Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1909, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Sermon by
Pator Broo'-'vn
Q,.MInMp.,iMIl,l-,.Wt",00 O
Sundny, Oct. 10.-rns(or Russell, of
Hrooklyn Tnbcrnnclc, pronchod today
from tho text, "Tho blessing of tho
Iml, It maketh rJcli, nml Hcnddoth
no sorrow therewith." IIo snld:
Wo contlnuo todny our topic of lust
Fundny. Our hopo is (lint not only
thoso of you who honr my voice, hut
nlso tlio Eoven million of rondors to
-whom (IiIh sermon will go In print In
tho columns of inoro tlmn four hun
dred newspapers mny hnvo well In
mind what wo Iiml to sny on this text
n woel: ago. Ilrlctly wo Bhowcd thnt
tho world Iiiih not yet received tho
Messing of tho Lord which nmkoth
rich thnt, on tho contrary, over Blnco
tho dlfioltcdlcnco of our first parents
our rnco hns labored under tho Dlvlno
sentenco or "curse" of denth, nnd thnt
our dying conditions (meiitnl, moral
nnd physlcnl) nro upon us ns convicts.
"Wo pointed out thnt tho Lord hns do
ctored thnt ho will yet grant his bless
ing to our rnco, relcnslng nil from tho
curso nnd supplying tho blessing of
tho Lord thnt mnkcth rich. Wo point
ed out tho forcshndowlngs of this, os
pcclnlly In tho promlso or covennnt
mndo to Abrnlmm, nnd confirmed to
tho nation of Isrncl through Isnnc nnd
Jncob "In thco nnd In thy seed shnll
nil tho families of tho enrth bo bless
ed." Wo showed tlio fnlluro of tho Lnw
Covennnt to glvo these blessings nnd
that Jesus, tho Ron of God, holy, harm
less nnd undented, Rcpnrnto from sin
nora, nnd ho nlone, was nhlo to keep
tbo Law nnd provo himself worthy of
ctornnl llfo nnd nil tho blessings lost
ly Adamnot heavenly but enrthly
Mosslngs tbo snmo thnt Adnm lost.
Wo saw next thnt thoso enrthly rights
nnd blessings won by our Lord by tho
keeping of tho Lnw, ho, with tbo Fa
ther's consent nnd arrangement, sacri
ficed, laid down In donth. nnd thnt his
rownrd for ho doing wns n resurrection
to n spirit or hcnvrnly plnno of being,
fnr nbovo thnt of nngcls. Wo saw n
glorious King who had thoso enrthly
rights In his possession nn nn nsset or
thing of vnltio to glvo to others.
Wo want now to contlnuo this In
vestigation nnd to hco In tho light of
God's Word whnt Is to bo dono with
thoso enrthly rights which Jcbuh gain
ed by vlrtuo of his obodlouco to tho
Law, and which ho sncrlllc'od. How
will they bo npplled? Wo might reti
nonnbly hnvo Hupposcd (since God'H
promlso to Isrnol wns thnt tho world
should bo blessed through It) thnt iib
Boon us our Lord Jcbuh had nscend
cd up on high ho would glvo to tho
nation of Israel nil those earthly
rights nnd honors which ho had no
cured by obedlouco nnd death. Wo
might hnvo expected accordingly that,
forthwith, tho nation of Israel would
hnvo begun to realize tho forgiveness
of their sins nnd would hnvo been thus
turned to tho Lord; nnd thnt, under
his blessing, their work with all tho
imMoiib bIuoo would have progressed,
As it Is written, "In thy need shnll nil
tho ftuutllcH of tho earth bo blessed."
Admitting that the Lord Jesus was tho
splrltunl seed of Abraham we would
have expected that upon his glorlllcu
tlon tho earthly kingdom would lane
begun to be IiUwmhI and to be used
for tho blessing of others. Hut noth
ing of this kind occurred. Ubmsttir
cam upon lli Jewish nation, nnd
blindness. Their nation whh destroyed
nnd for nearly nineteen centuries they
hnvo been nut only blind but outcast,
under tlio disfavor of the Almighty.
Did Uml forgot hl promise made to
Israel, or did ho change hi purpose,
or what Is the explanation of the
course he dM pursue?
Spiritual Israel Called and Cheien.
What God Imh heon dttiug slime
ChrUt died for tho world's sins the
Scripture term the "mystery of God."
It Iihs been a mystory to tho Jews ami
u mystery to the workl in getioral mid
tho IahiI so Intended It to lie. No am
cau uiHlemtNud llw matter ir appre
ciate it, except he bo In the right con
ditluii of heart and begottwi of the
holy Spirit. To such the ljan says.
"To j on It is irlvon to Uuow the mys
tery uf the Kingdom of heaven, but to
alt outsider these things, aro spoken
in parable aud In dark sayings."
Some who cauuot perceive In tho full
appreciative serwo wliat wo shall show,
may nevertheless le aide to appreciate
the matter to a HinlttHl degree.
Tho inyatoo Ih thlai Uod lutends to
have a lamer Metelah tlmn tbV&Wa
bad understood. Not only so, but be
will he on a higher piaue titan thoy had
hiipihhhmI aud accomplish a far greater
Mowing tktau they Imd supposed.
God's purpose Ih to have a uuiltltudl
nous Meaelah aud to select the mout
hers thereof from many nations. As
couired with the world thee will be
n "Utile Heck." As the Master said.
"Fear not. little Huek. It U your Fit
t dor's gucd pleasure to give yon tho
Kingdom " ICack member of this little
flock company uiiwt develop the same
clmraeiorWttfti which were exemplltled
In their lledeomer, Josus. 'FUjiy must
have Ids spirit or dlMsltlon. Like
him they must lay down their Uvea In
tho service uf righteousness. Truth aud
the brethren. They will becoino Jolut
sacrlfleer with hint
The Suffering of Mouiih,
Hero tho iiU'tUou arises. If no Jew
tut Jesus could keep the PIlno Tuv
jWfftt . . m
O0O,'"M" i-'MfMi i-"Q
Blessings Without
Text, "The Blessing of the
Lord, It Makclh Rich ; and He
Addelh No Sorrow Therewith"
(Proverbs x, 22),
o oO-"""-"---""-- .-.-.- -q
perfectly, nnd If ho cuuld keep It only
becnusc ho was not n momhor of
Adam's rnco directly, nnd If only by
kcoplng tho DIvluu Lnw perfectly Jtf
bus could be accounted- worthy to bo
n sacrlflcor nnd bo received to hoavon
ly glory, how could any of the fnllen
rnco bo acceptable? Wo rend that "ho
wns holy, harmless nnd tindcltled, sop
ttrato from Hlnuors." Of him again wo
rend thnt, In order to bo thus holy, he
required n speclnlly mlrnculous birth.
These things being true, how would It
bo posslblo for oven n "little Hock" to
bo found who would bo ncccptnble to
God ns Jolut-sncrlllccrs with Jesus?
How could oven n little Hock bo found
who would bo of tho snmo spirit ns
Jesus, n copy of him lu chnrnctcr?
Tho Scriptural nnswer is that somo
could Indeed bo found possessed of tho
chnrnctcr likeness of Jesus In tho senso
thnt they would tlatro to do perfectly,
but iiono could bo found able to do per
fectly, because nil nro sharers In In
herited Bin. This Is n pnrt of tho
"mystory" which gradually unfolds to
thoso who hnvo tho hearing enr nnd
tho understanding heart nnd Uio eye
of faith. Tho Lord's explanation of
tho matter is this: when Jesus had
sncrlllccd his enrthly rights nnd hnd
been received to spirit nature, nnd hnd
tho earthly rlghUt nt his command to
glvo away, "ho ascended up on high
thero to appear in tho presenco of God
for us." IIo nppenrcd for, on bohnlf
of, nil who bcllovo In him nnd accept
forgiveness of sins nud innko n conse
cration of their nil to God's service.
Hut Jesus did not ncccpt ns disciples
thoso who mcroly bcllovcd nnd were
Justified by faith. IIo attached anoth
er condition, unmoly, thnt they must
sncrlllco nil their enrthly rights nnd
privileges ns ho did; othorwlso they
could not bo his disciples. Unless
they walked In bis footsteps of self
sncrlflco they could not bo counted In
ns his followers, members of his Ilody,
shnrcrs of his coming glory nnd work.
Ills words were, "If nny mnn would
bo my disciple lot him tnko up his
cross nnd follow nie, and where I am
thero shall my disciple be." "Except
n man forsake nil that ho hath ho can
not bo my disciple." "Unless n mini
love less father, mother, children and
till else ho cannot bo my disciple." "IIo
that loseth his llfo for my sake shall
Hud It."
In other words tlio lord's proposi
tion to the Church Is that nil tho earth
ly rltihtn uf .Ulam (lost through disobe
dience nnd redeemed by our Lord nt
Calvary and now at his disposal! nre
Imputed to those who, during this
(loHpol Age, turn from sin, accept
Christ as their Itedeomer, nnd thou by
consecration sncrlllco all earthly rights.
In n word our Iord Jesus has n right
to give the earthly rights, tho earth
ly life and honor, to nny one person
or to any number of persons of Adam's
moo as something to sacrllko. When
they do mentally saerlllco enrthly
rights they receive Ihe begetting of tho
holy Rplrlt to Ihe henvenly nnture.
Hut that heavenly nature Itself they
will not tecolvo until they shall have
llulshed the wierllleo agreed upon.
Thus ns Joans by keeping tho Lnw
had it right to earthly perfection aud
aarrlllced It. so those keeping tho Law
In the spirit of their mlmls nml ac
cepting the merit of Christ nn Justify
ing them to restitution right and glory
sacrifice these, use them In God's serv
ice that thev may share Jesus' new
nature aud alory Tlio merit at Ihe end
of I lie )ohivI Aire will be the same
merit of Jesus, nud will bo at his
disposal, becntiso, although iHteeeii
turtHigtt the Church, it will not have
lawn kept by any member of tbe
C'iiureh and Mill, therefore, be at our
lAird'a dlsHMial at ttte eloeo of this Age.
i!m dawning uf the XlUlenulal lay.
Urstl's New Covenant.
What will be done with Hie nirlt of
Christ's aaeiillcc at lb etui at the
li'Mipel Age when It aim It have Mae4
through the Church? We answer that
It will Ih used again. It will be given
i the .lews ami through them to the
wMo world It Is the blood or merit
uhJcli will seal the Now Covenant
promised to Israel long ago, but not
fulfilled It Is one thing to promise a
Coteimui; another thing to dmw tip
the term of a Covenant; a third thing
to sign and seal the Covenant. The
New Covenant has not yet boon sealed
Tli blood tlwtt will sen) It Is mw being
uetsl In the Interest of tho eject spirit
ual Israel that the little Hock may
have something to Kncrlllee, and there
to -lie grained it share with Christ In
hie kplrlt. nature nnd glory. This Is
the nip referred lo by our I-ord In the
memorial supper when ho mild. This
Is my blued of the New Coyountit shed
for mauy for the remission of slna.
lirtitk ik all o (. The privilege of
drluklug with our Lord In this eup of
escrlfleo lioJtmax to Uils ago only. None
will Ik left for the future,
Itut i lie bleeslug will not remain
with ilipse who drink of tho cup
their restitution rights and prlvlKkges
will l snerltlcetl mu thus iwssed on.
for the benefit of mankind In geuoml.
Tho Apoftle says that our Inl at Ids
I'lrst Advent In his death became the
Surtty" or guarantor of the New
Covenant nut he did not seal the
New Covenant nor put It Into force In
any senee of the word, because. H vvtw
a Covennnt "with natural Israel nnd if
It hnd bcotl put Into fbrco It forthwith
would have begun to bring blessings
to Israel not to be theirs until nftcr
spiritual Israel should hnvo been glorl
Hed lu tho First Itesurrcctlou, Tho
"mystcri" Is. then, that philosophy In
tho dlvlno program which no one could
have surmised In advance. God has
been quietly taking from the world n
great Messiah, a great Prophet, n great
King, n grcnt Medlntor between God
nnd the world. Jesus Is tho I lend nnd
tho faithful members nre the Ilody.
This Is the grcnt Medlntor of tho Now
Covennnt. of which St. Fetor wrote,
nnylng, "For Moses truly said unto the
fnthors. A prophet shnll the Lord your
God raise tip unto you of your breth
ren, like unto mo (medlntor of tho
Covennnt); hlm Hlinll yo honr In nil
things, whatsoovur ho Hlinll sny unto
you. And It shall come to pass, that
overy soul, which will not honr thnt
prophet, Bhnll bo destroyed from
among tho puoplo" (Acts III, 22, 2tt).
St. Paul styles Borah, Abraham's
proper wife nnd the mother of Isaac,
tho type of the henvenly Jerusalem, the
heavenly Covenant of which wo nro
tho children. "We. brethren, ns Isnac
wns, nre the children of tho promise,"
"And If ye be Christ's, then nro yo
Abraham's (Seed, and heirs according
to the promise" (Gnlntlaus III, 20). Thus
tho Church, Jesus the Ilend and the
faithful, his members, constltuto tho
great Deliverer which (Is born or)
comes out of spiritual Ion nud which,
under the New Covennnt, will turn
nway ungodliness from Jncob natural
Israel. Notice how tho Apostlo ex
presses this snylug, "For this Is my
Covenant unto them (tho Now Cove
nnnt to natural Israel) when I Bhnll
tnko nwny their sins."
Wo tiro not to understand thnt tho
mercy which they will receive under
tho New Covenant Is purely the mercy
of tho Church nud not tho mercy of
tho Father and the Bon. Evidently he
wishes us to remember that all things
nro of tho Father nud nil things nro
by tho Hon. God's mercy exercised
through Christ nud Christ's mercy
through tho Church will bless Israel
under the provisions of their Now
LawJ Covenant.
Already indeed (by faith) has tbo
Church been made rich by tho Lord's
blessing in proportion us the exceed
ing grent nnd precious promises hnvo
been accepted: nnd If It will still fur
ther make us rich through the
"change" of the First Itesurrcctlou to
glory, honor nud Immortality, what
may wo not expect uf Its richness nnd
blessing townrd the Jew7 Surely tho
blessing of the Lord will mnko Israel
rich nnd honorable. Israel's blessing
will be national as well as personal.
Indeed, us soon ns tbo Millennial King
dom shnll have been established, the
blessing of the Lord will mean DUlue
favor In' all the natural affairs of llfo
to all those who are truly his "to tho
Jew Drat." As u people they will bo
the Hrst to bo ready for tho Dhlno
guidance after the great tlmo of trou
ble with which this present ago will
close. Christendom In general has lit
tle knowledge of coming restitution,
to nil that which was lest In Kden.
Christendom lu general expects to go
ulther to heaven or Purgatory or eter
nal torment, but many Jews know
their lllblo better than this; that tbo
blessings promised nro enrthly ones
"Times of restitution of nil things
spoken by (ho mouth of nil tho holy
prophets since tho world begnn" (Acts
III, 20),
With tho close of this ugo henvenly
lioiurn will no longer bo hold forth to
mankind, but, on tho contrary, earthly
hopes, restitution. Israel, therefore,
will be tho better prepared for th
terms and conditions of tho New Cove
nnut. , Itoaldos, amongst them will nt.
peur Abraham, Isaac and Jacob uud all
the prophets, perfected lu their resur
rection nud constituting them the
earthly representatives of tho Church,
the henvenly Kingdom. Naturally they
will be more ready to receive these
than tho remainder of mankind, tie
cause this Is the promise which God
made to them-"l will lostore your
Judges as nt Hh Hrst and your Inw
KlvornHant the lMtglnnlug" (lealah l.'.Hh.
Bless All Natlent.
Lot ua not forget that the blessing uf
theLonl which tuaketU rich la not toatoi
with Israel, but lo be imsmhI by thcin
as a Uleaalug to all uatloua, that wh
auever will may attain lo overtax! tic:
life through the merit of ChrM's t-u
Hllco ami through the Church whIhi.'
tho New Coveuant with Israel. He tt
noted, however, that to obtain a share
lu the New Covenaut bleealugs It wl I
)h uoceaaary for the people of all us
tloikti to lieooiue Israelites aud. by n
doing, they will become children ?
Abraham. Ami this will bo a fulilil
ment of the IMvIih promise. "I have
cmmiltiited tbH a father of man, mi
t Ions" (ItmiMiM Iv. 17i. HtMnOlllbern!-"'
how the l.orl referred to Samaria ami
Sudom h exantple of all tuitions of
the world and declared to the Israel
he. "I "HI give them unto thee f r
dsu-jh'tr. tint not by thy old La
CoveMHt." They will become Israel's
ils nc liter at the restitution time, the
prophet declare, under tlvelr New
Covenant ."WImmi I shall bring again
their captivity, the captivity of Smlom
ami Iter daughters, ami the eaptlxltv
f Samaria .and her daughters, then
will I hrhut awtln the captivity of ibv
enptlvee In the midst of thorn." "When
Sodom ami her daughters shall retupi
to their fartMcr rllt, aud Samnrla and
Iter daughters shall return to their f
mer rUmt. then thou and thy dnugh
tors shall return to your farmer Mt''
(Kaeklel xvl. W, Mi.
As now the Lord tiddoth no borrow
with hi hletiug. so It will bo durlmr
ihe Millennium with tho world. The
aMinuice 'f 'he Word of God Is that
bv the cl.kse of tlio Millennium there
will lie no uu-re sighing, no more ry
Ing no more dylug" but that he will
make all things new
Tho Albnny npplo fnlr will. un-
doubtcdly bo ono o ftho finest events
of tho kind over hold In Oregon. It
will bo so for mnny rensons, one of
which Is thnt whon Albnny starts to
do nnythlng alio (Ioob It right; nnothor
lsthntBhohnaono of tho flnost npplo
Wo onco know n mnn who was
vory lmprudont. Hut soon after his
mnrrlngo ho beenmo tho mookost mnn
in town.
In n big city n mnn who innkos
good Is n hero for n yenr; hut In n
llttlo town n mun must mnko good
overy morning.
fj uvrniMrruiii:
and does mora than tbo
highor prico powders
and does It hotter.
i fn
WmA 41 If it TH
Kt$ . ' MMirtJftaPr BqRf tBVtV b& a 5V QfiBPflkgsHBKDrgiflggWt Im
ggK. jKllESKi. GtFmm9t- J'" "- & -!$- "ift?Br ' fMHHgHBgHgigMgaiJi
flgggHLW iiAflBJ!' r m. IClagflgHgdlH. Aua - - -- -r iai hgtjgHiii M liMgggtMggfgHgggtWgffiTTi
K v riggm gV jgw gHgK aKgnF ggRBgsBgH8BgHBgigiBgiHig . tfSA.-
jff.aMn iiii.a 7igigtTisK"gM gfBBK ( wMKKBEKBUKSKB at-p1
PgugMgililiaggHgigiliH -gjigtMgi!gCgMBgits
OLD DUTCH DUNKARDS A couole of Washinaton County Pennsylvanians, who have
made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared a fam
ily of eleven children. For sale -by all dealers everywhere.
A Flourishing Apple Oichaid in the Wlllnmetto Valley.
sections In tho world to drnw from-
tho Wlhunetto utliey; nnd nmong
the dozens of othors Is thnt the Al
bnny women hnvo tnken n deep In
terest In tho event, will hnvo a chrys
nnthemum show In connection with It
nn.l will ndd ehnrm nnd bonuty to
WortNi to Freeze the Soul,
"Your son has Consumption. Ills
caso is hopoloss." Thoso appalling
wordB w ro spoken to Geo. B. Blov
oti6, n leading merchant of Spring
Hcld.N. C, by two export doctors
ono a lunc specialist. Then was
shown tho wonderful power of Dr.
King's Now Discovery. "Aftor threo
wooks' uso," writes Mr. Dlevons, "ho
was as well ns over. I would not
tnko nil tho monoy In tho world for
ivlmt It did for my boy." Infalllblo
(or coughs and colds, its tho safest,
iuros,t euro of dospornto lung dljoas
es on earth, COc and $1.00. J. C.
I'erry isunranteos satisfaction. Trial
hottlo freo.
Proposals for Itecelvlng Wnrd nt Ore
gon State Iumiiic Asylum. .
Notice to Hlddcrs.
Tho Hoard of Trustoos of tho Ore
gon Stnto Insnno Asylum will open
sonlod bids for tho construe-
whnt would otherwlso bo a purely
business event. Tho fnlr will bo hold
Oct. 27, 28 nnd 29, 1909, and Bpo
clnl rates nro glvon on all tho rail
roads for tho occasion. Salem should
hnvo n trnlnlond of pcoplo thero on
ono of tho thrco dnys nt leaat.
tlon of Rrecolvlng Ward build
ing at that institution on Mon
day, November 1, 1909, at 2 p.
nt., nt tho Exccutlvo Chnmbors, Stnto
Capitol, Salem, Orogon, Plans and
specifications of sama may bo Boon at
tho ofllco of Lazarus, Whltohouso &
Foulllhoux, archltccto, Portland, Oro
gon; nt tho ofllco of tho Suporlntond
ont of tho Oregon Stnto InBano ABy
lum, Salem, Oregon, or at tho Exec
utlvo Chambers, Stato Capitol, Sa
lem, Oregon.
Each bid mtiBt bo accompanied by
n certified check In a sum not lean
than ten por coat of tho total nmount
of tho bid, nnd tho same should ho
sealed and nddrcsecd to tho undor
Blgued, nnd mnrked on tho outsldo of
tho onvolopo, "Did for Itocolvlnc
Wnrd, Orogon Stat Insano Asylum."
The Honrd of Tnu&teos of tho Oregon
Stnto Insano Asylum rctiorvo tho
right to reject any nnd all bids.
Clerk of Donrd of Trttstoca Orogon
Stato Insane Asylum.
Salem, Oregon, Soptombor 29, 1909
Satand Wod to Nov 1