" OO" PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Cm i . i.m ... i i ii i i i i '.QOO Sundny, Oct. 24. Pastor Russell of the Brooklyn Tabcrnnclo prenched to day from the text, "Grieve not tho boly Spirit of God, by which you woro scaled unto the day of deliverance-" (Ephcslans Iv, SO). He said: Most evidently our text Is not ad dressed to the heathen, who know not God, nor to tho masses of Christendom oven, but merely to those who come to an Intimate acquaintance with tho Lord and who hnvo received his holy Spirit ns a seal, mark, evidence, proof, that they by and by will attain the fruition of their hopes the completion of their redemption, their absolute? de liverance from sin and death' condi tions. Most assuredly no ono could grlcvo tho holy Spirit who had not re ceived It I c Tho expression, holy Spirit of God, Is hero used exactly In the same sense as If wo wcro speaking to n dear earthly friend, whose 'sympathy, fellowship, favor wo had learned to esteem very highly. Of such wo might say In very similar language, If you do so and so, It would nssurodly wound nnd grlovo tho spirit of your dearest friend. Tho Intimation would be that you would no longer have his esteem nnd favor ns before; that the reprehended conduct would cnuno more or less of a broach between you nnd your friend. It would not menu tlmt his acquaintance would necessarily be cut forever, and that ho would become your enemy. Instead of your friend. It would mean, rnthor. that having been your friend lie would esteem you no longer worthy of tho same degree of fellowship and confi dence ns before. Ho would no longer treat you as n dear and Intlmnto friend, nnd cauimunlcnto to you his plans nnd arrangements along various linos. Hq might still speak ns bo pnssed by, and treat you In every way kindly, yet there would bo a difference, n coolness, n separation, a cloud, be tween. If you esteemed tho lovo of your friend, his fellowship, his Inter est In nil of your nffnlrs, you would assuredly be continually on guard to do nothing that might wound, offend, grieve him and nllcnnto his sympathy nnd fellowship especially If ho wcro on n higher plane of wealth or honor or Intelligence tlmn yourself, und one, therefore, whoso patronage, advice and counsel you needed nnd desired. This, we take It, Is tho thought be hind tho Apostlo's word "grlcvd' in our text. It Is closely allied with tho thought of offending our best friend, our Creator, our Heavenly Father. Wo nro not to get tho thought that tho great Creator of the Universe could bo actually caused sorrow, grief, repin ing, imln, by nuy conduct of ours. Ho is too great nnd wc aro too Insignia cant. Yet our Heavenly Pother takes note of us as a world of mankind. Ho has provided for our relief from sin and Its penalty, denth. Ho is specially Interested In those who havo responded to his gracious proffers. "Like as a fa ther pltleth Ma children, so the Lord pit Icth them that reverence him" (Psalm clil, 13 1. Ilia pity extended beyond this even to love, when wo heartily accepted his favor and inndo full con secration of our little nil to him. It was then that he wuh pleased to seal us, to give uh the murk or stamp of Bonshlp, to evidence to us that we havo been begotten ngnln to a New Nature, to Immortality, to glory with himself if so be that wc continue faithful to our vow of consecration. The Lord's Jewell. As a father he watches over tho In terests of tulti consecrated vlasw. Al though, as the Sulpturos say, they nro "few," he cstlutiites them very highly nnd, amongst other precious names, gives to til we Kuiirt of God the tltlo of "Jewel." The experiences of tho pres ent life are Intended to polish these Jowels-to preMire them for u heavenly setting lu the Itemirrcctlon Morning. "They Mmll be mine, snltb the Lord of bohtfi. In that day when 1 make up my Jewels" (Maine hi ill. 17). As (he lupldnry Hoc washes the dla iiiQiid which hiiH Uveti picked from tho miry clay; us he then critically exam ines It to uoto Its very beat possibili ties; as he then gives direction to the workman respeetlug its cutting and subsequently respecting Its polishing, wo have the Dlvluo illustration of how God's providence through the boly Spirit, tho holy Power of God, over rules nnd guides iu all the experiences of this consecrated "Jewel" class. It is required of them that they exerclso faith nud lenru to rejolco In trlhula tlons. as well as in more pleasurable experiences, knowing that they are in God'a band, and that, if tbey are sub missive to blm. he will "work out for them a far more exceeding nnd eter nal weight of glory" through the dis appointments, the frictious, the sor rows, the tears, the anguish even, of earthly experiences Jf these be en dured for righteousness' sake. Coming down to human comprehen sion, the Lord represents himself as pleased or displeased, rejoiced or griev ed, nfter the manner of the most noble of the human family. Hecause of bis generosity, hlx benevolence, his desire to do good unto all. nud especially to the household of fnltb, nnd particular lr to the fnlly consecrated, our Crea tor takes pleasure In the working out of a great Plan of Salvation for humanity. -- DAILY CAPITAL O O Ql'"t-.' l.f.fH t.f .--- 1-tQ PULPIT... Grieving the Spirit. Text, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God, by Which You Were Scaled Unto the Day of Deliverance" (Ephcsians iv, 30). ooO . i. iiH.i- .... . iQ For six thousand yenrs our loving Creator has permitted Adam's dlsobc dlcnco to bring upon bis family n terri ble rclgu of sin nud death. God sym pathizes with tho "groaning creation" and has promised assistance deliver ance. But his Wisdom determines that the lesson of the sinfulness of sin and tho bitterness of its fruit must first bo thoroughly learned. Then tho deliver nnco to righteousness and llfo may be tho better appreciated and all danger of n reversion to sin be avoided, and an eternity of righteousness and bless ing result. Preparation for this great program ban not been swift, nor Is baste neces sary. The lesson of sin nud its bitter fruitage has conio to tho world during six thousand years, though no single member of the race needed or received so prolonged a lesson. Tho first step of recovery was accomplished by our ncdccmcr's sacrifice of himself. Tho second step has been In procccs since Pentecost (tho calling nud ncceptlng of tho nntltyplcnl Lovltes) specially amongst these of tho nntltyplcnl priest hood, who now rejoicingly suffer with tho groat High Priest. They lay down their lives In his service, under the promise tlmt In the First Resurrection they shall be with their Itcdccmor nnd shnro his glory and, ns n "royal priest hood" under him. rule. Instruct, nnd ovcry way assist In uplifting tho "groaning creation" during' tho Millen nial Kingdom of the great Mediator, whoso members they will be. This stop in tho Divine Plan Is spoken of in tho Scriptures ns "The Mystery of God;" that tho Church now being selected nro "members" of Tho Christ. As soon ns this "mystery hidden from ages" shall bo completed nnd the Church bo glori fied, with her Lord, then our prayer nnd the prayer of our Redeemer will begin to have fulfillment "Thy King dom come; thy will be dono on earth as It Is done In henven.". Not all who have nnmed tho nnmo of Christ; not nit who hnvo turned nway from sin; not all who havo mado full consecration of themselves even will attain to tho glorious "things which God lint It In reservation for them that lovo him." Only such of the conse crated ns learn lu the School of Christ tho great lesson of supremo lovo to God nnd heart obedience to his will (outward ohedleiico also to tho extent of ability) only these will be nccouuted worthy to share lu the Kingdom. It Is these that are mentioned In our text ns sealed by the holy Spirit of prom ise nnd waiting for tho resurrection morning, the deliverance dny, tho day of attainment to the glorious things which God has lt reservntlon for tho faithful. As a loving parent watches tho progress of his child lu school, so the Heavenly Father Is Interested In our progress, nud desirous tlint wo shall make our calling and our election suro to tho heavenly glories. Hence ho pictures himself as pleased with our progress and ns grieved when we fall to learn tho necessary lessons. Ho Irns promised us n place with our Lord In his Millennial Kingdom Throne, but tho promise Is n conditional one. Our Redeemer expresses It thus: "To him tlint ovcrcometh will I grant, to sit with mo in my Throne." Thus wo got n glimpse of God's special Interest In each of his consecrated, spirit-begotten children. They have his love and favor and smile lu proportion ns they follow tho Redeemer's footsteps. A fnlluio to walk iu this way griovos tho Lord's spirit or figuratively brings his frown instead of his smile and tenda to scp arato us from his love. Tho child of God should seek to over live In the sunshine of tho Heavenly Father's favor. Whatever clouds orlso between such nnd their very best earthly friends will le light nllllctlons Indeed. If they still nbldo in fellowship with tho Heavenly Father nnd the Son. through the holy Spirit the spirit of love, the spirit of Truth, the spirit of obedience, the spirit of solf sacrifice. Indeed, If earthly friendships nnd earthly loves be entirely severed through faithfulness to the Lord, tho loyal one may reach the place where ho can "rejoice in tribulation also." Sealed by the Holy Spirit. A seal Is an nuthorltntlve mark. With n signature a seal implies that the contract of the document Is uo longer open, uo longor n more pro posal, but an accomplished, finished agreement or bargain. In olden times, seals were usually Impressed In wax while It was yet seft: tho seal Itself represented a coat of arms or some thing representing the personality of tho one who used It. Tho pressure upon the soft wax was gradually In Teased nnd then held firmly until the wax had cooled, hardened, and permit ted the removal of the seal, without Injury to the impress which then was clearly revealed. This is the mental picture which our text brings before our minds. God our Creator, our Fa ther. Impresses upon our willing hearts bv his holy Spirit his own character likeness, which Is specially exemplified for us In the words and doings of our Redeemer and the apostles who walk ed In his steps of devotion to God and to righteousness and in self sacrifice In the Interest of otfiers. What a beautiful picture our text than giTea us of the holj Spirit's opera- JOUIINAIi, SALEM, OREGON, Pit tlotl UpUII Ulll Uc.ll l ru-.ilii U. III. It.. lng us, cuutliitmll. deepening the I lit prosslon, eventually transforming uh. until, by the Dual ilinime or tile i Irsi Resurrection, the scumx processes shall have been iui-uiiiiiistied. Then the glorious promlne of titid's Word having been fully i-cnllxcd. We uluill i like our I.oul on the nplrlt pliiue nun shnrcrs of his glory. Then we h'.ui'A In grained the pilVlleueH of uMMml.it Inn with him In his Millennial Milium work for the uplifting, the restitution tho blessing, or Israel and till the fam ilies of the earth, ltur let us tint Tor get tlint no one Is sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, except he ban turn cd from sin nnd accepted our Lord Jesus ns his Redeemer and who has. additionally, consecrated unto death nil his human rights nud Interests of every kind to Bacrll.ce. the sit me uh guided by the holy Spirit of the Lord. The Scallna Operation. God's holy Spirit, lu effecting this sealing of our hearts, lu making thin impress of the Divine character upon us as New Creatures, uses various means. One of these is the Word of God, Eomctlmes called "the sword of the Spirit." Its Instructions, oneour ngemeuts. warnings and promises con stitute n power of God upon the hearts of those who love righteousness nud hate Iniquity nnd who nre striving to serve the Lord with willing nnd self sacrltlclng hearts. The Word of God may reach others and Influence them more or less this wny or that, but only upon this one special class docs It exer cise this scaling power. Another agen cy for the Impressing of the Divine will, "the mind of Christ," the holy Splrlt, upon our henrts is God's Prov idences. These, however, can be right ly understood only by those enlighten ed by tho Word, the Bible, nnd cnu be rightly npplled only by tho meek, the humble the trustful, who hnvo made the consecration nnd nro seeking to make their culling nnd election sure. The holy Spirit uses these different mentis of developing In the consecrated ones tho mind of Christ, the spirit or God. the holy Spirit; nnd the settling thus effected mnrks each Individual us one of the Lord's "Jewels." one or lite Lord's "members." In preparation rr n share with the Lord lu the heavenly Kingdom. There Is n blessing experi enced In conjunction with the sealing Itself-a Joy. n pence, a rest of heart, which the world can neither give nor take away. However, these blessings of the present time are merely n fore tnste or "enrnost" of the grent Inherit mice which U to be theirs with the completion of their experiences In the School of Christ. In the ond of tlilf nge nil of these faithful onos. "imt mnny," "n little lloek." wlll'ioncli tin end of tho Journey nnd. by tho First Resurrection, bo "changed In n moment. In the twinkling or nn eye." Into the glorious likeness of the Redeemer Tlmt wonderful moment will be In (he enrly dawn or the Millennial Dm which Is the Dny or Redemption, the Day or Deliverance. Deliverance For tho World. But while tho Church will bo the first to be hlewed In that doltvcrntu day, tho Scripture assure us that nth era also will bo dellvered-"lhe grn.ii) lng creation." But tho Church will b first every wny, nud then through It -tho Body r Christ, tho blessings it restitution opportunities will be extPti-' ed to nil others. That will be earth great Dollvorntno Dny or. an shown In the Jewish typss, It will be the tin" typical .lubllee Year, lu which the world will be reloaded rrom Its bond ago to sin nnd death. As St. .lames do Clares (I. ISi the Church Is "a kind or first-rrults unto God or His creatures." But the first-rrults will have n great pre-eminence. In that the First Resur rection will bring them spiritual per fection, ns well ns n shnro In the Mil lennial Kingdom. Thelra will be an In stantaneous rhnuge. while the oppor tunities or the world will Ikj that or gradual uplifting from sin nnd death conditions to the perfection of man hood, such as Adam enjisl before lie sinned, nnd in a worldwide Kden home. The grieving of the holy Spirit, then, would slgnir.v t hot l lie sonllng proe cs6ch would discontinue; that tho work would not be accomplished; that the Word nnd Providences of God would not prove effective in the heart which had grieved the Spirit. In other word, it Is required that this work of soallng shall be fully with our consent (co operation), else It ennnot proceed. The Apo6tle Intimates that self-will on our port, or n recurrence to tho spirit of the world, would have this blighting effect. This U pltown In tho context preceding, which should bo fully stud led. it Is not our wish to dlscourngo nnv body In any measure of well doing. On tho contrary, we encourage nil with the Scriptural ossnrutue that not n single net of kindness done In one or the least or the Lord's dlsclplos vHI fall of Hh reward even n cup or cold water. It Is our duty, however, to ea'l attention, not only to the grandeur ( tho prlzo which the Lord has set le fore bis Church, but also with equat persistency to call attention to the particular terms upon which It may be secured. It is not In vain that the Apostle wrote. "If ye do these things, yo shall never fall, for so nn entninv shall be ministered unto you nbun dantly Into the everlasting Klncdntn of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." In the very same connection tbe Apos tle calls our attention to some who have grieved the boly Spirit where with they were sealed unto the day of deliverance, eaying: "But he that lack ctb these things Is blind nnd cannot sec afar off (has lost his spiritual slghd and has forgotten that be was purged from bis old Bins" (II Peter I. R Hi. So, then, dear brethren, let us give the more earnest heed to the Word of the Lord, lest we should let tbe blessed message and blefscd influence dip. I DAY, OCTOIlEIt 20, 1001). CAS HEARTBURN AND DYSPEPSIA VANISHES You can oat anything your stom nch craves without fear of indiges tion or dyspepsia, or that your food will formont or sour on your atom nch It you will tnko a little Dlnpep slu occasionally. Your menls will tnsto good, and nuy thing you cat will bo digested; nothing can ferment or turn Into ncld or poison or stomach gas, which causes belching, dizziness, a feeling of fullness nfter ontlng, nnusen, in digestion (llko n lump of lend in stomnch), billiousncss, heartburn, water brash, pain In Btonmch and Intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from tho stomnch nro absolutely unknown whero this cf--ctlvo remedy is used. Dlnpepslu ready does all tho work of a healthy stomach. It digests your menls when your stomach can't. A single doso will digest nil tho food you oat sour and upBOt the stomnch. Got n largo 50-ccnt enso of Rape's Dlapcpsln from your druggist und start taking now, nnd In n llttlo w..Ilo you will actually brag nbout your healthy, strong Btomnch, for you thon can eat anything nnd ev erything you want without tho slight est discomfort or mlsory, nnd overy pnrtlclo of Impurity nnd gas that Is in your Btomnch nnd Intestines Is going to bo carried nwny without tho use ot laxatives or any other as sistance. Should you at this moment bo Buf fering from Indigestion or any Btom nch disorder, you can got rollof within fivo minutes. Paying Dividends There Is uo luvestmont for a young porson that will pay bolter dividends than u good business train lug such as may bo soon red nt tho Capital IliiHlnofts College, ot Snlom. The success of Its graduate Is con stant proof of this. At this school the Individual needs of each pupil nre looked nftor. Tho result is competent grnduntos nnd sntisflcd buslneMi men who omploy them. A catalog will toll you ull nbout tho school. Ask for It. o Den n Collins, whoso amusing skit on Cook and Ponry we print else where, is going to "mnke good." Just I take the horso odltor's hunch and , watch Collins grow. tc ' After tho Charity bnll tonight the next ovonts nro Halloween nud The Journal contest. I After tho Chnrlty bnll tonight tho next events nro Hallow'ceu and the Journal contest. All Patent Medicines or medicines ad vertised In this papor nre for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon; owes no ono, and no one owes It: carries largo stock; Its shelves. counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, tollot articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. htono Is a regular graduate In medi cine and has had many years of ex perience in the practice. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for med icine. Dr. Stone can b found at his drug store, Salem, Or., from 7 la the morning until 9 at night. h Brat- ta "' I Cottee 1 Always u niiorm our m,, I best productsold in 1 lb., m 2 lb., 2 lb. and 5 lb. cans. I ', m Your grocer will grind It ! J bettor if ground at homo not 1 1 - - too flno. til! . o I 1 ij fwZJBHKsWKk. oars . SBlfiHMS l,MH2k3WS IM QtfjwaBK BURGLAR VISITED .E.C.MINTON Got Away with $1.50, But He Missed the Purse the Real Estate Man Kept His Wealth In. E. C. Mlnton had a llttlo oxpo'-icuce last night rather out of the usual or der. Ho has been In ratlioi poor health and has been In tho habit of lotting his lamp burn at night Last night a bold, bud burglar weni into Mr. Mlnton'u rooms on ortu Com mercial and out of tho kindness of heart which suggested ho should not wnko a sick man ho turnod dtnu 'ho light. This mado Mr. Mlnton w iko up, for no good ronl estate man wants to bo left in tho dnrlc nbout any thing, nnd tho first thing ho saw Wie the porch climbor reaching for hlj purso. Howovor, ho wns frightened nnd skipped, leaving tho purso, but he had provlously found $1.50 nud ho got awny with that all right. Just Dirty Old Boss. -Now York, Oct. HU. Rlchnrd Cro ker, formorly "boss" of Tnmmnny hall," roturnod to this country today. Ho donlod to tho roportora that ho Intended to oust Charlos F. Murphy as loador of tho Tnmmnny forces nnd resumo control himself. Croker nn nouueed that ho was en route to his country homo. Huie Wing Sang Co. BIG STOCK OF GOODS ON SALE Wo mnko up all kinds of White Undorwoar, Wrappers, Klmonns nnd Wnlsts. nig stock ot dents' nud Ladles' Furnishing Goods. Silks nnd Woolou Dross Goods, Shoos, Comforts, Dlnnkots, ate. Nightgowns, solo prlco flOe to 91.no Underskirts, snlo prlco 7.1c to 90.00 Undorshlrts, snlo prlco, U.-oto9L"n Wrappors, snlo prlco 91.00 to 91.no Klmonns, snlo prlco , noo to 9". 50 Waists, salo prlco . nocto9:i.no Kmbroldery, snlo price to to nOe yard Hlks, sale price U.1cto9i.unynrd Handkerchiefs, enlo prlco tie to 7fic 325 North Commercial MllieiriltlIM-MHMI-MI44-t-t4-fr4fHK o OREGON "MORE PEOPLE" Puss the word to your relatives ami friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates 1 To Oregon will prevail from tho Kant SICPTKAIIIKU m TO OCTOIIKH 15 Via tho ii Oregon Railroad and SOUTHERN PACIHCjl (Lines In Oregon) Prom Chicago .9:1:$. 00 I'roni St. Louis 32.00 1'ioni Ouinlin , 923.00 Prom Kt. Puul 925.00 iioui Kansas City,,,.,.,,.. 25,00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit tho amount of tbe faro with the nearest O. It. & N. or S. P. Agont and ticket will bo dollvercd in the East without extra cost. Send uu tho uamo and address of any ono Interested In the state for Oregon literature. W.M. .McMUHItAY, General Passenger Agent, l.i. til, Oregon. Mniitimtinrff imimtHmimewi IMOK THHEV! MINERS IN WALES ENTOMBED t united rasas limbed wins. Dnrrak, Wales, Oct. 29. Twontr two minors nro entombed In tho Bhaft ot tho Rhymncy Iron company, which was wrecked by nn oxploslon occur lng whllo 48 men wcro entering tho shaft. Eighteen of tho number escaped unaided whllo rescuers saved eight. Tho fnto of tho entombed men fa unknown, but it Is feared that thoy hnvo met death. MOTHERS should teach their little ones the daily use of some pood dentifrice and by so doing spare them much pain and annoyance Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth, prevents tooth decay and imparts purity and fragrance to the brcatlu HI Hose, snlo prlco no to 75c Umbrullns, snlo prlco noc to 9:1.75 Drosti Quods, salo prlco ,0 l-ilc to Hoc yunl Heavy Druse Skirts, salo prlco ,92.00 to 9:1.73 Oyorall Shirts, salo prlco . ., :t5c to 91.23 IllankoUi, sale prlco nou to 93.00 Coniforln, snlo price '. 91.00 to 9:1.23 Mattings, snlo price. IHe to itOe yard All Goods oil lllg Hide. Street, Salem, Oregon CALLS-- 61 o u '4 & Navigation Co. i