MONDAY'S PAPER WILL CONTAIN A VERY PLEASANT SURPRISE FOR HUSTLING CANDIDATSE IN THE JOURNAL'S BIG CONTESTBE SURE TO READ CONTEST PAGE MONDAY voh. xix. SAIjKM. OKK'.OX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1000. NO. 273. Ffl I' PEffS IH STORM Lifeboat Containing. Miss itain Snyder and Ten Others Is and Believed Lost. drowned yesterday while being taken from the Argo, but who was then listed as unidentified. Mate Johnson. W. C. Xing. George Hunter, Napa, Gal., whose daughter was drowned yesterday. J. Hollins, the negro cook. Howard Wolfe. w. A. E. Millard. E. Salmenson. Two Scandanivians, names un known. Signaled During Night. ON OF THE BQaIS CARRYING MATE JOHNSON AND NINE OTHERS RESCUED Boat Was Blown Ashore in Gale Last Night When Three Pas sengers Were Drowned While Being Landed Fired Dis tress Rockets Early in Morning and Then Disappeared From View. Tillamook, Or., Nov. 27. Tho steamer Argo, which grounded on Tillamook bar ..yesterday afternoon, and afterwards floated herself, found ered at 9 o'clock last night. The '21 persons on board, including pas sengers and crew, were compelled to is the missing boat or wreckage from the Argo. The steamer Argo, which plies, be1 tween Portland and Tillamook, ran ashore on tho south spit of Tillamook bay yesterday afternoon. when the lifesaving crew was take to -lifeboats. One 6f tho life- transporting several passengers to boats, containing Mate Johnson and nine others, stayed at sea and drifted for several hours, when it was Anal ly picked up by the steamer Osh kosh, which had been in the vicinity for about 12 hours. The other boat, containing Captain Snyder and ten othfers, has not been located, and it is feared that they were drowned In the heavy seas. The Oshkosh has b"en patrolling the scene for hours without sighting the endangerted lifeboat, and it is be lieved that, if the boat and its occu pants were safe it would have been heard from. The steamer Roanoke was seen through binoculars, about eight miles off shore, picking up a small object. It Is not known whether tula WILD MAN CAPTURED NEAR UKIAH, CALIFORNIA LW1TIID ritBSR LEASED Willi:. Ukiah, Nov. 27. Emilie Badonl. known" in this section as "Tho Wild Man of Hopland," was captured last night by Constable Orr, of Clover dale, and Game "Wardens Leo and Miller, who brought him to this city. Badonl has lived in a cave near Coinsky Station slnco last May. and had not spoken to any one for many Tillamook, Or., Nov. 27. Tlie months. Durinir this tlma ha had steamer Argo has probably foundered nvea Qn sheep he has killed and fooa off Tillamook with all hands on taken from cabins In the neichbor- board. At 2 o'clock this morning hood. she was seen to send up rockets, sig- Badoni was found by tho officers nifying that the vessel was again in sunning himself on top of Squaw rock shone, three of these, were drowned. The Argo soon floated herself, and, with those on board, anchored out side Tillamook bay. She seemed to be In no danger. At 9 o'clock last night she sud denly began to ship water, and Caj tain Snyder ordered the two lifeboats lowered. One was in charge of Cap tain Snyder and the other in com mand of Mate Johnson. The one containing Johnson and nine others was picked up later by the steamer Oshkosh, but thie one with Captain Johnson and ten oth ers on board has not been sighted up to noon today. Those picked up in tho first boat are as follows: . N. A. Oldig, whose 'wife was distress, and then her lights went out. At dawn she was nowhere to be sefan. The steamer Oshkosh, which has been standing by slnco yesterday, cannot cross the bar until high tide, and it is Impossible to communicate with her on account of the life saving boat being smashed. . It is possible that the Oshkosh removed the remaining passengers and crew beforo the Argo foundered, but until the Oshkosh arrives at Til lamook it will be impossible to as certain the fate of the persons on board the Argo. The boat ordinarily carried a crew of eight men, none of which wero taken off yesterday. It is not known how many passengers were still on board, but probably not more than six or eight. The Argo was blown ashore yes terday and three passengers were drowned while being landed from a lifeboat. The Argo succeeded in floating herself, and was waiting off the Tillamook bar to bo brought in when she disappeared. and was captured bofono he could offer any resistance Three rifles lay beside him and in his pocket was a loaded pistol. His cave was littered with watches, guns and various oth er articles he confessed to have stolen Badonl, who Is about 60 years old, wears long hair and beard, his ap pearance being In keeping with that of the traditional "wild man." He does not appear to be insane. To the officers he said he was tired of living, and did not care if ho was hanged. o AMERICANS DEFEATED IN TENNIS MATCH Would Not Be Surprised If Ordered to Embark for Nicara gua at Any Moment. UNCLE SAM IS MAKING PREPARATION TO AVENGE EXECUTION OF SUBJECTS War Vessels Already Dispatched to Scene of Hostilities and Army Held in Readiness for Orders Cannon and Groce Brutally Tortured Before They Were Put to Death. BANQUET NOT TO BE Sydney, N. S. W., Nov. 27. The American representatives competing in tho tennis tournament for the Dwight E. Davis challenge trophy, were defeated in tho singles this af ternoon. McLaughlin and Long, tho California representatives, wtero de feated in their matches with Brooks and Wilding, of Australia. BrokB won from McLaughlin by the score of G-2, G-2 and C-4. Wild ing won from Long by G-2, 7-5, G-l. On account of Congressman Haw- ley having received telegraphic no- tlqe to start for Washington on Mon day morning, the farewell banquet, which was to have been given In hl3 honor Monday evening, at the Elite Cafe, by the Young Men's Republican Club, has been declared off. FLOOD IS I Salem's Greatest Store That sells the goods and does th)e business offers several lines of goods at greatly reduced prices during this sale. Ladles' Coats, Suits, Millinery, One-piece Sults.Sweaters, Purs, Dress Goods and Silks, etc. This is a room-making sale to make place for our Xmas goods. iAUSE OF 1. LAWSUIT One Man Arrested for Picking Up Cordwood Floated from the Place of Another. San Francisco, Nov. 27. Army and navy officials announced today that thoy would not bo surprised to reoielvo orders from Washington at any time to send a regiment of troops and marines to Nicaragua. Tho gunboat Princeton, now at tho Bremerton navy yard, has been or dered to Corlnto, where she will join the Vlcksburg. Tho army quartermaster depart ment received a message from Wash ington yostorday Instructing the do- llay of the transport Logan, which was to havo sailed Docombor 6 for Manila, and tho preparations of tho transports Buford and Urooic lor im mediate use. These vessels aro be ing rapidly prepared for sea. HoW' ever, there havo been no direct or dors for theso vessels to proceed to Nicaragua. Army and navy officials hero aro of the opinion that tho government Is awaiting further advice before sonding troop ships to Nicaragua. It would not surprise thomrhowver to reoelvo 'definite orders at any tlmo At army hoadquarters hore was a suppressed air of excitement all day There aro plenty of troops at tho Pro sidio that can leave at a day's notice. In any event, it Is unlikoly that troops could bo shipped to Nicaragua inside of a week, us It would tako at least that long to got tho transports Buford and Cook in readiness. The transport Logan, however, is ready to sail Immediately, if orders should be received from. Washington to that Now is your time if you want bargains. LclCll6S Suits and Coats Now Selling at , Half Price $15.00 Suits, . .now$7.60 f 18.00 Suits, now. .$9.00 $25.00 Suits, now. $12.50 and so along the line. $10.00 Coats, now $4.95 $15.00 Coats, now $7.50 We are now giving In this department tho great est values In up-to-date Suits and Coats that was ever offered in Salem. Great Bargains in Fine Woolen Dress Goods and Silks We shaw the most coraplote line In Salem and wo sell Dress Goods and Silks at 25 per .cont cheaper than any other store in this town. WONDERFUL Bargains s We are just as busy as bees in this dept. sell ing Beautiful Ostrich Plumes, Fancy Wings, Silk and Velvet untrlmmed Hats and findings of all sorts. Wo sell this class of goods just as cheap ao you can buy them at vholesaIo prices. $5Trimmec3 Hats, now $2.50 THIS IS THE STORE FOR Kid Gloves Upon the complaint of W. C. John son, a resident on South Mill erteole, Constable Ira Hamilton arrested Joseph Pluncky on tho chargo of tho larceny of several sticks of cord wood, which tho high water Tocently floated off Johnson's place down to defendant's proporty. . Johnson alleges that Plunsky dragged his wood from tho creok af ter i( had floated off his (Johnson's) place. The trial was set for 10 o'clock this morning, but owing to failure to Introduce .all tho witnesses, tho case was postponed until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Waltor E. Keyea Is appearing ns counsel for tho defend ant while Walter Wlnslow Is appear ing for the state. Tho case Is btelng tried In the justice court. becauso ho wanted to hide from the government cruelties ipmdental to tho execution of Cannon and Groce. It la known that tho stato depart ment has been unable to get any re plies1 to inquiries regarding tho execution, Tho passengers and crow of tho stcamor Parlsmlna declare that Can non nnd Groco wore captured in neu tral territory, and woro yoked togeth er like oxen for hours boforo thoy woro executed. A hundred-pound weight was tied to the yoko, and tho two men are said to havo been beaten with a cat- ot-nlno-tnlls. Tho officials of tho Estrada govern ment aro aiding In the search for, Caldera, hut no traco of hi mhas boon found. o . Now Orleans Assigned to Duty. Vallojo, Cal., Nov. 27. In ao cordnnco with orders juBt received at tho navy yard, tho Now Orloans will Ioavo for Yokohama via Honolulu and- Guam. The -vessel will bo at signod to duty In the third squadron of tho Pacific fleet in Asiatic waters, The Albany Is on route horo from Magdalona Bay, tmd will bo docked for repairs, preparatory to following tho New Orloans. Cnldcm Not to Bo Found. Now Orleans, Nov. 27. Friends lwro of Caldera for some tlmo havo been trying to communicate with him, but In vain. Today's messages doclarod that President Zolnya Imprisoned Caldera Now Scrvlco Soon. Superintendent Hollin K. Pago, of tho Portland Water, Light & Power company, was down from Salom Tues day. Ho 'says tho now lino between Woodburn and SUverton will soon be in uso and there will bo no trouble on tho light and power question. Mr. Pago statCB that ho will shortly have a completo transfer to him of tho water works system hem apd will then start in on an cxtonslvo im provement of tho Bystcm, Voodburn Independent. iiiiiini in it 1 1 it 1 1 c m 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 in m i i-h-hki im hi I BRUTAL TRIPLE II MURDER 1 1 We Not Only Recommend KID GLOVES But agree to keep them pressed, shapely and mended forever FREE OF CHARGE ASK US ABOUT IT Wo carry tho greatest assortment in this town. Every pair guaranteed nnd flttod perfectly to your hand. Seo in tho out what tho Importers say about the Simmon's Kid Glows. Buy norland be safe. Sale Prices 98c, $1.25 and up 500 umbrellas now on sale. Chicago Stotfe 500 Blankets and now on sale. corriforts The Store that Saves You Money SALEM, OREGON Kansas Woman Assaulted and Herself, Husband and In fant Are Then Killed. united j-hkbh leased wibb. Pittsburg, Kas., Nov. 27. Will iam Bork, a farmer, and his wife and Infant son wero found mur dered today at their nomo near hero. The body of Bork, who had boon riddled with bullets, was found a short distance from tho house. Two hours later the body of Mrs Bork was found near that of her husband. She, too, had boen shot to death. Later tho 'body of the infant was found in a buggy, threo miles from the home. A revolver wound had caused the death. Residents of Pittsburg aro in censed at tho crime and swift jus tice will undoubtedly bo meted out In case tho police succoed in ap prehending the guilty parties. iho body of tho Infant evidently was placed Jn tho buggy at the Bork home and started away. Bork's head was riddled with bulletu while his wife was shot through the hoart. The police say they havo evidence which shows that Mrs. Bork was as saulted and that the others were kllleij to conceal the rrlme. Blood Special Rate To THE OREGON T ilRESHERS OCIATION The Dalles, Oregon, December 2 and 3, 1909 One and One-third Fare on the Certificate Plan Will bo made from all points on tho Southern Pacific (lines In Ore gon, to Tho Dalles and return Tickets on salo November 29, 30, Decomber 1, 2 and 3 Final return limit Docombor C IMPORTANT ADDRESSES will bo mado by ropresantatlvos of tho U. 8. Dopartment of Agricul ture, Department of Good Roads, Prof. Philip S. Robo, Madison, Wis.; B. B. Clark, editor American Thresherman; Hon. Lionel R. Webster, Portland, Oregon, and others, on subjects of importance. $200.00 IN GOLD will bo given ub prlzos for tho begt wheat rained In Oregon. , SILVER CUP for outfit threshing $100.00 prize bushol of grain. for further information call on any 8. P. agont or wrlto to Wm. McMurray, Genoral PORTLAND Passonger Agent, OREGON 1 1 1 t i l hi WH1 1-m HH l"IHh4-WhW I I I'l l I-H4"! M 1 W-frfr BiaillillllMiai(llgl4-H4-Wlg-fM is the most popular young lady in Salem and surrounding ter ritory? This will be determined on Dec. 18, 1909, at 11 p. m. The 1910 Ford is coming her way :::::: hound Imvc hiin wnt to the k-h