Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
n ,i.t.. QO O
Sunday, Dec. 5. I'astor Itusscll bnd
a large attendance today at the Brook
lyn Tabernacle. Ho took for his. text
the words of the Savior. "No man hav
ing put his baud to the plow, and look
ing back. Is fit for the Kingdom of
God" (Luke ix. G2). The discourse fol
The Great Teacher did not use the
methods of modern revivalists to se
cure a following- Ho did not ask' the
multitudes to raise their hand If they
would prefer to go to heaven at death
and then publish them as converts
Christians. Indeed his methods wero
the very reverse of this, avoiding all
kinds of sensational appeals to pride,
seliishness. vanity, etc. He set forth
In plain terms the ditlieulties to be ex
pected by all those who espouse his
Cause and become his disciples. lie
forwarned them that it would mean
the taking up of a cross and the bear
ing of It in his footsteps in the nar
row way of self sacrlilce. He warned
these, saying. "Marvel not, If the
"world hate you. Ye- know that it hated
me before it hated you. If yc wero of
the world, the world would love Ills
own? but because ye are not of the
world, but I have chosen you out of
the world, therefore tuo world hateth
yea" (1 John ill. 13; John xv, 18, 19).
Instead of tryiug to produce an ex
citement which would over-balance tuq
Judgment of his bearers and lead them
to profess what they subsequently
would not be abfc or willing to prac
tice, 'tbe Great U'eachen, on the con
trary, said to those contemplating dis
clpleslilp, "Sit down first and coimt the
cost." Instead of attempting to -sway
the multitudes, our Lord look -a dif
ferent coun and attempted to make
disciples of only a special class not
the poor, ixst the rich, not the learned,
not the ignorant, but, irrespective of
these class lines aiid distinctions, his
call was io all .those who loved right
eousness rind bated Iniquity. All those
wlio were weury .and heavy-laden, op
iwessed !.' sin .and its penalty to them
selves .aiid their friends these lie
called to learn of him and find rest of
Thenceforth that class, having been
brought In touch with the Redeemer.
Ql ---...,
Thfi same with Clothing and
Get the right stamp and at
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Experience is the best teachor of shoe
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this shoo. Wo guarantoo confidently
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made and what it Is made of: we
know what hundreds of its woarors
say of It that it is tho best shoe
for the money in America and that
is what it is.
I Prices from $3.50 to $5
I Go W. Johnson & Co. 1
o o o
Unfit For the
"No Man Having Put His Hand
lo lhe Plow and Looking Back, Is
Fit For the Kingdom of God" (Luke
ix, 62).
can make further progress ou!y
through faith in liliu and submission
to his guidance Into all Truth and into
fellowship with the Father. The class
thus influenced we believe .to be small
as compared to humanity as a whole
only that portion, which in honesty of
heart deplores sin and lungs for
righteousness aud fellowship with God.
These, like the remainder of the nice,
are by nature fallen, Imperfect, sinful,
.condemned, but hi these still persists
some (race of the linage of God, iu
the perfection of which tat her Adam
was created. It Is this trace or straii
of the Divine character represented'
by conscience and faith which leads
them to recognize their fallen and sin
ful condition, as compared with the
Divine standard of perfection, and this
becomes the basis of their calling or
drawing o2 God, (heir "ear." "lie that
hath an ear, let him hear"' (llevclatiou
ii, Ti. It will be observed that we .are
not specially blaming or condemning
those who have , not the hearing ear.
On the contrary we remember the
gracious words of Scripture, that in
God's due time, "All the blind eyes
shall be opened; all the deaf .oars shall
be unstopped" (Isaiah xxxv. 5i. We
are glad of this promise of God that
ultimately all shall see and ail shall
hear nnd all shall know Ulm. from the
least to the greatest. Wo rejoice, too.
that when they know Illm truly, they
will rejoice, even as do we now. That
will be their time of responsibility,
their time of trial or judgment tor life
or death eternal on the eartuJy plane.
Tha Kingdom of God.
Our text speaks of the Kiugdom of
God. Ami it is important that we
first of sJl notice that these words have
in the Scriptures a two-fold slgnlti
cauce. For iustiiuce, our Lord Jesus
taugbfc that we should jiruy to the K
ther, "Thv Kingdom vome; thy will
be tSoue on earth vs it Is dowc in
heaven." The refei'eiice of this jwayer
Is Ho the Millennial reign or govern
urent of Christ, which St. T.iul 'de-
cflnres will begin :at the Seoowl Com
2ug of our Lord, ;ud contiuue until jc
shall have ifut tdown all iusabord&in
tion, all sin. 'everything oitraty to
Divine character and Iuvr. it w'Hl be
the Kingdom of God which vill sub
due all things. It will be l;he -Kingdom
of God amongst men perfected when
all things s'ball have been subdued.
Aud when (Christ's mediatorial King
dom shall be, at the cud of the Ml-
It's Quality that counts. In all the
affairs of life, it's quality that
counts. The men at tho head of the
world's groat institutions today, the
men who lead in thought arid action,
mtn who eadln thought and action,
are men of quality. The difference
between success and failure is mark
ed by quality.
the cutting brands the man
the right price, We make
rlU!rf VMii- enif in cnrh
uui iuui "'- "
lennlum. delivered back to God, even
the Father. God's Kingdom will have
fully come in the earth. God's will
thcu will be possible of accomplish
ment by men. because all will have
reached perfection; and Christ's media
torial Kingdom will end because It will
bo uo longer necessary. It will nave
accomplished the great purpose for
which It was intended.
It was not. however, respecting that
Millennial reign, that mediatorial
Kingdom, that our Lord spoke in our
text, nor did ho refer to the perfect
Kingdom, as it will be turned over to
the Father at the oud of the Millen
nium and will last forever. Our Lord
used the words, "Not fit for the King
dom of God," as he did in many oth
ers of his discourses in respect to the
Church class now called of the Father
to be the "Kingdom," in the sense of
being the kings nnd priests of that
Kingdom the royalty of that King
domthe reigning family the Queen,
the Lamb's Wife, associated with the
Heavenly Bridegroom, King of kings
nnd Lord of lords, in his rule of n
thousand years.
Not Fit For the Kingdom.
We now have before our minds the
two ways in which the expression,
Kingdom of God, is used aud wo can
readily sec that our Lord could not
refer to the Millennial Kingdom and
say that any would be too degraded to
bo lit for the Influences of his Millen
nial Kingdom, because that Kingdom
Is designed for the very purpose of
dealing with the unlit and gradually,
during the thousand years of Its reign
of righteousness uplifting men out of
sin nnd death conditions, if they will.
to the full human perfection which
Adam lost, which Jesus redeemed, and
which is to be restored to the willing
and obedient, as St. Peter declares
(Acts Hi. 10-21). It follows, then, that
our Lord must have referred to those
called of the Father and accepted by
himself to be chiseled and polished
to be taught la the School of Christ
aud eventually to become his Bride
and joint-heir lu the Millennial King
dom. No man will be esteemed lit for
a share in that Millennial Kingdom,
unless he attains to the glorious quail
ties of character, saintsblp, which tho
Scriptures set forth as tho Divine
standard "Copies of God's dear Son"
(Kolnnns vift, 29).
"Fit for the Kingdom!" Let us think
for a moment what these words signi
fy. First of all we recognize that, as
sinners, we were most thoroughly
wiflt for nny favor of God, much less
this greatest of 'all favors, jolnt-helr-shlp
"with his Son nnd "partakers of
the Divine uatre" (11 Peter i, 4). But
that difficulty bas all been overcome
With those vfho have come unto God
through Christ and been made partak
ers of his bdiy Spirit of adoption. Of
such we wind, "It Is God that justl
iJieth! Wlio is he tfbat condemueth'"
(Romans vltt, 33-34), It is Christ that
for -our sins and who now is our
Advocate. Who could in any wise
come wo&ween us .iuu uui ovui uviu
our IZoavmly Faftier? t
But this justification is not enough.
If we were perfect actually Instead of
merely sockoneHy we would not be fit
for the Kingdom of God wc would,
not be lit to govern others to he
"kings nnd priests unto God and to
relga'ou the earth" (Itevehitioo xz, 0).
We s'hould stxlll be unfit to be the
judges of the world, as the Scriptures
declare that wo shall be, saying,
"Know ye not that the saiats shall
judge the .world" (1 Corinthians tI, S).
Our .Heavenly Father in bringing
mainy sons unto glory made lhe Cap
tain of their salvation (Jesus perfect
through sufferings. Should we think
it Grunge that we, his younger breth
ren, Justified through his blood, should
be ctequlrud, not merely In maty a pro
fession .of Godliness, holiness, but also
to approve v attest that sentiment to
be ai ;pat:t of our very character.! is
not nrhitt we as the Church of Christ
cxptiieiKte very reasonable indeed
wb would be-prepared to tench the
woi'Jil meekness, patience, brotbcrly
klndsiesK. Jung-suffering, love, wjthout
first f all developing the? various
quaJMies of .character In himself? And
how foil Id he develop these aud lie
testiyj excejxt Aiiuler Just such schooling
and disciplining influences as now tire
upon the Cbiuvh of Christ, with u
view to milking .us fit lor lhe glorious
position ot onr bjgh calling or God In
Christ .byiisj
When i (ii Scriptures refer to tho
Church as being fit or tho Kingdom
.uui ns lr '.ng lhe "overconiers" for
whom the Kingdom Is prepared, ami
who shall Hiare Its glories and honors,
becnuxe "Ihey are worthy" (Revelation
111. 4 1. we are to understand this wor
thiness aud lit hush, not that they were
originally so, but that by God's grace,
through Christ, a transformation work
will eventually bring some to (his glori
ous position where God himself will es
teem them irorlhi lo be called his chil
dren, aud to be Joint-heirs with his
Son, the Great King.
Various Kinds of Fitness.
There Is ,no ceiinin standard of ?
ue.ii for (he- Kingdom and none other
will do; but there 'may be quite a va
riety of conditions which make one un
fit for the Kiugdom. One of those is
murder. "No murderer hath oterual
life abiding lu him" (I John III. ir.
lie would be unfit for tho Kiugdom.
This would not signify, howeyor, that
one who had once been a murderer
might not. by a sound conversion and
by faithfulness in the School of Christ,
become it mombor of the Kiugdom
:1ns. But tho word murder hero used
has a broader moaning than is geuor
llly attached to it the moaning which
St. John gavu to tho. word whan he
said tliHt whosoever hateth his brothor
is n murderer (I John II, 11). Wo
fcnow, then, that no brother-hater ia
fit for the Kingdom. But, somo may
have been brother-haters nnd have
been washed, cleansed, snnctltied,
brought into heart-relationship with
the Lord nnd into love of tho brethren.
If so. the implication is that they have
lost the spirit of murder from their
hearts nnd are brother-haters no long
er. The Scriptures tell us also that It
will be possible for a man who has
been figuratively washed from his for
mer condition of sln-dclilement nnd
who has been clothed of the Lord
symbolically In a robe of righteous
ness and who had been begotten of.
the holy Spirit of love to turn from
this holy commandment of love to
turn from the way of righteousness, to
his former condition of slu-defllement.
The Apostle gives tho illustration of
tho sow thnt was washed returning to
her wallowing in the mire "(I I Peter ii.
22). But the ense of such is hopeless if
tho step be taken with full Intention
and deliberation If the return to a
murderous condition of heart brothcr-
hating-be with the full consent of the
heart. The Apostle, however, docs inti
mate that up to a certain point there
is hope of recovery and hence ho
urges all of the faithful to assist these,
saying, "He that convertcth a sinner
(once a brother) from the error of his
ways shall save a soul from death."
Again we read, "No druukard shall
enter into tho Kingdom of God" (1
Corinthians vi, 10). He surely would
bo unfit. This does not, however, Im
ply that all total abstainers from in
toxicant liquors are fit for the tuug
dom. Neither does it imply that a
druukard might not reform aud thus
cease to be a drunkard, and by the
Lord's grace, becomo fit for tho King
dom. Moreover tho word drunkard in
the Bible is frequently used in a fig
urative sense. It represents an addled
condition of tho mind; as for iustnuce,
wo read, that Babylon's cup made all
the nations drunk (Revelation xvlll,
2-3). This signifies that fellowship
with fnlse doctrines has permeated,
influenced, bewildered tho world m
general. God's people partaking of
Christ's cup of suffering are said to
receive "the spirit of a sound mind"
clearness of understanding respecting
the Divine character and Plan and the
principles of righteousness. All who
will bo lit for the Kingdom may be
expected to have considerable clear
ness of understanding respecting Di
vine things. They are to know God,
and by receiving his Spirit, they are
to have understanding of "the deep
things of God," which the natural man
cannot uuderstand (I Corinthians 11.
10-M). Of this our Lord spoke, saying.
"This Is life eternal, that they might
l;imw thee the only true God. and Je
sus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
Tho importance of Fidelity.
Pride is ami.lhev qualify of the heart
which would lender its possessor tin
tit for the Kingdom of God. AVo read
that the Lord "leslsteth the proud aud
giveth grace to the humble' (I Peter v,
5i. Pride is one of the things which
Gffd hates. It is a foe to righteous
ness in general and leads captive
many into sin. When we read that
43od shows his favor to the humble,
nve may be sure "that the favor of
Jolnt-helrship with the Itedeemer is
for the humble alone. With what
carefulness this should jead us to
"search our hearts and put nway every'
thing iu t lie nature of pride, self-con
celt. Love is the fulfilling of the Law
Love Is the Law of the New Creation;
.and nride is a foe to love. It is related
to selfishness, which is a deep seated
foe of every grace of the holy Spirit.
The Lord wishes us to see that (lie
Heavenly Father is not merely calling
for those who have generally good hi
tentlons and who would rather do
tiight than do wrong. We may rejoice
with such (hut they are better than
their neighbors, but they are not fit for
.the Kingdom of God, unless their love
for righteousness, f'or Truth, for the
will of God. be so firmly established
that they are ready and willing to "en
dure hardness as good soldiers of Jusus
Christ" and to "fight a good light" to
the end of the course, laying hold upon
eternal life aud glory and immortali
ty. One f God's objty-ts In permit
ting the world aud the llcsh and the
Adversary lo have the power which
they now possess to counteract and to
We have, through a special purchase, secured 200 of the
choicest rugs ever seen on the market in Salem, They cpme
in Axminster, Wilton, Velvet, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brus
sels, in all the most charming, artistic designs and coloring,
and in al Isizes, These rugs'having been delayed in shipment,
coming in too late for the early Fall trade, we have decided
not to carry-them over to the Spring trade, They are, there-
t fore, offered at a bargain price, Come in and inspect them;
tjie prices will suit you, . ,
Has interfered with my business and have overstocked
this year, thinking a clear passageway would be made
before now, and In consequence I will give a
Special Discount
On everything in the store, Diamonds at unusually low
prices, Watches at nearly wholesale price, Two thous
and Rings to. select from, Silverware in great abund
ance, and prices lower than ever, Fifty Toilet Sets,
beautiful and reasonable prices at
Jeweler and iOptician
; ". Only One on Commercial St. , 5
tight against our good i-?tPntlups and
good resolutions is explained in the
Scriptures. We renil "xne i.oru j-uui
God proveth you. to know whether
ve love the Lord your God witn an
. .1 ...1.1. ..i. ....in. oj.iip
your neart aim wnu an
(Deuteronomy xlll, -). u iove iu i
or love of self or love of any earthly
thing can overbalance our love to tno
Lord and to his Truth and his people,
we ate not worthy of a place in uie
Klngdom-not fit for the Kingdom.
Not merely good, professions, but faith
fulness unto death, fixity of chant;
ter, are required or me i.o,u
.. r 1 ..:
as he would honor
d honor with a share m me
An Abundant Entrance.
Having noticed that hick of love,
lack of zeal, lack of constancy, lack of
devotion would unlit for tho Kingdom,
let us notice some of the characteris
tics necessary to a place In the Kingdom-some
of the qualities, therefore,
which we must each cultivate in our
own hearts, which we must ene .It
velop lu his own character. The AfMJ
tle exnlains these and urges the mut
ter thus, "Add to your faith fortitude;
nmi in fii-t!tnili knowledge: and to
knowledge temperance; and to temper
ance imtlence: and to patience godll
ness: and to godliness brotherly kind
ness: and' to bfollierly kindnexs love
Kor If these things bo" In you and
abound, they make you that ye shall
neither be barren nor unfruitful In tho
knowledge of our Lord .losus Christ. .
for If ye do these things, ye shall nev
er fail: for so an entrance shall bo
ministered unto you abundantly lutir
the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord
nnd Savior Jesus Christ" (II Peler i,
111 Health Is Moro Expensive Than
uny Cure.
This country Is now filled with
people who migrate across the conti
nent ln nil diroctlons sooking that
which gold cannot buy. Nino-tonths
of thorn aro sufforing from throat
and lung troublo or chronic catarrh
resulting from nogioctod colds, and
spending fortunos vainly trying to
regain lost health. Could every suf
ferer hut undo tho past and euro
that first neglected cold, all his sor
row, pain and anxiety and expense
could havo been avoided. Chambor
Jnln's Cough Remedy is famous for
its cures of colds, and can always be
depended upon. Use it and tho moro
serious diseases muy he avoided. For
Special For Xmas
page Tmum
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sale by all good druggists.
Close tho year hopefully. Begin
the ntow ono with a song In your
heart and a girding up of tho loins
for greator things than you ovor have
done before.
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by all dcalors.
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