DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEf.ON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000 PAGE EIGHT Huie Wing Sang Co. BIG STOCK OF GOODS ON SALE Wo make up all kinds of White Underwear, Wrappers Kimonos and Waists. Big stock of Gonts' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Silks and Woolen Dress Goods, Shoes, Comforts, Blankets, etc. . in n i in i . . ..j .zrrz THE GRE EVER H You Are Warned Against old stocks brought here and thrown on the market; also fake sales. Stick to the old reliable store and help make Salem's greatest store the GOOD GOODS store . bigger and better. All garments are marked in plain figures; Children can figure the pricesdivide by two. What This Means It means that we are sacrificing one of the finest stocks of merchandise in the north west to protect our customers and as many others who wish to partake from being doped into buying second-grade, yes, third-grade merchandise and paying fancy prices. Believe us and we will more than deliver value with every dollar spent. The Big Store ijs CITYNEWS ft .WttAthur Votvcaat ; Shower tonight and Thumlny, Catholic LniUea' llojuutr Tonight- Tho ladlea of St, Joseph's Catholic church Mill hold a bainar In St. Joseph's hall, corner of Ohomokotn vtmtl WJntor stroata, Tonight tomor row ami Friday. Fancy nrtlolea, 'windy, etc., for salo. 12-l-lt you m Are cordially roQitoetod to phono .Hny Item of Interest, auch as a per sonal about a frJond qr yourself, to The Jotsraal, Mala 82. No item too Small. New Salem Kxprtr&r- J. D. Umlorwood haa put on a fine tovrert spring hack to carry paiiou kwb, baggage and express to the Went Balem depot Phone on era to journal office, 88. ;i-2-tf Thorough work on plaaoi, or&aM and wlajvar; laoludlag all rptr, $rara with Meyer & B I LnA v. a w. iiwoH. li'Mw Think of it! 'Right in the midst of the season, on Coats, Skirts. Your choice, less one-half. - Our stock consists of the best New York styles, the fabrics are the choice of :. experts, and. are the best materials and patterns produced on two continents. Don t We buy direct from the maker, thus eliminating the middleman's profit and when we cut such high-grade merchandise right square in two, it's time -for everyone to sit up and take notice. . Notice to M. W, of A. and It. X. of A. unursuay evening, uocomuor i, 1909, will occur tho annua! olcotion of olllcora. and it Is roquostod that n full nttondanco bo on hand, as busi ness of huportanco Is llnblo to ooiuo up. , H-30-2t Itotul Itoitur on Rails The bit; road roller holonglng to tho olty was stranded for a fow hour yostordny afternoon ou tho Btreot oar mils between Commorolnl struct and Liberty on Ferry Btroot. Tha engi neer attempted to run it down Ferry street when ho found tho road too soft and guided his heavy roller upon tho street oar rails. Aftoi much twUtlng and puffing, tha big ongtue vena transferred to unfo ground again, but It had to be dona on top of stool. Try Crystnlcts For tho breath. For sale at: Myor'a barVer shop. Kckerlons. 'Waters' olgar store. Adolph'a olgar store. Dlok Madison's. Tho Spa. Willamette Hotel. The Council. , Talklngtou's. The Court, ATEST SAL emember ffiftcoifmifATEitM Cottngo Undertaking- Parlors Cottago and Chomoketa Sts. Calls day or night. J. C. Sill. Phone 724. Stmt tho Month Right Uuy your grocorlos. moats, fish, poultry at Fnrrlngton's. tho grocor and markotmnn. Ross Petition Piled largo potlttou was filed in tho su 'promo court yoatorduy afternoon by attorneys for J. Thorburn Ross, ap pellant in tho oaad of State of Ore gon vs. J. Thorburn Hobs, ot al. The petition deals In many points of law. and contains answers to all tho ar guments in tho supremo court, and the authorities wore compiled by At torneys William M. Kaiser and Wal lace McCamant. lias tho NecosKary Papers , Deputy Sheriff McNab, of Dutto county. California, arrived in tha olty today with requisition papers for the return of a man by the name of How era. who U wanted In California oh tho ohargo of laroeny. The paper Will be presented to the governor some time today. Dowers Is being held undar arrest far obtaining ihoh. ay by fals Hratanava in Baker oohh ty. Sheriff ml. Rami having oharg of him. high - class Suits, Dresses, cccive Growing Bigger Now Notnrle List of notarial commissions is sued yostordny: Otis Patterson, Canyon City; A. L. Droughor. Scotts Mills; G. W.AUon, Albert Backus, Cecil H. Buuor, C. L. McKonna. .1. W. Hofforlin, Portland. A Marriage License A marrlago liconso was Issuod by Deputy County-Clerk Miss Lois Byrd today to Shorrlll Flttmlnir. a uomilor young Salom business man. and Miss Anna B. Glosy. ono of Salom's load ing bolls. Both young peoplo regls torod their ago at 22 years. Miss Byrd appeared also as witness for Mr. Ftomlng. Notice ' Tho regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Relief Corps will bo held Thursday nftornoon at 8:30 a. m.. at tho roaldanco of Mrs. J. A. Carson, corner of High and Kearney street. South Salem. AH ladles who are In terested In charitable work are cor dially Invited to be present. o ., To Cure Cold In Ono Day. Take LAXATIVH BRQMO Quinine Tablats. Druggist refaad money if It fails to oa re. B. w. GROVMS signature oa each tax. 25e TTS $1.75 Fancy Nightgowns sale ?!.25 S2.85 Heavy Long Klmr nas, sale ?2.00 75c Skirts 50c $4.25 Heavy Wool Blan kets ?3-00 $3.20 Shoes, pair $2.50 $12.00 Heavy Coats . . . .$7.75 $2.85 Pants, .pair $2.00 $3.20 Sweaters, all wool $2.25 Gents' Undershirts, etc., 25c up to $1.25. 325 North Commercial Old Friends With Now Fnces. There is no more agreeable expe rience than to come upon an old friend who has somehow left his ail ments behind him, and now looks the picture of healthful manhood. The old, haggard expression, the sugges tion of premature old age, the ap pearance of weakness and lassitude, tho irritability and tendency to mel ancholy views, have vanished. He now, indeed, seems a new man with pure, healthy blood flowing in his veins, and contentment written on his face. He is again fully alive and en joys life instead of simply enduring it. If you inquire what it Is that has wrought such a striking change for the better to what your friend at tributes his health and vigor, it is more than probablo he will answer in two words Beecham's Pills. When a remedy has been before the public for more than fifty years, when it has brought relief to thou sands of sick all over the world, when it has brought hope to the despondent and strength to the weak, there is no experiment in its use for you. You know what it will do. Beecham's Pills are innocent of harmful drugs and are compounded with great care of those pure herbs which act most beneficially on cer tain bodily organs the stomach; liv er, bowels and kidneys. These or gans respond immediately to the heal ing stimulus and with their return to healthful action, the entire system undergoes a process of renovation. The difference between your physi cal condition before and after taking a course of Beecham's Pills will be come remarkably apparent, not only to yourself but also to your frionds. o Judge Pipes Raises Question. Contending that the three supreme judges taking office after tho as sembly of the last legislature were entitled to decide upon the constitu tionality of their appointments In the same degree that Chief Justice Moore and Justice Eakln, two old judges.was the contents of a, brief filed today in the supreme court by Martin L. Pipes of Portland. Tho brief is in the interest of tho stato vs. Cochran local option case in which the constitutionality of the five judges, or rather the addition of the two new justices, was brought to issue. Mr. Pipes conveys in his brief that In ease tho constitutonalty should bo deeded by tho body, Jus tices Eakln and Moore could render a decision representing tho majority of the court of three former justices and thatMcBrlde, Slater and King could nlso return a mandate as being the majority of the present body. FIGHT FOR (Continued rrom Paste 1) Under municipal ownership, or quit tnlklng about this whole matter, and lay down and say wo are incapable of doing what a dozen small commu nities In the stato have done with more or less success." Tho mayor is dotormlned that there shall be action nt once of a decisive character. o DIED. POWERS. At tho family homo in this city today, at 11 o'clock, Wil liam Morris, infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. Powers, aged 11 waeks. Tho funeral will be from tho house Thursdny at 1 o'clock. Could Not He Better. No one has over made a salve, oint ment, lotion or balm to compare with Buoklon's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Brulsoe, Sores. Scalds, Bolls, Ulcors, Eczema, Solt Rheum. For Soro Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped hands, it's su premo. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at J. C. Perry. ! Moved to Portland Mr. and Mrs. John W. MInto have moved to Portland, after a short res idence in this city. Their beautiful new home is offered for sale. Attention, AV. O. W. Salem Camp. No. lis. and Silver nell Circle will give a banquet nt their hall Friday ovenlng noxt. In teresting program. Come. 12-l-3t Those Ilml Women The same procedure was adopted by attorneys for tho women who conduct houses In the restricted dis trict brought up before Justice of the Paaea Wvfester yesterday after aooa and their rasas will be turned over to the disposition of tha Haxt grand jary. This la the second timo tha wtMfH have Uh arrestad for MivducUftg bawdy kowm. or a houso pf tU-faaie. the first tim the eourts haviag convicted aad saatwead them. 75p Overshirts, sale 50c Dress Goods, all kinds, big sale Silks.nll kinds.blg sale. Fancy Waists, $1 up to $4.50' Half-price Ladies' Silk Hand kerchiefs. Wool and CottonHose, 10c a pair and up, Children's Dresses, all Bizes, $1.00 to$2.50. Wrappers, full "stock on big sale. Holiday Goods, very low. Street, Salem, Oregon INCORPORATIONS Articles of incorporation filed In the office of the secretary of state December 1, 1909, are as follows: The Cecilia Building Company Principal office, Portland. Capital stock, $50,000. Incorporators W. F. Fliedner, David E. Johnston and Benj. I. Cohen. o - c'. :: PERSONAL MENTION H fi i t f J i Miss Allen Ashford has returned to Salem, after a week's visit with, relatives in Portland. Mrs. George Melson, of Eugene,, returned to her home last evening, after a short visit with friends here. A. D. Holmes returned to his home' in Portland this morning, after trans acting business here for a short timo Miss Helen Williams left yesterday for Tacoma to visit her brother, Enos Williams, formferly of Salem. Prof. J. M. Garrison, of Forest Grove, Is in the city, tho guest of Rev. and Mrs. P. E. Bauer. Will Shooking left last night for Southern Oregon to look after busi ness matters for a day or two. Attorney Ed. Horgan, of Corval lis, is in the city, attending- to busi ness matters. Attorney Horgan was: formerly a Salem lawyer. Hon. R. M.. Veatch, of Cottage Grove, was a business visitor in lem yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Young Houghton, of Dallas, were in the city for a few hours yesterday visiting friends, af ter which they went to Portland. I SPECIAL NOTICE j Dreamland Theater, located at 475 State street, will bo closer ? for a few days for alterations and will be opened upunder a X new management. First-class attractions at all times. Your j patronage is earnestly sollclt- 3 ed, and we will endeavor to please you. t Smith & Everett Real Estate Money Invested LoailS ln Portland Real Insurance Estate Securities 309-310 Failing Building PORTLAND - OREGON Now Is tho Timo to riant BULBS Wo havo anything you want ln HOLLAND GROWN BULBS RUEF BROS., FLORISTS 123 N. Liberty. Phono 381 MONEY TO LOAN TP-OS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or. Norwich Union Insurance Companjr Frank MeredithResident Agent City nail, Salem, Or. PIANO TUNING LUTELLUS L. WOODS Tuning, polisnlng. repairing. Tel. 60 sjeH jf. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Al saddle pony or wiir exchange for a boat. Enquire at 771 N Commercial, 12-l-3t CHOICE REAL ESTATE Three choice sites, and ono with only strictly modern, new and up-to-data oottago in olty of Salom for sale. Commands beautiful vlowr ami close In. Idoal residence and grounds: perfect drainage. Derby & Wilson. 12-l-3t