f.' ' A' PAGE TWO nAILY' .GAPITAIj JOURNAIi, 8AIERI. OREGON. VmpOB11 17' 100, " - i - ,' 111 - ' J Independent thO tTORtJ t ME CAPITAL JOURN ' - all. ,f . . r : ....a.Twrannnmfint at All Oregon. - i -",& "--as' " . . x Hi :- 11 t snnaay, cbiw SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advanee,) on. h-irrior. ner vcar W.OO Per morith .Voekly, by rnall, por vow-.......-., ..60o 4.00 Per montu boo 1.60 Six manmS&,tOo u . DMDTDN IN MMtfflN STATE DIVISION IS SLQ WLY FORMULATING Counties to Be Included From 'Two States to Cre IT? : ate SiskiVoli. Ma Southorn Oregon is aflame wJ'h enthusiasm for stato division, and tho proposed now state of Siskiyou outlined In' Pror. Thomas Omdnn's book is slowly taking form out of tho excitement. Sacramento papers aro full or it, and a largo convention wl" bo hold at Yroka to formulnto planB. Tho warfaro from Salem and I'ortjnnd on local interests in rqmpta marts of tho state, like hanging up tho normal- school in Jackson county and tho Crator Lake road, with injunc tions and cutting off appropriations, and tho same fight on Umntilla coun ty and tho Snake llrvor bridge in junction suit, aro nlidnatlng south orn andcastorn Oregon, and to save ltsfllf Marlon county will have to send men of broader views into tho gonoral assombly or suffor tho pon altloa' invokod by Its own Silurian methods. Tho sleepers will awake to find that tho war for stato divfsion Is on, and citizens who real tho Oreg tonJah. amd never go inywhero in ojqeton but to Portland to do a llttlb shopping vro not able to com prehend tho situation. Tho Capital Journal has warned thorn against tho injunction habit and the practlco of hogging appropriations, but all lit vain. Tho habits of a lifetime and standing for generations with snout and feet In the trough cannot bo much affected oven by twenty years roasting locally. Those promoting the Siskiyou proposition, declaro the counties to bo Includod in it have boon neglected lindor Uioir present stato govern ment, but thero appears to bo a strong opposition In several coun ties. Tho counties to bo inqluded in Siskiyou aro as follows: In Oregon Coos, Douglass, Curry, Josophlno, Jackson, Klamath and Lako. In California Del Norto, Siskiyou, Modoc, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Lnssen and Tehama. INFORMATION FOR THE Who Are Whetting Their Knives and Hunting Excuses to De ' feat Bringing Mountain Water Into Salem. . Whon Mr. Morrison, who in work ing on tho Capital Journal Now Yow Year's oditlon, camo to Salom last wook he was warned by a Port land physician that ho was taking his lifo in his luuulB. But Mr. Morrison is a nowspanor man and accuBtomod to portions iul vonturo. Ho Bald ho was goln,; to Salom anyhow. VThon I warn you, under no di cuniBtancoB, to drink n drop ot that wutor," said tho Por-'mul ni-nll'-nl man. Mr. Morrison brought n demijonn of mineral wator with him and Loops it undor his bod. Ail Albany man tolls ovm-yhoily that ho Iuib a brothor at aalem v-ho cukos. His brothor has a laro prac tlco and, of course, It Is nil i ivor cases jusb at present In the Imagi nation of tho Albany man. By tho way, Albany has gojd San tlam wator and no 1'ovor cases. Jofforson Jms good water and no slcknoss, nnd has voiod bonds for nioro. But It should not bo oxpo-itia that Salom will bo nblo to do what a rich community like T'. lluinphc-'s town can accomplish. At Eugano thoy don ; di nnyihtng but talk about Salont v uor, build now hotols. and as yvi farlher south thoy don't drink any waior at all. In tho moan tlmo, nil tho pvoplo UMjfiftla'.E. ' Cook BTancUo Mgn a $: R. WSMs 11 G. Sta? . . Ada rT- WnBcjt,,. r.laronbe PrilllfPSm-- 2 J illsa-L.noyHdhaUiJ,. 21 Sirs;- GattfuaeYitlrig. 26 LydlR OI'....,.n?,28 Bell Glft2nr,. . A,. ..; 29 Cathorinft "PbOtnr . vv v O Grace Lick . . 31 V. B. Baker ....... 32 Jennie F. Thomafe' . r 33 Mary Hall 36 Annie McCormlck .... 3C Mavis Lovelace 37 Olive Kelley 38 Wasiy Dessertelo orma' IT Si- Oraxi dies Is busy day and night with .'evor on tho trains aro talking nboi t It. X-RAYS AND SMILES If you wnnt to bo porfoctly safe from microbus go to Portland and drink pure dairy milk, guarantood by tho Orogonlau, through its ou stato dairy and food lnspoutor JIalloy. Hard to got J ml go BiiBhoy to put his foot In It, ovon on' road mattord. Ho kept. Jlulgo Scott ausworlng knotty quVHtlons at tho Salom road convontlon. No nioro deaths at Salom than us ual, and thoso iso wrong onos. Nq mattor about tho budget, but lot US' have moro than ton blocks at Salom noxt yoar or quit, gontlomen. Hf Lot us save that $6,500 Tor ou Klnoe'rlng and build a Salom sower with U, gontlomon. Jalom has two good hospltaiU now hud don't need that $1,500 one proposed In tho now budget. Too much for salaries and not anougu for work on streots anu parks at Salom , 'O Served as coffee, tho now col fee lubstltuto -known to grocers ovory- whoro as Dr. Shoop a Uoalth Coffee, will trick ovon a coffee export. Not a Rrn'ln of roal coffeo In It cither. Puro, healthful toastod grains, malt nuta, Oto, havo boon bo olovorly blend ed as to glvo a wonderfully satisfy. Jng coffeo tnsto and flavor. And U is "mado In a mlnuto," too. No to dloun 24 to 30 mlnuto boiling. J. W. Harrltt. DcsiM-tloii Is tho Grounds Ida M. Wlllott has startod suit In tho circuit court against Goorgo u. Wlliott for divorce. In tho com plaint rilod in tho dork's offlco this morning it is allogod thnt tho do fondnnt dosortod the plaintiff with out nuiBo or provocation. Grand Opera House Jim. 1 Cortlrny, MnnnBer. MONDAY, DECEMBER 20 THE KING OF FUN MANAGEMENT LIE.BLERCO. M AN VP-TO-VATE f?VVAL OF TO VINEGAR BUYER BY HERBERT MIL WlrlSlOYY !rUt.s $1,50, $t.OO, 7nc. BOc. M Obegon C(y Sohool cansus nhowsj ntwriy ouwy iiwwpm. nrrc Mi m During the afternoon session of the gonor.nl road meeting Thursday much inf&riftntion was disclosed ro gardlngUhC actual condition of the Marlon Qburity roads. Many of the county's 'highways are sadly in need of ropalrs,'' according to the stato montS of several of th speakers, and owing to the gradual Cutting up of tho largo, farms Into smnll tracts many new roads are In demand. Tho now road matter was thp instigator of tho general road meeting and of great importance to tho .future de velopment of tho county roads for tho reason that tho old petition sys tom of . establishing a county road has" proven tho iriost'troubleBdme and utlharmdnlou's Bystom a" county court h&s favoil been co'nipolled to contend with and the results gained there from have most always been unsat isfactory to many and expensive to the county. Chairman MoKlnnoy Is of'tho opin ion that tho general road meeting held nt Intorvals will tend to eli minate much of tho delay and con testing before the county commis sioners by presenting potltlons In that every taxpayer can appear at tho meetings In person or by coun sel and put his or her grievance be fore the court and public in general without tho necessity of legal oppo sition and bitter feeling' so -much in evldenco between opposition, parties. A committee on resolutions re ported during the meeting that a 4 mlll tax bo adopted and levied upon the taxpayers for tho purpose of re pairing and Improving county roads. This suggestion was contested some what by others attending tho meet ing and when the meeting adjotlrnod tho mattor was yet unsettled and fValorin Hazelton was postponod until 10 a. m. Thurs day. It was tho gonoral concensus of opinion last night when tho meeting adjourned for the day that the gen oral road meeting would result In being a valuable asslstanco to the county court In arriving at Imme diate conclusions rogardlng the dis position of tho wants of tho people. Among the speakers yostorday af tornoon were: J. A. Jefferson, Geo. Sweglo, J. P. Hunt, E. 13. McKlnney, II. Plotchor and other ab.lo men who understood moro or less about county roads. The main topic upon which tho speakers dwelt was concerning tho building of new roads, the Im provement of old roads, and the pro serving of permanent highways. List of Supervisors. Following Is a list of the county road supervisors, most of whom nre present: H. C. Ehlon, Aurora. M. B. Kestor, Hubbard. O. C. Whitney, Hubbard. Jamo's Smith, Champoeg. W, P. Davidson, Woodburn. 11. 1'. DuRette, Gervnls. John II. Cutsforth, Gorvais. Grovor Pomeroy, Woodburn. Geo. W. Whitney, Woodburn. C. W. Hobart, Sllvorton. John Schwab, Mt. Angol. J. T. Smith, Scotts Mills.. E. R. LuwiMico, Scotts Mills. G. D. Bowen, Sllvorton. H. A. Hartley, Sllvorton. W. H. Clark, Sllvorton. A. L. Grogg, Sllvorton. W. Borlngor, Manama. A. 13. Lewis, Gates. B. T. Goorgo, Gates. Henry Cauthorn, Independence. C. Burrls, Salom. P. O. Johnson. Salom. .1. A. Taylor, Mill City. Georgo Swoglo, Salom. J. D. Clark, Salom. Josso B. Bnrkhurt, Sllvorton. Prod A. McIntlro, Snlom. J. A. Jefferson, Snlom. N. W, Lowl8, Salom. NY. J. Joffersou, Gorvais. W. H. Erwln, Brooks. Arthur Glrod, Salom. II, Mason, Salom. 13. N. Branson, Snlom. D. A. Harris. Salom. Iloy Short, Maclony. Samuel Arnold. Sublimity. E. E. McKlnnoy, Sublimity. G. J. H. Fryer. Shaw, B. E. Hobortson, Turner. S. S. nrownoll, Tumor. C. L. Itodgtfrs, Turner. Honry Dumas, Salom. J. G. Whitman, Jofforson. A. C. Llbby, Jofforson., S. II. Russell, Mnrlon. Honry Smith, Stayton. E. G. Slegnvund. Khtmb o Flodene Wolborn . j. . . 40 Kalherlne PreQmdn.. 41 Dral McCIafn ...... 42 Myrtle Taylor '. .Jf. 43 Gernldlne Kirk-". . 44 Sr. M. Rectrude 45 C. H. Neff 46 Alta Shank 48 R,pby V. Rotzlen. ... .f 50 Evolyn B. Stafkfey . . . 51 Nellie Albe . B4 Laura Thomas 6 J. P. Rltter 57 Ida Wlpper "58 Etta Vando Hey V. : . "5l, Fred McClard '. 60. Margaret McClellan . . 01 Eleanor M. Smith ... 63 Mrs. Minnie Stephens. 61 W. P. Rogers )C5 Dolly E. Htiglll J 67 Georglanna Spicer . . 68 Caroline Coburn 69 Madge L. Boylan 70 Rebecca F." Smith 71 Catherine Moritz 72 John W. L. Sn,'.th . . 73 Iva Williams 74 Josephine Lindahl . . 75 Clyde T. Bonncy .... 76 Mary Whitman ...... 78 Lizzie Cornelius . . . . , 79 VV. I. Reynolds 80 Ethel A. Law 82 Lena Wipper 81 . Bertha Bohlo 93 Leila Bixby 84 Ethel Oglosbee 85 Ava Darby 80 Vorna V. Tompkins . . S7 Cora Miller 88 8!) Ruby E. Sperry 90 R. L. Young 91 Holon E. Colvin .... 92 Emma Coberly 93 Elizabeth Keber 94 Ethel Sprague 95 Ora Bee Morgan .... 96 Theresa Deheler .... 97 Hester Pyive '. 9S M. Anna Nash 99 Maud Glaznoi- 100 Elbert Powell 101 H. P. Durham 103 A. E. Pender 104 Jessie I. Wilson 105 W. J. Smith 106 Anna Winter 107 Henrietta Hoyser .... 109 Jennio Williams : . . .110 Efhel Darby 112 O. A. Wilson 113 Christine Rlpp 115 Essio Knight 110 Mamie Kuensting . . . .119 Grnco Bodokory ....120 Orpha Bell 122 W. S. Chrlsman 123 Winnlfrod Sherman ..124 G. W. Duncan 125 D. IC Luthy 12 6 Chester Wolcott 127 P. A. M.eyors 12S Pearl Vincent ..130 o This is the season for delicious bunkist orange desserts. Your cook book, gives! scores 1 of j. orange delicacies to choose from. . ,. . "; , "Sunkist" oranges are ideal for table t service. 1 hey ore firm and juicy, full-flavored. Fresh-picked California Sunkist Oranges "are on sale at your dealer's every dealer today. These orangesj are thin-skinned, seedless and appetizing the healthiest,! choicest fruit to be oblnined. ' "Sunltlst" Lemons are tho choicest lemons ot, 5,000 California groves. Theynre juicy and mostlyseedless.J Their snappy juices make 'delicious desserts, ices, etc "Sunkist" hot lemonade is the best remedy far colds. "Sunkist" Wrappers Valuable Insist that your dealer gives you "Sunkist" oranges and lemons in "Sunkist" wrappers. Oranges nnd lemons without "Sunkist j wrappers are not "Sunkist" brand. Send us 12 "Sunkist orange or lemon wrappers and 6 twecent stamps to cover packing, mailing, etc., and wo will send you, prepaid, n handsome full standard AA plate Rogers' Orange Spoon Free For eneh additional sooon send same num ber ot stamps and wrappers. In a short time you can easily get o full set of the spoons. Mail them to California Fruit Growers Exchange 34 Clark StM Chicago, III. o) HOLIDAY GOODS i At Fied'iieed Prices, Laties' 25c Linen Handkerchiefs, only 15c Ladies' 25c Siik Handkerchiefs, only 15c B'g Line of Holiday Handkerchiefs from.2y2c ech up NEW NECKWEAR Ladies' 2oc Collars or Tles.lOe Lntlios' ","( Collars or Tics. 10c Jjidics 50c Collins or Tks.2tc Ijjulicb' 75c Co'lnrs or Tles..i5c AsMtimont ot Jlen's 10 G 11 54 12 22 42 GG 21 71 11 MARION JNTY NROLLMENT Preventlos, tho now Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to havo four special specific advan tages over all other remedies for a cold. First. They contain no qui nine, nothing harsh or sickening. Second. Thoy glvo almost Instant re lief. Third. Pleasant to tho taste, llko candy. Fourth. A largo box 48 Preventlcs at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by Capital Drug Storo. o Try a Journal want ad. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A linrt:e Ties Largo Assortment Collars ..." of . . .-.)(.- Dutch . U5c up 'S FURNISHINGS Men's Silk Shirts, i$4.ri) values $.'5.00 Jlcn's Fancy Suspenders, ."Oc values "c Men's Fancy Suspenders, set $1.00 75c Men's Fancy Sleeveholders, pair 10c up Socks, Neckwear, Underwear, Smoking Jackets, ami Bntli Holies at Low Prices. Fancy Aprons, flafldmade Handkerchiefs, Dutch Collars i,OYS' OVEUCOATS MUX'S OVKKCOATS 1JOVS' SUITS .MUX'S SUITS LA !)IHS' COATS LADIES' FUF.S I KHSS GOODS AXD T'.AlilES' COATS 6) Albums, Dressing Cases, Toys, Christ8 mas Decorations TABLE LIXEX XAPKIXS DEDSPUEADS iaCE( CUUTATXS BED COMFOiri'S SHAWLS TOWELS AXD CLOVES FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS KOSTEIN & fiEEENBAUM I 240 AND 246 COMMERCIAL STREET J MiBniminiiiiiniiiimiiiliiini hiii wmwi Georgia's State Chemist Praises "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" it Capital National Bank Salom, Orcftou. OLDEST NATIOKjM' BANK IN, JIATUOSf CpUOTS, 8uvfngfl Depiirtmcnt fii fjomiecuon. Salem's Old Reliable Market Our meats for the holidays aro the QholGQst mony can buy, Our retatll prices are the loweit Phono 391 Countj' Suporlntondont Smith, or Marlon county, submits tho follow. tiiR for tho month ending, December 3d: Toaohor Dlqt Bnrl Atnd Anna D. Wfilsh 1 29 94 Kato Shan 2 34 - 9a C. W. Hoottahflr 4 Mlnnlo S. 'KOMI .... 5 A J. Jons 6 Msirle GRrrQw 7 ctfrrie K. nwknp . . s T. J. Skirftn 9 Urn Hutab 10 IllRiicn B. ,BVll . ,.fH SyllaW. Jone. .. ?. W. C. Guntt IB Luclla Robrt 1 Ma"jfMt M. Uoweu . 17 404 23 If 2f ii 3G 87 67 10 127 10 12 J. H. McCandlcss, State Chemist of Georgia, before a recent gathering of Cotton Seed men, gave emphatic praise- to the high quality of Cottolene. He said: "The sale of this product and the proclamation that it is made of cotton seed oil have done more to bring cotton $ecd oil truthfully and favorably before the public than anything else in recent history." x Mr. McCandlcss then pointed out that a pure, refined, vegetable-oil product such as Gottolency is the only assurance a woman has of a clean, digestible, cooking fat.; It seems a positive wonder in the light of all that has lately been said and written, and of what is known of lard, where it comes from, of what it may be mnrlf tlmr nnvone will continue Its use. when nnrp. swer nnA " " " I J '- 7 i J - l, healthful Cottolene can be so easily obtained. Vit w COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Yur.g" authorized to vv - , refund your money in case you are not pleated, alter having given Cottolene a (air test. 93 97 9$ 9ti 89 Sv i)t 9? 1 1 Never Sold in Bulk ?"ttU.nt p pi .via n air-tight toP to nevcr JW jhuuix keep dotn ffwh aad whoietomei and prevent it from catching dut and absorbing dUagreeable odor, aub a fwh, oil, etc. " ' 1 Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK, COMPANY r !! Joa. U Albert. Unnliler 9 1 ss 96