. Thus, as we walkVlrst put- jjjie first card received and to tho send tlng one fo$t forwardiinna- then the !er8 of tj three most interesting cards, othor repeatedly, so the.Now Creature jw W11I Jusfwid mail a beautiful cellu walks or projprtsH liy. first willing Uia bbpk-Biark. hoart-ahaped. bearing and next doJj'thKLotl's good pljts- jtwo texts of Scripture and a photo ure to the extent of Iu ability. gravuro picture of the Savior, copied As surely as the right-willing Is the froIU nn Emerald intaglio found In the result of Divine operation iu the re- Vatican Library and supposed to have veallng of Truth, so also Is the right- been executed in the fourth renturv.-r cotiMKM and have received some bless ing from thorn. Suggest topics for next year's sormons, and mention this I Journal. Pastor Russell has laid in a supply stop lu rlKhhwnilng Uf mtlo booklots containing tho beau ty h 8tp Jn right- j tlful poem. "The Sweet Brier Rose." er Item otnface and ije proposes sending one of those as OLD DUTCH DUNKARDS A couole of Wastiinaton County Pennsylvanians, who have made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared a fam ily of eleven children. For sale by all dealers everywhere. SURE PURE. . SURE CURE NO ALCOHOL NOR ALK0L0IDS