Hi i UKiut OAI'ITAIi JOURNAL, SAIiEBI, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1000 PAGK WX ll-.5. 1 nit i !. r.. Ooo PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES TV RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle Ooo Sunday, November 28.-PnBtor Rus ecll of "Brooklyn Tabornaclc" preach ed today from the abovo text. lie said: There Is n bonuty and consistency In the Bible which many overlook, to tholr own coufuslon. Falling to "right ly dlvldo the Word of Truth" (II Tim othy 11. 10), falling ti discriminate between tho consecrated bollevors and nominal bollevera of the world, which theBIblo everywhere recognizes, has led to this confusion. To the loglcally-inlnd-cd thus confused, tho Bible Is an unrea sonable Book, Inconsistent with facts. Theso mattors are well Illustrated In our text, which was addressed, not to all mankind, nor to merely nominal Christlans-but to Christians; "in God tho Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ." as the Introduction shows. This word in means something more than la generally appreciated. Nolo the Savior's words. "If n man lovo me ho will keep my words; nnd my Father will lovo him. and we will como unto him and make our abode with him." "I am In my Father, and yo In mo and I In you" (John xlv. 20. 23). Tho wholo testimony of the Scriptures Is that those who attain to this glorious one new with tho Father and with tho Son arb In all but a "little flock" and nmnniTRt thorn nro "not many great, not many wise, not many learned." j 11 la IV tula vii.ra ,w.w .....v - - i- tures nro addressed though to sorao extent Including n Justlllcd class sup posedly approaching this sanctlllcd condition. These may well bo inform ed by tho Apostlo that thoy should "In everything give thanks." when In full harmony with tho Dlvluo will. But note tho coufuslon of attempting to apply theso words to the world In gcnoral. What has the world to be thankful for from its own standpoint? It knbws not what God's future pur poses arc, which, therefore, cannot en ter Into its consideration. And with out that knowledge of coming blesslnga llfo Is often so little. appreciated that self-destruction Is preferred. Undoubt edly tho number of suicides would bo far greater tlrnu It is, were It not fr n certain fear or dread that the future might bo uioro terrible than the present. Tho nvorago man, hcotucn nnd civ ilized, knows that his coming Into the world was without his consent. Ilo cats and drinks and sleeps nnd Inbors, liecnuso theso uro necessities. IJo has heoduches and heartaches, and every other kind. Altogether his experience is, "of fow years and full of trouble." His chief pleasure is In hoping for and striving to attain pleasure. And when the "cup" of supposed happiness is In his hand, tho gall of bitterness Is found mingled with It, nnd Its dregs are sorrows. Can such n man bo thank ful? especially If ho has been taught tho doctrine of tho "daric ages- re specting the future thnt whon he shall die he will olthor bo ushered into n Purgatory of centuries or tor ture Indoscrlbable, or. worse still, that his lot will bo to suffer eudlossly un-Ic-b-j ho should be ouo of the saints, which he well knows ho Is not, nnd whlah wo all know, ns the Blulo de clares, are but "few." Surely to call upon such people for thankfulness to God would bo an absurdity. And it is to the credit of tho Scriptures that thoy are not thus absurd, and that our text Is nddrossed, not to theso who constitute tho masses, but to tho "lit tle flock'tho saints. Groaning Creation' Hope. Before proceeding to apply our text to tho class to which It la mldrossed (tho saints), we pause to consider tho hope of the world In general, as sot forth In tho Scriptures. The knowl edge of thin hope Is not granted to tho wor(d. but to the salnts-thut thoy might know, might appreciate, tho gra cious purnfiww of God toward mankind hi gonoriU: and that lhy might undor Htawl also tho Divine Intention respect ing their co-oporntlon with Uod, lu thu Hotlines he purposes to bring tvotitu Klly to all the families of the earth. The explanation of the sorrows of the world Is given lu the Bible; which tolls us that sin llos at tho door and that the nu'iitttl, moral and physical bloinlshoi) winch cause Immunity such dlstr.otw are incidental to the poimlty pronounced nuHi'int n; namely, duath. The soul thut ttlunuth. It shall die." lloofluso Father Adam whuu on trial roprosoutatlvoly for lite face sluned mid came under slu's puiutlty, "Dying thou Shalt dlo." theruforo all his chil dren sharing In his tmiwfectlons are llkeylso lmporfoot-slnuors. as fit. Paul explains (Uommm v, J2i. Thus, dur ing -sixty vonturio!. approximately twouty thousand millions of Adam's children have boon "bora lu sin and Hhapou In luluuay.- mul have- conn into ftho world condemned and dying, intmtmiy, morally mid physically. Divine sympathy exercised toward this rnco of filnnern .provided Snvlur. "who for the Joy that wiw sot before lilm sacrificed his life or tho world (John ill. Hh. ".loeui Christ by . tho ciwtf of l IhwUmI tluulh for every Minn.'' Tliwi Instoml of OohIIuk with tho world. lntel of tmvlng tho world. Install of string un pwiiIh1 Klnidom to t tho world. Bit Sav ior flkl. wJ0tllnK ol. And tuu whWji lo has imu doing from the time of dtu uutU UQW ,,M tS0? do Kplnlim to u la "a wywirj (1 OOO PULPIT... In Every Thing Give Thanks! "In Every Tiling Give Thanks, For This Is the Will of God Concerning You In Christ Jesus" (I Thcssalonians v, 18). o oO-" "" ""' ''" '"" 1 "' Corinthians xv, 01; Epheslans 1. 0; Itoinuus xl. 25). "The mystery of God" tho world does not understand, because God prefers to keep the mat ter a mystery from them. But "the secret of the Lord Is with them that fear him und he will show them his Covouunt" (Psalm xxv, 14). "The mystery" Is. that God purposed that the blessing of tho world should be accomplished by our Savior alone, but In association with a select class of saints gathered out of the world nnd specially taught and prepared In the School of Christ during this ago. Not otily Is this feature of tho Divine Plan Scripturnlly called "the mystery of God." which will be linlshed by tho close of this aire, but additionally tho Church herself Is Scrlpturally termed "the mystery of God" the Mystic Body of Christ. "For God gave Christ to bo tho Heud over tho Church, which Is his Body." "Ye are members in particular of tho Body of Christ," which is tho Church (Ephesiaus 1, 'i, 23; I Corinthians xil, 27). Durlmr these lone centuries required for tho (hiding of this saintly clnss for whom tho Lord has been searenmg with tho magnet of Truth, various false theories have sprung up and found ncceptauco In tho world. Ono of these is thnt God docs not love the world and has never purposed Its sal vation; but that, on the contrary, he fore-ordainod and predestinated that all except tho "elect saints" should suf fer eternal torture, because he wished to have It so. Another wrong theory which gained acceptance was that whilst God wishes to save the world, ho finds himself unable to do so, be cause handicapped by human self-will and' by the aggressiveness of Satan, who has blinded and deceived the vast majority and has them completely In his power through Ignorance and su perstition. This theory tells us that God loves tho world. Including tho hentheu millions, and that ho lougs to have the Gospel taken to them, but cannot do so, except through human agency, nnd Is disappointed and baf fled, because those who profess to bo his people fall to raise sulllclent mis sionary douatlons. To rational minds theso theories which Bntlslied In the past aro no longer satisfactory; hence many aro turned to infidelity. As tho Scriptures say, "My people perish for lack of knowledge" (Ilosoa lv. 0). The Hope of the Resurrection. Leaving these unsatisfactory errors of the "dark ages" and going back to the Scriptures wo find their teachings consistent; namely, that as soon ns the "mystery." the Church, Is com pleted, the blessing of God will pro ceed through Tho Christ (Hcnd and mombors) to tho world. As It Is writ ton, "In thy Seed shall all tho faml lios of the earth be blessed." The mystery, be it known. Is that tho spir itual "Seed of Abraham" Is not tho Lord Jesus only, but Includes also his members-the Church. As wo rend. "If yo be Christ's, then are ye Abra ham's Seed, and heirs according to tho promise" (Galatlans ill, 20). According to the Scriptures the bless ing of God will proceed through Spir itual Israel, a "Itoyal Priesthood." "after the order of Melchlzedec." to natural Israel tinder the terms of their New Covenant (Jeremiah xxxl. 31). During the Millennial Ago under tho spiritual Kingdom of The Christ (op erating through the earthly Kingdom of Israeli all nations will be Instruct ed, enlightened, blessed. Not only so. but the merit of Christ will then be applied also on behalf of the thousands of intllliiUN who have gone down Into the prlHon huuw of death ieuf. Aaw -the jnnv. The Church will consti tute the "Flint Resurrection," "Ills resurrection." All sharing In It will attain life on the spirit plane like unto the aimoU. but superior, "far abovo nngeU." ljiter during the Millennium the world will return from the tomb, "every ihan hi his own order" il Corin thians xv. UHi. And the rwurreetliig proved will continue with them, to the Intent that the willing and obedient may continue to rUo gradually to ward perfection and finally attain It; while Mt the Mime time the earth will b reluveikvtted and become the prom ised "Paradise regained" - restored (Acta III, 1U-U1). "Give ThanUt, For He la Good." Looking down Into the future pro phetically the PfuUintat uxclnlms, lu view of the Kingdom hlatwlnga prom iMd to tho world. "O nlve thanks unto the lord. for h Is good! for his muroy oudureth forovor'." It Is tho mmxy of God toward us and toward all who UMtd hi uiorcy and who duntro It that Is thu ground for thanksgiving. True, praise must eouio from thankful hearts, and In order to be properly thankful, one must soo mtmt tlnui Is now visible to those who Uhvo not the eye of faith and the our of faith and th Divine rovolHiion rtwiHK-Miue OiIiikh to come. But It le tho very oppartUHltlOM that the Lord vomwentted uikm posow: "Uleiwed are your eyos. tor thoy poo flttd your oar, fur thuy hwm" Siot pnly wi. but to tli ttxtoiit that my euro eye see hjhI htg oars hear uf the grace uf God U Ihw rwtwtulhllti,v. To ihimmx the kHowlodgo or Uod and to disdain It In to roeolvo the graea of God In valu. whether more or less (11 Corinthians vl. 1). God's people not only give thanks for the blessings of the future which they receive by faith, but nddltioually they appreciate blessings granted to them In advance in the prosent life and give thnuks for those. The first of these Is the knowledge, the appre ciation, of the goodness of (Sod In granting us a release from sin ami lis penalty by faith, so that we nut (with out waiting for actuulltiesi now re joice In the mercy which has Justified us freely by Divine grace through faith In the blood of Christ. The reallzn tlon of the rolling away of our tund of sin. a realization of our forgiveness by the Father, calls for gratitude, tnr thanksgiving, and this cause cniilliiu Ing. our thanks continue. We wciv lifted from the horrible pit and Hie miry clay ot sin and coudcuiuntinti nnd our feet were placed upon Hie Rock Christ Jesus. It was in conse quence of this that a new soug was put Into our mouth, even the lovlng kltidnesg of our God. And this Is the first cause for our thankfulness. Alt other blessings rest upon this blesslug and all other thanksgivings should properly, therefore. Include thanks for this blessing. Additionally after being Justified we were Inducted Into a still further grace or privilege, namely, the privilege ot becoming members of the Body of Christ, members of the "mystery" class. The Invitation to this class the Apostle expresses thus. "I beseech you. brethren, by the mercies ot God (your justification) that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accept able unto God. which Is your reason able service" (Romans xil. 11. Through this grace or privilege. If accepted, we gain the opportunity of a change of nature from human to Divine. Our human nature justified, cleansed, made acceptable to God as a sacrifice through the merit of Christ, if sacri ficed by un faithfully, will be replaced by a spirit nature and glory, honor. Im mortality, jolut-helrshlp. with our Lord and Head. What cause wo have in this for thanksgiving: What shall wo render uato the Lord our God for ail his benefits towards us? "We wilt take the cup of salvation (his cup. tho cup of self-sacrificei and call upon the name of the Lord (for assistance to drink pf the Master's cup). We will pay our vows of consecration unto tho Lord-publlcly before all his people" (Psalm cxvl. 12-14). "Every Joy ho sends mo Comets a sweet anil glad surprise." The very fact that we do uot know everything: the fact that we are ever learning as pupils In the School of Christ, so far from 'being a cause of disappointment. Is a source of pleas ure. "The heart that has come Into fnlth-union and communion with the Lord learns something more dally re specting the Heavenly Father's love and care, and each fresh item of knowledge' is a new well-spring of pleasure. "He xatistieth the longing soul." "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." "Goodness nnd mercy follow me nil the days of my life." These are the experiences of those ripe Christians called upon by the Apostle to give thanks unto God In every mat ter and to know that this -is God's will in respect to all those who are mem bers of Christ "In Christ Jesus" (Psalm evil. 0; Matthew v. (I; Psalm xxlll. 0). Thanks Through Tears. Let us not overlook the fact that our text Indicates that we are to give thanks for our sorrows, our trials, our disappointments, as well as for our Joys and pleasures, for cvcrytljiiis in cludes all things. Nor Is tills the only Scripture to this effect. Hearken to the Apostle's words which urge the members of Christ to rejoice In tribu lation, not because tribulation is a Joy producer, but. as he explains. Tribu lation works out additional patience and patience brings additional experi ence and larger experience brings lar ger hope, until we are not ashamed of our tribulations, because of increased love of God shed abroad in our hearts, thereby (Romans v. 3; vill, 3.n. The bnsis of all these blessings and rojolclngs both as respects the future nnd the present experiences Is faith. First, in the fact" that thore is a God. Second. In the fact that he has n noble eharactor. Third. In the fact that his Wisdom. Justice, Love and Power are perfect and thoroughly coordinated.! Fourth, In the fact that all of those powers are onllsled In tho salvation of the world. Fifth. In the fact that that salvation bugan to be worked out by our Lord at his First Advent. Sixth. In the fact that it Is still working out lu tho selection of his Church. Sev enth. In tho "fact that shortly It will begin to take pructlwl shape in the es tablishment of Christ's Millennial King dom. iSlghlh. in the fact that through that Kingdom a bleswlug shall extend to every oroature of our race. So. then, l't every man to the extent of his enlightenment appreciate ' and confer tho Almighty God and give thanks nntO "llU name, because he Is good and hocuuse his mercy etulureth forever. And let tho who have tast ed of his grm-o iuwue on. that tliev may grow lu gniOe. grow lu knowl edge. rV U fulU d grow In dwir-actor-UUtuuw tu our God. Ann let his saints tiddrotwed lu thU text more aud more annrwtrtato- (heir wouderrul prlvl luge, itiflh high cHlllug of God lu Christ Jwtos to he heirs of God aud Jdnt holrs with JewiiH Christ our I.ord-lf be that thoy suffer with him. that they amy Ih hUh gluriHed together. And kiMiwIug that tliv have ueed f faliU and iHUlence- and character develop ment, let thWH' Hrinly tnwt the Great Toucher omt wlwt may- nd irivo thanks, for very experience of life, knowing that our Father Is too wise to err and reuimborlng the Master's womIk. "TUf Fathar himself loveth vou" (John xvl. 27 1. ANOTHER RECORD Our sale from January 1 st, 1 909, to November 26, 1 909, exceeded sale tlie entire year. of 1908 IF YOU HAVE CASH TO SPEND TRADE AT 7) Kills t'O Stop tuo Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye of Gladwin, Minn., was a run ning ulcer. He paid doctors ovr $400 without benefit. Then Buck Hn's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him. 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Those that have not already looked over our Book line for Christmas had better come today, for we are offering lots of money-saving reductions now GET ACQUAINTED with our pleasant salespeople; thev delight in making you feel at home at the store which has always served the people with good, honest goods for the past thirty years, COME TODAY and inspoot thl grand Book display, Books for every member of the famiiy, So come . 14 today before the big rush and shop with pleasure, roke: N This leaves us three business days in November and the en tire month of December for increasing, our sales over last year, and December is ajways the best business month in the year. This remarkable increase in our sales is due to ouij straightfonvardbusiness methods and our spot-cash plan, which enables us to undersell "credit stores," We in tend that every article that leaves the store shall prove satis factory to the purchaser. That's why customers come again and bring their friends with them. y fa Deutschor Yercin, Achtung. Jahrtes-Versammlung und Neu wahl der Beampten des Salem Deut schen Verein's wird abgehalten Son tag den 28ten November, Nachmit tags 2 Uhr. Halle, 420 State street. "WM. HUMBURG, 11-2G-27 Secretaer. o Try a Journal want ad. N BOOK "THE OLD RELIABLE" How good a yawn tastes at about ten o'clock in the evening, just be fore going to bed! Dr. Shoop's Healtn Coffee Is cre ated from pure parched grains, malt, nuts, etc. no real coffee in it. Fine in flavor is "made in a minute." No 20 or 30 minutes tedloua boiling, sample free. J. W. Harritt. and urinary irregularities. and vigor. Refuse substitutes. VALUES 6 t 4