KsljK Ai UUjJggtUl ZHUU lUu I It VOL.XEC '"0 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1000. NO. 2.'t0. J; W A CHURCHES TO CONTROL THE EARTH Layman's Missionary Society ion of this Section of the Controling More than a Billion Dollars. EVANGELIZE EARTH WILL CONTROL money enough THAT THEY CAX CONTROL EVERYTHING GOING OX IX THE WOULD AXI) HECOME TIIK WORLD'S DICTATORS. UNITED WEBS LEASED WIRE. Washington, Oct. 11. A highly centralized organization of 'tho Prot estant churches of Amorlca, con trolling property worth more- than n billion dollars, is tho object of a movomont that will bo started by tho Layman's Missionary 8ocloty, according to plans mado public to day. Tho object of tho colossal trust, as great as any over concolvod by tho brains of tho world's great est flnanciors, Is tho evangelization of tho earth, Evory church in Washington will send delegates to a convention that will bo told November 11 to 14 for tho purposo of awakening tho rosl dontH of tho capital to tho necessity of concerted action in missionary work, blmllnr meetings will bo hold in tho great cities of tho country, Cf4StS44'tM - M444M T OUR OCTOBER SPECIAL SALE PRICES Are attracting people from far and near to The Chicago Store. Go to the other stores and get their prices, then come here and see the money we can save you. Nothing but up-to-date, new goods shown here. Read en: o : BARGAIN PRICES IN. Ladies' and M ss' New Pall Tailored Suits Go to tho othor stores and get tholr prices, then como hero and sco tho garments wo nro selling nt prices you cannot tluch olsowhor. ? 15.00 Suits, llko cut now ? 0.50 $18.00 Suits, llko cut now $12.50 $25.00 Suits, llko cut now $14.90 In buying suits you should look oarfully to tho olass ot material you nro gottlng; also tho lin ing and workmanship. If you look thoso points over carefully wo will selling them nt Special Salo Prices on LADIES' TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS They come In Wool, Silk, Lineal. Madras and Lawn; nil handsomely tailored and trimmed. You cannot beat tho prices wo nro selling at H 50 Wool, Tailored Waists $2.45 $4 90 Silk, Tailored Waists $2.90 Madras Waists from 45c up Dress Lawn Waists, . .49c, 75c, 98c and up ! ! Ladies' 35c ;; Derby Ribbed Winter t Underwear The Now 19c whllo on May 3 to C a national mis sionary congress will conveno in Chi cago. At nil of these meetings this great intor-donomluntlon plan will bo discussed. It was stated today that President Taft would mnko tho opening ad dress at tho Washington convention. Chlof Forester Glfford l'lnchot is chalrmnn of tho goncral Washington commlttco having tho matter In charge MEXICANS HAVE ROW IN LOS ANGELES UNITED MESS LiUBED WIHE.J Los Angeles, Oct. 11. Following n demonstration, which almost ond cd In n riot on a public square known as Tho Plazn, Juan Mlrando, au alleged nntl-DInz agitator Is In tho city Jail with a bullot wound In Ills heel. E. Landcros, Mlrnndo's companion, is nlso in prison, having boon booked on suspicion. Tho ar rest of tho two Mexicans occurred Into Inst evonlng, nfter n squad of pollco detectives had broken up n strcot mooting thnt bolng addressed by Mexicans, who nro dlssntisnod with tho present administration In their untlvo lnnd. L. G. Dolnvn and I). Dnrtolemel, who addressed tho tho meeting, woro arrested by ofD cors headed by Detectives Pnlaman tcs and Rice. A mob of 300 persons followod tho o 111 cor 8 from tho plnza and was dispersed with difficulty. Lator In tho ovonlng. when Itlco re turned to tho plnzo, ho Is alleged to hnvo boon assaulted by Rlrnudo, who was arrested with n wicked looking knlfo. After a sharp Btrugglo with tho officers Mlrando fled. When ho fnilcd to heed Klco'a command to hnlt, tho officer fired, n bullet strik ing tho mnn In tho heel. Mlrando and Landcros, who wns with him, wero nrrested. A second mob then formed, and swarmed Into tho hnllwnys nt. police headquarters. Thoy woro dispersed by a squad of contral station reserves. - f944MeS44 - 0 - i'M - 4 - f(H - B - ff - HI4 - l GREAT HARGAIXS IX Millinery Tho Chicago Store Is the plnco whoro you can find millinery bargains. Go to tho othor stores and get their prices ,then come horo nnd sco tho money wo can savo you in Trlmmod Hats, Fancy Wings, Shnpos, nnd Ost rich Plumes. XEW HATS OX SALE $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 AND UP WONDERFUL VALUES IN Dress Goods and Silks i! Thousands of yards it tho latest nnd newest Dross Goods nnd Silks now on sale and Judging from how fast thoy nro ! 1 soiling wo inuBt be soiling nil tho Dress GoodB and Silks J for Salem nnd the surrounding country. Dress Goods, yard. Dress Silks, yard Wo nro showing tho greatest stock in Salem of Ladles' Kid, Wool nnd Silk Gloves Lisle Gloves From.25c and up Wool Gloves From.-25candup Kid Gloves From. -98c and up (al Icolors and black) Chicago Store SALEM, OREGON " Gods Store That Saves You Money Half Price TERRIFFIC HURRICANE IN SOUTH Sweeps Across the Gulf Wreck ing Property in Cuba and Adjacent Islands in that Section. WILL BE A BAD ONE WEATHER HUHEAU PREDICTS IT WILL LEAVE A TRAIL OF DEATH AXI) WRECKAGE EQUAL TO ANV RECORDED IX RECEXT YEARS. UNITED MEBB LEASED WlltC. Tnmpn, Fin., Oct. 11. Advices re colvtnl hero today from Havana to day convoy tho information that n torriffic hurrlcnno is swcoplng Cuba, nnd that nlrcady a number of small er craft have gone down in tho har bor nt Havana. Treos hnvo boon uprooted and It Is roportcd thnt n number of build ings hnvo been wrecked. News is meagre, but it is fenrod that many lives hnvo been lost. Tho storm is reported to bo head ed in this direction. Reported nt Washington. Washington, Oct. 11. A destruc tive hurrlcnno Is snld to bo GO inllos west of Key Went today, according (Continued on page C.) I- X 1 1 2 1 I !) I j 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up : 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up tVESi 9 ' Remnants of Wool Dress 4 XJItfC . Ivi L.vCv MEYERS IS NOW IN JAIL VOLUNTARILY Weary and Heartsick He Yields to Persuasions of Minis- ( ter, Who Feeds Him, and Gives Up. I TIRED OF IT ALL THROWS HIS GUX AWAY AXI) VOLUNTARILY COMES IXTO SA LEM TO PAY WHATEVER PEN ALTY IS DUE TO HIS MOST FOOLISH ACTS. Gcorgo Meyers, the young mnn who, shot nnd killed Pollco Ofllcor Tom Eckhnrt, has given hlmsolf up to tho authorities, after having ex perienced nenrly eight days of tor riblqpBuspcnso nnd misery, attempt ing V? oludo tho omccrs nnd tho watchful public, nnd ho is now locked up in tho county jnll await ing $b bo nrrnlgncd nnd answer for his critno tomorrow morning. Tho story of tho unfortunnto nf falrMs short and simple, as far as tho public In general Is nwnro. Geo, Moyors wns arrested whllo In tho room occupied by hlmsolf nnd his brother, Arthur, on October 1, 1909, nt tho request of Arthur." Police Olllcfer Thonins Eckhnrt took tho young mnn in cunrgo nnd wns on the point of oponlng tho door to tho city ' marshal's ofllco whon George shot lilm twice, and from that until lastiSnturday night about 11 o'clock Uunontlro populnco of tho vnlloy has ffKkT.'wnKliii: anxiously for tho out come, which en mo In n mnnnor sur prising nnd yot most forUinnto for verynno concerned. For tho past two days George Meyers has realized more pence of mind nnd body thnn ho ever thought possible during his wild race through the country ahead ana under cover from the watchful C8 of Ills pursuers. .Mejors' Flight. Immediately ntiur Mnvors llrod tho shot that klllod Eckhnrt, ho re- niueu wnnt it monnt to mm, nna no Hod north In n stnto of tonso oxclto J ment nnd norvo-wrocklng fear, Tho irigutonod boy did not stop running until ho reached n polnfn fow blocks below tho nonhnm placo, and In n ' niRii busu neugo no kont in hid ng for tho romnlndor of tho morning, nil duy Friday and Friday ovonlng he did not movo, so bonumbod with turn, nun mo mum in till uiuuucnu- nblo condition of fonr nnd nnxloty. Ho finally enmo out on tho road loading to Sllvor Creek fnlls, nnd, nftor trnvollng n fow mllos oast, Moyors called at tho homo of Potor Luthy nnd nto bronkfnst, aftor Which ho trnmped nnd rode on until he ronchod Victor Point, from which plane ho branched off and went through Sublimity, noforo reaching Sublimity. Meyers succeodod In got tlng permission from n farmer, who was n strnngor to lilm. to rldo, nnd In broad daylight, tho fugitive rodo on a lumber wngon directly throudi I Sublimity. Deforo going into bub- llinity. howovor, Moyors met nnd talked with ono of tho rurnl mnll carriers for n time. Tho mnil enr rler notlcod Moyors' npparont fo tlguo. and told him ho would lot him (Moyors) ride but for tho strict rules of tho government prohibiting mien inings. After riding n ov I mllos pnst Sublimity, Moyors oft) ithe wngon nnd went to Marlon, n small placo on tho Southern Pacific road. Hero ho caught rf passing , freight train and wont ns far as Al ! bnny, but was nfrnld to go fnrthor. Aftor spending n short time In Al- "ii. luuiuiK every moment, mat XI somo one would recognize him, tho J (now tired boy took nnother freight X I train and came back to Marlon, in- ' derided ns to where he was heading J i for. George then went to tho Looney rancn near Jerrerson. nut. chang ing his mind, lis returuod townrd the enst, and crossed the Jofforsan-Sa-lom rondTlvo miles south of hero, where he met Marlon Loonoy nnd alkod with him n short time. Aftor leaving the Jefferson road Meyers Is unable to state just whore or how he became headed for Pratum, near which place he was apprehendod by Rev P. L. t,arden. The Surrender. Aftor the long and tedious trip wan completed as far as the Pudding river bridge, about three miles from I'ratum. George entered the gnte and onto the road over whloh he went to the Larden home, baok In the timber, and met Rev. Larden, the man who. after a persistent and heart to heart talk with the now completely exhausted boy, per (Continued on Page 4 ) CHINAMAN LIKED AMERICAN SPIRITS 'UNITED TRUSS LEASED WIItB.l Washington, Oct. 11. Dr Wu Ting Fnng, the Chlnoso minister to t'.e United Ctntcs, today oxprrMGd hlmsolf ns much satisfied with his oxporlonces hist night, whon ho at tended n meeting nt th l'on.plo Lcnguo of Spiritualists. From tho moment Wu entered tho stcv..inro whoro tho sennco wob hold ho w"s all nttontlon. Ono of the half dozen, mediums present startled him slightly by in forming him thnt somo of tho spirits woro hovering around him. After tho meeting had como to n cIobo, Wu closely questioned tho mediums regnrding tho mysteries ot tho spirit lnnd, nnd llstoncd nt lontlvely to n rccitntlon of tho splr ltunllstlc doctrines by ono ot tho leaders, HETCH HETCHY WLIL BE A GREAT RESERVOIR UNITED mCBS LEASED WIIU9. Snn Francisco, Oct. 11. SeciG tnry of. tho Interior Rlchnrd A. Bal llngor loft San Francisco today for Yosomlto, whoro ho will Inspect tho Hotch Iletchy and Lnko Eloanor pro jects, from which it Is proposod that Snn Frnnclsco drnw hor water, sup ply for n municipal water system. Deforo leaving Dnlllngor declared that tho city rights in tho Slorrns would bo kept strictly within tho tot ter ot tho law, undor tho terms of tho grnnt from Secrqtnry Gnrflold, but that nothing "unrcasonnblo or nrbltrnry" Is to bo expected. Under tho terms of tho fodornl grnnt tho city will hnvo to dovolop tho Lake Eleanor project to its full est capacity, and provo thrtt it is in adoquato to supply tho noods of San Frnnclsco beforo tho work can bo started an tho Hotch Hotchy pro ject. Mayor Taylor hod n long conver sation with tho secrotnry regnrding tho proposed projects, nnd nftor wnrd cxprosscd hlmsolf hh satisfied that Halllngcr's position noed not causo tho slightest npprohonslou. SURROUNDING FRUIT LAND IS PRAISED Hood River Apple Man's Opin ion of This Section ofthe Country As an Ideal Apple Country. I honrtlly ondorso the view tnkon by the wrltor of tho article "Hond ed 8ulom Citizens Awake" In your Issue of Saturday last. Tho favor able Improsslonu as to tho future of this part ot Oregon (Polk and Ma rlon counties) which I I.uvo ob tulnod since locating horo woro ma terially strengthened by contact with n Hood Itlvor mnn who had just sold u young orchard nt $800 tin ncre lu that district, and caino down to this section to relocate, nnd hns bought a placo near Sllvorton. He was free nnd frank enough to say that ho thought this section af forded, nt the presont prices on InndH fitted for fruits, a greater opportuni ty to inuko big ivoney, by Improving nnd developing young orchards, eith er to retain or soil to others. Ho coined fully satisfied that what hud been douo in tho Hood Itlvor dis trict could bo done hero, particular ly as to applos. and especially If Jho npplo growers woro united and or ganized In the packing, grading and shipping of tho fruit. It Is encouraging that thoro is n movomont to this end well bogun al ready lu tho Snlem Union. As n newcomer, who hns glvon consider able thought to tho conditions ex isting in the already famous dis tricts for apples, nnd from what 1 have seen of the country contribu tory to Salem, I feel very strongly that ve have entored a now era ot great development, nnd that more wondorful things than somo of tho older growers have dronuied ot will come to pas. That such n placo us the writer showed tho Hood Itlvor man last week is on tho market to dny for $00 an acre (whllo too largo h place for him) simply nstonlshed him, knowing its possibilities. He simply said, "jieople hero do not ro aiue their opportunities." WIUAAM FLEMING, v( the Fleming Itealty Co. hi.iQ.. I, , .tuttalem will hold an elootlou October 20 to vote upon establish ing a port THIRD GAME DOES TO PITTSDUR6 Beats Detroit On Own Grounds in a Soul Racking Game Before an Immense Crowd of Fans. SCORE EIGHT TO SIX FINK WEATHKU AND VAST AUD lEN'Ctt GItEET TUB GIANTS AS TIIEV FACE EACH OTHEIt TO DAY GltEAT HALL WAS TUT UP FOIl THE KOOTEItS. FINAL SOOItE. Pittsburg 8 Detroit 6 ICMITED ThEBN leared wmn. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 11. Tho Pltta burg Plrntcs aro ngntn In tho load In tho rnco with tho Detroit Tlgoru for tho baseball championship of tho world. The scries now stands tyo for Pittsburg and ono for Detroit. Ucforo a crowd of 18,277 porsoni tho mighty Hnns Wnguor, assisted by eight other dashing buccanoens, pounded nnd pummelod tho Tlgor to tho delight of 3,000 fans thnt cumo over from the smoky city to wltnoss tho gnmo nnd to tho cling in of 15, 277 Detroit rooters. Tho scoro wiib 8 to 0 In favor of tho National Lang uors. Detroit. Oct. 11. Tho baling or dor of todny's gamo of tho third of tho sot'loH for tho world's baseball chntuplnuship between Plt'Uburg nnd Detroit was as follews: Pittsburg Dyme. 3b; Leach. If; Clnrko, If; Wagner, m; Mllle 2b; Abstelu, lb; Wilson, rf; aibsou, ; Mnddox, p. Detroit D. Jones, If; I!ub1i. bh; Crawford, of; Dolehanty, 2b; Molar ity. 3b; T. Jones, lb; Schmidt, a; Sum m or, p. Umpires O'Loughlln nnd John Btone. First Detroit No runs, onu lilt, no o rors, Socond Pittsburg No runs, no hits no errors. Second Dotrolt No runB, ono hit, no orrors.- Third Pittsburg No hits, no runs, no orrors. Third Dotrolt No hits, no runs, no o rors. Fourth Pittsburg No hits, no runs no orrors. ' Fourth Detroit No runs, ono hit, no orrors. Firth Pittsburg No runs, ono hit, ono error. Fifth Detroit No runs, no bits, no o rors. Sixth Pittsburg No runs, no hits, no orrors. Sixth Dotrolt No runs, ono hit, no errors, Sovonth Pittsburg No runB, one, hit, no orrors. Sovonth Detroit Four runs, flv hits, ono orror. Eighth Pittsburg No runB, ono hit, no orrors. Eighth Dotrolt No runs, no hlU. no errors. Ninth Pittsburg Two runs, three hltti, no errors. WISE OLD GUYS UTTERLY LOST (united 1'jir.Ks leaked wmx.l Madison, Wis., Oct. 11. Pror. a L. Keith, head ot tho geological party Investigating the rook forma tion In tho vicinity ot Hudson Day, nnd supposed to bo working In the Interosts of the Canndlan govern ment. Is believed to bo lost in tho Canadian wilds. No report has boen received from tho party since It entered tho wild erness Inst June. It whs tho Intention ot Prof. Leltb when he loft olvlllzatlon to return In September. Prof. Hugh Iloborts, ot Suporlor. and Prof. Francis Adams, ot Doerwood, Minn., ac companied Lolth. A BLIZZARD IS SWEEPING THE LAKES Diiluth. Minn.. Oct. 11. A blb zard is sweeping over the Groat Liikea today, and all t radio Is pruo tlcnlly at a standstill. Lake Superior is running hlgt, nnd considerable dnmugo ulroadj has boen reported- "'0 The poultry show at McMInnvUle was a decided success. MH44 hSH04M-4O4HO4M4HMM-4t-KH