Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1909, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    v PAGE TWO
E. IIOPBK, Editor and Proprietor.
Independent Newspaper Devoted to Araoriaau I'rlndple and
the I'roifres add Dovelopemeat of All Oregon.
Published Kvry livening Bxaftt Sundny, gilew, Ore.
susamigmro2sr ratbs.
(lHvarTatnV fn Adrle.)
Ally, by carrier, per yr........a,(J0 Per month............Oc
lAllv, by malt, per year. 4.00 rer raonth ...Wo
Weekly, by mall, per yer..... '.00 Six month .........60o
More Than 20
Ingrodlonts glvo to Hood's Sar-
saparilla Its groat curative power -
power to euro many and varied com-
planus, inciuuing uiseaeos 01 uie uioou,
nilmnnU nf tli Attmnnh. trmihkM nf
tho kidneys and liver.
Many ot tht ingredient arc just what
tho profession proscribe in the ailments
named, but the combination and pro
portions are peculiar to this medicine and
give it curative power peouliar to iteelf.
Therefore, there can he no substitute
for Hood's. Get it in tho usual liquid
form, or in tablet culled Barsataus.
renco, J. II. Townsond. G. P. Hmrhea.
j. u. urown. m. u. Youner. Char pa a.
iMattlson, J. W. Dollen, D, V. Vaughn
rilmon Ford. W. L. Waat. Phnrli
The following comnrJsa tlie me
morial committee, ha vine charep of
mo services: AI. H. Sto nr. C ha
L. McNary. Geonce L. Hohp. r. rt
Yantis, Charles Kurth.
As an unengaged maiden of Cot
tage Grove will you permit mo spaca
In your valuable paper to make a
suggestion for the protection of some,
of us marriageable girls. Why would
not It ho vviso to have an engagement
badge, and lot the olty council adopt
an ordinance enforcing its usnce.
Our bachelor aldermen, 1 bolievo,
would fntroduco and champion such
a measure. My reasons for this are
many. Lots of young men bestow
their attritions mistaklugly because
tnoy do not know, and cannot know
without an oxprosslon from tho young
lady hersolf, that tho soltnlro dia
mond no longer sorves Its historic
purpose. Most modern girls nro lav
ishly provided with diamonds and
thoy cannot keep tho third flniror
of tho loft hand Immuno to all but
engagement. And nolthor does tho
nlr and actions of tho engaged girl
eorvo for dotcctlon, for although tho
capture of a man will cause a look
of triumph to bo permanently en
graved unon tho mnldon's face, such
hns been tho influonco of modern
lntlopondonco that tho girl who Isn't
ongagod fools an Xlno nbout it as
though ho woro. Sho does not miss
With this vlow of tho situation I
suggest tho bndgo, Tho fortunate
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and daughtors,
Elliol and Mabel, nnd Mr. Joe Fresh
or woro Thanksgiving guosts of Mra.
J. Dyors.
Mr. and Mru. Wiiltnr- Dnmnt loft
Sotijrduy for tholr farm homo noar
Silvorton, whoro thoy will rosldo in
rtullnltoly. Tholr many friends In
Woodburn rogrot tholr doparturo, but
nopo it win only ho for a short tlmo.
G .O, lJoynton had a paralytic
Biroico or mo urnin aundny. lio Is
roating nuito onsy at this wrltlnir. and
itotno hope Is ontwtniuod for his ro-
Mrs. llert Dyers left Wednesday to
join her husband at Huntington, Ore.,
vuors u lias ompioyiutMit as section
worn on tu o. it. & N.
19(1. Tyler and family, former real
donts of near Salem, huvo returnod
to tiioir homo in this olty, after sov
oral niontliB' iiubohco, Mr. Tylor hav
ing been omployod as station ngont
nt McQowon, Wash.
Woodburn is booming onco moro,
thanks to tho olootrlo road that
should oro this boon hailed with Joy
In our city, but has helm detained by
tho uon-rrlvnl of Hteol to finish the
track. Anothor month will llnd tho
baautlful city or Woodburn connact
tul with hur uistor cities, and wo hope
tho reculUt will bo nrolltahlu to all.
The Royal Nolghbors nro suroiy
building up an order to bo proud of.
Last Thursday, at their rogular inout-
ing, tnoy initiated sevon mnv miein
born, or rathor ohllgntod them, as
they did not have time for Initiatory
work. As tho marshal was conduct
ing the onndldntM tho M. W. Ah tiled
In In h body, with n most mngnltluont
ft8t. oohhIhIIiik of roast pig. eweet
spuds, buns, pies, ploklee. cake, In
toot every good thing Imaginable.
Tho table was laid for 40 guesta.
This was twloo filled. The M. W. As
ronlly know how to sorvo well. Af
tor auppor the crowd had a mtt
onjoyuhle time playing gameM, the
most popular being progressive
Oexirge llounoy la oonvortlng the
uuiuilng known as the Dwelt build
ing, two doom south of the Wood
m bank. Into a itwt and oomfort
ihlo rooming house. It will bu as
oat as paper and palm can make It,
'it ti all the furniture new ami good
omo-nmde bsddjiue. This, will be
mx for buDluert by tht middle of
,. o
Try n Journal want ad.
young woman should be mndo to wear
It at all times. It might be a white
ribbon such as that used by the W.
C. T. U. with tho word "engaged" or
"promised" printed In letters of gold
In order that the young mail who
runs, or loiters, may rend and know
tho truth. It may be said that any
maiden has u historic rlcht to koen
her secret If sho chooses, and also
that tho unengagod could, with ma?
liolous Intent, wear tho badge also,
even If sho had to go to Recordor
VanDonhorg with a convincing talo
to soouro It. But truth crushed to
earth will rlso again, and when onco
J1. I 1 ., At . .
hub aocopuon was uiscovorca It uaa n,n woii-
tfi &Sftin ff? lS0U WVat;he7 home In d pond nc
In tho community, I hold that thero and returned to Corvnlllg Monday
aro not moro than enough young men whero sho Is attending school
B ...w,...,., uuib o- ma. waiiuco has been in Indenond
X'JSm -e football game Ttu
X i7 iu b gene, wnoro no was laid out by
or.tt.1.oULor8'. kick in tho back of tho head.
ii mo sentinel minus favorable of ivitoa T?i.,r t.ii t ,
this idea I would be pleased to have spending Thanksgiving, returning to
tho abovo published, nnd I Bhould Corvallis Mondayf b
" . lsa Bort Bohannn spent Thanks
r"TT. : l""ouu- giving wun imr parents In Indepond
ii is ono oi vital importance once, rotnrnlnir t
to many of us girls, and whllo this vallls Monday.
may uo nuicuiou it is no laughing Mrs. Hubbard Is homo nirnln. nftpr
irrnr i . ,. . ' "-
Yi'. ., , Bpontung somo tirno in Eastern Ore
w....b.lbuu i.i v,vituiKo uiovo gon visiting the Rebokah lodges.
"""""" mo uance given by Cursy I31d-
riugo anu noy ueArmond Thanksglv
Ing was onjoyod Immonsoly bv all
Tho strangers here romarked about
what good music our Independence
orcnestra ronuorod.
Air. and Mrs. Gtjorgo Brown, of
uorvallls, spont Thnnksglving with
joes wniienKor.
Mrs. Georiro Whlteakor and ATm
Eldrldgo wont to Portland Thursday,
uiurning nomo aunuay.
Novell EldrldKO Is laid tin for
few days on account of his ankle,
wnicn no got nurt in tho gamo be
tweon Indopondenco nnd Portland.
L. Kroba missed his Thanksgiving
uinnor in roruanct, but ho saved his
juu goats with tho steamer Oreconn
Alter mo nigh wutor tht WUlam-
"Mamma," asked a little body ho
had been standing for jboat an hour
In an "L" car, "why are they mak
ing the people who were In the car
behind come Into this car?"
"This is the city1 limits, dear. They
are going to taKe that oar off."
"But why are they taking It off?
"A good many of the people in
that car have been occupying eets
all the way ont They are being eent
In here so they, too, will have a
chance to stand up. The company
doeen't want to show any partiality. '
Chicago Record-Herald.
AVomoJi Who Are ISiivied.
-nose attractive women who are
lovely in face, form and temper are I
the envy of many, who might be like
them. A weak, sickly womau will 1
be nervous and Irritable. Constipa
tion or Kidney poisons show In pirn- j
pies, blotches, skin eruptions and a
wretched complexion. For all such.
Electric Bitters work wonders. They
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys.
purify the blood; give strong nerves,
bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel
vety skin, lovely complexion. Many
charming women owe their health
and beauty to them. 6c at J. C. Perry.
A blanket is to a horse what an
overcoat Is to a man. He needs it
when not in active work.
iPs Ob fni
P. O.
Tho Snlom lodco of tho B.
H., No. 33C, will hold Its annual mo
mortal oxorclses in tho onora honso otto vnlinv Hnrfora vn,.v mti
next Sunday. Decombor 5. lit 2!?10 I nf tllft llnll tvrnurrtro nl f.....v..,w
l..l, ... mi.. ' - o tttl UU1IB JU&l.
w i v iv i,. iao prugram ior ino quito a lot of trollls, some llvo stock,
iihu mu lunua woro wnsneu out, out
not nearly what wo had estimated,
wnon wo nati so much wutor around
Plncus has his hops On dry land
ngnln, after holng under water four
or five days, but ho says ovon to tho
nil ilcllo of this hales ho can squoozo
tho water out of thorn. "Sklnnor
woruod dny and night, but only got
2G baloe on this sldo of the river.
inoy woro so iioavy and hard to
nnimio, bringing them in rowboats to
nis launch. Bttt they nro now haul
lilt A.. 1 . 1 1 nl.
Look dnwn imnii n,i i.i n l" "u "rjo- i nero woro
Ami bo aUio,:y Tl " ""L3"" wter-. . .
Oh. h.r mir i r.,vn,.0 r.. i.. i " "rowii nnu a cnicKon
' ...... v... 4 m w V UlU JIUllUi UU
occasion follows:
Order of Service.
"Marcla Funobro." Chonln: Elku'
Oponing ritunllstic oiorclsos. Sn
lom Lodgo No. 3(5, B. P. O. E.
Roll call of our nbsont brothors
Secretary of tho Lodgo.
"War March," from "AtholJo,"
Opening odo; air "Auld Lang
Syno." Audlonco roquoetod to join.
Grout Rulor of tho unlvorso,
All-neuliiK and bonlirn.
Ill Health is More Kvpcnsive Than
any Cure.
This country is now filled with
people who migrate across the conti
nent in all directions seeking that ;
which gold cannot buy. Nlue-tentha
of them are suffering from throat
and lung trouble or chronic catarrh
resulting from neglected colds, and
spending fortunes vainly trying to
regain lost health. Could every suf
ferer but undo the past and cure
that first neglected cold, all his sor
row, pain and anxiety and expense
could liavo been avoided. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is famous for
its cures of colds, and can always he
depended upon. Use it and the more
serious diseases may he avoided. For
sale by all good druggists.
There are many breeders of hogs
and all have their partisans; but any
hog Is a good hog that will keep on
growing into money every day. How
ever, no breed will do this without
Intelligent care.
My Lady Beautiful
. ...... . . , . . .
buovint nd elt.c itep is within the reach of every woman.
krwcnAbte care J- diet, regular exercise and due amount of sleep with an
occasional dose of
will keen most women in health. Tho timely use of these pills will strengthen
the m stem, renew the supply of blood and relievo nausea and depression.
The beneficial eilects of Ueccham's Pills on the bowels, liver, stomach, blood
and complexion, m.ike them women's greatest aid to health and m a true senso
Nature's Cosmetic
In boxe with full directions, 10c and 25c.
For a Lame Hack
When you have pains or lameness
in the back -bathe the parts with
Chamberlain's Liniment twice a dny
massaging with the palm of the
hand for five minutes at each appli
cation. Then dampen a piece of
flannel slightly with this liniment
and bind it on over the seat of puin
and you will be surprised to see how
quickly the lameness " disappears.
For sale by all good druggists.
Better sell half the stock and give
all of the feed to what remains than
to stint tlie whole herd.
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It. ?lfnnsos, soothes.
heals and protoets
tho isoascd mem
bran' resulting from
Catar h nud drives
awnjr a Cold in tho
Henci quickly. Re
stores tho Senses of
Tusto and Smell. Full size 50 eta.. atDrutr-
cists or by mail. In linuiil form. 75 cents,
I ! Hi-otiinrs no Wnrron Street. New York. '
Whet Shall I Giv& for Xmes?
Wo answer this very pertinent question exhaustively, thorough
ly, comprehensively, suggestively.
For every member of tho family father, mother, brother, sis
ter, relatives, friends or sweetheart.
The Choicest Selection of Gifts in Salem
Our motto: "Tho maximum of quality for the minimum of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware
A magnificent array of all thnt is rich, beautiful and artistic
in Gold and Silver Jewelry, in handsomely cased Watches, Ta
bleware, and all the season's novelties in Art Jewelry. Tho
diamond cutter, the jeweler and the silversmith have certainly
sent out this season the most exquisite articles, specially de
signed for rich gifts. Our grdit holiday dispiay fairly sparkles
and glistens with beauty and brilliancy, the most beautiful cre
ations of artisans in gold and silver.
It Is a marvelously captivating assemly of dainty, elegant and
artistic Scarf Pins, Brooches, Rings, Watches, Fobs, Silver
Pieces for the table. Considerable portion of tho display is
given up to the latest novelties in personal jewelry, directly
Imported. These dainty and striking conceits cgmp directly
to your order.
Now, just a word about the Diamonds: You can rely upon
the stones, and the mountings are the most artistic. Wo bought
Diamonds long before the recent advance and our patrons aro
given every advantage of our early purchases.
"The Maximum of Quality for the Minimum of Prices."
The Store of Plenty with Eocnomy.
Phone 125.-; SALE M State and Liberty
for all stomach troubles indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the -stomach, bad
breath.sick headache.torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant-to take.
Whllo bearing In our minds
Tho mom'rioH graven on ouch honrt
For ".Auld Lang Syno."
Invocation Rov. Paul a. nnmiv.
Solo, "A Dronm of Pnradlso," Gray
Mrs. Jonnloa Snydor Wnrron.
Address Bro. P. II. rvAriw. p
IS. R. '
"Komnnco of a Homo." O'Connoiv
lfllka' orohostru.
Iflulogy Bro. M. D. Rosslor.
suppor rondy for eight girls aftor a
skating party Saturday night. Aftor
sinning bard thoy woro all ready for
a good, hourly food. Thoy woro Miss
Bortha Bontloy, Cordla Gouch, Mar
garet, notigo, Katie Dinsmorw, Bubo
Qnnion, Clara Enrhart, Graco Wal
A Thrilling Rosctio.
How Bort R. Loan, of Chony,
Wash., was saved from a frightful
death Is a Btory to thrill tho world.
Solo, "My Rodeomor and Mv " " VI - .
Dllilliiv Miinlr floa I ,.niiiL . uw''""uu "" wuuuiu null IHU
UlUVIO) 1JU0IC MISS LllClllel find nn nnarl ilnotnn l,nM i
I . v . . . v w . HU.V. 1UUU A
paid UO to 516 a visit to a lung
Mrs. Sara Brown Snvnirn.
uuatuug--"Timnatop8ls," Bryant B00,i i-t n snnbn .
VmSrlJLS: li,?.. ..... 5R? O."--... K'"?'8 Nw Dlscor.rir.
nuii j0i ' wihch compietoiy curod mo and
1 J0,u' I am as wU as ovor." For :
p 1 1 1
ig Savings on Little Necessities
on s
Book St
I . ....
Pntlso Father. Sou and Holy Qhostl ' n
i,....n..n ... .. . . .. 1 Go down to tha hai-n nvnrv nlwlif
""'Zit W" thnt ovot-yibhig
oh os tr n i u rigui wun ine stock
Coughs nnd
DEPOSIT your sav-
i I
loos whero they will earn
Interest. One dollar will j j
open an account. Let us
hoip you save. ; ;
Capilal Naiioisl Bank jj
ht.id'ar'r'cimrST Vlan;!,!8 '1VU'
ir of tho oS Ircl. o n p , lXO ,ut?,,,8a ,tch,nK characteristic
l liuvffJ , ,,? 'J lHrk"rt. 8. Many sovoro cm havs been eurwl
irnTr,?Z:al W"fww. cough as couehlng. Stop it I Ayer's
$oul Chc PoI is a rcgJiar doctor's
--- inr..,!:.,.., iJ.J'u.?:' medicine for coughs and colds.
Stop coughing I Coughing raspj and
icra. otop iti coughing prepares
the throat and luncs for
Stop it I There is nothing so bad for I
Pwpawi jrwK peepk for bookloepew, tegtfhx and gnral ctees
trwk. Tfca devekpasaat ot tkr Kartbw64 wUl aiford opaalags for
tboawnda in tb nut faw yoaw. iVtr Send for aUlogw.
Presents to the women of Salem and vicinity a splendid op
portunity to economize on a little every-day necessity which -is
in constant demand every day in the year, Therefore" this
week Salem's Best Book Store will offer '
The Famous Art Litho 1
Fancy Calendars ;5
At 25c and SOc
Positively the best calendar offer ever made, You can I
SeeOur Window Display fJ
and car. readily see they are goods that usually bring three "r
times the price, Just the thing to make an inexpensive gift,
Don't put off buyingthe line will go fast ,
Subscriptions Pouring In
for Magazines and Periodicals at low prices, Better bring
yours m. Our 'Tree Cut Price Catalogue" far the kktaf
I Jratton s Book Stoe