DAILY CAPITAIi JOURNAXj, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OOTORER II, 1000. FAGS SEVEN m WORTH MOUNTAINS OFQOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay tirnnlteville, Vt. "I was passing through tho Change of Life and suffered irom nervousness andother annoying symptoms, and 1 ran truly say that LydlaE.I'lnkliam's Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains of gold to me, as it restored my health and strength. I never forget to tell my friends what LvdlaRl'lnkham's Vegetable Compound lias dono for mo during this trying poriod. Complato restoration to health means so much io mo that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter." Mits. Chas. JUkci.ay, 3t.P.D.,Oranltovillo, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received sueli wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. !N'o other mod lelno wo know of has such a record of cures of female ills as Imb Lydia E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound. For moro than 30 years it has been curing female complaints rush as inflammation, ulceration, local weak, nosses, fibroid tumors, irrcgularitloi, periodic pains, backache, indlgostlon and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life. .It costs but llttlo to try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound, and, as Mrs.liarclay8ays.lt is "worth moun tains of gold rt to suffering women. fRrLLt-ivJsHH TIME FOR BIRDS TO ROOST HIGH Game Law Goes Into Effect Tomorrow and the Heads of Families of Grouse Are Now It. Tomorrow tho gentleman Mon golian pheasant in tho Wlllumotto valloy will bo compollod to discon tinue Ills regular morning and night meal tlmo and remain closo to tho tall timber, In ordor to cscapo tho over watchful eyo and tho murdor ous shotgun of tho anxiously-awaiting sportsmen, as tho season opens for shooting china birds, and t!io local gun stores aro realizing a rush ing business in ammunition and tho routing of guns. Notwithstanding tho evldenco of a promising llvoly hunting year, the hunting licenses hnvo boon going out in much smaller numbors for tho past fow months, compared with tho number issued for tho samo period last season. To dato tho number of hunters' llconso permits Issued by County Clork Alton being exceeded by thoso of last year for tho samo months by POO. Tho now law, going into effect this season, regulating tho limit on china blrdB Is hirgoly responsible for tho notico nblo docrenso in hunting Ilconses. Nothing can bo killed in tho china lino this soason but roostur birds. THE POINT OF - VIEW I Somo pcoplo, wo fear, look upon a bank as n place whero a fow "rich old codgers" kcop tholr money. Others, not so fully prcjudlcod, may think that only largo accounts nro wanted aim that this bank would not caro for tholr business. If your point of vlow has boon anything llko this, wo want this ad. to correct It. Wo want to show you that this bank wants your business bo It largo or small. This is a bank for nil of the people. UNITED STATES NATIONAL Salem, Oregon BANK I The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company Takes pleasure in announcing that they are now handling a complete line of Lime, Cement, Plaster, Prepared Roofing and Building Paper. REASONABLE RRICES AND PROMPT DELIVERY Your Last Chance TO SEE THE A. Y. P. FAIR Take advantage of the low rate (tQ 7 A From Salem, Oregon .... P7.JV The Fair Will Be Over October 15th. See It Now I Tito hens aro ontlroly exempt, and safe from the gunnors, according to tho now gamo law, and hunters will find It no easy matter to got tho lim ited number of roostors, ns thoy aro considered moro wily and difficult to approach than tho hons. Then, too, the nverngo numbor of birds in tho valloy has diminished groatly in the past year. Tho heavy snow and cold weather prevailing for throe weeks last winter proved disastrous for china pheasants, and many hun dreds were found lying dead In dif ferent localities. Tho Dob "Whlto quail and tho California bluo quail uro also a very scarco gamo bird this season, but tho grouse and bush pheasants nro moro numerous than they havo been for tho past xtwo years. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track Prices. Club 87c Dluestom .. OGc Russian 8Gc Valley u. 90c .... Floor. Patents $0.25 Straights $34.3G Exports 3.90 Valloy $4.90 Graham, 1, sack $4.70 Wholo wheat $4.00 liny. Eastern regOon, fancy ....$18 19 Alfalfa $14 Clovor $14 Potato. Iluylng prlco, cwt 75c $1 Mutter. City creamery . cxtraB 3Cc Uutsldo creamery 33 36c Storo 2122o Eggs. Oregon ranch 32 c OaU. No. 1 Whlto $27.50Q28.50 scobor $28 Cheese. F. O. Twins 18a P. O. Trlplots 18c Mlllstaffa. Han $25 Middlings $32 Shorts, city $2930 Cnop $2030 Feed Barley $26.50 Poultry. Fancy, pound 1010'c Broilers and fryors 15lCc lions 14 15c Turkeys 1920e Local Wholcsnle Market. Wheat, bushel 8t)o Oats, buahol , 4042c Flour, valley $5.25 Hay, choat $14.00 Hay, oat $14.00 Hay, clovor $141G Potatoos, bushel 700.80 Apples, bushol ........ 5001.00 Hosp, 1909 crop 1518c Hops, 1908 crop 1012c nutter mid Eggs, Retell. Eggs 35c Creamery buttor 40u Country buttor 35c o- AVords to Freeze tho Soul. "Your son has Consumption. Ills case Is hopolosB." These appalling words w ro spokon to Geo. E. Blov ons, a loading morchant of Spring flold.N. O., by two oxport doctors ono a lunc specialist. Then was shown tho wondorful powor of Dr. King's Now DUcovory. "After threo weeks' usof" writes Mr. Blovons, "ho was as woll as over. 1 would not tako all tho money in tho world tor what It did for my boy." Infallible for coughs and colds, Its tho Batcst, purest cure of desperate lung dUoa es on earth. 50c and $1.00. J. O Perry guarantees satisfaction. Trial bottlo free. . o " Proposals for Hentinj Plant for Ore gon Stnto Insane Asylum No I lev to JJlddurH, The Board of Trustees of tho Ore gou Stato Insano Asylum will open sealed bids for tho construction and Installation ot a hoatlng plant at tho above named Institution on Monday, November 1. 1909, at 2 p. m.. at tho executive chambers, State Capitol, Salem, Oregon. Plans and specifica tions for samo may be seen at the of flees of Joslah C. Moore & Company, Beck building, Portland, Oregon; at the Builders' Exchango, Seattle, Wash lngton; at tho Builders' Exchange, San Francisco, California; at tho Dulldcn' Exchango, Chicago Illi nois; at tho offlco of tho superintend ent of the Oregon State Insano Asy lum, Salem, Oregon, and at the ex ecutive chambers, State Capitol, Sa lem, Oregon. Each bid muBt be accompanied by a certified check in a sum not less than 10 per cent of tho total amount of the bid, and tho same should be sealed and addressed to tho under signed, and marked on tho outside of tho envelope "Bids for Heating Plant, Oregon State Insano Asylum." The Board of Trustees of the Oregon Insano Asylum .reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. C. N. McARTHUB, Clerk of tho Board. Salem, Oregon, September 18, 1909. Tu-Thr-9-21-11-1 RESTITUTION NO DEFENSE Embezzling Oakland (Califor nia) Attorney to Be Pros cuted ofr His Illegal Transactions. (UNITED ritKSS I.RABED WIWB, Oakland, Cal., Oct. 14. When Attorney John DoLancy comes to trial Monday, charged with embez zling $10,000 from tho estnto of Gcorgo Htto Cook, his principal lino of dofenso probably will be tho fact that ho has Just refunded $35,142 duo on his accounts with tho public administrator. DoLancy 'was Indicted two months ngo when it was dtscovorod that tho estates under tho chargo of tho pub lic administrator of Alameda woro being pillaged by attaches ot tho of flco, under tho gulso of fees, and by open forgeries. DoLancy, it Is al leged, was ono ot thoso ongagod In paining Illegal riches, and ho, with others, was Indicted. Notwithstanding thnt DoLancy has mndo restitution, tho district nttornoy declared that tho caso will proceed on Monday oxactly as plan ned, nnd that tho young nttornoy will bo prosecuted ns' vigorously ns though tho money was still unpaid. o Old Pioneer Dead. II I nun Hurlburt died early Tuos dny morning at tho homo ot his son, B. II. Hurlbut, near this city, agod SG years and G months. Tho do ceased was a fine old gontloman nnd was well liked by those who know him. Tho romninj will bo shipped to his former homo in Ohio for bur ial. Lebanon Express. ' Sho Was Pleasantly Surprised. Miss II. E. Hell, Wnusau, Wis., writes: "Boforo I commoncod to tnko Foloy's Kldnoy Pills I had sovoro pains In my back, could not sloop, and wns greatly troubled with hcadncho. Tho first fow drops ot Foloy's Kldnoy Pills gnvo ma rollof nnd two bottles cured mo. Tho quick results sur prised mo nnd I can honestly rccom mond them." J. C. Perry. p, -y- DrDJaynes EXPECTORANT UUUdPlLJ This is the Time for ColcSs and it is the time to cure them before they get a firm hold upon the system. Or. D. Jaync's Expectorant is the quickest, surest and best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs or Chest and all ailments of a liko nature. It has been success fully employed for four orations. Dr. D. Jayne't Sanative Fills is a thoroughly reli able and effective laxative, purgative, cathartic and stomach tonic Dr. D. Jaync's Expectorant is Sold by All Druggists, in $1.00, 50c. and 25c Bottles. THE CONNECTION IS THE PLACE whoro a lot ot plumbing originates. That is why wo glvo particular atten tion to joining places. That Is also why thoro is no nftdr troublo with plumbing dono by us. Unions you nro getting Just thnt kind of plumb ing you need us ns much ns wo want you. GRABER BROS. Ill S. Liberty St. Salem IRA UHvfcfuM 9100.00 Remird JVouId be gladly paid for a cure oy many people who aro crippled with rheumatism, yet. If thoy only knew It, they can be cured by a few bottles of Ballard's Snow Liniment, and the prlco is only 25c, 60c and $1 00 per bottle Sold by all dealers. ELECTRIC COOKING DEMONSTRATION We will continue to demonstrate Electric Cooking for the ensuing week at our , office. You are cordially invited to call and see the cooking utensils in use and investigate our other do mestic apparatus. H mi- Portland Railway, Light and Power Company WILLAMETTE VALLEY DIVISION 1 uM