DAILY CAPITAL TOTTRNAIt, SALE5I, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEJDJEU 13, 1000. PAGE NIKS Ooo I PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Ooo Brooklyn, Nov. 7. Pastor Russell preached today at the Brooklyn Taber nacle from the text above. He said: Our text prophetically represents the attitude of mind of God's true people. Those who are aliens and strangers from God would not thus pray. Even if they were repentant their flrst pray er should be In the nature of a con fession of sins and an acknowledg ineut of their acceptance of God's mercy in tho forgiveness of their sins and of his accepting them to be his children through tho merit of the Re deemer. But even those who have be come children of God, by renouncing sin and exercising fnith in Divine for giveness in tho merit of Christ, have still to acknowledge that by nature they were "children of wrath even as others." Although they are saved by grace, only their minds, their hearts, their wills, have yet been saved or fully reconciled to God and. harmo nized to the Dlvino will. Their flesh is still imperfect, fallen. Hence, in the language of the Psalm ist, it is appropriate that tho Lord's people take knowledge of their own blemishes, imperfections, and that they seek the Lord's assistance in fighting the good fight against those blemishes of their ilesh. Thank God, this battle of the New Creature, the now mind, the new will, ngainst.tke fallen ilesh and its appetites will not last forever; to the faithful, death will be tho closo of tho conflict. The glorified Redeem er is watching over the interests of his people. Ho guarantees us in ndvance that all of our trials, our dlfllcultles, shall work together for our spiritual welfare. Ho guarantees us that when ho shall have sufficiently tested our now minds, our new wills, by the oppo sition of the cravings of the flesh, he will forthwith declare our trial ended declare us victors and heirs of glory, honor and immortality with himself, according to the exceeding great and precious promises of his Word. Tho Object of Our Testing. Tho question arises, Why should not the Lord grant to us and to all man kind an easier trial than is ours? Why should there be a fallen disposition to fight against? Why should it not be as easy, or more easy, to do right than to do wrong? Why should we not have flesh which should have a good craving merely, and not an evil crav ing? And if we must have an evil craving, why are we not at least re lieved of the outward temptations which excite these evil cravings 7 temptations from the world about us, inciting to evil rather than to good; and, according to the Scriptures and our experiences, temptations also from Satan himself, and from the fallen an gels, who continually endeavor to in trude upon us,, to incite us to anger, malice, hatred, strife and the various works of the flesh and the devil? These questions are not unreason able, and God acknowledges this when he shows us that just such favorable conditions as these questions suggest will bo provided for the world of man kind during the Millennium. Satan and the ovll angels under his captain cy will be restrained nccordlng to the Bible and not bo permitted to molest mankind in evil promptings and sug gestions. We read that Satan shall be bound for a thousand years that ho may deceive tho people no more until tho thousand years be finished (Rev elations xx, 2). Relief is also promised from tho Injurious conduct of others, In that wo nro assured that during the Millennium nothing shall hurt or de stroy throughout God's holy Kingdom. In that blessed time every evil deed will bo restrained that it may not ac complish Injury to another, while even tho effort to commit sin will bo promptly punished with "stripes:" not an immoderate, not an unjust tortur ing for centuries for finlto sins, but, as the Scriptures declare, a Just recom pense of reward will be given both to the just and to the unjust. The Scriptures assure us that prompt ness in the punishment for sin, aud Its reasonableness, its righteousness, will be promptly recognized and quickly bear fruitage throughout the world in peace aud order righteousness. Thus wo read, "When Thy judgments are in tho earth, the Inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" (Isaiah xxvl, 9). The preaching of this reasonable, righteous Judgment of the future pure ly bears much better fruitage than tho preaching of the "dark ages," now for tunately disappearing that tho wngo of a trifling sin might be cither a cen tury of roasting or an eternity of tor ment. The exaggeration of tho error Is so great that the human mind In stinctively resists and rojects It. The next query wo shall answer is, Are God's ways unequal? Aud if not, Why should ho provide at tho prosout time for the trial and testing of tho Church under conditions so much more severe than those which shall prevail by and by, during the Millennium? Why must tee battle ngfllnat the Ad versary and his minions as well hs aguinst our fallen flesh? Why must Ave contend with sinful oppositions in our neighborhoods and our homes? Why should nt evil in every seme of the vvtd be tvatrnlued for us as well ooo PULPIT... SECRET FAULTS -PRESUMPTUOUS SINS. Who Can Understand His Errors ? "Cleanse Thou Me From Secret Faults; Keep Back Thy Servant Also From Presumptuous Sins; Then Shall I Be Upright, and I Shall Be Innocent Fiom tho Creat Transgression" (Psalm xlx, 12, 13). as for the world durlug the Millennium and our way be made smooth also? The Scriptures answer that tho Church class, which God is now se lecting or electing from the world, is a very special cluss, for which he has very glorious designs of jolut-heirshlp with tho Redeemer In his kingly and priestly offices for the blessing of tho world during the Millennium. Tho greatness of tho dignity to which the faithful will bo exalted makes it rea sonable that the terms and conditions should be exceedingly difficult In this way. Hence we read that the gate Is difficult and tho wny a narrow one) so that few may find It. These few aro the "elect," whose character-superiority will bo fully evidenced to God, to angels and to men to be such as fully justifies the Lord in granting to them the high reward promised. Were their honors no greater than those the world shall experience, hotv could God's ways bo just and equal in granting them the heavenly nature and Divine glory, while awarding the world of mankind restitution blessing and a worldwide Edon homo corresponding to what was lost by Adam and redeemed for the willing and obedient by tho sacrifice of the man Christ Jesus? ..Who Understands His Errors? , If now we have clearly before our minds that It Is tho Church class who are addressed In our text, let us exam ine the arlous steps it suggests. Dur ing the Millennium tho errors and se cret faults and presumptuous sins of the world will all be made manifest and all be openly rebuked nud pun ished. But not so now. Those who aro now called to bo of the elect Church are expected to be so zealous for God, so desirous to know and to do his will, so opposed to sin, that they will voluntarily search for their own errors, their own secret faults, and strive against presumptuous sins. When wo remember that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven tho sius of the Church, the question may arise, What then aro these faults or errors? If all of our sins are forgiven freely for Christ's sake, what sins then re main to be forgiven? The answer Is that through faith in Christ's. blood we were fully forgiven "the sins that are past, through the forbearance of God" (Romans ill, 25). We shall never more bo held responsible for sins great or small which were ours before we came to the Lord aud accepted his grace, his forgiveness, and became his followers through our consecration of our little all to him. What remains of sin with us is tho imperfection of the flesh and its Inherited weaknesses, aud theso blemishes may be with us to our dying day In considerable measure. It is against these that we must fight light the good fight nnd endure hardness as valiant soldiers of righteousness. But some one may inquire, Is not the merit of Christ sufficient, not only for the sins that are past, but for all of our unwilling blemishes of the past and of tho future? In other words, Does not our Lord's satisfaction of Justice include our imperfections pres ent nnd future, which are the result of Adam's sin and our Inheritance of tho fallen condition, as well as atone for our sins of tho past prior to our acceptance of the Dlvino mercy? We answer, Yes, this Is quite true; never theless tho Lord requires of us that, after coming" into tho family of God, we shall take note of our Imperfec tions nnd apply to him for specific for giveness of all transgressions. Doubt less this Is Intended to nsstst us m keeping humbleto assist us In keep ing In romembranco "tho horrible pit" of slu from which we were lifted by tho gracious merit of the Iledeomer by which wo woro justified. All of those experiences will doubtless be helpful to us by drawing us the more frequent ly to tho "throne of grace, that wo may obtain mercy, nnd find grace (merit) to help lu time of need" (He brews Iv, 10). The Blood of Christ Cleanseth. The expression, "Tho blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin," refers not merely to the sius that are past and tho cleansing which was ours at tho moment wo first accepted the Lord's favor, but rather, especially, It refers to tho cleansing which Is con tinually necessary to the maintenance of our relationship with the Lord. The forgiveness, the cleansing, Is freely, promptly given, but conditionally. It must be applied for. This is the Lord's method of instructing us in the way of righteousness and of assisting us to overcome tho oppositions and tempta tlous of tho world nud to become at hoart "overvoniera." Ho knows our weaknesses better than we do; and he wishes us to learu of them, not with a view to discouraging us, but that we may fight a good fight against thorn, conquer them and, in so doing, develop tho characteristics which he approves and 1ms promised to roward with Joint heirship with the Redeemer lu his Kingdom. Ileuee, instead of tqwnly rebuking libj people, the Lord loaves as ours the work of sean-hlng for secret faults and putting them away. In proportion as wc low him. vt wil! Ik desirous of d'lng those Thi: gn hl.h j.lrim hllil, thus lufi'tf )u ii s-iiiii'. in.d-r 1H ap proval. It is quite sufficient that tho light of the Lord's countenance, his smile, should bo withdrawn from those who do not walk the narrow way with zeal who do not seek for their own faults nnd endeavor to correct them and to thus make character. As those now being called grow in love for the Lord, every hindrance to his favor will bo quickly noted. It is this class that iu our text Is represented as seeking Divine assistance In the searching out of their secret faults. Somo of theso faults may bo known to ourselves nnd to the Lord, but un known to fellowmen. Tho heart that Is truly converted to the Lord nnd to harmony with nil the principles of righteousness" which ho represents must more nnd more desire fulj per fectionfull victory over the weak nesses of tho flesh, and must strive for this condition. Other secret faults mny be secret from us but well-known to tho Lord nnd possibly quite plainly manifest to our brethren nud neigh bors. How earnestly all who aro truly tho Lord's people should seek to see themselves as others-see them, nud to correct thoso faults which hitherto have been secret to themselves. Assuredly the Lord's assistance is necessary in this work; but, in prayiug to him, in tho lnnguago of our text, we should remember thnt his method of answering our petitions Is to show us tho facts of our case, and then to en courage us by his promises to fight a good fight against tho weaknesses thus brought to our attention. The Bible is tho Lord's lamp. The Spirit of its won derful teachings, like a two-edged sword, is sharp nud penetrating. It can discern or discriminate' between the very thoughts and intents of the heart which ' deceive so many Into thinking a wrong course Justifiable. The Christian who makes contlnunl and good use of this "sword" will soon find thnt with Its assistance he Is able to analyze his otcn motives lying behind his words nnd his acts; will sometimes find himself secreting them, nnd some times masquerading them as graces and virtues. Tho difficulty with the majority of Chrlstinn pooplo seems to be that they have never undertaken a close scrutiny of tho motives lying behind their words or their deeds yea, the motive or in tention lyiug hidden In their own minds. Tho reason for this laxity, the reason for their failure to follow up with tho searchlight and to "bring every thought Into captivity to tho will of God In Christ" is that they have not yet attained to a sufficiency of lovo for righteousness and a sufficiency of a hatred for Iniquity. The reason for this condition of things may bo that they are "babes In Christ" who havo in the past fed merely upon tho milk of the Word and not upon tho strong meat and are, therefore, weak in tho faith and weak every "way along the lines of Christian character develop ment. What they need Is more love for the Lord and a greater apprecia tion of his Word, which will lead to more earnest study of the same. "The entrance of thy words glveth light" (Psalm cxlx, 130). As tho Word of the Lord dwells richly nnd abounds, It educates us respecting God's will an.d its standards and, if we are obedi ent to his will and his gracious pur poses, wo will endure his testa and ultlinatclystand approved as our Lord's joint-heirs in his Kingdom. Keep From Presumptuous Sins. Ono of tho great character tests im posed upon tho Church is humility. It is not sufficient thnt wo lovo right and hnto wrong aud search for even our secret faults. Even after attaining perfection we might be presumptuous and, if so, bo unfit for the proposed ex altation. Satan, when a holy angel called Lucifer, tho Morning Star, was perfect; but tho sin of presumption crept into his heart and blighted every thing. So Satan strove to tempt our Lord, who was perfect, to commit n presumptuous sin, through which ho would havo made shipwreck of his ca reer, no wished him to presumo upon God's goodness and abundant care, not by starting a rival empire, as Satan himself had attempted to do, but to presume, nevertheless, upon Divine goodness to tho extent of Jeopardizing his life by leaping from the plnuaclo of tho Temple nud trusting thut God would suspend tho laws of nature and work u miraclo for his protection, wlton no such miracle was necossary, because no such hnzard had been de manded. Applying this matter of presumptu ous -sin to tho Ohurch-of our day; wo find somo who uppoar to be tho Lord's people presuming upon his goodness nnd mercy und lovo by Jumping from financial and othor pinnacles and trusting for miraculous protection from disaster. This, to our under standing, is presumptuous sin. Some times wo see presumptuous conduct amongst elders and others in tho Body of Christ, much after tho manner of Moses' transgression, when presump tuously ho smote the rock, whllo God had merely bidden him to speak to tho rock. For pastors and elders of tho Church to assume nnd to exercise an unscrJptural lordship over tho Church would uppenr to us to bo a presumptuous sin a presuming to tako place nnd authority not bestowed by tho Lord. On the contrary, sometimes n congregation of the Lord's peoplo may bo presumptuous in neglecting the Scriptural direction to tako heed to thoso who havo tho rule over them aud wutch for their souls, as thoso who must glvo an account. In how mauy-ways might wo be prosumptupua nnd ignore the Lord, hU supervision over the Church, and his tnossage to us fu his Word! 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