Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1909, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Recent Decision of Comptroller
of Treasury of Interest
to Western States.
Washington, Nov. 27. Peoplo who
htove contributed labor or material
towards the completion of th Nortli
PJatto reclamation project nnd have
not yot bean paid, will get tholr mo
noy, according to a decision ronder
qd today by tho comptroller of th,o
troasury. In vlow of that fact that
similar conditions to those oxlsting in
the North Platto Valloy apply also
in other localities, this decision is of
opnsidorablo importanco in tho west
ern states.
Persons who wanted to secure wat
or rights aftor tho government work
Wflfl completed called the North Platto
Valley Users' Association. ThlB or
ganization ontoHod into a contract
with tho United States representatives
by which it guaranteed tho payment
by its members of charges assessed
against their lands for water rights
nnd also promised to furnish labor
and material certificates to the
amount of $33,773, of which $12,320
had boon accopted by tho engineor In
chargo as payments upon wator
rights. Then early in December tho
attorney general renderod. nn opinion
mnnt nnil tlin nnannlnMnn wnn vnM
and unwarranted.
As thoro nro no woutstnnding in
tho hands of private holders certif
icates to tho amount of $21,453 nnd
as thoy roproBent work and material
actually furnished to tho reclamation
eorvlco, tho nocrotary of the interior
asked tho comptroller, in view of tho
nttornoy general's opinion, how ho
could discharge tho obligations, Bay
ing that thoro was now in tho recla
mation troasury onough monoy to pay
in cash.
Tho comptroller, in, his doclBlon,
says that payments should bo made
to tho persons who actually did tho
work and that tho more fact that a
person may hold a certlflcato gives
no right to tho payment to him of
tho amount stated on its faco. "Tho
cortiflcatos," ho said, "woro intended
to bo suflfclont ovldonco that tho hol
der had to porform tho sorvlco, or
had paid someono olso to porform it,
or had paid tho original holdor of
oucii certificates its valuo. AVhoro tho
certificates do not show on their face
that they have boon assigned they
would bo prime facie evidence that
the holder performed tho servico or
paid someone, olso to porform it for
him. Tho holdor of an unassigned
certificate should therefore bo pre
sumed to have performed tho servico
and the presentation of this certlfl
cato would bo sufficient evidence of
this fact nnd would ontitle him to
payment, Whoro tho certificates ap
pear to havo beon assigned the holder
by assignment would not bo entitled
to payment. In such cases tho pay
mont, if any, should be made to tho
person to whom the certificates was
originally issued.
"No duty devolves upon tho recla
mation sorvJco to seo that tho asso
ciation makes any paymonts to any
person who performed work or holds
certificates. It Is the duty of the ser
vico to pay the porson who perform
ed tho sorvlco, or procured its per
formance, regardless of who Is now
the holder of fho certificates Issued,
and leave the parties to work out
their cquitioe and legal rights among
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's' Colic, Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Remedy.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy for
several years for diarrhoea. I con
sider it tho best remedy I havo over
tried for that trouble. I bought a
bottlo of it a fow days ago from our
druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I shall
over be glad to speak a word in its
praise whop I havo the opportuni
ty." Rev. J. D. Knapp, pastor
M. E. church, Mills Grovo, Pa. Sold
by all good druggists.
PrpHpect for the Man "Who Invests
Capitu In Hotel Husliifss Slim in
Dry Counties.
As Salem Is to havo a largo first
class modem hotel, tho following tel
egram headed: "Town Dry; Hotel
C1080B." will interest many of our
A Cnra.
This is to certify that all druggists
uro authorized to refund your monoy
It Foley's Honoy and Tar fails to
euro your cough or cold. It ptops
tho cough, heals tho lungs and pro.
vonts Borlous rosults from a cold,
prevents pneumonia and consump
tion. Contains no opiates. Tha
gonulno is in a yellow package. Ro
fuso substitutes. J. C. Porry.
Por&T Or"8, "ft ?&-Fred
Wilson, an animal trainer for the
Don Carlos animal shows, which is
in winter quarters here, is in the
hospital suffering from terrible
wounds inflicted by an infuriated
baloon yesterday.
Wilson entered a cage containing
twenty animals -to feed them. Sud
denly a large baboon leaped from a
dark corner of the cage and seized
him by the throat. A furious bat
tle ensued lasting several minutes,
hlrli WilHon manaKed to
the animal's teeth. Tho baboon's
nnwa nnH fppt. dlrl terrible execu
tion, however, anu wnsons lower
extremeties were badly lacerated.
Frightened and weak from loss of
blood, Wilson fell face downward on
the floor of the cage. The wild ani
mals then gnawed his left arm untl
it was almost denuded of flesh.
Wednesday ievening a grand
Thanksgiving ball was given at Junk
er's hall, at Sandy. Before tho danc
ing began there was a short literary
program in German. President Otto
Kleonan, of the German Federation
of Portland, delivered tho opening
address. He was introduced by John
Bosholm, of Boring,- president of tho
German society, in some appropriate
Hen Wormser, of the Portland
German therater, gave a number of
humorous recitations that delighted
the large audience, and then the
dancing began, which lasted until 5
o'clock in the nlorning. Balls were
also given at Gresham and jflstacada.
Itoutellc to Appeal.
(Photo by Lowenfolt of Gladys Cole and Her Pet Spitz.
Tho marriage of Miss Gladys Cole, a former Salem girl, and Mr. Harry
L. Young, of Tacoma, was celebrated In Tacoma Tuesday, November 16.
The ceremony was performed by Re v. Mr. Clapman at the residence,
3C11 North Ferdinand street, where Mr. and Mrs. Young will make their
Th'o marriage Is the culmination of a pretty romance, beginning
when both were schoolday companions In Fnirchlld, Wis. Mrs. Yourig is
tho only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Cole, of Tacoma, formerly of
Salem, Her friends are legion among the young people hjere, and she has
a winsome personality that will make her as many in Tacoma.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 27. Attor
neys representing F. A. Boutelle, su
perintendent of the Tacoma Railway
& Power Company, today appealed to
the superior court for relief from a
$100 fine imposed in police court
here yesterday for failure of the com
pany to furnish adequate car service.
The "pure food law" is designed
by the government to protect the
public from injurious ingredients in
both food and drugs. It is beneflcltl
both to the public and to the con
scientious manufucturer. Ely's
Cream Balm, a successful remedy
for cold in the head, nasal catarrh,
hay fever, etc., containing no inju
rious drugs, maets fully the require
ments of the new law, and that fact
is prominently stated on every pack
age. It contains none of the inju
rious drugs which are required by
the law to be mentioned on the la
bel. Hence you can use it safely.
No man or woman here whoso
kidneys nro out of order, or wh
suffers from backache or bladder
misery, can afford to leave Papo-o
Diuretic untried.
After taking several doses, all
pains in tho back, sides or loins,
rheumatic twinges, nervousness,
headache, sleeplessness, inflamed or
swollen eyelids, dizziness, tired or
worn-out feeling and other symj-.-toms
of clogged, sluggish kidneys
simply vanish.
Uncontrollable urlnatlon( (espe
cially at night), smarting, discol
ored water and nil bladder misery
The moment you suspect the
slightest kidney or bladder disor
der, or feel rheumatism pains don't
continue to be miserable or worried,
but get a 50-cent treatment ( of
Pape's Diuretic from your druggist
and start taking as directed, with
the knowledge that there Is no med
icine, at any price, made anywhere
else in the world, which is so harm
less or will effect so thorough and
prompt a cure.
This unusual preparation goes di
rect to the cause of trouble, distrib
uting its cleansing, healing and vi
talizing influence directly upon the
organs and glands affected and
completes the cure before you reai
izo it.
A' few days' treatment of Pape's
Diuretic means clean, healthy, ac
tive kidneys, bladder and urinary
organs and you feel fine.
Your physician, pharmacist, bank
er or any mercantile agency will telL
you that Pape, Thompson & Paps,
of Cincinnati, is a large and respon
sible medicine concern, thoroughly
worthy of your confidence.
Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty
cent treatment from any drug
store anywhere .in the world.
A politician's idea of the original
sin is for a man to forget to register.
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is cre
ated from pure parched grains', malt,
nuts, etc. no real coffee in it. Fine
In flavor is "made in a minute."
No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling,
sample free. J. W. Harritt.
All Contestants not winning prize will
bo five per pent op all moiigy turned in
by them during tho contest,
Capital Prize 5-Passenger 1910 Ford
Touring Car.
Grand Prizes Three of these $425 Eil
ers Pianos, one in each district.
Three $100.00 Diamond Rings, one in
each district.
Three Beautful Gold Watches, one in
each distriot.
Three Six Months' Scholarshps in the
famous Holmes Business College of
Portland (Oregon's best school.
Cut from Photo
Three of
These Elegant
On Dec 1 8, '09
by the
Capital Journal
in the Popular
Voting Contest
Hustle Is the Word
Bought of the filers Piano House, Portland, and On Display at Buren & Hamilton's, Salem
Tho 'Grand Prize Hilers Piano is a wonderful and original creation and has won tho highest attainable place in the estimation of all those who have carefully studied
Pianos. The Eilors Piano is well known to all poople in this vioinity, and carries a flvo-year guarantee. j