V PAGE TWO DAILY OAWTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1000. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOFIH, Editor ad Proprietor Independent Newiptpor Deroted to American Principles nd tho ProgTM unci Devolopomont of All Oregon. rublitbod llrcrr Kronlntt Bzccpt Sunday, Calcm, Oro. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS. (luruitbtr lU'AdTSDCO,) ImUx, by carrier, per year.. -...'.lI.( Per month........Wa IMHr, by mall, per yeir- . 4.00 Per noBth.......-...8So Weekly, bjr mall, per year-........... 1.00 8lx montbi .....60c QUARTER OF MILLION DAMAGES TEACHING KINDNESS TO ANIMALS. A child taught to be kind to animals will not be cruel to other beings or commit crimes founded on violence, The Illinois legislature passed a law ordering a course of study in tho public schools on tho humane treatment of ani mals. , , , , , , i A penalty of five per cent of the monthly salaries is pro vided against teachers who neglect to carry out the course, The law makes it the duty of teachers to teach "honesty, kindness, justice and moral courage for the purpose of lessen ing crime and raising the standard of good citlzenshslp," It provides that one-half hour each week shall be devoted to teaching "kindness and justice to and humane treatment and protection of birds, animals and tho important part they ful fill in the economy of nature," HAZING IN COLLEGES. STAYTON AFFAIRS Early Morning Fire Destroys " Four Manufacturing Out fits in San Francisco. There is the annual Hazing uproar at some of our state col leges, There is less of it at the state agrucultural college than else where. The' students thoro seem to have more to keep them busy real work, Labor sooms to bo an antidote for coltishness and prac tical joking. We have never hoard a reasonable excuse for college haz- Thero is nothing manly about a mob of students taking one student through a hazing experience, That is usually what it amounts to a number doing vio lence to one, or a much smaller number. Tho sham honors and distinctions frequently fought ovor in class rushes are unworthy of a serious mind, But it has como about that a large number of students do not go to college for any serious purpose. With increasing wealth parents must send their sons and daughters somewhere to school, Thev are really attending college as a social distinction. So yioro mu$t bo diversion and high-jinks foe tho wealthy idlers,1 , , , Hard drinking and gambling aro going out of fashion, Society must have its fling and duels are not fashionable If tho idlers and socioly olomont could bo got rid of at col logos hazing would disnppoar, If oarnost purposo and roal labor could displace social am bition and idleness at colleges thoro would bo loss nood to send for the police, Tho state will uphold President Campbell in his firm de termination to drive hazing and hazors out of tho state uni vorsity, . Ho struck the kovnoto when ho said if studonts did not como thoro to work they should stay away. , Thoro is only one troublo with tho word "work" it should moan something besides dawdling over toxt books , Work, hard work, actual work .takes tho nonsonso and dovlltry out of young oeople not Idling ovor books, President Campbell shows that ho moans business when ho expels vouni men who engage in midnlghl hazing frolics, He has rt about thirty on a blacklist and they must sign an apioement to sustain the facility or leave tho school. He Hoscivps the commendation of all honest citizens In his determination to suppress displays of cowardly violence on the part of aristocratic Idlers, united rncsa UMSCD WIM.l Sim Francisco, Oct. 9. Firo early today desstroyed (our manufacturing plants and n lumber yard In tho Mission district, doing damago ng grogntlng $200,000. Two firemen, John Mullen nnd Lieutenant Mnrlin Duddy, of cngtno No. 15, wero In jured, but not seriously, when thoy wero caught undor n falling wall. Tho plants were: Tho Westorn Roflnery Company; A. a. Buell, pining mill; tho Pacific Washboard Manufacturing Compuny; tho Dun phy lumber yard. Tho disastrous blazo was started! from a spark which fell from a chimney nearby nnd lighted on tho roof of tho Westorn Rofinory Com pany's plant. Within n fow minutes tho flames hnd swept through tho structure leaped tho Intervening gap botweon tho othor buildings, nnd was licking up tho Uuoll pinning mill nnd tho Pacific Wnshbord factory. Tho thrco concorns wero pnrtlnlly dostroyod boforo tio arrival of tho Dromon, nnd, dcspltq nil efforts, tho Annies spread to tho Dunphy lumber yard and tho Metropolitan Roofing Company's plant boforo thoy wero subdued. JAPS BEAT WOLVERINES AT BASEBALL GAME J I MTM I KISS I KAMI' nil 1 o. Or I -The I'nlwndty of Wlvcoiittln wn tK-aten imlm In lis IaM gmmi with the Jiiihiho team rfttireaeuilUM the Wasi'dn Vulwrslty. Tlw score . S to 0. Tuatonott the WIsvuimIu platers will er their but with the Ktto team, which It tho last gam ahd tiled to U pUud before the Ameri oun Iwive for the United State. The' UI all from Japau ou Oc tober IS. according to the present nrrHHgeittnte. O-" . Borne more of the nudeat style lu woman's drees are ou the way over from Kranre. ) -re& V YOL'K MONMY WILT. BARN more tu our Savings Depart ment and be subject to with drawal wLen wanted. A good place for trust funds and niuue awaltUg Investment. ONE YEAR IN THE PEN FOR HOEDLE The Stayton publio school opened September 27, with tho following able corps of teachers: Miss Nolllo Colby, principal; Miss Nora Crab tree, tcachor pf tho grammar grades; Miss Grace Crabtrco, of the Interme diate grades, and Miss Ida Colby, In charge of the primary graces. Tho present enrollment is 158. Tho tenth grado was added to tho high school course. Tho prospects are bright for a prosperous school yoar. Qus Harold and daughtor, Dolla, luft for tho Seattlo fair Wednesday. The Stayton Chdir Company is busily ongaged in getting in a largo supply of chair timber for tho com ing season's work. Mr. .loo Miller and wlfo have de parted for Seattlo to attend tho fair. Lurn Thomas Is very bufly build ing n now house. A bouncing boy was born to Mr. mill Mrs. Willis Caldwoll on Septem ber 22, Dr. Denuchamp in attend ance. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Lcsllo nnd son, Oliver, havo'roturnod from tho Seattlo fair, after a vory pleasant trip spont In vlowlng tho sights of Uinfclty. Dr. Mount, of Oregon City, is in nrtondanco nt tho bodsldo of his bro'her's w.'fo, Mrs. W. Mount, who has been vory low. Miss Ethel, accompanied by Mrs. D. V. Smith, drove down to Salem Tuesday. Rev, Mulkey, of Portland, was in town on business Thursdny. Shcrm Swank drovo down to tho capital in his auto Thursday. ! xxxx NIGHT RIDERS ARE BUSY IN KENTUCKY Brooksvlllo, Ky Oct. 9. After several weeks of idleness, Kentucky's masked night riders are again on tho Job of creating consternation through out tho state. Early todny n party of men with their features completely hidden by long black masks drovo up to tho barn of Edwnrd Johnson, set fire to tho buildings, and destroyed 3000 pounds of valuablo tobacco. After burning tho barn the vandals cut all tolephono wires in tho vicin ity so that Johnson would bo unablo to communtcato with the authorities. Tho mon hnd nothing to say to nny of tho morabors of tho tobacco growers family. Tho night riders committed no physical harm on Johnson nnd rodo away as quietly as thoy hnd arrived. Tho police aro working diligently today to discover somo clue as to the identity of the masked mon. The Red, White And othor constituents of your blood aro poworfully onrlchod and vitallzod by Hood's Sarenparllla. It increases tho red corpuscles nud makes strong tho whlto corpuscles, nud thus protects and restores tho health. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general debility and builds up tho wholo system. Got It today In tho uaual llquM form or la cbocotatod tablot form csilotl Samlabt. AUMSVILLE NOTES In Addition, Judge Burnett Im poses a Fine of $2,454.10 Double the Amount of Defalcation. !! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 5 j i Capital National Bank f ;; i TIh ltoytl .Month mill Ut Roynl Die- OHM). Sudden change ot weather are ee pwlally trying, and probably to Hotte mort so tkax to the serofaloua and consumptive. The itrafreag of aeraf- ula durlHg a normal Oetoher is oo. mouly great. We uerar think nf Mrorula Ita buaokas, cutaHeoits oruptlnus, aud wasting of the bodily aubsUiMoa without thinking of the great good hum? anKaram from it have derived from Hood's Sarsapa rilla. whose radical and permuaeut cures of this dlaeaae are enough to make It the moat famous medicine In the world. There is probably not a otty or town where Hood's SureH parllla has not proved It merits lu more homes thau one, In arrettliiK and completely erotltuatlnx sorofula, which U Ml moat as serious and as much to be feared as its near relatival-consumption. o Itoth Hoya Knvttl. Louis Uoou, n loading merchant ot Norway. Mich., wrltast "Three bot tles of Foley's Honey nnd Tar nbso lutely cured toy boy of n sevoro oouKh and a nolghbor's boy, who was so til with n oold that tho doctors gave him up. was oured by tuklng Ko lay's IUu ey and Tar." Nothing elso is as safe aud certain In rosults. J. 0. Perry. "I rtmllzo that tho ovldeuco Is strong ugnltiHt mo, but In enso tho court oxorcUo leniency with mo, I will return ovory dollar I took," was Charles Hoodie's stntomont In nn Hwor to Jtulgo Hurnott'H question lr tho dofondnnt hnd nnythtuj; to say buforo his sontonco should be ndmlu Isterod this morning, when tho time nrrlvad for flnnl judgmont in his ease. JiuIko Iluruett sontoncod Charloy. Hoedle to servo one year In the stnte penltoutlnry nnd n ilno wns ImptNtod of JS 16-1.10. In defHtilt to pay some the defeudant shall be con fined lu the county jail until the amount la paid. If Hoedle Is unable to pay this tine, which Is double tho amount he couverted to his own use of public money, he will be com pelled to serve 127 days, nt least theoretically, Charley Hoedle's case Is one of Iho aaddcet on tho Marlon county court records. Hoedle. a wau known and liked by many, with a record, up to the preseut time, spotless. Is now the sufferer of simply a long Una of circumstances. In which personfe! troubles played the disastrous part. resulting In the unfortunate man 0. lug sentenced to the penitentiary. During the pendeucy of Mr. Hoedle s rase not a word was overheard con demning him. He has heretofore btu a good loyal cltlsen aud a hard worker, and bis present condition is looked upon with much regret by all. Although the one-year term he is to serve out at the penitentiary. Is the minimum aentenoe, there still remains the extra largo amount of mouey to be paid as a fine. Hoedle's financial conditions are said to be strained, and the payment ot tho fine Impossible. Tho public schools opened hero last Monday with a fair nttendnnce, but, owing to tho lateness of tho prune harvest, a full attendance has not teportcd. J. niooknoy, of tho Mill City schools, wnn v lilting homo folks over Sitndny, MrH. M. Cohl nnd daughter, Miss aiodys Flolds, of Walla Walla, wero hero ovor Sunday, visiting tho form er's mother, Mrs. S. T. Smith, nnd othor rolntlvos and friends. They loft for homo Tuosday. Our gonial and accommodating station ugont, II. L. Wright, Is homo again from n much-nocdod vacation nt tho beach. C. M. Mlllor has purchased somo lots In tho Morrlflcld addition, nnd will erect a lino rcsldonco thoreon. Dr. W. D. Wright, of Portlnnd, mingled with friends and rolatlves horo ovor, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Osborn nro vis iting friends nt Sclo this week, W. P. Gilbert mado n buslnesi trip to Portlnnd Saturday, roturnlng Monday. Homor Spoor, of Mill City, stop ped ovor horo Sunday, en routo from Saloin. Mrs. M. L. Homier, of Salem, was visiting frlonds hero Inst wook. T. J. Arthur nnd family, who hava been rusticating in n tout ou the Hwnnk camp grounds, during tho stimmor, havo tnkon rooms In tho H, C. Lewis proporty. Mrs, C. F. Holn nnd daughter, GRAND JURY WILL INDICT BALLPLAYER Cleveland, 0., Oct. 9. It is per sistently rumored at tho court houso today that tho grand Jury will Indict Tyruc Cobb, tho Bonsatlonnl ball player, during tho afternoon. Tho outfielder, it is charged, stabbed Watchman Gcorgo Stanfteld of tho Hotel Euclid whilo tho Tlgors wero playing horo recently. On account of tho world's cham pionship scries, tho first games of which aro being played on tho Pitts burg grounds botweon tho Tigers nnd tho Pirates, tho pollco allowed Cobb to loavo tho city. Rumor has It that tho Georgia Cracker will bo arrested by a doputy sheriff when tho train from Pitts burg bearing tho ballplayers passes Into Ohio tonight. t A newly mnrriod woman's dinner table always looks protty, but it takes nn old housckenpor, with horf best china smnBhcd by tlmo, to got up n dinner that tastes good. Your B( Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an .1 l.-ll- -.1 t . -- .1.11.1-. U ...111 KjU probably say, "Very, very rarely." Ask . him how often he prescribes a tonic forthem. Noillmulalhn. NoaUoholhalH. life He will probably answer, " Very, vcryfrc- your doctor about Aytt' SanoparlHa quenily." Ayer's Sarsaparllla is a strong oj a tome jor the young. T.0X,iif. MiS! tonic, entirely free from alconoi. A National Bank Government Supervision Means Much Year by year tho government's supervision of National Dnnks Is becoming moro rigid, and tho qualification of tho oxamlnor is ronchlng a hlghor efficiency. Tho Comptroller ot Currency, Mr. Murray, is knocking at tho door of Congross and nsklng still greater powors in tho administra tion ot his trust. Ho is dotormlncd to safeguard tho pooplo's monoy doposltod in National Dnnks. Tho word NATIONAL shall bo nnd is n synonym of safety. Many banks aro savod ovory year by tho tlmoly warning and halt called in mismanagement by tho National Dank Examinor. Having fully docldod on a National Bank as your doposltory, select tho ono that offers amplo facilities and good sorvico. You aro respectfully invltod to call and soe us. UNITED STATES SALEM, NATIONAL BANK OREGON. ff ttiiittgciiiaiBttiitaii PILES CURED AT HOME. BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD, If ! ur from bkvOInc, ItcWn 1II4 w .ruirnilliiK 1'llM. iwitd mo uur ml.lr, wi.l I will lll u Iwtv to qhiv juurwir m 111. .ic liy tU ih abaorptlun lrMtWtil , and I iilau ad amue of thU but irvaiiuiiu t i,it trial, wlih ivfiTfiia (mm j..r 'i l.icalll) If mtta(d. ItttMmlUte r 1 '. iul -rinuMit 'urv aimwl. w u ni.fj, i.iti Ml iiiber ir itaU atltt Wtv. 1, .la; 1.1 Mr. M. buBuut. IWx V, Noir '). IUV, llul. CHICHESTER S PILLS 4-1 mt Vw Tk .'iHr-. I r ,rjir v W M . -fcr iC I T.ke ms fcftUW SMRoYW m.mIi U.it'He" is'irrSfVXBYHJttRF 4H I I I I HIIHIHIMHHt Otillirn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTOR! A Ths whokwoius, harmlos gvdeu laavaa and trader stauiB ot a lung lulling mountainous shrub, glva to Dr. Shoup's Sough Remedy . cura tive propsrtias. Tickling or dry bron chtal ooughs quickly and satoly ylsld to this highly offsotlvo cough medt etde. Dr. haup assuros mothers that thoy oan with safety glvo It to vn vary young babes. No opium. no ehluraform absolutely uothing harsh or harmful. It oolms th dla trosstng oough, and heals the somi the membranes. Accept uo other. Demaud Dr. Shoup's. Sold by Capi tal drug store. EPPLEY'S PERFECTION? BAKING POWDER MADE IN SALEM NONE BETTER SHOULD BE USED BY ALL SALEM PEOPLE Tiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiit . lIHrlHUIl I IHI I I I 111 I 1 Throshermon Attentlonl Now Is the time to bring your threshing ouglnss to have them repaired. Do not wait until the last day, as there may bo some ono ahoad of you Come early nud avoid the rush. We carry n full line of high presauro steam gauges, also best Scotch wnter glass. Repairs ou auto mobiles, marine and threehlug engines and all farm machinery a specialty K. M. KIGIITUNGER, ITS South Liberty 8treet HIIIHimillllllH H- C. E. LEBOLD & CO. -General ' Merchandise 1 144 E. State St. Salem, Or. - Return S10 in i ; qali checks y and reoeive 50c ; . in merchandise ", : FREE . u , U9i9imf999yQH-a9&h3t9i9l9M The Electric Fixture and Supply Co. Are now in their new quarters at 245 North Liberty street. We have a number of new, catchy designs to select from. Come and see us. Electric Fixture & Supply Co. L.XHYDiyjVtanagcr .