& KC I " If You Road This It will bo to ! rrn that the loading mwll cal writers mi' -rucher of all tho several schools of i" li recommend, la the strongest ter i t mlblo, each mid over; Ingredient oiiu-r iff Into tho composition of Dr. Pierce's den Mpdlcal Discovery for tho cure of w. ak stomach, dyspcpfla, catarrh of ite: icli, "liver complaint,' torpid liver, or bi umnms, chronic bowel alTectlons, and . il catarrhal diseases ol vfhatovor regl " nomo or nature. It li also a specific r fdy for all such chrnnlc or long stand lm . "w of catarrhal nlTec MOns and tln-u i"ultRnts, as bronchial, throat and lum: .ilstcu -a (except coiiump tlon)accompanl I with seven cough. II Is not so good f( r acnto colds and roughs, but for llniror i , or chronic cam It It especially offifi.' 'ou In producing pen feet cures. Itc i tsliisHlackCherrybarlt, Golden Seal n . Hloodroot, Stono root. Mandrake roM nd Huron's root all ol whloh aro In - ' pralW as remedies for all tho above . i .'nl affection by sucb eminent nc' writers ami teachers pi Prof. Ilarth' of-AIoireraon Med. Col Icre: l'ror. I'- frt tho Univ. of l'a.j Prof. Kinlcy ' iiiwnod, M. D., of Hon nott Med. '. . r.hlcac ; Prof. John King, M. It.' ''Ineipwul; Prof. John M.SctidderN'. J'-, of Cincinnati? Prof. Edwin MJfiu 5. M. D., of Uahnomann Mod. Canop, f blear1, and scores of otborjcptli h eminent In tbolr several cnoiuroi nraci'iT. noro ttmn it t.nnilwi-iif-nnlliinrvTniitT. DluliluU, "Of. .. publicity ollU formula Uuio bust po ul fe siiarantr of Its merit. Aolanco at !.! ptibl It-Tod formula will show that "(iadon Medical Discovery contains no rwWoiious.harm.iil or habit formlngdrujr Hnl noah-obol cbomlcaliy puro. trlplo-rellned Rlye-irlno being used Instead. Oly-erlno Is entirely unobjec tionable nnd tildes Is a most useful agon! In tho euro of all stomach ns well m bron chlal, throat and lum? affection. lIior Is tho hlche't inrdlcal authority for Its usoln Mm i,c-.-e.Th"Ilovry"li n concentrated clvccr c extract of mulvr, medicinal roots and Is safo and reliable. A booklet of extracts from em nont, medical anil untie, endorsing Its Ingro dlunU mull.-: jttt hi. reojiost. Adarta Dr. K. V Plorw. llullalo, N. Y. D-MK-0-r09OtM-CeOe-tH !! WHITE HOUSE I I nvnm & w Tr a -vTnn II J J Tor n regular I 25c Dinner at 20c .!! Tlioy can't bo hcnU I AIcGILCHKIST & SON j Proprietors -rrOe-va-hoe-HSooao-fro-ta-Hi m FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Sin , CiMiii T r fr6iTrxuiDViBtTiwTio. NlVm KNOWN TQ FAIL. Ff I ffartl Mr 1. Hall.- r.f..0Oir ti V iiirlihrfqotttnI,l)tirwr ho r-if rel i-i i ikrcc IfjtmriiruffUwfr'MiM'i bit io"ii p- it i j i orarn 19 irv UNITCO MC01CAUCO.,BOXT4,UN0trN. P. Sold In Sulom by Dp. S. C. Stun Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlro Fencing, Hop wire, Durh Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, MhI- Ihold Itooflng, P. & D. Handy Roofing. CHAS. 1). MULLIGAN 230 Court Ht. Phono 121 MFALS 15c Call nnd try them. Meals lCc. Hoard per week $2.75; also fur nished rooms very reasonable, AT TnK Salem Restaurant .'WO COURT STRKRT In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consldor tho F. P. Gas Machlao und Stub bora Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee It to glvo 100 por cent more light for tho samo money than electricity or city gas. Let me flguro with you, ostlmntes furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities. Safe, economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Ptione 1.13 258 Etato BU Gold Dust Flour Made by the HVDXEY POWKR COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Mode for Family U.e. Ask your grocer for It. Ilran and Short.- always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Fire CM O Fool Proof J " Jf Proof PAILT CAPITAL COMPLAINS OF RAILROAD CHARGES In' a complaint filed with the rail road commission Prldny by A. II. Hud son of Gates, Oregon, It Th alleged that tho Corvnllli Si Krle:u railroad nnd tho Southori Pfflc cotnunny have In offoct a 'mit'iil rato 0:1 car load lots of tho minimum wolght of tables oxcosslvo and U'r'iitonablc oil shlpmantB from Olios to A' "iiv obr tho Corvallls & U.'.itoj'ii ami from At bnny to Sulom ml Portln.til over tlu Southorn Pncld. nnd lick that n lodttcllon bo made. Tho complaint cMi'ns that on 'nr lond lots of tho ir.la'm.i mwolKbt of 2 1,000 pounds tho rate on green fruit nnd vogctabloH from tilths 10 Albany over tho O. & 13. Is 12c por 100 pounds, whllo In loss than culoi.d lots tho rato Is -.r.c l":r 100 p.-iiiidn. Thcso samo rates nro allosod to ho quotod by tho S. V. Co. from Albany to fialuni nnd PnrtlAid Tho railroad commNsl . has or dered that n hoarlng V si;', a'cl tho respective romjinnles: ippsnr nnd show causo why tho rat.j tn.nM not be reduced to a 111 oro s tlitnla Int-'s A reduction lu trull, .npe,5tlly over tlieso Unos, will bo n groat houoflt to the growors In gonor.tl tu I ho vi cinity of dates and Albuny, 'H n largo amount of shipping Is b;lnr, enrri'd on of Into. RANDMA CURTIS OF HARRISBURG Hale and Hearty at the Age of Ninety-five and Will Soon Celebrate Her Next Birthday. Mrs. Ann Curtis of Harrlsburg, bettor known as "Aunt Ann Curtis' In Linn county, will soon colebrnto her OBth birthday. Mrs. Curtis Is the mothor of ton children, four of whom are living. There are nlno fifteen grand chlldrou and eight groat-grnndchlldren, one of them, Dean Curtis, being an em ploye of the Capital Journal at t linos Her grandson, L. G. Curtis, Is an om ploye of the Standard Liquor com pany, wholesale dopartmont. Aunt Curtis Is real wull nnd strong nnd rosldos noar tho donation land claim, which she took up In 1852 on coming to Oregon. The OBth birthday will be colohrat- tnl by 11 grand family reunion at tho home of her daughtor, Mitt. M. A Douglas, at Harrlsburg, Nov. 20th. o , A Wont on .Streets. Kd. Jeurnal: I llstenod to tho eu logy of our streot department at our recout booster meeting. If thoy havo no more to show in tho way of work I do not see what tho boosting comas to. They csu't show more than about eleven blocks of hltullthlc pave ment, nnd in this ward early last spring we nskod for about forty blocks of graded, gravolod and rolled streets, and what Imvo we got? Dy hard scrapping Mr, Carson got two blocks on Konrnoy streot, nnd Mr. Elliott, by being on the streot com mlttee, barely got three blocks on Miller street. Wo could not ovon get grado on tho rest of our forty blocks and I don't know how many mon aro at work In the engineer's offlco. Glvo us a roet on the wonderful reeulu for this city. It will tnk'o a hundrod years to got Salem streets In any kind of shape at this abomlnablo rato of doing things. Wo bettor Improve somo stroots before wo build sowars. Is my opinion. Sofond Ward. How to Cure a Cold. Do as. careful as you can, you will occasionally take cold, and whon you do, get a medicine of known reliabil ity, one that has an establshed repu tatlon and that Is certain to effect a quick cure. Such a medicine Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained a world-wide reputation by Us remarkable cures of this most common ailment, and can always be depocdo dupon. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expec toration, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring tho system to a healthy condition. For sale by all good druggists. o We need a lot of things wo don't get nnd n lot of things wo don't need. JOURNAL, SALEM, OnEGON, SATURDAY, OCT011KR 30, 1000. CHARCOAL LOZENGES POWERFUL ABSORBENTS Offensive Rrcntli nnd Stomach Gases .Cannot 15lst Whero They Aro Used. Charcoal by virtue of Its norus nature, tnkos up gnsos mechanically Just as n spongo takoa up wntor. Its capacity In this respect Is In propor tion to tho number and flncnoss of Its pores. Charcont mndo from pop lar, beach wood, wcotnblo Ivy. co- con nut shells and willow wood, is a compact, heavy substance, having a metallic luster, tho pores bolng qulto Invisible Chomlcnl tests of various kinds porformed by oxport chemists havo rjenvealed the fact that chnrconl mado from willow wood. Is not only absolutely harmless, but that It Is by far tho most powerful absorbent 01 all kinds of gases. Certnln othnr woods, mentioned nbovo, nro usod by somo mnnufneturora In maklnc charcoal, and, besides not bolnir half as roffoctlvo In nbsorhlng stomnch stomach gases, havo also boon found to bo positively harmful to tho di- gostlvo system. Willow wood charcoal Is. then. tho very best for tho nurnoso of nb sorhlng excessive gnB of tho stomach removing Intestinal flntiiB. nnd nitri fying foul breath. Chnrconl lo be offcctlvo against gastric flatulonco, must ho Introduced nmong tho wan es of tho stomach In tho samw stnto as whon frosh from tho crucible Tho moans of effecting this Is to comprosa thorn Into solublo lozongoe, so that aftor being dissolved In tho mouth and swallowed tho oharcoal Is "sot froo," nnd at once begins Its work of oxidizing nnd nbsorhlng foul gases, and also through Hn nnti soptlc properties, of purifying the entlro nllmontnry tract. It Is definitely known that tho ab sorbent nnd cleansing notion of chnr coal In protrnctod nnd continued through tho Inttmllnal system ns well ns In tho stomach, nnd It pr,ovos hoUeflclul thoro also. In STUART'S CHARCOAL LOX. ENOES wo hnvo a gns-nbsorblng remedy which rondlly tnkos prcco donco over nil othorn. Tho charcoal usod In thorn Is tho vory host that can ho obtained. Thoy aro composed or tho flnoBt young willow wood, convortod Into chnrconl by tho spo clal carbonizing Stunrt Proces, and hoforo holng compressed Into Loz ongos, tho powdorod chnrcoal Is ren dered swoot and thoroughly ngroe nhlo to the taste by being mlxod with pure honey, nnd tho result Is a product equally ns palatable ns can dy. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges have attained n wldo popularity among tho people, millions of boxes being sold ovory yonr. Thoy havo, over and ovor ngnln provon tholr oHlclon cy ns rapid and poworf ul 'nbsorbe'nts of foul stomnch gases, rqllevlng and curing flatulonco, bolchlng, or the oructntlon of gases, and finally In tho purification of offonsivo breath. Iluy a package of these little loz enges from your druggist for 25 conts and forward us your natno and address for free sample pack age. Address F. A. Stunrt Co., 200 Stunrt Dldg., Mnrshall, Mich, Wheat Is Higher. UNITBD TBR-SS MUHUD WIRE.1 Chicago, Oct. 29. Tin wheat mar kot opened higher than yesterday on the strength of the firm tone of the Liverpool market, which opened c up und the strong cable from Euroiie forced some of the local shorts to oovor tholr holdings. A good de mand Is reported for ettsh wheat at Minneapolis. Tho whoat market closed strong. ' o For Chnppa Skin. Chapped skin, whethor on the hands, or faco may bo cured in one night by applying Ghamhorlaln's Salvo. It Is also unequalod for sore nipplos, burns and scalds. For salo by all good druggists. Holp yousof to de white meat, Mistuh Jouncing. o Foloy's Honoy nnu Tar clears tho air passagos, stops the irritation In he throat, soothes tho Inflamed mem branos, and the most obstlnnte cough dl appear. Sore and Inflamed lungs are healod and strengthened, and the cold Is expelled from tho syatom. Re fuso any but tho gonulno lu the yel low package. J. C. Perry. o 1 It looks dark for Jeffries. o I'd Rather Die, Doctor, Than have my feet cut off,' said il L. Dlngham, of Prlncovlllo, 111., "but you'll die from gangrene (which bad eaten away o'ght toes) If you don't " said all doctors. Instead be usej Pucklen'e Arnica Salve till who ly cured. Its cures of eczema, fevor sores, bolls, burns and piles astound the world. 25c at J. O. Perry's. HE GOT MAD 22 YEARS AGO; SHE GOT DIVORCE tUNlTUD rnnss markd winn.) Sacramonto, Cal., Oct. 30. Mary Sllvn Is freed today from tho galling bonds of matrimony, becauso John Sllvn showed his nngor 22 years ago, whon tholr daughter, thon n baby, woko up during tho night and cried. According to Mrs. Sllva's com plainther husband became enraged and threw tho Infant to tho Moor, and abused tho mothor. Tho date of this particular not was In 1887, nocordlng to tho papers In tho suit. Acts of cruolty whloh nro nllogod to havo occurred lator wore also nl Tho enso was argued beforo .Tudgo Shlolds, who grantod a decree. o 1ii Makes Appointment, Anyway? (ijnituh Mums LiusiiD winn. Albuquerque, N. M., Oct. 20. Closo upon tho roport that Governor Curry, of Now Moxlco, is to tondcr his rwlgnntion to President Taft, It Is rumored that tho appointment of A. L. Lnwsho ns his successor has boon dotormlned on by tho fed oral authorities. Lnwsho, until his recent resigna tion, becauso of 111 health, was third asslstau postmnstor-gonornl. Ho Is said to bo Secretary Dalltngor'a cnolce for tho position. Other cabinet momhors, It Is re ported, havo ndvocnted Lawsho's np polulmeut to tho presldont. Prnpo.HjiN for Receiving Wnnl nt Orc gnu Stnto Itmnno Asylum . . Notice to Rlddera. Tho lionrd of Trustoos of tho Ore gon State Insnno Asylum will opon sealed bids for tho construc tion of Rrecolvlng Ward build ing nt that Institution on Mon day, November 1, 1000, nt 2 p. m., at the Executive Chambors, Stnto Capitol, Salem, Orogon. Plans and specification, of samo may bo Boon nt the o 111 ce of Lazarus, WhltohotiBO & Foiilllhoux, architects, Portland, Ore gon; nt tho olllco of tho Suporlntond nt of tho Oregon Stnto Inimno Asy lum. Salem, Oregon, or nt tho Exec utlvo (mamhors, Stnto Capitol, Sa lem, Oroguti. Each bid must bo nccompnnlod by a cert I Hod chock lu a sum not less than ten por cent of tho total amount of tho hid, and tho same should ho sealed nnd addrosscd to tho undor signed, nnd marked on tho outsldo of tho envelope "Did for Rocolvlng Ward, Orogon Stat) Insnno Asylum." The Hoard of Tnuetcoe of tho Orogon Stnto Insauo Asylum rosorvo tho riant to rojoct any nnd nil bids. C. N. M'ARTIIUR, Clork of Hoard of Trustcos Orogon State Insane Asylum. Salem, Orogon. Septombor 20, 1000 Satnnd Wed to Nov 1 Dennison Launch Line C. IC. Dennison launch, foot of State street, conneots'wlth nil trains. Host leave 15 minutes beforo ar rival nnd departure of all trains. Express and baggage bundled. Tnlo phono 849. O. C. T. C o. StoNmers Pomona and Orogona lonvo for Portland dally except Sunday nt 0 a. m. M. P. RALDWIN, Agent. Cold Weather Advice To all Is to beware of coughs and colds on the chest; as nogloctod thoy readily load to pnoumonla, consump tion or othor pulmonary, troubles. Just as soon as tho cough appears Ireat it with nallard's Horohcmud Syrup, tho standard euro of Amerl oa. Uso as dlroctod -porfectly harm less. A cure and preventltivo for all diseases of tho lungs. Price 25c, GOc and 1.00 por bot tle. Sold by all dcalors. Iluffalo, N. Y., has a Lqmon street, and the residents of that thoroughfare are anxious to have Its name changed. Soured on the present one, us it woro. o To mulntaln health, n mu'urc man or womau needs Just enough food to repair tho waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than Is nocos sary for thoso purposes Is tho prime cause of stomach troublos, rhouma tlsm and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with Indigestion, revise your diet, let-reason and not appa tlto control, and take n tow doses nf Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, nnd you will soon bo .01 right again. For salo by all good druggists. Many r woman considers marriage a failure because sho Is uuublo tu gt a dlvorco. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of 6ut&M&&ti fMt&mm&&3BHESffl3, "Tiiri lillo 1 BlnlA 'kfr WWWW 1 Ulllfl pILi! I JWeHIB,! tiit.ls.iyiyJl .MrtflE . 4!-.J i Ukr5.iji,Jasr Al.connt. i if i rfW7, AcgclaWcPrcnarailonrjrils similalingiltcfuotfaraJRctfuU lingllicSiomacIisanilIoMr.lscf lsarasi rrowolcsDifteslionhfcifur rtcss aiul KesLContains iwidw Onium.Morphlnc nor)liacroL Not Narcotic. t?2 Jkt.Srtt AtisctttJ IliraSffJ- ftWXj- litttytmlkmr. tsii cj Aperfcct Remedy for CVmsll;i- nn . JnurSfnmirh.Ill.irrhno Vnrm! .rnmiilr.loiw.FnTrislr ft ucssoiuILossopSleep. .j Kra m:, Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. ! u&s'r nu WM GunntccaunucrtlwI'-oodad Exact Copy of Wrapper. Are thoso who will havo us laundor tholr waists, dollcnto llngorlo, otc. Our facilities aro thoso of tho host for tho perfect handling of this character of work. Our holp is thor oughly oxperioncod, and much more sklltiul than most holp you can socuro to come to your homo or to "tnko out." A trial will mnko you a cllont of ourr. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 2.1. lUil.r.lii H. Llberly St. Words to Vtxxta tho Soul. "Your son has Consumption, Ills cnHo Is hopelot8." Thoso appalling words w re spokon to Ooo. 13, Ulov one, a leading morchant of Spring llold.N. C, by two oxport doctors one n lung specialist. Then was shown tho wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After threo woeks" mo," wrIUs Mr, Dlovons, "ho was ns well as ever. I would not tnko nil tho money in tho world tor what It did for my boy." Infalllblo for coughs and colds, Us tho safoat, oureet cure of desporato lurj dUoas os on oarth. GOc and $1.00. J, O. Perry guarantee aatlsfactlon. Trial bottlo freo.- It Is probubly better to marry for money than never to havo any mon ey at nil. o Swept Over Nlngunt, This torrlblo calamity ofton hap warnings aro kind. That dull pain or nnho In tho back wa.ns you tho kid aoys nood attention if jou would ot capo fatal maladlos dropsy, dlabotos or Drlght's Disease Toko Electric Hitters at onco and see backacho fly and all your beat fooling return. "Aftor long suffering from weak kid neys and lamo back, one $1.00 bot tlo wholly cured mo," writes J. R lllackoiiehlp. of Dolt, Tcnn. Only tiQ cents nt J. C. Perry's, h4 f9ffl JOO.ii - UJ Brainy I Women A New Stock Of Rubber Boots and Sboes. Leather Boots in calf; also complete. line of High Top Shoes. Fine line of Men's and Women's Dress Shoes." Come and see my goods; am sure you will be pleased. JACOB VOGT PAGE SEVEN For Infanta and Childron. win MaiiibnMMMMniMMMMN The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THteiMTMmcaMMnr wto-aan or. Phono U Main. 147 N. High it. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and I.lvory. All Rigs Modorn Ilubbor Tiro. gui:at ch'nicsk Dooron 1i. AI. HUM has modlclno which will euro nnj known disease, aio makes a spoclalty of and gib.rautoos to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rhoumatlsm, Doblllty, Stomach, Llvor, Kldnoy troublos; also nny Mnckonod or swollon soreness, brokon limbs; Smnllpox, ISptdomlo; all kinds ol Dolls, Lost Manhrod, Fomnlo 'Weak nose, Hornls Troublos nnd Paralysis. Consultation froo. Cnro of Y k So Tong Co., Chlneso drugs nnd horlxi 1G.1 High streot, upstairs, Salem, Or, Tho Ileht I'laMcr. A ploco of flannel ilmnpoued with Chnmborlalu'H Liniment and bound on to tho nffooted parts Is suporlor to nny plnator. When troubled with lamo bade or pnlus In tho side or ohost glvo It a trial and you nro cer tain to bo moro than pleased with tho prompt rellot whloh It affords. This llnlmont also rollovos rhoumallc pnlus and Is certnln to ploaso nnyona suffering from that disease. Sold by all good druggists. o Weapons that lly off tho handle have little effect on the walla ot sin. Borvod as coffeo, tho now coffee mibstltuto known to grocora ovory wlmro ns Dr. Shoop's Honlth Coffeo will trick ovon a corteo oxport. Not a grain of real coffeo In It olthor. Pure, healthful, toasted grains, malt, nuts, oto.. havo been so clavorly blended as to give n wonderfully satisfying cof feb tnste and flavor. And It Is "made In a. minute" tool No todlous 20 to 30 mlnutoe' boiling, Test It aud set Dr. Snoop created honlth coffeo that tho peoplo might havo a gonulno cof fee Hubstltuto, and ono that would b thoroughly satisfying In every possi ble rospect. Sold by J. W, HnrrltU You can't afford to loso your tom por ovory tlmo you havo reason o Chlldratra Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA - HIfW - fH AW g Alt trt lilt lUiff tHlHlillUHHltHlilf H