I l0umal VOL. XIX h. . 8ALKM, OKh'GON, Fill DA V, OCTOI1EH 20, 1000. NO. 210. - T & I CANDIDATES' NAMES TO APPEAR SATURDAY THE BALL TONIGHT WILL BE ONE OF THE GREATEST SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE CITY A QUEER STORY OF THE SPOOKS Portland Paper Prints the Fol lowing Story and vouches for Its Entire Truth ful Nature. FURNITURE IS CRAZY KYKItYTIIIXtJ IX NIK HOUSK TOl'SY-Tl'KVKY PI O..H Tl'll.Vr FACK TO WALL AVP l-TUXI-Tl'HK DOKS .AMi IClXDl OF STUNTS WIIKX lOY KXTKUS. Portlnnd'H big morning paper to. (ly Hays: w Topsy-turvy from tho first floor to tho garret, tho soven-room. two- story liouso nt GIG Mnrshnll street, near Sixteenth street, Is evldcnco of a mysterious uncanny prosonco which from 1:30 o'clock yestorday after noon until G:30 o'clock whisked ev erything movnblo as If It woro n chip. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, P. Sanders, oc cupants of tho dwelling, nscrlbo tho strango manipulations of tho strango unsoon thing to nn electric storm. Qoorgo It. 1'orry, n brother of Mrs. Sunders, has u dlfferont story. Ho describe! llttlo Ernest Harps, tho 11- your-old grandchild of Mrs. Sanders, who llvofl with her, Is tho Innocent cause. In that ho Is "possessed of tho 'devil." H. Sutherland, owner of the house, accepts the occult theory nnd has warned his tounnts to find another homo for tho lad or vacate his promisee. Whatevor tho causa of tho most odd doings In the Marshall stroot home, they happened. That's all thero Js to It. It was not necessary to rely sololy on the word of tho oc cupants, who, angely, throughout It all, did not g ,e In vondor or take the preoauUVn fo step out of tho way of things that word hurled and moved by an unseen powor. At traotod by the noise, neighbors rushed In nnd woro confronted by GROSSCUP A MENTAL JACKASS Says Woman Can Be a Great Fiction Writer, But that That Is About All She Is Good For. ALWAYS A FAILURE SAYS I IK, AXD IMtOISAIILY SIIK, WAS A FOOli WIIKX SHU 1'ItO Dl'CKD A HOY HAIIY WHO m-:v ii with tiiksu fool- ISH IDKAS THIS JUDOK HAS. i'xitkd muss ixasiid wiim. Chicago, Oct. 20. Club womon of l Chicago are greatly exorclsod today (Contlnuod on pago G.) (Continued on Page 4.) THE CHARITY BALL AT THE RINK TONIGHT Salem Ladies Take Steps to Care for All Who May In Need During the Winter. Be RINK IS BEAUTIFUL FLOWKItS AXD liUAYKS MAKU T1IU AUDITOH1UM A ItOWKIt OF HKAITY A SPLKXDID FLOC'lt AXD FIXU MUSIC, AI.OXO WITH PHKTTY GHtLS, WILL DO UKST a88ceoB nrfryiaf i4 T The Unlimited Power Of the Chicago Store, compared with the quick selling of our merchandise, leaves us in a position to be able to give you closer prices on reliable, up-to-date goods than any store in this valley. We are doing the greatest business in the history of our store and the sea son is we have the right goods at the right prices. maulKB m I iii HIP Now is your tlmo to got bargains in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Coats and Capes Our buyer in Now York, Mr. Lackey, socurod for us Trom a manufacturer who had moro cloaks and suits than money tho abovo men tioned lot of goods at n prico that will mako very quick soiling at tho Chicago Storo. Tho stylos are like tho out, tho latest and newest. $16.50 only . . Ladios' Suits, now $0.00 $20.00 Ladles' Suits, now only $12.50 Girls' J4.50 Coats from $1.08 up Ladles' Capos from $1.05 up It you want bargains In this soason's nowest Dress Goods and Silks Coino straight to the Chicago Storo. Blankets and Comforts Wo cau show you tho most complete stock of Blan kets and Comforts that was ever shown in Salem and we can give you prices that you cannot get elsewhere. Durable Blankets, pair 39c, 49c, 75c, 98o and up. MoneySaving Bargains in MILLINERY Tho Auditorium Kink tonight will be- nblnro with tho fashion and beau ty of tho unpltnl olty. Thoro will bo gay rostumofl and bright society no mou horo from tho principal cities of tho vnlloy, and a sum will bo rolod up that will onablo tho good women of this city to placo a dollar lii",o and thore where- It will be very much ap preciated during tho coming wlutor. The Itink Ih Itcautlfiil. The Charity ball will be a homo Iiallow'eun party and tho groat Audi torium Is a dronm of nutumnnl boun ty, starrod with electric lights and Jnck-o'lantorns Huspendod In nil kinds of ways. Tho dororatlous nro ivy, vino maplo, fir, swoot brlor with red borrlus, and scores of bonutlful flags draped In tho most artistic mnuuor undor tho direction of Mr. Post, tho architect, assisted by n host of Salem's bright young soloty mon. Mrs. Unit, as chairman of tho docorn tlons, proved n host, and used wagon loads of rich materials from tho Bnll farm. Olhor LndlcsWorkeil. It Vould bo imposslblo to mention all tho Indies who hnvo assisted to mako this tho ball bonutlful of years in tho socloty history of tho state Mrs. J. A. Cm son has boon gonornl chalrmnn; Mrs. Agnes Gllbort Schuc klug, chairman of tho oxocutivo com mltteo nnd gonornl nrrangomontH, and MrH. Thomim Smith In charge of the refreshments. Thoy will be served nt tho front rlght-hnnd comor coffoe, saudwlohos nnd cake, and punch will bo served nt tho left of the entrance. Tho lndlos' dressing room Is nt the roar, while tho gentlo inon will use tho allocking room for tholr wraps. Kleviit'il Card Flat form. Running the entire longth on the south side Ih tho elevated platform for the card tHbleo.aud those who do not dauco can hnvo a game nnd tho plnyera will overlook tho dancing floor.tn tho midst of which MoBlroy's orchestra will discourse tholatest airs. The ladios wish to thank tho mer chants of tho city who have holpod them so gonerously, tho nowapnpors thai liuvo dona nil the advertising froo, and tho oloctrlc thontors for an nouncements, nnd MossrB .Albert nnd Moyer for tho free uso of tho hull. Mr. Harry Albert hns conionted to net as master of coromonlos, nslsted by V. J. Hull. Tho grand march will start prorlwly at S:30 o'clock and dancing will continue as long an anyone wants t oonjoy the music nnd tho floor that will both be as nearly perfect as art cau mnko thorn. QUAKE SHAKES COAST Grant's Pass and Rogue River Towns Feel the Effect of the Early Morn ing Temblors. OREGON IS PROUD SO SKLDOM THAT KAUTHQfAKK SHOCKS AUU FKLT THAI' THIS STATU WAKUS UP AXD FKKLS OOD TO UK 1XOLUDKD IV THIS "FKVKIt AM) AGUK" CIjASS. Why Fay Moru? For your harness nnd horso goods, whan wo enn sell you n bettor alnss of goods for loss monoy than any of our competition. Others pay rent, wo collect rent; who enn soil the rhonpost? U. S. Lnmport Saddlery Co., 219 Conunorclnl street. Fur Hats, Satin and Molro Hats, Scratch neaver Hats, Plush Hats, Felt Hats, Ot toman Silk Hats, Velvet Hats, and all the rest that nro new now on snlo at the Chicago Store. No long prices asked. Here u also show a beauti ful lino of Ostrich Plumes, Loo Wings, Fancy Wings, Sot Bands and Ornaments. A now line of Patent Leather Hats for young ladios and children now on display; also Angora Caps. It will pay you to get OUK PRICES. Ladles' $4.50 Trimmed Hats, now. $2.no Ladios' 15.00 Trimmed Hats, now .... $2.05 -X3l JVBHvft GKEAi' HAKGAIXS IN LADIKK, MISSKS AXD OIULDUEX'S UNDEUWEAK AND HOSIKUY. We show tho greatest stock of Ladles, Misses and Children's Underwear nnd Hosiery In Salem and perhaps we could tlo some of the big stores in Portland to bo able to show such a complete line. Remember wo are the makers of low prices. Children's Underwear 15c, 20c, 25c and up Ladles' Winter Underwear from 19c up Ladles Union Suits from 48c up CONTESTANTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED SATURDAY Names Will Appear in the Journal on that Day See that Your Name, or that of Your Friend, Is Among the Many Contestants This Is Your Opportunity to Get In the Race and Stay to the Finish. united niKRH uhhiui wiiib.j Snn Francisco, Oct. 20. Tho seis mograph nt'tho Unlvorslty of Cnll forulnlii Darkoloy recordod olght dis tinct gnrthqunko uhnokB last night, extondlug over n porliyl of flvo mln litem and fifty-six souunds, tho fint rocord having been intulo at 10:40:07 o'clock. Reports from Nevada City, Red ding, Chlco, northern parts of Cali fornia, and from Grant's Pass and southern Oregon, say that tho shocks woro felt nnd In some Instances caused much fonr. Tolephono nnd tologrnph wlroi to Eiirokn, Cnl nro down, having 'ailed to work soon nftor tho hIiocIm wo t felt. THE PRIZES. 15c Wrapper Flannelettes good, heavy quality, yd. 9c Ftf imtim I 1 2000 vds. of IVig dark and light col ored Outing t Flannel, yd. 4c iWiif iglWltf IfrlfJIOf llf f lIKgf tf I Chicago Store Salem, Oregon THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Capital Prize One Five-Passenger, 30-h. p. Automobile. Grand Prizes Three $425 Eiler Pianos. Three $100 Diamond Rings, bought and on display at C. M Hinnps' Inwolrv Stnrn. Three Beautiful Gold Watches. Three Six Months' Scholarship in the Holmes Business College. :;! sic fc and surrounding torrltory. Many hnvo already determined to win ono of those vnluablo prizes. Tho Capi tal Journal has mado all arrange ments for tho prizes. Tho f 425 Ellor pianos will bo displayed In a day or so. Thoso Instruments nro tho best HERriS MARRIED TROUBLE FOR YOU fONITBll 1'IIUHH inABIIII W.l Oakland, Cnl., Oat. 20. County records horo show that n llconso to innrry wna Issuod on May 13, 1D0S. to Webber H. PnrklusoA and Anna K. Scott. Tho county rocordor said this afternoon that ho could flud nothing to show that tho wedding had taken plnco. Mr. nnd Mrs. Parkinson lived in Korkeloy last wlntor, nnd remained thero until tho death of tholr unby, March 22. 1000. Ho was In bust now nt Ooldfleld, and made frequent trips between lltrkeley and that city. It Is understood by th neigh bors that thoy had hoen mnrrled four yonrn ngo in Tncomn, Wash., and that Mrs. Pnrklnsou'H sister lived thero. She nlso told the neigh bom that she had relntlvett near Mln nwipnlls. After the child died the housohold goods woro sold nnd It was said that ho returned to Oold fleld, nnd that she wont to visit her irolatlvos. Tho baby was llvo months old whon It died, Amost unusni Interost has already been taken In tho Journal great con test and it will bo with great satis faction that wo announce on Satur day. Octobor 30, tho list of candidates that have already been nominated. The aluo and attractiveness of tho prizes have evidently stimulated keen desire among tho ladles of Salem (Continued on Page 7.) iHMfllff if lf f if f lf llWIljl Go Armed With a Pair of Shears; Clip the Votes from the Journal; Help Her Win One of These Fine Prizes. READ THE CONTEST PAGE TODAY nHiiiimwiiif fiifimiiiitq. BLEW UP THE JAPS DEJARTMENT STORE 'I'SITlin I'MBHH IHAHHIl WIUI1.1 Hnnford, Cat., Oot. 29. .Cracks moji. blow tho snfo of tho storo con ducted by tho Japaneeo firm of Talyo & Co.. nt Armona, four mllej from horo oarly today, nnd wero frlghtoncd nway when tho proprie tors, who wero sleeping In the noxt room, fired two shots through n wooden partition at thorn. Tho safe Xvas completely wrecked. 'Tho Jap aneso woro awnkonod and almost thrown out of bed by tho shock. When thoy realized what was going on, they fired In tho direction of the robbors, but tho cracksmon escaped without leaving any clew. Thoy did not hnvo tlmo to got any of the con tentu of tho safe. Tho pooplo who do not believe In a hell pray the loudest during a thun der storm. m