PAGE FIVE This will be a greet day as there will be extra good remnants from the front to the back store. These are remnants of our best dress goods, silks and velvets. I J$1 .25 Mottingham Lace Curtains .r-;r.r-..r8pc n 1 Dress Gqods-15c, 25c 4lc;44c,.58"c,'88c; up to.$3.50 15c Huck Towels, extra special jL!21Qg "25cHose for Childreril-- . Towels,. 13Vx2incKesU! ..l.ic 25c Underwear for Worn eri .JluTw .... -1 9c 35c Ties for Men 25c Four pairs Extra Good Sox J-Ji7;4-flil--------50c Men's Sweaters, $3.00 values LlHi ii$2.45 Boys' Hats, values to $1.50 .1 49c 35c and 40c Wide Ribbons 30c $1.50 New Tailored Shirt Waists $1.22 Ladies-. and Misses' Tailored Soils and Coats at Ex- treWely Reduced Prices' ' $7.95 Dress Skirts now at $4.90 Stunning styles, all of this' Fall's make. Tho.,new pleated effects, , plpod with satlnf -neat side tucks or self-trimmed with tailored straps and jot buttons, Wo have a great ass6rtmoht for ' you to choose from. . . $7.95 Dress Skirts, $4i9p 25c New Rubber Beits now at 19c Bubber belts galoro hero now in various colors, with protty jot buckles. These bolts havo just be5U rocolved, but we Immediately offor you the 25c values at 19c. Good Black Petticoats only 99c $6 Taffeta Petticoats $3.38, $4.50 Beautiful new Taffeta Petticoats in navy, gunmetal, green, white, black, etc. An excellent grade of taffeta made with tucks and flounces. Regular $G values, ?4.50. Black and white, tan and green silk Petticoats, made with ono, two and three flounces, now $3.38. OLD MAN'S PROPERTY Of Course the Heirs Think He Was Deciedly Off If He Did Not Leave It All to Them. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIBB. San Francisco', Nov. 5. It is re ported here on good authority that Walter Pulitzer, of New York, au thor and poet, is preparing to contest the will of his father, Albert Pu litzer, author, publisher and million aire, who killed himself in Vienna last month. It is said that agents of the young man are now in this city gathering Information regarding the erratic -conduct of the late publisher when lie was in San Francisco recently, with the view of attempting to prove that Pulitzer was in San Francisco whSen he made the will which cuts Ills son off with $GO,000. Gertrude Atherton, the Califor nia novelist, according to persistent rumors, will be drawnyinto the case and efforts will be made to secure her affidavit concerning an odd expe rience she had with the millionaire In the tavern on Mount Tamalpaia, where both wore staying for some time this spring. It is understood also, that his bar ber, hotel attendants and former valet, George Schlndler, of 5 GO Tenth street, Oakland, will bo called upon to pass opinion in regard to the mental condition of the dead man. Pulitzer invested the major portion of his fortune in Europe. It is esti mated that ho left several millions. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and pro vents serious results from a cold, prevents pneumonia and consump tion. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. J. C. Perry. Q THY FIRED A POOR LITTLE GIRL FOOL r UNITED PRES8 LEASED WIHB.1 El Paso, Tex., Nov. 5. Senorita Andrea Villereal, sister of Senorita Vlllereal, who recently was released from prison in Torreon, Mexico, was discharged today from tho store where she had 'taken employment, to enable her to remain In this country to assist tho exiled Mexican liber als. Last evening Damon Lomoll, Mex ican consul in El Paso, visited the proprietor of the store. Today An drea was dismissed. Friends of tho young woman be lieve that the action of the Mexican consul was the first stop of a plan on the part of tho Mexican govern ment to make hor a prisoner. Local socialists today are raising a fund to defend her should Blie bo arrested on American soil. THE EAST SALEM DEVELOPMENT CLUB TONIGHT The East Salem Development club meets this evening in the Central Congregational church at 8 p. m. Some may have forgotten what the club and its members accomplished last winter. We will mention a few that come to mind: Willamette ad dition was drained in the low part; Marion street was opened from- 21st to 24th streets without any wrang ling as to damages, and a petition is now out to havo it improved; Chu meketa street has been widened; 21st thrown open from Asylum avenue north to Englewood; Chemeketa street will soon be opened from 21st to 24th streets; State street will be paved from 21st street to C. M. Eppley's grocery, corner of 19th and State. These references are eno?h to convinco tho most non-interesttu that we can do a great work toward improving and .enhancing the value of Salem property. You are wanted to come out this ovening and earnestl yinvited to make up your mind to join with tho rest of us. STOPS FALLING BUADR Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, qulnin, sodium chlorid, capsi cum, sage, alcohol, water, perfume. Ask your doctor about this. Follow his advice. Pro-.TintIy checks falling hair. Completely destroys dandruff. An elegant dressing. oes flioS; Color Khe Isailr Croup , Cured and a Child's Life Saved. "It. affords mo great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who havo beeu benefitted by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, whon only three years old, was taken with a sovero attack of croup, and, thanks to' the prompt uso of Chamborlain's Cough Remedy his life was saved and to day he Is a robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Anto nio, Texas. This remedy has been In use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has never boon known to fail. For 'sale by all good druggists. Petition. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Marlon county: In the matter of tho application for liquor license in Buttoville pre cinct, Marion county, Oregon. Unto the Hon. W. M. Bushey, coun ty judge of Marlon county, Oregon, and tho Hon. W. H. Goulet and Hon. J. T. Deckwlth, commission ers ot Marion county, Oregon: We, the undersigned, legal voters of Buttevlllo precinct, Marlon coun ty, stnto of Oregon, respectfully pe tition the Hon. County Court of Ma rlon county, state of Oregon, to grant a license to G. A. Slmklns to sell spirltous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than, ono gallon jn Butteville precinct, Marlon county, Oregon, for tho period of twolve months; that your petitioners are actual residents of and havo resided In Buttevlllo precinct, Marlon coun ty, state of Oregon, for at least thir ty days preceding the signing and ill ing of this petition": A. Aplln, Peter Feller, S. L. Merc er, Jake Kilebs, Johnson Singer, R. Wolhvorth, J. A. Matthiow, Andron Johnson, Wm. Reyan, Stephen Davis A. E. Erlckson, Fred Dontel, Dick Stevens, J. S. Vandoen, J. N. iiom bucklo, E. Johnson, Josio Ryan, .A. D. Yorgon, F. A. Woygandt, J. A. Dawson, G. Dentol, Jacob Morris, A. L. Whitney, Geo. Sutherland, G. W. Dunlap, M. Alathlot, E. I. Mathlot, F. L. Hydo, J. P. Freeman, C. W. Srean, Ira W. Black, Potor Olson, Eugene D. Flynn, Clifford Case, W. Porter, J. Collinson, A. McGlnloy, II. W. Archer, C. P. Chrlstonson, W. Powoll, II. L. Sagsvold, S. E. Wau Ion, J. J. Davis, D. W. Stephonson, H. Staffer, J. A. MIoklo, C. Glosy, C. J. Austin, Poto Mathoit, J. Millor, H. Splnnoy, Geo. Vtf. Caso, George Fan-in, D. E. Pendloton, J. R. Jack son. G. B. Whitney, A. C. Whitnoy, O. Whitiioy, .Tamos B. Hunt, Honry h. Hunt, "P. Gongrlo, A. McKay, Wm. Johnston, Charlos Johnston, Jamas Ryan, B. Collinson, Frank BuBkey, Jr., Frank BuBkey, Sr., J. B. Kon- nedy, Wm. Collinson, Lars Olson, Jos. Ryon," Geo. A. Pendloton, M. E. Ftendleton, A. Earkson, John Ber- horst, R. M. Loaling, J. F. Melklo, A. Woishaar, Frank Van Wesonhouso, I. Miller, Peter Irmen, W. L. Morris, Luther St. Martin Baptin, M. O, Bro- jnan, F. D. Pluard, Loll Yorgen, S. Stanffer, John Johnson. Notice. Notlco is horoby given that I, G. A. Slmklns, will on tho 4 th day of Dec&mbor, 1909, apply to tho Hon orable County Court of Marlon county, state of Oregon, for Hconso to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than ono gallon In Buttoville preclcnt, Marlon county, stato of Oregon for tho poriod of twelve months. ) G. A. SIMKINS. H-b-frlGt-dly Suits and Millinery AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF SATURDAY ONLY A largo assortraont of high grade suits that were marked only about one-balf to begin with, compared with other stores, now at loss han wholesale cost. There aro about throo dozen In tho lot to, select frojn and wo earnostly advlso you to look thorn over. Tho materials aro plain and fancy cheviots,. honiapjin( worsteds and broadcloths. They come In all the now shados. Bo on hand early, an wo expect somo rapid soiling while tho assortment is complete. MILLINERY The ontire stock in this department practically at your mercy Saturday only. An enrly call will con vince you of the truth of this. Liberty OAT I RFRHS Salem Street M.jrMmjknMLMMLjiK.j Oregon Tho Indian Mcdicino Man Can produce roots and herbs for ev ery allmont, and cure diseases that bafflo our most skilled physicians, who have spent years in tho study of drugs. From the roots and herb? of tho flold originated Lydla E. Pink ham's Yegotablo Compound, which for thirty yoars has proved moro po tont nnd efficacious in curing fomnle ills than any combination of drugs known. Whnt Would You Do? In caso of a burn or scold what would you do to roliovo tho pain? Such injuries are llablo to occur in any family and everyone should be proparod for thorn. Chaiub'iraln'u Salvo applied on a soft cloth will ro liovo tho pain almost instnnto, end unless tho injury is a voiy sovaro ono will causo the parts to hoal with out loavlng a scar. For saio by all good druggists. In tho meantime Clpriam Ci.oiro isn't saying a thing. Do you re member Castro? Ho UBOd to dictate down Vonozuola way. Road tho pain formula on a box of lPnk Pain Tablots, Thon ask your doctor If thoro Is a hotter one. Pain moans congestion blood pres sure Bomowhoro. Dr. Sheep's Pink Pain Tablots chock head pains, 'wo manly pains, pains anywhere. Try ono, and seo! 20 for 25c. Sold by Capital Drug Store. Francis J. says ho will continue tho battlo for civic righteousness. 4 SSk Woman Is Not Pretty Unless She Has a We!I Developed BUST Siren Wafers Develop the SHE'S A QUEEN! SHE'S A SIREN! Is an expression that Is always heard at sight of n well dovolopod woman. If you aro flat nhosted with BUST UNDEVELOPED, a scrawny nook, thin lean arms the nbpvo romark will never bo ap plied to you. "SIREN" wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. Thoy DEVELOP THE BUST Jn a few weeks from a to 0 Inches and produce u flno, firm, voluptuous bosom. Thoy fill out tho hollow placos, make tho arms handsome nnd woll modolod and the nook nnd shoulders shapoly and of porfect contour. Send for n bottle today and you'll bo pleased Uticf nnd Brntoful. "SIREN" waror aro absolutely DUtH hnrmlfwti, pleasant to tnke and convonlent to carry around. Thoy aro sold under guarantee to do all wo claln or MONEY BACK. Price $1.00 per bottlo. Iuqulro at good drug store or 8md DIRECT TO US. Durlnjg tla next 30 days only we send you a sample bottle P)PP of lW9 biMWtlfyins wafers oa receipt of 10 cents to pwy 1 llLL cctt.t f nneklne and noata if yo umeutlon that you saw the advertisement In this paner. The aasipla alone may be auffl- dent If the defect are trifling. J DUSK S, HHTIIUTIC CIII8MIOAL COUl W. IBfitJi St, KUWVOMK