BE SURE TO READ THE GREATEST OFFER OF THE CONTEST TWO EXTRA PRIZES ADDEOfO THE VALUABLE LIST OF THIRTEEN ALREADY ADVERTISED CLOSES DEC. 18 SALEM,. OK I 'CON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1000. NO. 271. AuUH' mill i J f IIW ' ' 3Bfe Bricklayer, Crazed by Dissipa tion, Kills Wife and Slashes His Family With Razor. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE BY, THE SAME WEAPON Returns From Work nutl Attacks Family Sitting Around Kitchen Fire Without Warning Slashes Fnco and Arms of Brothcr-in-Law nml Wounds Mother-in-Lnw. UNITED 1'ItnSS LEASED WIItE.1 New York, Nov. 30. Angered by domestic discord, alleged to have been caused by his dissipation, Pat rick Rafferty, a brick layer, ran amuck In his home today, and with a razor killed his wife, Margaret, fa tally wounded his mdther-ln-law, Mrs. Margaret Kelley, slashed his brother-in-law, Frank Ohland, about the face and hands, and attempted to commit suicide by drawing the bloody weapon across his throat. Shortly after he had left his home to go to work today Rafferty re turned and found the members of his family gathered about a fire in the kitchen. Without a word of warn ing the man drew a razor, and in a burst of maniacal frenzy savagely at tacked his wife. ,Mrs. Rafferty fell to the floor, her throat gaping from a terrific gash, from which the blood spurted in great Jets. The blood-lust aroused, Rafferty then turned upon Mrs. Kelley. Oh land attempted to interfere, but he was driven to a corner, blood gush ing from severe cuts on his face and on the arm, with which he had at tempted to defend himself from the savage attack. Intercepting Mrs. Kelley's terri fied flight from the room, that al ready resembled a charnel house, Rafferty beat her to the floor and In flicted wounds, that the surgeons at the hospital to which she was re moved, declared would be fatal. Staggering to the street Ohland called the police. When the officers entered the room Rafferty was crouching behind the lifeless body of his wife, tho gory razor clasped in his hand. He was bleeding profuse ly from a throat wound, arid offered no resistance when he was seized. It was stated that he probably would survive his self-inflicted injuries. Will Try to Put an End to the Civil Strife in Nicaragua. UNITED rilESS LEASED VTI1U3. Zelaya Getting "Cold Feet." Washington, D. C, Nov. 30. Of ficial cable messages received at the state department from Consul Mof fet at Blueflelds today give the fol lowing information: "A representative of Zelaya tele graphed the revolutionists an over ture, saying that Zelaya, realizing the weakness of his posltlon.may re tiro at the first convening of con gress, with a view t oselectlnc a -provisional president. " Mexico City, Nov. 30. That Mex ico and the United Statos may act in conjunction to put an end to the civil strife that is rending Nicaragua was the statoment today -of Senor Mariscal. minister of foreign affairs He further statod that Mexico prob ably would intervene in the event thit Nicaragua became ombrolled wim any or nor neighbor republics. Reports that the Mexican govern ment would exercise supervision in the appointment of a president to succeed Zelaya wore denied by the foreign minister. He declarod that such procedure had not been sug gested. Francisco Castro, Nicaraguan min ister to Mexico, today received a cable from Zelaya denylnsr the rum- firmed Mariscal's statement that M W llltU Un 1 . &1 Ul a 1113 vuu AM II s TO UNITE ;ht bo askod to effect nn aniicab ttlement of the dispute. in S. P. Stock. . .New Yo ov. 30. Good earn- Ing stateiu hy the Union Pacific and the So n Faclflc and short coverlne In t ippors and steel Is- sues. broUEht ard n hlcher ranee of values durlnl the last 15 minutes of tho tradinir todav The statement of Souths Pacific shows a net increase in revenues of $387,746. whllft thft TTnlnn Pnnlflo linrl an increase of $G60,17G. The buying of Wabash shares by inteYests said to be closely allied with the Rock-Island was shown again on a liberal scale, but neither securi ty showed much of a price move ment during tho day. Amalgamated copper advanced 1 points. Money rates held very firm at between 4 and 5 per cent. o Says Cannon nnd Groco Live. New Orleans, Nov. 30. Captain Holmes, of the steamer Atenns,, brought a report that tho Americans, Cannon and Groce, supposed to have been executed- in Nicaragua, are alive when he reached this port today. His report is based upon a wire less message picked up by his ship, and it is not given much credence here. Holmes says tho message was re ceived November 27, and that It was supposedly sent from Blueflelds. It stated that Groce and Cannon were alive' and were in prison at Managua, it added that 26 other Americans had been imprisoned at President Zelaya's order. Child Sleuth Is Captured. New York, Nov. 30. Seven-year-old Arthur Lewis' quick wit in not ing the number of an automobile driven by a reckless driver earned him a gold medal today. The medal was presented by tho Highways Pro tective Association, which appreciat ed the lad's alertness in spying out the number and writing It clown on the sidewalk with a piece of hcalk. The child's action caused the arrest of the chauffeur of the car, Who had knocked down and seriously injured a man. Supreme Court Holds That Lord Lovelace Is Entitled to the Race Purse. Holding that tho circuit court for Marlon county erred In- not sustain ing a demurrer of tho plaintiff in the case of E. B. Tongue against tho State Board of Agriculture for Ore gon, a suit to collect $300 as a stake won by Lord Lovelace in 1904, tho supreme court today reversed the lower court's judgment and remand ed tho case for further consideration. Tho case has been pending in the supreme court for four years, it hav ing been started in tho Marlon coun ty circuit court In 1904. Tho ap pellant in the ense, E. B. Tongue, was ownor of Lord Lovelace, a 2-year old colt, which ho entered In the stake for district-bred foals of 1902, to be raced for the stake of $300 at the stato fair in 1904. Lord Love lace won the stake, uut the owner was unable to collect It, and started suit in the court presided over by. Judge Burnett, of this county. Tho main question presented by the defendants in. objecting, was that there was no testimony Introduced to show that the race horse had been foaled in this district, nor that it was a young horse. In the opinion written by Justice Eakin,-it Is held that the blank presented to Mr. Tonguo as an Invitation to enter his horso, contained none of these speci fications, and that whether or not tho above contentions wore material In 8hqwing that tho colt, Lord Love lace, was a legitimate entry cannot bo considered in tho cause, and re versos tho lower tribunal's decree. Other opinions handed down by the supreme court today are: Orlinna Jensen, appellant, vs Curry County, respondent; J. W. Hamilton, judge for Curry-county; lower court's decree reversed by Chiof Justice Moore. Sarah Agnes St. Dennis, appellant. vs. It. Harras. respondent, appealed from the circuit court of Umatilla county; H. J. Bean, judge; reversed In an opinion by Justice Eakin. Carl Howltt and Anson Hewitt, re. spondents, vs. George L. Huffman, appollant; appealed from the olrcult court of Union county; J. W. Knowles, Judge; affirmed by Justice McBrlde. Robert Jamleson, respondent, vs. John Potts, appellant; appealed from the circuit court of Umatilla county; M. J. Bean, Judge; affirmed In an opinion written by Justice Slater. Mexic one mm eiH& TOME IN HIS SUIT Searohes for Lost Daughter and Finds Clever Substitute Bilks Him Out of $2,500. SHREWD GAME IS DISCOVERED AND BOLD OPERATIVES ARE UNDER ARREST 0 Upon Dying Request -of Wife, James 0'Kelley to Find Miss ing Daughter and Bestow GifLof $5,000 Upon 'Her, He Seeks Advice of So-Called Clairvoyant to His Sorrow. UNITED TRESS LEASED WIRE. San Francisco, Nov. 30. A con spiracy was laid bare hero today In which James O'Kelly, a wealthy tow boat man of Coos Bay, figured as tho dupe of a so-called clairvoyant, "Dr.' Astro, alias Alexander. Through tho aid of a woman claiming to be his wife, but who was known as Stella Mason or Tynan, onco an actress. Astro is alleged to havo attempted to fleece O'Kelly of $5000, by pro tending to him that tho Mason wo man was his long lost daughter, for whom he has been searching. When O'Kelly's wife died recently her last wishNvas that her husband find the missing daughter of her first marriage, and give to her $5000 be sides her valuable trousseau. In searching for tho missing girl, O'Kelly came hero and met "Dr."' Astro, clairvoyant, who promised to produce the missing girl through the aid of his mysterious power. SAWMILL HAND IS SHOT BY FOREMAN E. G. Hurst, who up to yesterday afternoon was an employ? of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company's plan ing mill at Wendling, was shot in tho right arm and left hand yesterday af ternoon by Al Seekatz, foreman of the mill, but the injuries are not se rious. Thie trouble arose over Seekats dis charging Hurst from the mill. Ac cording to the story received at tho oficfes of Sheriff Bowen and Deputy District Attorney Skipworth today, Hurst and another employo of tho mill named Wright had some trouble between themselves, and Wright told the foreman a lot of things about Hurst, reflecting on his character. Seekatz, believing Hurst to bo a bad man, discharged him yesterday after noon, whereupon Hurst knocked tho foreman down. Seekatz, who was armed with a revolver, pulled tho WW I 1 1 iilWfMI 1 CS-HH..Wf-HlM i till i-HHWH Special THE OREGON AWWflrl AaJiJU VIA 1 1111 The Dalles, Oregon, December ? and 3, 1909 One and One-third Fare on the Certificate Plan Will be made from all points on tho Southern Pacific (linos In Oro-S gon. to Tho Dalles and return Tickets on salo November 29. 30. December 1, 2 and 3 Final return limit December C IMPORTANT ADDRESSES will be made by representatives of tho U. S. Department of Agrlcul- wL. WV' ?,?oa RoatlB' Prof Pb"'P 8. RoserMadfson, VYB' 5 P,,ar?' d,tor American Throsherman; Hon. Lionel R Webster, Portland, Oregon, and others, on subjects of importance $200.00 IN GOLD will be given as prizes for the best wheat raised in Oregon. SILVER CUP for outfit threshing $100.00 prize bushel of grain. for further Information call on any S. P. agent or write to Wm. McMurray, Goneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND - OREGON 1H M H 1111 l-WI N H 1 S I MH fMal I l a l a4U& i Extra Pri $60,00 Brass Bed and a Table, Bought and on display at Buren & Hamil ton's furniture store, ' (See window display,) O'Kelly was told that the missing child would bo found at tho Malta apartments In this city. O'Kelly pro ceeded to that placo and found a girl, who wept copiously on his shoulder, and convinced O'Kelly that she was the party ho was looking for by producing photographs of hor dead mother. This photograph, tho police claim, was stolen by the clair voyant from O'Kelly. - When she nrnd hopI thn rTmfnrnri. " - j'..wvvj)it.jii O Kelly turned over part of the ouuu. no was to hand her tho re maining part today, but when ho Went back to tho Affiltn nnnt-trnnnf his susp'cions wero aroused by tho una mat tne gin was missing. He reported the case to tho police, WhO detailed Kfivnrnl rial the case. Tho girl was apprehended last night, while preparing to loavo the CltV. Aftnr n nlihf In InH v - - - " O I ... JU14 OUU confessed to Detective Redmond, and -astro was taicen into custody. weapon from his pocket and began firlntr at Hurst. Mi fl ing him on the right arm, between the wrist and elbow, and the second shot grazing his left hand. Another shot went through tho coat of a hy stander, but did Jnot injure him. There was great excitement at Wond- nng at me time, and thoro was a report in Eugene tnt the man who was shqt had been killed. Hurst came to Eugene this fore noon and had Dr. Kuykendall dress tho wounds, which aro pronounced not serious. No comnlnlnt linn linn against Seekatz, and Deputy District jitturixey onipworwi stated this after noon that ho did not know whether there would be one or not. Eugono Herald. VETERAN SORRY HE QUIT U. S. FOR KING Denver, Nov. 30. May a man for Rate To THRESH A THIN 1 H I I 1 1 1 D 1 I WWi ll 1 M m f y M-y f f a i tttl PI H I (D C HP 1 al $25,00 Princess Dressing f ERS zes Added the second timo obtain naturalization papors in this country nftor having returned to tho land of nativity and becomo a subject thoro? That Is tho .quostion which now confronts tho Fodoral authorities in Donvor. David J. Ellsworth, born In Can ada, canio to the United States in 18C2, servod with honor throughout tho civil war, was naturalized in Donvor in 187G, and for many years drew a ponslon. Hearing of tho possibilities- of wealth in Canada, Ellsworth went to Alberta in 1902 and obtained title to a valuable farm, but bofore doing so, again became a subjoct of Groat Britain. Ho prospered and now wants to spond his declining years in Colorado and has applied again for papors. ABE RUEF APPEALS FOR BETTER QUARTERS Man Votes "Dry;" Falls Dead. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 30. Oscar Hall, tax commissioner of Baldwin county, fell dead at his homo a few minutes after voting for tho amend ment providing prohibition for tho stato. Physicians said death was duo to heart falluro, Induced by oxclte mont. ' , , In From Big Hunt. UNITED PIIKSB LEASED WIIIE.1 ' Londlann, B. E. A., Nov. 30. The Roosovolt hunting party arrived hero today from a trip to tho Ingunsha platoau district, which has extended over several wooks. Evory inombor of tho party was In excellent health. They reported gamo abundant, and brought sovoral specimens to camp to bo mounted for tho Smithsonian Institution. McCnnn Denied Now Trial. UNITED MESH LEABED WIIUJ.l Chlcngo, Nov. 30. Tho motion of Pollco Inspector Edward McCann for a new trial was donled today. Mc Cann was convicted of bribery during tho recent tenderloin scandals, as a result of which several pollco ofll clnls wero Indicted. UN'ITKD I'lIKSS IJ3ASKD WI11H. ' Now York, Nov. 30. With his bid for tho Jeffries-Johnson champion ship battle safe In tho hands of Stako holder Bob Murphy, Tom McCaroy, tho Los Angoles promoter, now has nothing to do but to fold his hands and wait until tho proposals aro opened In Hobokon tomorrow. McCarey appears to bo confident that he will land tho light for Los Angeles. Conservative Gotham sports today aro spreading tho rumor that tho pro moter who secures the Jeffries Johnson battle will not havo to pay moro than $100,000 for tho plum. Yestorday reports wero rlfo that at least two of tho blddors would go ovor the contury mark, but thoso who claim to be In closo touch with tho sovoral fight magnates who havo gathered hero doclaro tho statomQiits to bo without foundation. Evoryono seems to be agreod that tho battle will go to a California bidder. Joffrlos, it was roportod to day, favors fighting In Lob AhkoIcs. in case, of courso, that tho financial consideration offered by McCaroy ap proximates otnor ortors. Johnson stated today that Los Angeles and San Francisco aro equally satisfac tory to mm, and that ho Is nrenarod to furnish some high-class entortaln- ment whorovor tho mill Is staged. ' o Fust Races Kxpecled. UNITED l'llKHH UUfSED WIIW.1 Los Augqies, Cal., Nov. 30. Tho Apporson Jack Rabbit, which won tho automobile raceB at Santa Mon ica last summor when a now world's record wub made, Is tho first entry received by Waltor Honipel for the big six-hour rnco which Is to bo tho feature of tho races at Ascot Speod w' Sunday, D&combor 2. Tho moot will I u hold under the ausplcos of tho Lob Angeles Motor Racing Asso. elation. It Is expected that tho Isot ta, Palmer-SIngor, Stoarns, Cadillac, Corbln, Sunsot nnd Maxwell will bo among tho oars entored in tho grill ing contoat. Tho entry of tho Appor son l lookod upon hero as a practi cal guarantoo that othor fast cars will bo onterod. HarrlB Hanehue, who has handled tho fleet machlno In other rst porformancos, will bo nt tho wheel, and manw drlvm-a imv.a oponly oxprostfod u strong dofjlro to iuku me jbck Jiuuuit man into camp. Ituiohbtng lu Session, Borlln, Nov. 30.- The relohatag, wnloh ro-convenod today, listened to the kaiser's spoooh. which the depu ties applauded VlCOroirslv. Thn nam. monies occupied but teu mlnutoa. Tho session promises to be unusually ANGELS LIKELY TO BET MILL PANIC1 IN English Houses of Parliament in Chaotic Cdndition Ovec Adoption of Budget. CABINET WILL RESIGN IF DOCUMENT IS REJECTED Police Aro Hold In Rescrvo to Frus trate Any Attempt of Demonstra tion Authorities Fear Public Will Mnko a Rush Upon Houso of. Lords Any Moment. UNimn rnnss lbashp wide. London, Nov. 30. Groat crotfds gatherod about tho Houso of Parlia ment tonight, while tho final discus sion of tho budget procoedod, with ovory prospect that it would bo de feated by a majority of 250. The cablnot remained in session, prepar ing to resign whon It is expected that parliament will bo dissolved, follow ing tho rejection of tho financial' measure. Tho groatest excitement prevails, and It is feared that financial chaos will follow tho announcement of tho result. It was not believed a vote would bo reached before midnight. Heavy pollco detachments nro on hand to provent an outbreak or dem onstration. Many courses nro open to Promier Asqulth, but ho has not lndicatod? which ho will follow. Many urgo tho premier to threaten tho lords with a financial crisis, and ask him to pre sent tho budget to thom with tho al ternative of passing it or causing a panic. Lord Curzon arose from his sick bed and dollvorod a powerful appeal' for tho rojoctlon of tho measure. Tho peors nro Httlo affected by the argumonts In favor of tho budget, or tho expressions of dangor following its rejection. It appears that tho majority has mado up Its mind firmly on tho mat ter, and Httlo hood Is given any ar gument dollvorod In nn endeavor to offect a change Financial confuBlon prevails, the logal authorities agreeing that, In tho ovont of Lord Lansdowno's motion prevailing, tho situation croatod will prevent tho collection of taxes nxcopt thoso provided for by permanent laws. Lansdowno moved to postpone tho budget until nftor tho oleotlon, anil' tho approval of this motion means tho defeat of. tho budget. Tho authorities fear that tho public will attempt a hostile demonstration, nnd may evon attempt to rush Into tho chambor where tho lords sit. Tho situation l tho most tonso known in years. Ono of tho groat olimnxes in England's history is at hand. JOHNSON LAUGHS AT POLICEMAN Did Not Violate New York- Penal Code by Issuing a Challenge. Now York. Nov. 30 Ttonllnlnf ir an'oasy ohalr in a Brooklyn ppllco court today, Jack Johnson grinned his goldon smllo while Mnglstrato Dooloy road a lecture to tho patrol man who had arrostod tho hoavy wolglit champion. JohllKnii finnniiiiruitl frnm tim oini of a burlcsquo thontor that ho will moot Sam- Langford. tho Boston "beggar," within thirty days ir Lnngford will post n sido hot of $10,000. Offlcor Gnrdnor Immo dlatelv nlnon thn nni'm iiminp nn 'rest, olalmlng ho had violated thor iMuviHioii in mo ponai codo forbid ding tho iBsuanca of prlzo fight ohal- IUI1KUH. Magistrate Dooloy promptly dis charged thn lift? liliu-U arraigned for proll miliary exnmina- nun. iv uruwu wini iiftti OOIlgrOKOtOd Olltsldo tha cOlirt rnnm tnmiml TAAan. a choer when .lohnnrm. nHll umtttiu' appeared on tho street. o . BlHliop iremlrlck Dead. NOW York. Nftt' -in A tllnnntnl,. ' - - -' - - - - " - ......... VVI. from Manila, received late today. Thomas Hendrlok, of tho diocese, of ueou, rrijippino islands. Ho had booh a sufferer from ohninm f Mi- many weeks. Bishop Hondrlck waH consecrated in Rom In 1003. Her took chareo of the ('Aim (linnnua ! following year.