. J. , au.i i Mini nm ,! Hi 'i nii'iM n '" - " "" ""'' '!",'-" ,', ' - II .1.1 ..1 . I I- ' , ., .-! I II i.il I ll I I. I , , I ,. ,, " - ' j VOL. XIX E i BOOSTING J. OF CENTRAL AMER ICAN STATES WITH STRONGER GOV- 1NMENT. : ; Toledo, O., Dec. 18. Plans' for the confederation of Costa. Rica, Salva dore, . Guatemala ; and Nicaragua are being discussed here today, following the' outlining of the plan for the creation of one government in Cen tral America, by John Barrett, a di rector of the Bureau of American Republics. Barrett In an address last evening, declared that the formation of a Cen tral American court of justice to set tle the disputes that will arise In the future between the republics of Cen tral America would be a long step In tho direction of forming one govern ment. Both former Mexican Ambas sador Creel, who Is now in Washing ton to discus's the Niciraguan situa tion, and Senor Elihuo Root. of New York, are sa'd to look favorably on 1 BjteBEsgaKSCTig The choicest lines of Xmas Qooils at Sale Prices to insure quick selling. Don't wait until next1 week to do your- Xraias shopping, for fMiltV TT III I llia4 M-a K-l 1 1 I. ,lw ; " Half .1 Silk Underskirts 5000 Yardslof I FINE DRESS GOODS Now on Sale e reanzo tnat me nonaajB is elling Dross goods and Dress narked them at prices that will ing. "Wo show tho most complete linos or tnesa 'Vfeoods in Salem; all spick and span new goods. Drss Goods, yard ....25c, 35c, 49c, 7c and Uft Lpreas Silks, yard 25c. 35c, 49e.ijd up - c il, ft' S'moking Mcn!s m Jacket . ;$5.00 values gowfor$3.90 1 the-. tor confederation. Thi3 tt stated, proves Its worth nsideratlon. alone, 1 of serin. Central Confederacy Is Possible Re sult. Blueflelds, Nicaragua v Dec. 18." Bliieflolds will no,t be. made a battle ground. Tho United States is deter mined to protect tho lives .and prop-, erty of Americans hero, and has ..Is sued a proclamation throuch Rear-. Admiral Kimball, in command of the; American forces now in Nlcaraguu.j notifying Provisional Secretary or State Adolf Diaz, of Washington's! wishes: .. . ' " . f Wttvai General Estrada, commanding JheJ revolutionists, ana uenerai vasquez, Zelaya's military head, will both, re ceive copies of the proclamation , to-' day, and will both bo held for obedi ence to instructions. ' From .Washington a rumor has reached 'this city that the consumma UpntlQa of the plans for a Central American federation' of states, . advo cated by Mexico and' reported to be ravorabie td the. United Stated, Is near at hand. Another report that is. being freely discussed on the streets today is that Zelaya has instructed the national assembjy to cast their presidential votes for Irias, who, with Madrls, Is regarded here as Zelaya's honchmon, The change of front of the retiring president, while It has caused no surprise those In a position to know declare that, with Irias as president, Zelaya will continue in power. o Divorce Suit Begun Elya M. Payne has started divorce, proceedings in the circuit court against M. H. Payne. In tho com: plaint flled today cruel and inhuman treatment is the grounds upon which j me soparatlpn is nskod. Attorney a. u. conuu appears as counsel plaintiff. '' there is sure to be rr 744i- ' " B II III III II .-..' Ill Hllfl fnrtftliftfcArhtfhifiiaK Price -on Ladies1 COATS and SUITS At the Chicago Store you will find tho greatest stock of up-to-date" coats and suits in Salem. ItEMEMBKK wo are not looking fof .prflfltsl now. It is a matter of dis posing of the tetqclcbpforo Xmas. Rlghafter the holf days we begin taking slock, consequently , wq want all our cloaks and suits closed out, at flar Price and less Here Is a chance to buy this season's Jigwje3t coats and ..,its at-nrlcosf that weriv novor mfotfirt hpforivln Rnlnm $10.00r $12.50 and $15;Co3rriow $4.50, $6.50, ' $7.50 $15, $18 and $20 Suits, Now $7.50, $8.90, $9,90 and Furs i 1 at Reduced Prices. TSSSS" and SILKS" v iolisjM'oys Games, Drams, Airships, Books, u uuuu muu im Umbrellas now Silks. We have induce quick sell k $7.50 Dress Silk SAlj6M, QREG0N 'Tho Store That finvea You Money" "Li SALEM, OKKt.ON, RAILROAD WRECK WITH MANY KILLED ! i UNITED PltERS LEASED wntH. Cleveland, O., Dec. 1 8. Five oeo- ,nle.,werfi.4tllled and more than. a. score were Injured early today when the Lalto Shore . passenger train No, 1. bound "west, collided with a switch engine at tho foot of East Twenty Sixth street. . The accident occurred at 1:65 a. m., just five minutes before the train was duo to arrive at this sta tion, When the crash came, the Lake Shoro train was traveling at a high rate of speed. Engines and cars were piled up, shattered masses of debris. The body of the engineer of the passenger train could not be found. It is believed ho Is dead beneath tho wreckage. Tho fireman was pulled out of the cab dead, as was tho en gineer of the switch engine. None of the passengers were killed. Many of them were Injured, however, sev eral seriously. H. L. Adams, passenger engineer; Al. G. Burns, engineer swltcll en gine, '' ; John Swales, switchman. -j George. Frank, Switch man. .. " Edwarilti Basch'or, -switchman. FataliHlnjured: Jacob Carrier, passenger. ' . Jacob Dnrry, Buffalo,- scalded. L,eroy MlelusA 1 Pullman porter. 0 scramble. Ml AkMA I IT D.VB.I VIIOIB'.. J ' in HOLIDAY COODS 'W wv H . .stAvnn5WYit'flrtmvri. rv. Y. 11 I I B f II I I Guns, Wagons, Mechanical Toys and hundreds of others. , Ladies' Shopping Bags, Kid Gloves and Silk on sale. at very, hjw nrlcos. Walsti, how, . .$3.90 ..$3.90 lags, now'. , f 5Bc 0.ttly. . . . $3.90 .65c Men's 45c v ' All Silk NECKTIES now only 25c SATURDAY, DBCEMDBR 18, 1000. AND MORE INJURED N. F. Smith, Lackawanna, Pa. When tho locomotives crashed to gotther with the Pullmans left the track. Tho first one, filled With sleeping passengers, was badly wrecked. Tho intense cold added to tho sufferings of tho injured, and made tho work of the rescuers doubly hard. A few minutes after the collision doctors and nurses wore rushed to the scene; . Tho passenger train consisted of sovori Pullmans and one day coach. It was bound west from Now York to Chicago. Both firemen' were badly burned. Tho three switchmen who wore killed were riding on tho switch en gine at the:tlmo of the collision. THE PYTHIAN EXALTED DEGREE 4 The degre team of Abd Uhl Atof, Temnle of tho Knlehts of Khorassan of Portland, wfli' introduce Vo'thrHot sands a class of 15 at tho hall, of UBiunu louge, ino; 1 i'spiv. or trr, io- njght. Many prominent membersi from different partSjOf thovStato; will! attend, and thd bvonli promisbs to" hd! oho 01 more man usual interest, ioj local Pythlans. Tho banquet will bo, under the supervision of, "Wm. Mci r H .1 rt it. tti i w j . . uycurisi, oi uio wniie mouso. resinu rant. RUNAWAY. TEAM ' CAUSED EXCITEMENT , ii A team hitched tq a city cab, car rying severa people, oecamo frjight- .oned this afternoon about 12:30,, and, getting beyond tho control of thoir driver, ran at break-nock speed from tho top of tho hill near tho South Commercial street church down, to Mission street before thoy could' uo pulled up. South Salem residents stood on tho curbs with batod breath witnessing the mad gallop, and thought every mlnuto something would occur that would result disas trously, but tho driver showed his horsemanship, and .mastered tho run away horses, and pulled them up to a walk after sovoral blocks had boon run. No damage was dono to either thp rig or its occupauts. although the people worq badly frightened. Mrman; laborer HAS HARD FALLL Rawing himself off a treo and lupjbllng 20 feet to-tho.Kround belt low wt'O itpdtJChponsant exp6rJefof njnry riuuuuranu, a uorman g un- nor, Friday afternoon. . HUdebrand was at work removing Porno jlinbg, Jromji, trga, Iik u oatUartlat location as an ovhlenco of tho &1eiiiWf'f!IOaffria't u0 "oW" " Baloux property. IJo view, and whon ud nt a height of 2 J foot, ho unthinkingly cllmbod -ot on a largo branch, turped about faj,l'ig itllo tr6fl. ntid 1uti?An in i!nu Thnrn as the usuaf 'snapping pf sllver twnon ine sa perrormod naif or jta work but Mrt HUdebrand was at loss yfd undorstand Ubo ' queer sohsatlonn aocompanying tho breaking limb un iij ho was sent shooting downward. .HUdebrand was astride of tho limb fond lip strucl? tho bround standing uo, which probably saved him from surious injury. Tho workman did not go back to rprk. HIGHER PRICES f 5i t i !.QN?PR.QPUCJS! Panning products, in tUo way of wheat and oats, ore beginning tp prppare tax anothor soar in'thtf mar ket, Bluostom wheat laid dpw in this Pity brings fl.lo por bushol. and valoly wh(at is boing sought after byj tli a mii3dle'mn aadT. nlllora ut tho Nilinif Mlt nf 1 V,n I considered Tory rftaablo foday, and ' Judges Who Will Award tlie Contest Prizes. The Capital Journal Contest prizes will bo awarded to the candidates receiving tho highest number of votes, the Capital prlzo going to tho highest over all, on Mondny aftornoon at 1:30 at Yo Liberty Thentro. Tho prizes will be awarded by the fol lowing committee: C. L. Starr, Socretary of State Tax Commission. Jos. H. Albert of the Capihal National Bank, Salem. Hon. P. H. D'Arcy, member of tho bar, Salem. , Davfil Eyre"; Cashier United Stntos Natlonn Bank( Salem. E. J.tLallyacVibunfant POrtlan'd' Railway, Light and Power Co. Salem, v : ' Messra. Eyre and Lally Will each operate counting ma-. chines, as. the Votes will run up Into the thousands. The oh- tiro count will be mado in public. Candidates and frlonds in vited to bo present from all Indications throughout both the valley and tho United States In genorai, the crimp m tuo mancot win continue indefinitely. - t Duo to the -wheat market Becoming uneasy, tho flour market Is also show jng n tendency to soar. At whole sale prices val,loy flour Ib belug put up to the consumer In Salom at from $5.40 to 5B.80. It was generally be- Jioved' a fow weeks prior to this flur ry that flour would bo down to a lower basis bofore long, but the mar ket has gone up Instead of downward and there Is great probability of tho staff of llfo coining Btill dearer. Milk, beef, pork, and, In fact, all grain-fed products consumed by Sa lom people, will undoubtedly take )v jump In tho market after tho first of tho year Mlll feed Is np to a high price and is holding firm. Bran Is selling at $28 per ton and shorts 1b going at $30 per ton, whilo oats, very seldom calling for a price over 40 cents, are quoted now at 50 cq.n,ts per bushol. High-priced feod rendors stock feeding high-priced, hence tho high values on products. ROUTlCAL JOB AGAINST 4 DOC GIBSON "This fight that certain parties have started against mo," said Chief of Police Gibson today, "is nothing more than a job;; job from tho very first, . Somo of my., political opposi tion frlonds aro doing this. Thoy fought mo during election, and hnv? been framing up over since with dif ferent things, "Any citizen' can dome right ovor to. ray ofllco at any time ho desires and examine overy blessed ,thAng in thero. I havo nothing to hldo from anyone, and am at a loss to nndor stand .why theso people aro buBylng thomselves with my business, and that of others, when there Is no ne cessity of Jt, unless, as I Baid be fore, that my old political onomlea aro framing up anothor far-fetched Job. "Howovor, I will submit to a thor ough investigation, and wjll glvo all tho assistance I can toward arriving at a conclusion, whether or pot tho charged contained In tho complaint are truo. PROPERTY ADVANCING i AT SALEM rf ' mi . ' John M. McNarv has nurchasod the 'Cottld-Parkhurst building on Com-1 irijQrcial street, paying therefor ,$19,000. This Is an excollont crite rion oi me vaiues oi ttaiom real es- tntn In tlint nopHrrn Tho llllllrllnp. Tb two stories in height and has a rontage of 94 foot, stretching 165 ootitQ .tho roar. The sale was made y tho real estate firm of Derby & .Vinson, The building contains tho stires of Iulo, Wing Satyr, Co.. Dumpn's gro ory store, the market of Georgo i'endrlqU and theiNtoro of ,C. B. Moa- r. m the, upper floor is 11 rooming house. Dtfstrlo't Attorney McNary states Mhnt no Improvements ar9 contom- iuxuiuu, ui jm uhuiil uv iu.ihi, an uiv ratructuro Is practically new and ho Evas satisfied to pay the price for has mado other down town roalty in veutmonts wJUiln, the past, sovoral months. ' "Salem property noycr lpolfcd ho good as it docs fit, tho pr.csen tlmft. says Mr. Mcary.. "In, ovory way de velopment is fondlng tp, glvo tap Capital city a moco sijbptanMal plaop nmpng tho JOwps of tho valley. Tho coming' year will sop an jjijiproco. dohtcd growth hero. Not fbat Sa lom -win onjoy this nonO. Eyory town from Portland to tho editor-' nit' line will crow by loans ami bounds, but Salem Is logically ulU uaica so ii.'ai uio ouiiDOtt or tuo U turo is oxcoedingly bright. This pur ohaso moroly Hhows my faith Jn tho olty." o i I. , Tut Itacolvodr- A largo uhlpmont of Mohair chairs in sovoral . doslgnsi guaranteed oak an4 mlalon finlab. , L, U. . Joaaa, Court nxoot. , , Now Is tlio Tinio , To got a Morris chair. A largo shipment Juat received. Thoy will, go at low prices. L. U. Josso, .Court 8ire(Jl- NO. SOP. BIG LOCAL OPTION SUIT YAMHILL (Special, to Capital Journal.) McMinnvillo, Or., Dec. 18. Tho caso'Of State vb. C- P- Fuchs, for vio lation of the. local option law is. bo- I lng trlod bofore Justice of tho Peaco Honflold yostorday and today. Dep uty District Attorney R. L. Connor, Is handling tho stato's case, and Xnn Murphy, of Portland and McCain & Vinton and Mnp W. Pearce, of jthls city, aro attoriloys for tho defend ant. " ' ' Tho latter-part of last Sopt6mbor Constablo Arthur and. a spottor hired by the church pooplo horo raided tho dofondnnL's. plapo of -business, and secured jkmo of tho lfquor known as "Nymplts;" which was analyzed by ft local chomlst, tho professor of chem istry of McMinnvillo Colloge, who found it slight) abovq tho porcont ngvj pormltted by tho ln. Martin, tho bartontler, was Immedlatb'ly in dicted and sentenced by Judge Bur nett to servo 10 days- In 'tho ciounty Jail. As yet tho outcome of tho trial is very doubtful, but by tho majority of thoao:hoarlng tho evidorice It is ox pectod thajt, If any, a very light Bon tonco will bo given tho defendant. It is considered that tho dofenso has doflnltoly proven that If any boor was sold by Mr. Fuohs, that ho Is only technically guilty; and will bo glvou tho minimum sontonco. Tho dofenso has 47 witnesses subpoonned, but worn only allowed by tho court to uso 17. At 10:30 today Fuchs. was son toncod to 10 days In tho county Jail, nnd pay $100. Appeal was IramodN atoly taken, and Fuchs was allowed his liberty on $100 cash bipnda, q-Ts r- ' W ILL A M ETT,E UNIVERSITY 1 Two games of haskotball wero played In tho gymnasium Friday ov onlng. Tho first game, botwoen the first nnd third year props, requited in a scoro of 28 to" t In favor of tho tlilrd yoars. Tho gnmo was one sided, as Indicated by tho Bcoro. Tho third years played fust ball, and at tjmos showed good team work. Km rael won tho most points, scoring flyo.' gtrnlB from field; Joyry carao socond with four goals. No goals from tho foul lino woro scored. . Tlo,gan)oa botweoa the sophs and frcflh.lea. was also ono-Bldod, the scoro being 3.8 to (5 In favor of tho spphfj. Tho froshmon floored ono field gonl.npd four goals from tho foul lino by Wlnslow. Tho gamo was fast and interesting, a1nd,,(;flmparaUYoly froo from roughness. Team wprk waa not 8p much in ovldonco, but this was duo to tho lack of practlco. Zlmmor nirfn was th&stai point winner, tnroiv nig seven oaskotfl; low got off second with flvo baskets. 'Rus'ty" Schramm wno In tho gamo every mlnuto, mak ing threo Hold goals, and twp .from qui lino. Coach SwOotlapd Watchod tljo gamos with his Weather oyo" out fan. tho good lilayors. Walter Wlns- . low aotc'd'as roforbo. Following was tlio llnoup and bnskota mado by each:! 8ophs-F. Schranv 3 (2), Low 5, ,0. Zimmerman 7 Mlnton 1, O.' Mc In tyro 2, FreshIo F. Kobs, Crawford 1. O. Cummins, wesloy, O. Winslow- i. 0 ' I'oi-tlaud Labor Press: Colcinol Hqfor In his, Salem Capi tal Journal point out that tho stato Bhonld gonstruct eomo maQaUaroJiod highways, 'and that tho JandB along side would undoubtedly Increase in vaiuo from $100 to $300 per aero. Tho- Colonel hits the nail on tho hoad and drlyea it in below tho level. Why should not tho land, thus Increased in vnluo, pay .some of tho, expenses with a special tax lev ied on land values, aft ,1s dono in New Zealand and othor parts of the worjd? 4