Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1909, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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!! !!! 11 I a'1',tl','fM
Sj JC 5fC 7(C if ?C JjC ?(C 5j ! 5JS 3(s 5f (
Wo'ro offering tho boat umbrella bargain In town becnuso wo mndo
nn oxtrn good pnrchnso from nn EaBtern Iioubo that ivm overstocked
on high-grndo nmbrollaB. Wo hnvo promised not to toll tho maker h
nnmo bocauso thoso samo umbrollns nro soiling in omor iowjib
around lis for 10.00 and $12. B0. Thoy havo nn all Bilk covor, stool
rod and framo, bulb runnor. flno
sllvor handles, Inlaid with ponrls
you conio nnd chooso ono you havo
will over hnvo offorod to you this
customer. Nono sold to onlors
ti e- b L Li U if b b W b fcfc
7JI f 1i SJt ip Ifi Up tji 1p lfk J 1
p p t p 9 p
Weather Forecast
Fair inul cooler tonight, with
light frost, I'll day fair.
Aro cordially requested to phono
any Horn of Intortst, such as a per
sonal about a friend or yoursolf, to
Tho Journal, Main 82. No Item too
Lento Your Order
For salmon to salt at Fnrrlng
ton's, tho grocer nnd mnrkotmnu.
'JI10 Flower Palace
Tho Dreamland hns been Improved
very prettily. Tonight tho public
nro invited to sit among tho Sowers
nnd sco tho show,
Aiulcnton's Barber Shop
Six experienced barbers; baths, al
so shower bnthu, 10-4-tf
"Vnudctle" Millinery-'
Opposite Meyers, Court street.
Trimmed hats $G values now $2.60.
The Trading Groot
Of Salem sny that Folgor's Golden
Onto Is (ho bout coffoo on tho mur
kot. Cider Apples Wanted
Prlco $7.00 por ton; snoks fur
nished. Gideon Stnlz Co. vinegar
factory, Mill Btreet near Winter.
10-1 2-1 in
Divauihind Open Tonight
Tho now mannguuiont extends
their cordial Invitation to tho Salem
people to attend their opening to
night. A pleasing evening Is as
sured. Same admission, 10 cents.
Well Known Woman Dies
Mrs. John Wither of Lebanon, a
member of one of tho most prominent
families In tho Wlllnmetto valley,
died nt Newport Tuesday evening, af
ter a protracted Ulucss.
Try Crystajets
For tho breath. For sals at;
Myor's barber thop,
Water's cigar store.
Adolph'a cigar store.
Dick Madison's.
Tho 8pa.
Wlllamotte Hotel.
The Couucll.
Tue Court.
Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
Fresh Egps. SOc per do. Hens
nnd Spring Chlrkons 15c,
Dressed Veal. rat. up to 130
)be., 0c; Dressed Hogs. fat. 9c
Frank L, Smith Meat Co.
"Fighting the Kwf Trut,
soioction oi, goia nnu
to choose from nnd whon
mndo tho bast buy you
winter. Only ono to a
If You Are
Wearing an
Out - of "Date
Suit or Coat
It's not our fault bocauso wo nro
jiving tho host suit nnd coat values
In this town. Visit our lnrgo clonk
nnd suit section and soo what nn
enormous showing wo hnvo placed
on special racks nt reduced pi Ices
Ono lady mndo a special trip ?o
this store to thank tho ina.iuRO
ment for tho porfoct fit und car
dial treatment Bho received when
sho bought her suit, nnd wj limo
hundreds of Hint kind nt custo
mers, and Hint's why wo sell more
suits thnn any other storo In this
town becnuso wo havo inoio
stylo, better tailoring and fabrics
nnd cost Icbs money.
"Vnutlette" Millinery
Opposite Meyers, Court strcot.
Trimmed lints $5 values now $2. GO.
Cot (ago Undertaking Parlors
Cottngo and Chomokota 8ti. Calls
Iny or night. J. C. Sill. Phono 724.
U. .). Lehman, Amlstant
Undortnkor, with W. T. Rlgdon,
(Bo v-ourt stroot. 5-27-oodtf
Anderson's Shop
Six experienced
shower bath.
barbers; baths,
Tho Dreamland will open its doors
to tho Salem public Co 1110 nnd sco
tho (lowers,
t'holco Marketing
In fruits and vegetables nt ita
gnn's Court street -grocory.
I'lie Finest Line
Of canned goods In tho city may
bo found nt J. M. Lawrence's, corner
of Kerry nnd Commercial streets.
Jefferson Depot Narked
Tho depot nt Jefferson wns robbed
Tuesday night nnd a mall sack taken.
Among tho things was n check for
$2 80 on nccouut or tho Linn county
schools. A good many hobos nro pawn
ing through tho vnlloy and tho rob
bery Is nttrltuted to them.
Pair Not it Success
lly paying 90 cents on tho dollar
for premium nwnrds, Secretary Pat
torson of the Wasco County fulr,
thinks tho district association will
Just about coino out even as n result
of last week's exposition held at Tho
One Glory (Yrtlllcwtc
A marriage llaonse wns Issued to
dny to Hills M. Mlchnolson, aged 21,
and Mnry E. Mngor, aged 20, of
Scotts Mills.
Night School
On Monday evening. October IS,
n night school class will bo organ
ised at tho Capital lluslneas Collogo
In shorthand nnd typewriting, pro
vided n suttlolent number register to
Justify. Any Interested should in
vestigate nt once. Phono 3SS, or
ohU at college, omce. 10-1 1-St
im to Final Rest
Tho funeral of Mrs. OHvo A. Has
sell, wife of lloraco F. Hassell, of
Oakland. Cl., und daughter of Mrs.
Andrew Kelly, took place yesterday
from Clough'a parlors, under tho
.iusilei of the Unitarian ehuroh.
Th Howl frrlim from San Fran
cisco. Oakland, Portland and Salem
frlnds were many and beautiful.
Tho pallbearers wore UenJ. Taylor,
John Knight. Joseph Uakor. J. W.
Cox. J Uiuey nnd II. Pohlo. Mrs.
UaweH was laid to rwt In the fam
ily plot In I O O F cemetery
Ccfyrlbi 1909 bjr lUtl tcbifTntr it Mtrx
Step Right Up To
Tho best dressed men In llus town
nnd nBk them what kind m' cl.thcs
thoy nro wearing, and nlno times
out of ten they will sny
becnuso they uso nono but nil wool
fabrics nnd nre correct stylo makers.
Thoy ndd tho most perfoct tailor
ing nnd wo gunrnntco to fit you
right. Sco tho now grays and blues
I iv n multitude' of fine pnttorns.
Coining to Salem
Genial Tommy Davidson has stood
It as long as ho can In tho wilds of
Yamhill county. Ho is moving back,
bug nnd baggage, and, with his sou,
Leon, and wife, und thnt grandson,
now ilvo yenrs old, thoy will bo Sn
lemltcH onoo more. Thoy will occu
p the old home nt Moruiugsldo, nnd
nro moving In nt present.
Attention, Vote
Tho books nro now open at the
city hall for reglntrntlon of voters,
nnd It you do not nttond to It you
will hnvo to be sworn In by tho
judges of election. Do not wait un
til tho last tiny, but DO IT NOW.
W. A. MOOu. "v JtecordiT.
(I'NiTcn riiKns iJciniD wins.
San Francisco, Oct. 14. With a
bullet through her heart, tho body
of a poorly-dressed woman wns founJ
todny lying In front of n wood-covered
little grave In Laurel Hill ceme
tery, Tho board over the llttl
mound boro the single word "Wlil '
Tho womnn had evidently been du'd
for about ten hours, A 3S-cnllbr
revolver wns found by her sl'U
Nothing wns found upon her pcr.'on
that could give a olew as to her iden
tity. Tho only property found on
hor well-worn clothes wns a flwo
cont piece.
Coos for Itnliblt, Kill Himself.
Pendleton, Ore.. Oct. 14. While
trying to shoot a rabbit, John Hoi
ben of Lewlston. Idaho, became the
victim of his own carelessness nnd Is
Tho accident happened three, miles
west of Kcho, Just before noon today,
and details are lacking. It is report
ed, however, that ho seized tho gun
by the muzzle and pulled it toward
him In taking It from a wngon. The
weapon was discharged nnd the bullet
pierced the left bre;st. lie was
rushed to tho office of a physltiau In
Uc4o. but dle.l almost as seen as he
reached thoru
lu company with three brothers,
the youth was onroMt from Lewlston
to California with wagon and team.
What is 11 ndd In the head? Noth
ing to worry about tf you treat It
with Kly's Oream Ualm. Neglected,
the cold may grow into catarrh, and,
tho nlr passages be so inflamed that
you have to light tor every breath.
H hi true that lily's Cream Ualm
masters eatarrh promptly. Dut you
know the old saying about an ounce
of prevention. Therefore uso Cream
Dalm when the cold In the head
shows Itself. All druggists. SOc. or
nitt'led. by Kly Bros . SC Warren
Stjvet New Yuk
SfC C 3 ?C 5fC f! Jt JC 5f C J C JjC 5 4
Mrs. C. Spray stnrts today on an
oxtonded visit to relntlvesvat Van
couver, Wash.,, and Portland, Ore.
Jnmiofl E. Drookway, supremo
treasurer, and Genera! Mnnnger J.
1. McLaughlin, of tho Western Fra
ternal Association, for tho district
of Orogon nnd Wnshlngton, with
headquarters In Los Angeles, Cali
fornia nro In tho city on business In
connection with their work. Thoy
nro both veterans of tho Spanlsh
Amorlctm war, nnd nro helping to
boon! tho Snlom camp of Spanish'
Wnr Votornns.
Ed. Keono nnd wlfo hnvo returned
f-uin n visit to relntlvos nt Vnn
MHiver nnd Vlctorln, B. C.
1 Vv. II. Derry, of Portlnnd, wns
looking nfter buslniesn matters In
the city todny.
I D. It. Shnmbrook, of Roseburg,
wns In tho city yestordny visiting his
daughter. Miss Flossie Shnmbrook.
U I chief stonogrnphor for tho governor.
ueorge nose, 01 JioBeuurg, was n
business visitor -in tho city yestor
dny. H. G. Furrier returned to Portlnnd
last night, nfter transacting business
hero for n short tlmo.
The Klmbiill Los
Gx-Aldormnu Rndcllff, who Is ad
juster for the Horticultural Flro Re
lief Association, of this city, wont' to
Dallas today to adjust n loss of
about $1600 on tho Klmbnll fruit
drier, which burned n few days ngo
Coincs- After Embezzler
Sheriff Hutchison, of Ohio, arrived
'this nttcrnoon to tnko chnrgo of F.
T. Zimmerman, who Is wanted back
cast on tho chnrgo of embezzlement.
Sheriff Hutchison will return with
lils mnn as soon ns tho necessary pa
pers aro mndo out.
To Improve Asylum Avenue
13. M. Dranson, a lesldcnt nlong
the county road cast of tho stntc
lnsnno asylum, called on tho county
Judgo yesterday and applied for n
small donation townrd helping tho
Improvements nlong now proposed
for the Asylum road. Mr. Dranson
stnted that he hnd been assured con
tributed help from 28 men nnd 14
tonina In his district, nil for tho good
of tho cause, and thnt nn Al high
way is on tho point of bolng con
(Continued from Page 1.)
that Arizona will bo In the republi
can column they sny tho statehood
craft will slldo down tho ways as if
greased. If, on tho other hnnd, Mr.
Hitchcock concludes after his con
ferences with tho lending business
men nnd politicians of tho territory
that tho democrats aro likely to cap
ture tho two senators whom tho now
stnto would bo entitled to have, tho
Inunchlng will certainly not tako
place noxt winter nnd perhaps not
for several congressional winters to
come. When Mr. Hitchcock was
asked about his mission In Arizona
ho changed tho subject and talked
about tho weather.
Presldont Taft Is making tho defi
nite promise to the peoplo of Arizona
thnt ho will do nil In his power to
securo statehood for them, but Is
warning them that they must not
framo n constitution like the Okla
homa instrument. If they do, he
hints, they will cut out an enormous
amount of troublo for themselves.
It Is believed by some of the busi
ness men with whom Hitchcock has
conferred that the postmaster goneral
Is quite ns much concerned In dis
covering what sort of a constitution
is likely to be framed as ho Is over
tho probable political complexion of
tho new stnto.
"The president Is quito right in
warning tho peoplo against repeating
tho Oklahoma constitution," said
Dwlght D. Heard, a prominent busi
ness mnn and republican of Phoenix,
yesterday. "A very 6trong element
lu tho territory is In favor of stale
bank guaranty ,and It Is almost cer
tain that even a stronger elomeut
would Insist on curbing the railroad
power In the constitution itself."
Doth Doys Saved.
Louts Boon, a leading merchant of
Norway, Mich., writes: "Three bot
tles of Foley's Honey and Tar abso
lutely cured my boy of a severe cough
and a neighbor's boy. xyho was so til
with a cold that the doctors gave him
up, was cured by taking Foley's Honey-
and Tar " Nothing" else Is as safe
and certain In results. J. O. Perry.
Classes open Monday evening. Oc
tober IS. Students can enter by
ailing at office of Dean Richardson.
at 442 State street Students can,
enter at any time before Thanksgiv
ing 10 14-lm
j &
Pass the word to your relatives nnd friends to come now.
Low Colonist Rates
To Oregon will prevail from tho East
f Oregon Railroad
(Lines in Oregon)
From Chlcngo '. . .833.00
From St. Louis 32.00
From Omaha 825.00
From St. Paul $25.00
i rom Kansas City 25.00
Deposit tho nroount of tho faro with tho nenrest O. It. & N. or
S. P. Agent nnd ticket will bo
Send us the name nnd address
for Oregon Utoraturo.
General Passenger Agont,
. ..1 nd, Oregon.
! fltf llf ' ,rMIlllllll4--HH
MRS. R. M. HOFEU will tnko a limit
ed number of pupils in volco cul
ture. Phono 855. Resldonco on
South Commercial and Mission.
roil SALE Sovoral houses In Sn
lom, and farm lands at a bargain.
Capital National Dank. 6-1-cod
WANTED Two boys with bicycles;
threo dnys' work. Call nt Hotel
Snlem tonight between 7 and 8
o'clock. 10-14-lt
WANTED Good driving horeo, sin
glo or doublo; weight 1000 lbs.;
black preferred. Hopkins. Stnto
and Liberty. 11-14 I'
FOR SALE Ten head of young Jer
sey cattle; white Plymouth Rock
chickens; China pheasants; Homer
pigeons. Phone 1372 Main.
To quickly check n cold, druggists
nro dispensing ovorywhoro a flavor
candy cold euro tablet called Proven
tics. Preventlcs are also fine for fov
erlsh children. Take Provontlces at
tho sneeze stage to head off all colds.
Box of 48, 25c. Capital drug store.
Norwich Union
Insurance Company
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
City Hall, Snlem, Or.
Over Ladd & Ilusta Bank, Salem, Or,
Tuning, pollsnlng, repairing. Tel. 608
4lHlif !! ;
For Crockery and Household
Goods see the Yokohama Tea
7!lstaf 444-frMP
We have secured a limited amount of this famous oat. This oat
is the heaviest yielding oat that Is grown. Tho prlco is now $20
per ton more than any other oat In tho mnrkot. Our prlco is
only $2 per a ore, and it will pay you from Vi to 15 per acre
more than either the gray or whlto oat to sell ou the market.
Place your order now while wo hnvo thorn, as wo cauuot get any
more for the price wo aro soiling this lot.
D. A. White & Sons
2SS Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
& Navigation Co.
dollvored In tho East without X
of nny ono interested in tho stato
I'd Rnthcr Die, Doctor,
Than havo my feet cut off,' said M.
L. Bingham, of Prlncovlllo, 111., "but
you'll dio from gangrono (which had
oaten away olght toes) if yo don't,"
said all doctors. Instead ho used .
Pucklea's Arnica Salvo till wholly
cured. Its euros of eczema, favor
sores, bolls, burns and piles astound
tho world. 25c at J. C. Terry's.
Bly's Theatre
By Special Request
500 Night in London!
300 Nights in New Yorkl
Reserved Seats on Sale
at tho
Prices, 50c and 35c
t t