D jmtt UJ "PAOK TEN DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER S!5J, 1000 CHEAPEST INTOXICANT DISCOVERED Can See Chinese Pagodas and Birds of Brilliant Plumage Thirty-six Hours for One Nickle. Dnngor is nbout to bo romovod from tho Indians In tlio South and Mtddlu Wont, it Is n llttlo bonu known ns tlit poyoto, or tho inrwcnl, which has obtnlnod oxtonslvo uso among 'some of tho tribes. This poyoto, whloh hns poworful narcotic proportion, brings on n condition of groat soronlty nnd contont when used by tho Indintis. It is produced from a rnctus Hint grows in tho soiiihwcst, particularly In, Toxns nnd Mexico. Tho Indian bureau hns bonn mnklng efforts for tho InBt yonr to dlscourago tho usoof tho drug, and, although a Inrgo portion of tho supply hns boon bought tip nnd tho wholesale hnvo agreed to soil no moro to tho Indians, ninny traces of It nro constantly found on tho rcsorvntlonn. Most of tho Indians uao It until Ihoy becomo ontlroly un conscious, but a member of tho In dian buronu, who experimented on hlmsolf nnd did not tnko n largo cIobo at no tlmo, completely lost con sciousness nnd was nt all times cognlrnnt of his Burroundlngs, Ho found that tho ordlnnry colors woro greatly heightened In JntonBlty nnd brilliancy, nnd woro oxtromoly plona nnt to tho souses; thnt whon ho closed his oycfl a prncosslon of Chi ncso pngodos, with vnrlogated trim mings, floated around him. nleuslntr gcomotrlcal designs soothed him, nnd poncocks of brilliant plumago drift ed ovor his head, Only ona enso hns boon roporfed to tho Indian bureau whoro nn nppnrontly healthy porson died from lis uso. Tho effect of In dulgonco lasts longer thnn in tho uso of alcohol, tho taking of a Bmnll .nmount allowing effects 30 hours nt torword. Tho mind becomes clour nftor tho vIbIoii has dopnrtod, but Inssltudo- continues for a long pe riod. Tho continual uso doprlvcs tho tiBors of both muntnl nnd physlc- al vigor. To maintain health, n maturo man or woman needs Just enough food to repair tho wasto and supply onorgy hnd body boat. Tho habitual con sumption of moro food thnn Is necos ary for thono purppDos Is tho prlmo cnusfl of stomach troubles, rhouma tlsm and disorders of tho kidneys. If troubled with Indigestion, roviso your diet, lot reason and not nppo ttto control, and tako n, fow doses of Cliamborlalrv's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and you will soon bo .01 right again. For salo by all good druggists. tit X-RAYS AND SMILES Talk about Bplrlt rapping und materialisation of tho dopartod. Is there no way to stop n man commu nicating with tho nowspnpurs after ha Is dead? It would bo awful If some high-itiuoky-muok banker who has had religion, social and financial stand ing or ouo of thoso Oregon Trust wreckara should over hnvo to wor Btrlpes, And whon such n man onu't 1h tniBtud on the outside thoy make him n trusty on (tie Inside. Rev. Jack Homer, of tho Agricul tural college, Osour Wilde club hns been addressing the Portland Wo man's elub. U seems (ho women down thoro nro not afraid nt any thing. 4c When Jack Homer gets busy, It la tlmo to watch out for plums and thumbs. . There seams to bo no "sloop 'twlxt cup and Up" In the TJiorbum Ross case, and ho must servo his live years. It Is easier for a camel to go through the uyo of a noodlo than for a rich man to get Into tho ponl toutlary. but occasionally. If ho Is right Industrious, he breaks In. Slightly Colder With Snow Whenyousso that kind ot wvnthfr forecast you know that rheuinatUm wcathor Is at hand. Oct ready tor It oow by getting a bottle ot Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest th'ng mado for rheumatism, chllbla'ns (rut bite, soro and stiff Joints and muscle, all ache aud pains. 85c, 50c and 11 00, Sold by all dealer PIMPLES "I tried nil kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good, but I have found the right thing ot last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After talcing Cascarets they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets." I'rcdC. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J, Pleasant, Palntnble, Potent, Taito Good. DoOood. Never Sicken, Weaken or Grips. 10c, 25c, SOc. Never ioll In bulk. Thecenu Ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to ewo or your money bock. 822 I Iloth Hoys hnved. Louis noon, n loading merchant of Norwny, Mich., writes: "Thrca bot tles of Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr nbso lutoly cured my boy of n sovoro cough and ft neighbor's boy, who was bo 111 with a cold that tho doctors gavo him up, was cured by taking Foloy's Hon oy nnd fl'nr." Nothing olso Is ns snfo and cortaln In results. J. C. Perry. o Alabama's now prohibition law Is known ns tho Fullor bill, What's In a nnmo anyway. .y. Cold Weather Adrlco To nil Is to bowaro of coughs nnd colds on tho chost; ns noglocted tuoy readily lend to pneumonia, consump tion or othor pulmonary troubles. Just ns soon as tho cough appears treat It with Dallard'a Horohound 8yrup, tho Btandnrd euro of Ameri ca. Uso ns directed porfectly harm less. A euro nnd provontltlvo for all diseases of tho lungs. Prlco 25c, 50o and $1.00 por bot tlo. Sold by all dcnlors. REAL ESTATE HmHHMllf lf llllllliHHllHHi WAKE UP Buy a 10-acro tract one-half mile east of the asylum. Fine soil, high land, and excellent view. Lay aside a few dollars each month and be independent in years to come. This land on the tiain county road with a road through it also. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN Balance $1.00 Per Acre Per Month Don't Delay; Sec Us at Once SmitfrGillinghani Co. Room 5, McCornack Building Phone 96 lf f H llff f lf WIfHllillHUItlllllflHH,ait8M CHURCHMERE Beautiful West Salem: New rairoad, new depot, new buildings, and a new addition. Lots on the installment plan. Churchmerc has the best location, the best prices, and is the best buy. see Meyer & BELL DERBY & WILLSON State Street Commercial Street lfclltWlf lf f lM4lt I !! ttlll-ttlH- SEE SAVAGE &BORT I For farms and city property f 135 S. Commercial St. X Wff f l)fif k Why shouldn't you expect any one else to do hotter than you do your solf whllo you hold tho opinion that you are hotter than iuy one else Is ono of the unexplained things. ' O ' -' Fall colds are qutoKly cured by Foley's Honey aud Tnr. tho great throat nnd lung remedy. Tho gen ulne contains no harmful druga. J O Perry. Served as coffco, tho now coffee substitute known to grocers every where ns Dr. Shoop'B Health Coffco will trick ovon a coffee expert. Not a grnln of real coffco in it olthor. Pure, healthful, toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc., havo been so cleverly blondcd ns to glvo n wondorfully satisfying cof fco tasto and flavor. And It is "made In n minute." tool No tedious 20 to 30 minutes' boiling. Test it and set Dr. Shoop created health coffco that tho pcoplo might havo a gonulno cofr feo substitute, and ono that would b thoroughly satisfying In every possi ble respect. Sold by J. W. Harrltt With north polo nnd nvlntor he roes galore, where will Roosovelt bo whoh ho nrrlvos home. Never Worry About a cough thoro's no need of worry If you will treat It at Its firt appcaranco with Dallard'a Horc hound Syrup. It will atop tho cough at onco nnd put your lungs and throat back Into porfectly healthy condition. Sold by all dcalors. Orrtllirn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A CHICHESTER S PILLS W y- TUB MAHONII IIRANIt. a Iidlr.I A.k III. In Iltil l i,i. tMlnt Tata nn olh.r. llruril.U AiH-rll.'in.t iiiaMom IIHANU 11 l.I.I iir i in. n.Tr.n Tout I.N, fof S3 cm known ! Iktt.Sifat, Alwtyi SOLD BV DRtrnGISTS EVERYWHERE lIIHlHMf HHII.1I Union Land Co. Newport, Oregon. Population and property value treb ling every year. Tho next 3 years la tho tlmo reasonably-priced lots can bo purchased. LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. If required, buildings erected on any property sold. Correspondence solicited. J. A. 0LSS0N, Mgr. Newport, Otrgon. FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY My list may contain exactly what you want. T O, JORY, S05 Com'l St., Salem, Or. your I'-mm lit for a IMum.nJ llr.n iJ ml J.I1 rirtilllcVV llh niti llillr. W tiiir r tdui. v Foley's Honey nna Tar clears the air passages, stops tho Irritation in ho throat, soothes tho luflnmed mem branes, find tho most obstinate cough disappear. Soro and Inflamed lungs are healed and strongthoned, nnd tho I cold Is expelled from tho system. Re fuse nny but tho gonulno In the yel- 1UW IlilViiUKU. J. V. IVil). o There Is to bo no politics hi tho coming census enumeration. A good October Joke. wt)lu " tnmiHf Phone the Bu(cIieHuick! What Butcher? E. C. Cross & Son, of course; wc always get tho best meat there. It Isn't necessary to go down to the market these warm days. Just call Main 29 1 and tell them to send you a nice steak, roast, boll or anything you want In tho meat line and it will reach you on time and In first class condition. Arc You Looking for a Home? 05 Acres. All extra flno land, In sight of Sa lem, good 9-room houso, hot and cold wator, 2 barns, 20 acres Just cglbnnlng to bear, 3 acres young Roynl Ann chorrles and all Kinds or small fruits; best homo In 3 miles of Salem. Investigate. O Acres. Within half mllo of West Salem do pot, flno now C-room houso, now barn, new fonco; buildings cost J2C00; only $3,000 for a few days 15 Acres. Now C-room houso, now barn, fruits, etc, within ono mllo of tho capltol ..building, only $3000. 100 Acres. 70 In cultivation, 30 acres timber, only $4000. Six Room Ilungalow. Now flno, modern C-room bungalow, cIobo in, a snap, $2700. New 7-Itoom House. Largo lot. fruit, etc.. $1800. We also havo tho cholcost vacant lots In tho city. Fruit Tracts. Somo choice unimproved tracts ot land closo In. Wo havo somo flnb Insldo business property at a bat gain, If you want anything In this country boo a. a ssnTii co. Rooms 644 State St. Phono 1507 1JKC1ITKL Ai UVNON'S BARGAINS. 20-ncre farm that Is a money-maker for $80 por acre. Located In Marlon county, near good town. You can't bent It. 20 acres on county road, good land, nil cleared; nt $40, Snap. 22 aoros with good houso, barn, water, pasture nnd somo imple ments, for $3000. Two miles from Salem. En8y terms. A rare bar gain. A line lot on State street 4 5x1 GO tor only $950. fine lot in Cnrdwell addition on n wldo street, lG-foot alley, $225; $5 down, aud $5 per month, no Intorost. Seo us for thoso and other bargains. RKCHTEL .ft HYXO.V, Telephone -152. 317 htute St. Ground Floor OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Classes open Monday evening, Oc tober 18. Students can enter by calling at offlco ot Dean Richardson, nt 442 State stroot. Students can enter at any tlmo before Thanksgiv ing. 10-14-lm CANDIDATES' CARDS Platform of X. P. XELSOX, FOR GOVERNOR. Equnl rights, equal laws, and equal Justice to every cltlien. Men grant your equals Justice; women exercise your rights! Men and women, do your duty! 10-4-tf I'd Rather Die, Doctor, Than havo my feet cut off, said M. L. Bingham, ot Prlncovllle, 111., "but you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) If you don't," said all doctors. Instead be used Pucklen's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures ot ecxema, fever sores, bolls, burns and piles astound tho world. 25c at J. O. Perry's, nifSSJ!?f ?T7 rftWOSSk 4iTr-"LCy?" Classified Acts , Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One rent ft word for first Insertion. 3ne-linlf cent a woid for eacb lunertlon thereafter. No adrertUement taken 'or lefts tban 25 e. Cvtint six word to tbe line. FOR SALE. KOR SALE Cut rosos nt Hamilton Greenhouse, Yew Park, will oe thoro nfternoons only. 4-22-tf FOR SALE Good 1 H. P. Stnvor gasollno engine, cheap, lnqulro at 178 South Llborty St. 6-22-tf. FOR SALE Threonine outfit, con sists of 20-Lorscpowor double cy linder engine and 30-00 Reed's separator, all of tho latest mako. Thoro la a Parson's feeder. Per fection volghcr and Farmer's Friend blower. Prlco reasonable and terms easy. Apply to J. J. Langmack, Albany. Home phono 1352. G-21-ltf FOR SALE CHEAP On Blnglo Bldo- sprlng Studerbnkcr buggy, good as now. Enqulro at Walt Low's food barn. 10-1-tf FOR SALE Houso of flvo rooms, two lots nnd barn, $1,300. Houso of six rooniB, largo lot, $1,800. Al so good cholco building lots. Sco mo boforo buying. E. Lupton, 1408 Ferry street. 10-7-lm FOR SALE Good goDoral merchan dise stock nnd business In a llvo Wlllamotut vnlloy town. About 110,000 to swing. For particulars address box 508 Cottago Qrovo, Oro. 10-11-lm FOR SALE OR TRADE For Salem proporty, CO acres, partly Im proved; adjoins town, 344 Stato street. 10-15tf FOR SALE Good work horso, bay marc, weight 1275, truo to pull, , slnglo or doublo. lnqulro of Claud White, Fashion stables. 10-19-Dt FOR SALE Fine saddlo pony. 14C5 South Commercial street. 10-1 9-1 w HORSE FOR SALE Family drlv ing nag. Good looker, gentlo nnd trusty beyond question. C. P. Lloyd, nt Spencor's hardware. 10-22-3t WANTED. AVunted to Iluy Stock hogs. Call at Hop Leo laundry, 189 South Commercial street. Phono 1158. 10-4-lm WANTED 5 mill men, 3 teams, city work. A. C. Smith, 544 Stato street. 10-18-tf WANTED Good team of cheap ponies, also wagon and harness. Phono or lnqulro at Depot Hotel. 10-21-3t DUSINBSS CHANCE A good chanco to mako monoy for tho right pnrty. Tho llttlo storo at Eola for salo. Phono Suburban 89. 10-21-3t FOR RENT 50 acres bottom land, closo In, to seed for hay on shares. Will furnish seed if wanted. See R. R. Ryan. 10-21-3t FOR RENT. FOR RENT. For ono year or for a torm of years, two largo modern houses on Summor street. Inquire ot Dr. Mott, office 193 North Com merclal street. 10-1-tf MISCELLANEOUS. SAVE YOUR APPLES The Gideon Stolz Company U taking all apples offered at advanced price of last year. So save your apples. Gid eon Stols Company. 10-2-lm COAL OIL, GASOLINE And Dls tolato delivered to private families in any quantity, to any part of the city. Starr Oil Co. Phone 1729. 9-15-tf FOR EXCHANGE For Salem prop erty, n home in sunny California, at Pasadena, four blocks from business center. Apply to owners at 824 South Commercial street, Salem. 10-ll-lm PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Will take all kinds of stenographic work. Office with Hoyo & Hop kins, phono 257. 10-22-3t DOCTORS. DR. H. S. STONE, D. C, CHIRO PRACTOR Spine and nerve specialist. Rooms 4. 5, 6, D'Arcy building. Phono Main 87, Salem. Oregon. 4-28-tf FEED BARNS NEW FEED BARN Has opened on Commercial street, two and a half blocks south ot Ladd & Bush bank. Regular feed barn prices. Bayne & Smith, proprietors, 10-llm Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANOER Estimates mado and first class work dono. I. D. Driver, 61T North Capital street, Balom, Or. Phono 926. G-26-tf KENNEDY & PORTER 130 Liber ty street. Phono 485. Doalors in Oregon Sienna (Salem -mado) paint, wallpapor and all intorlor furnishings. Painting, paporlng and all manner of interior work dono promptlv In first class stylo at modorato priced) 8-5 -tC BAKERS. CAPITAL BAKERS" Bread, cako,. pics, and all kinds of pastries, cookies, etc Watch for our wag on. Phono 954. Rndock & Smith. 11-19-tr BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than nny other broad, yot the prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. DRAYMEN. :XPRESS WAGON Will tako ordcra nt all hours. Furnlturo and piano moving. Phono Main 465. Fred Schlndlor, 365 Stato st. 8-12-tf SALEM TRANSFER CO. Succes sors to Cummins Tranfor Co. All kinds of transfor work dono. Furnlturo moved and pianos bexed: ready to ship. Prompt dotvIco our motto, 253 South Commorclal streot Phono 210. 10-13-tr BUSINESS CARDS. DUTTI3 & WENDEROTH Fino wine, liquors and cigars. Wo han dlo tho colobratod Kellogg nnd, Castle whlaklcti. Cool and ro--rcshlng beer constantly on draught South Commercial St. 0-3-lyr WENQER & CHERRINQTON Pla noB and organs sold on easy terms: Phono 1187. 247 N. Commorclal stroot, Salem, Or. tf SALEM WATER COMPANY Office city hall. For wator servlco apply at offlco. Dllla payablo monthly In advance. G, F, MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Mllltr street, South Salomv manufacturers ot all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer ac cessories. Phono 308. t MUSIC TEACHERS. MISS ELMA WELLLER Tonchor of piano nnd Dunning Method or Improved Music Study for Degln nors, nutumn classes will begin Novombor 1. Studio 095 North Llborty. Phono 1351. 10-12-lia FRANK E. CHURCHILL Ropreson tatlvo of tho Weatorn Conservatory of Music, of Chicago, In this city,, will rosumo classes In piano, har mony, theory, sight reading, etc. on and after Soptombcr 20. Stu dio opera houso building, room 9. Phono 1100. Pupils may rocelve leasons either In their home or at tho studio. 9-ll-3m MISS BEATRICE SHELTON Teacbi or ot piano, also quartet work,. Autumn class work resumed Oc tober 1. Studio 345 Marlon Btrest. Phono 1299. Fridays at First Na tional bank building, phono 1295. 10-C-lm LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Old Pc-atofflce stables, at 254 Fer ry ctrcot, botwoon CommorclsV and Front. Telophono 188. Somo ot tho flnost llvorloa In the city an be found hero. W. W. John sou, tr OSTEOPATH. DR, B, H, WHITE, Osteopath and Nerve Specialist. Grad uate ot tho American School or Osteopathy, Kicksvllle, Mo.. 1902. Post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angoles Collego 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Office 17-18 Breyman Bldg. Phono 859. Resldonco 346 North Capitol St.; phono 469. 8-30-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M BARR Plumbing, hot yator and stoam heating and tin ning, 164 Comcrcial street Phone Main 192. 9-1-lr OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing, heating, gas uttlng; prices reas onable; work guaranteed; estl mtaes tarnished. Phone 37$. 1066 Chomeketa street, 4-17-tf TONSORIAL H. O, MEYER & CO. Tho best and largest shop In the city. Sit first class barbers. Only first class bootblack in city; porcelain baths,, and everything pertaining to a first class shop. Also carry a full Uos ot cigars and tobacco and barbers' supplies. 162 Commercial street, x noxt door to Statesman office. 4-ff-tt LODGE DIRECTORY. HODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman hall A. s. Banber, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'cleck: In Holman hall. L. W Ache-on, C 0-, U H. Fletcher. Clem. l-i " y