Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ooo ooo
All Saints' Day
Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
Sunday. October 31. Pastor Russell
eS Brooklyn Tabernacle preached to
day from the above text and said In
Tomorrow will be observed by our
friends of the Catholic, Lutheran and
Episcopal , churches , a'a "All Saints' -2ay."
At an early date after the death
f the apostles, probably in the third
century, the custoni crept into the
Church of invoking the blessing 6f the
saints! ' Some held in remembrance a
iMitron saint, whoso influence rind
memory wore of a merely focal char-
aster, and a certain day' in the year
was set apart as a memorial and for
invoking his influence in the heavenly
courts. When subsequently papacy
organized, gradually the majority
ef the Christian congregations acceded
to papacy's claims thot its bishop la
tte special vicar of Christ, rcigntng tn
& stead and exercising his authority,
ilony submitted themselves to this
rule and thus were absorbed Into that
great system which still holds sway
in the world. It was papacy tnat es
tablished "All Saints Day" as a holy
day for the Invocation of all saints not
otherwise particularly provided for by
separate days of invocation.
Although saints admittedly are rnro
few in comparison to professed
Christians nevertheless It seems there
were enough so considered in the tlmo
cf Gregory IV. to appropriate nearly
all the days of tho year. In other
words, there were about 305 recoguized
Id Gregory's Mine-after Christianity
liad been in operation for 800 years.
iHcnco tomorrow will be the day for
Invoking the blessing of all the sniiits
the past one thousand years. Hut
just how many or how few they arc,
according to the records cf the cele
brating, churches, we do not surely
lenow. If tho records of the first eight
conturles were correct, in the same
proportion we should not expect that
tho total number of saints recoguized
would tic above one thousand. One
end thought connected with tho cele
bration tomorrow must present Itself
to ilil thinking uilnils niuutigst the cele
brants; that Is, that only the saintly
do they acknowledge as of holy char
acter, lit for heaven, because tho tin
Baintly, the unholy, would certainly be
UHflt. The teaching of papacy Is tbaj:
nance only tho saintly can be ushered
into heaven at the time of their death,
all- the unsalntly, tho undeveloped,
tliey hold, must llrst oxperlenco awful
tortures In I'urgntory-lo purify them,
to mnko thorn ready for heaven.
, yrotostants on the contrary have dis
carded Purgatory, claiming that it is
&a unscflptural doctrine. They do not,
Sibwover, claim that any but the saint
ly nro propared for heaven at death,
norr that God has promised heaven to
the untaught or undeveloped In Chris
tlan character. Hence In some respects
the Protestant theory is still more
grievous, more terrible, more awful,
for tho bereaved than the Catholic
view, fn Mint It offersio hope for nil
eternity to any nntmlntly. Prnyora to
trie saints, we believe to be unscrln
firal and unreasonable, Nowhere In
'.( lilble are we uutborlscd to pray to
i . dead-oliher saints on slunors. On
i . contrary the Scriptnrwi set fonh
r Heavenly Father ns the supreme
jeet of worship, though they do In
nate the propriety of prnyliiK to our
i,urd Jesus ttUo. As we read. "All men
should honor the .smi cut. as they holi
er the Futher" i.lohn v. 23 1. Hut pray-m-a
to the dead are uurwisouable. ac
cording to the ltllU which teaches
that "the dwid know not anything"
(j&H-UwluKtmi I v. r.i; t lint "their nous
come to tiottor and they know It not to
dishonor and they perceive It not of
them" (Job xlv. 21; and Mutt "there Is
m work. iHf device, nor knowledge,
nor ivlxdm, 1" the grave, whither
thou Rood " (lieektlume lx. lOi.
iThe MertptMrcH do jeeounlxe the dif
ference between the sulnis, the Lord's
holy one, and the remainder of nam
kind. And It 1 nmircdly true that the
grunt masm of humanity are totally
unlit for the glories and icrleetlons of
the heavenly mate. It Ik true that Uie
Church I culled upon to develop the
Vutts and grit con of the holy Spirit
d W nMMitml, as Sr. Peler drain r,
f ye d thene iIiIiirs. ye hIihII never
II; for ko nn entrnuco shall ue idIU
cred unto you abundantly Into the
i ei laming Kingdom )l our I-"i'd nnd
ivlor Jmm Christ" Ml Pr I. Hi
Hut we hold that It is not only tin-
. m-riutumi, but Irrational, to lmlUve
th it all umnkltid except the saintly ie
wm ceiiturl of torment In I'urgu
tuiy ir an eternity of torturo In a
worn ami hopelesH lce, Ij?t us take
the h. riptuini proposition, the only
euimtofcflr one. the one which ngrea
with o'V Hvo wen nnd vrltb th HI-bit"-that
the dead nre dead. ami that
rwnriH tlou from thwth l what they
new! ttth what our lord's death will
uocure tw WW menilH'r of our race.
Let twi ept1fllts tUnteiueut of tlw HI
bio. ' Hlemna ml holy U tie that hath
nrt in th INwt neaurrectlou. oh such
tho SeenHil Death htb a iwver. but
(hoy yiiwll he prlst of iod ami of
Christ. Mtid Nhall relgu wim Uiiu a
rkowfHtitl yr" (KevHtlo xx. Oi Ut
Hmt iih Scriptural esUDtlon ot
"Both He That Sanctifieth and
They That Arc Sanctified Are All of
One: For Which Cause He Is Not
Ashamed to Call Them Brethren"
(Hebrews ii, 1 1). ,
reign of Messiah that it will be a
time of blessing, of uplifting .mankind,
and that therein the elect saints of this
age will be privileged to co-bpernte
with their glorified Redeemer In bring
ing about the uplift. ;the resurrection,
the restitution of all who will then
prove wllllug and obedient.
The term .'(saint" is not a sectarian
one. It occurs over one hundred times
In tho Bible, mostly in the plural form,
"saints." pur text speaks of a saint
ly, or sanctified class, nnd declares our
Redeemer to be one of, these their
Head, their .Lord. Ho declares that all
the sanctified of this Gospel Age are
teacher of spiritual things. "The Lord
knoweth them that are his" (11 Timo
thy ii, 10).
How to Become Sanctified.
Seeing that the sanctified are com
paratively few, and that evidently few
can properly direct the way toward a
condition which they hnve not them
selves attained, it behooves us to look
carefully to the instructions given us
by'our Lord Jesus directly and through
his apostles. St. Paul, who wrote. "This
is the will of God. even your sanetlfiea
tlon," also wrote. "We are bound to
give thanks nlwny to God for you.
brethren, beloved of the Lord, because
God hath from the beginning chosen
you to salvation turougli sunctincation
of the spirit and belief of the Truth;
whereunto he called you by our Gos
pel, to the obtaining of the glory of our
Lord Jestls Christ" (It Thessalonlans
ii. 13, 14i. Note from these words that
the call of the Church is the special
feature of. this present Gospel Age and
its message. JS'ote also that one call
is not to sectarianism, but to a heart
relationship with the Lord through n
belief of the Truth nnd a proportion
ate getting rid of error. And tills en
lightenment through the Truth' pro
gresses In proportion to our. sanctltlcn-
Mon of splrit-of thought, of w.ord, of
Note again the same Apostle's expla-
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one of one spirit and figuratively of
one Body, As for Instance, the House i nation of the matter. He says that he
addresses them that are sanctified In
of Ldrds is one body under a chair
man, and the House of Commons is
another, body. The United States Sen
ate is nnotherj and Uie House of Rep
resentaUves is another. So the Church
is the Body of Christ over which he is
the Head, tho Presiding Oflicer and
Member. But the point specially to be
noticed is that all who will belong
ultimately to this Church class which
tho Lord is now calling and drawing
from amongst men will (every one of
thomi be saints, every one of them bo
Tho word, "sanctifled" signifies to be
net apart to holy usage or services, as
distinct and separate from any earthly
ambition, calling or business. Never
theless these sanctified ones nre not
merely the clergy or those without
earthly responsibilities. While our
lieavculyJfather is a great King, the
King of the Universe, ho nevertheless
lias mado a plan which enables even
tho humblest of his creatures to ap
proach him through the merit of the
blood of Jesus, and by faith and obedi
ence to the extent of his nblllty in
sacrifice, to become a joint-heir with
his Redeemer In the heavenly King
dom. Thus the present call is confined
to a cnl to sanctlflcntlon. As St. Paul
declares, "This is the will of God (con
cerning you), oven your sanctlflcntlon"
(1 Thessalonlans iv, 3).
The word "snint" signifies "holy
one," "snnctlflcd one," "set apart;" or,
taken as a whole, It signifies one set
npurt to holy usages, services, etc. We
are quite. ready (o admit that those nro
n comparatively small number at the
present time; as the Scriptures de
clare, "a little flock:" nnd again, "not
many;" and ngnin, "few there bo Mint
find it."
When we sny that God is now select
ing n special class to be jolnt-helrs
with Christ and that he has deter
mined that this special class shall con
sist exclusively of the snnctlflcd. let us
not bo misunderstood to mean by this
that In the next age God will accept to
his favor the unsauctllled. tho wicked.
The conditions during the Millennial
Age will bo much ensler for mankind
than nro present conditions of tho
Church, the elect, the saints, Now we
must wnlk by faith; Mien we will wnlk
by sight, because Satan and sin and
darkness will have passed away, and
tho light of Truth will flood nnd cover.
tho whole earth, so that, as the prophet
says, "They shall teach no more every
man his neighbor, snylng. know the
Lor.d; for they shall all know me, from
tho least of them unto the greatest of
them, saith the Lord (Jeremiah xxxl.
3D. The rewards for obedience to the
Divine requirements In the Millennium
will bo the earthly rewnrdt. eternal
life or the earthly restitution plane.
The reward proffered to those who
now walk the narrow way by self-sac
rifice is n spiritual one. glory, honor
and Immortality on the plrlt plane.
like unto the holy angels and higher
than this; like unto our Lord Jenus In
his glorified state: an seen Uy the Apos
tle. "Shining above tho brightness of
the sun at noonday" (At is sxvl. 18).
Wo must guard also against the
thought that the total number of God's
oleet would be a umall a number ns
the cnleudnr of the nulnts recognlxcd
by moine of our Christian friends might
Imply. We hold that none la uble to
Judge definitely on this aubject, except
the Master. He hn given us general
Intimations ot the linen of his decision,
hut he hits not permitted us to deter
mine the inn tier, saying. "Judge noth
ing before the time." We are to con
tout ourselves, therefore, with the'
thought that "I he Lord knoweth them
that are his." and that ho will accept
no ono who lu any degree Is disloyal
in heart, and that he will overlook and
neglect uo one who Is of the proper at
titude of heart: WO" Mmlorstnittl. too.
that our jnvX is uo reUtor of do-
u)UUutlonal He,.lttU tjjat. in every
nct, he who love God. nnd who ac
cept th merit ut Christ hy faith, nnd
who presents HW body living saerl
ilw dally unto death in the Lord's
jMtvice-ll ucl1 ttro Wb dlwlplw and.
as stated in our text, "He will not be
iisUmned to Mill then) brethren." Hut
nil of thlM. iw It notwl. lf IwM. not
upon their earthly Chtwh relationship.
iHit upon MHr HMHiUReM'OH of heart,
their rel m M.-hlp to ittHr IMwuier
aWl UH!. J.'fU. Nut l,y thene
bo fonud by the UrU Ift vki-Iihih de
nomlnoMonn. hut or. various ages, of
vnrlu colors, of various nationalities,
of either sex. and on various levels.
One may be a washerwoman, nuother
a farmer, another exercising hlv tal
enla In business directions, another
Christ Jesus (wiio were) culled to bo
saints, and be explains that while they
had been sinners, "children of wrath,
even as others." they had bee,n cleans
ed by faith through acceptance of the
finished work of Christ on our behalf.
"Ye are washed, ye aro sanctifled. ye
are justified in the name of the Lord
Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God" (1
Corlnthinns vi, 11). The same St. Paul,
addressing the Epheslnn brethren, snys.
"I commend you to God. nnd to the
Word of his grace, which Is able to
build you up. nnd to give you an In
heritance among all them that are
sanctified" (Acts xx. 321. Note here
that it is only the sanctified of the
present nge that are to get the inherit
ance Mint Is now offered -the heavenly
Inheritance with our Lord Jesus, a
share with him in his heavenly King
dom. Note also how the Apostle here
again lays emphasis upon the Scrip
tures ns containing the power which
not only leads us to consecration and
setting npart to the Lord's service, but
which will strengthen us in thought
and word syid deed to do his good
pleasure, to mnlntnln our sanctified
relationship with him through our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Elected Through Sanctification.
St. Peler (l Peter 1, lit explains to us
that God's election of the members of
the Church from amongst tho world
during the present ago is along the line
of sanctification. He elects that all
those who chilli accept his favor to tho
extent of sanctification in the trying
conditions of the present time shall be
joint-heirs with our Lord and Redeem
er in his Millennial Kingdom. The
Apostle's words are, "Elect according
to the foreknowledge of God the Fa-
; thor. through sanctification of the Spir
it, unto obedience and sprinkling of
the blood of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter i,
2). Here we have the matter succinct
ly stated-faith in tho blood of Jesus
is essential as tho first step in .the way
to God. "No man cometh unto tho Fa
ther but by mo." said our Lord. Then
our way must bo through sanctlflcntlon
of the Spirit, of the will, the setting
apart of our hearts from earthly am
bitions nnd pleasures to heavenly ones
dondness to the world nnd n llveness
toward God. This work of grace must
progress day hy day.
Our sanctillcatlon Is not merely for
the beginning of our Christian experi
ence, but to be the very essence of our
lives thereafter. The trials ami test
ings of life from the world, the flesh
and tho devil will serve to demonstrate
the thoroughness of our snnctllication.
Ood. however. Is nof seeking to prove
whether or not we are perfect In tho
flesh, for he knows nud Informs us that
we nre Imperfect. He does, however,
desire to prove that our consecration,
our sn'nctlticntlon. tfur setting apart of
ourselves to be faithful to the Lord at
nny nud every cost Is not merely a
pasalug whim or fancy, but by con
tinual instructions of his Word by tho
inspirations or his Promise. By tho
testings of his disciplines he would
fix indelibly, unalterably, this decision
of ours to be entirely his in thought,
in word, in deed-oven .unto death.
"Coplo of His Son."
St. Paul, consistently with his state
ments already quoted, wrote to tho
Christian at Home respecting God's
foreknowledge and predestination of
the lSloet Church, saying, "Whom he
did foreknow, he also did predestinate
to be conformed to tho imnge of his
Son. Mint he might be tho firstborn
among many brethren" (Romans vlll,
20). Our Heavenly Father decreed
that no one might be a member of thla
elect Church oxcopt sanctifled ones.
And theso must be tested before final
approval. Tholr Lord, their Hwduemer.
having been a saint fully consecrated"
to the Father's will. thes called, cho
sen and faithful followers will likewise
bo saints and, In this roapeet, tho Apos
tle declares, they will be copies of
their Hedeomer, and be will be an
Klder Brotkor amongst them, when
they shall share his glory in his King
dom. Notlc the Imrmony of nil this with
our test. "Both ho that anetltleth (our
Lord Josuhi and they that are sancti
fied (his ehK't Church) are all of one
(of one spirit or loyalty to the Father
and his rlRhteousnesvand baptized hy
the one spirit Into the one Body, of
which Christ Is the neadi. For this
cause he (tu glorified Redeemer) la
not ashamed to call these sanctifled
ones, finally tested, bis brethren on
Mie highest piano of sature-hls own,
the Hlflno nature in glory, honor and
Doctor You should always take
a little fruit in the morning.
Guzzler I always do; I'm old
fashioned enough to insist upon a
cherry in my cocktail. Philadel
phia Record.
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