Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 30, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Our stock is too heavy and must be cut down to make room for our great Christmas display, which will eclipse any of our previous efforts. We have studied out this Room-Making
Sale and have come to the conclusion that that is the only feasible way to cut down and dispose of a great portion of the goods before we begin changing around the departments.
Here is a great chance to buy 1909 best merchandise at a very low figure. This sale opens Monday morning and closes on Saturday night. See the prices we quote on the follow
ing goods. It is not profits we are looking for. During this sale we want the stock cut down. We will sell goods this week at lower prices than you can get from the manufac
turer. Come 'and ask for the advertised prices. You will find them exactly as quoted Jiere.
Suits and
Half Price on Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits during this Room-Making Sale. -There will be no mercy shown to prices. In this department the prices on Children's Coats will be
cut down; also Silk Petticoats, Shirtwaists, Ladies' Long Capes, Princess Silk and Cloth Suits, Russian Colt Skin Coats,Furs of all kinds, Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters, Silk Rain
Coats, Black Mercerized Underskirts, Silk Jerseys and all other goods throughout this great Cloak and Suit department. What makes the Chicago Store grow is this: 'We always per
severe and how our customers that we can give you better goods at lower prices than you can gete elsewher is the reason we can do it. We dojhe volume of business and can sell
at smaller profits. ' ' ' i : "
Ladies $15.00 Latest Style Satis, now $7.50
Ladies' $25.00 Latest Style Suits, now" $12.5U
Ladies' $18.00 Latest Style Suits, now $0.00
Misses' $13.50 Latest Style Suits, now - $0.90
Children's Suits, now '. HALF PRICE
All Ladles High-Class Suits at the same low prices. .
Ladies' $1S.00 Princess Suits, now $0.00
Ladies' $25.00 Jersey Suits,-very new, now .-. . . $12.50
Ladies' $12.50 Silk Jersey Jacketss, now ' $5.00
Ladies' $15.00 Capes, Military Style, now $7.50
Ladies $8.00 Coats, all wool, now . yi $3.00
Ladies' $15.00 Newest Style Coats, now $7.50
Ladies' $3.00 Wool Sweaters, now $1.03
Ladles' $4.50 Wool Sweaters, -mow $2.5t
Ladies $10.00 Raincoats, now ; ,$4.GO
$45.00 Russian Colt Skin Coats, now , ." $10.5O
Girls' $5.00 Cloth Coats, now .. $2.50
$7.50 Silk Petticoats, now $3.flO
The Largest Dress Goods and Sifk Department in Salem will offer some very interesting bargains to its customers. During this Room-Making Sale we show the most complete lines
of these goods to be found anywhere in the valley all new, fresh stock to make your Christmas selections from in Silk Dress Patterns and Woolen D ress Patterns. We can please
you, no matter what class of material or what shade you may want. We do the greatest business in this part of the world in Dress Goods and Silk, and the reason is because we
keep the newest and best selection in Salem ,and our prices will speak or themselves. Beautiful evening shades in Silks ,also in Woolen Goods. Our selection of Pastel Broad
cloth is fine; they make beautiful Capes and are selling very freely. Buy your Dress Goods and Silks here. We can show you where we can save you money.
75c Ottoman Silks, all colors, now, yard
$1.00 Paon Silk Velvets, all colors, now, yard
$1.25 Moire Silks, all colors, now, yard
45c India Silks, all colors and black, yard . .
85c Messallne Silk, all colors and black, yao-d
85c Bengaline Silk, all colors and black, yard 40c
.00c II
.85c l
.40c II
$1.00 Kimono Fancy Silks,, pretty styles, yard '. ..00c
$1.35 Black Peau Do Solo Silk, heavy quality, yard 85c
3G In. Black Taffeta Silk, heavy quality, yard 08o
75c Pongee Silk, extra good quality, yard 40c
$1.26 Foulard Silk, pretty fancy styles, yard 75c
Best Lining Satins, all colors, from 40c a yard up
59c Wool Dress Goods, all colors, yard .J5c
75c Wool Dress Goods, all colors, yard 40c
$1.00 Flno Wool Dress Goods, all colors, yard ; ...09c
$1.45 Flno Imported Wool Dross Goqds, now only. . 05c
85c Evonlng Shade Dress Goods. , 45c, 4 9o and G5c yard
$3.00 Broadcloth Pastel Shades, yard $1.08
f JLV1
isses an
ten's Hosiery an
d Una
Room-Making Sale Prices on Ladies', Misses' and Children' Hosiery and Underwear. We show the greatest stock in Salem. It is a pleasure to come to do your Hosiery and Un
derwear buying in this department ,where you can find any class of garment you want; also any quality you may want in Wool, Silk or Cottcn, and then to feel sure that you cannot
t buy the same quality of garment at as low a price anywhere else these are things that count at the Chicago Store. Five bright salesladies all the time busy selling Hosiery and
Underwear in this department. Here you can find little garments for Babies; also little Hosiery in any quality or any price you may want. It will pay you to take a took through
this splendid stock of Hosiery and Underwear.
Ladies' 39c Heavy Fleeced Underwear, now 23c
Ladles' 75c Wool Filled Winter Underwear, now 40c
Ladles' $1.00 Fine Wool Winter Underwear, now 00c
Ladies 75c Fine Wool Fleeced Union Suits, now 40c
$1.50 Fine Wool Union Suits, now only 8c
$1.50 Fine White Wool Union Suits, now only 08c
Children's Wool Mixed Underwear '. 15c and 25c
Children's Fine Wool Underwear, now , . .35c und 45c
Children's 18c Double Thread Cotton Hose, now only 10c
Children's 35c All-Wool Hose, now only, pair 23o
Children's 49c Flrte Cashmere Wool Hoso, pair 35c
Girls' Fine Ribbed 25c Cotton Hose, now pair 18c
100 Dozen Ladles' Fast Black Cotton Hoso, pair 10c
Ladles' 25c Heavy Fleeced Cotton Hoso, pair 15c
Ladles' 35c Wool Hoso, winter weight, pair 23c
Ladies' 45c Silk Finished Cotton Hoso, pair , 25c
Ladies' 75c Fino Cashmero Hoso, pair , ioc
Ladles' $1.50 Flno Black Silk Hobo, pair 08c
Room-Making Sale Price on Outing Flannel, Shaker Flannel, Waisting Flannels, Cotton Fla nnels, Blankets, Comorts, Cotton Batting, Calicoes, Apron Ginghams, White Bed Spreacfs,
Table Linens, Linen Napkins, Crash Toweling, Linen and Huck Towels, Turkish Towels, Lace Curtains, Turkish Tapestry, Madras Waistings, Outing Flannel, Nightgowns ,etc. In
these departments we show complete lines, and during this sale we will give prices that will turn the goods out rapidly.
7 l-2c Heavy Outing Flannel, nil colors, yard 4c
10c Extra Heavy Outing Flannels, all colors, yard 7 l-2c
15c Velvet Finished Outing Flannels, all colors, yard 10c
12 l-2c Wrapper Flannelettes, pretty patterns, yard 8 l-3c
18c Heavy Kimona Flannels, fancy pattorns, yard J21-2c
50c Hoavy Bath Robe Flannols, pretty designs, yard 20c
75c Double Cotton Blankets, fancy borders, pair 30c
95c Double Cotton Blankets, fancy borders, pair 05o
$1.49 Double Cotton Blankets, 11-4 oxtra heavy, pair 8o
$2.00 11-4 Extra Heavy Volvot Finished Blankets, pair $1.30
$3.00 11-4 Wool Filled flno largo Hoavy Blankuts, pair $1.05
$5, $6 and $8 Fine Wool Blankots, pair $3.50, $3.05 and $1.05
CCo Turkish Tapastry, 54 in. wido, now yard 30(,
2. 95 Laoo Curtaliifi( now pair $1.40
I Uuok TowolH, oaoh 4c, 5c, (I l-4,c 8 l-3u unci lOo
'Sholcor Flannols, now yard f , . , o i.ic.
H loo Willie liou Hproaus , HALF PRIOE
ble Linens, yard
iro, 35o, 40c and up.
Great Bargains
In Men's and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats,
Rubber Goods,
Pants ,Hosiery,
Suspenders and
The Store That Saves You Money
Shoe Sale
We Show a
Complete Stock of
Ladies', Misses'
and Children's
Shoes, Slippers
and Gaitors.
We Ask Small Prices.