'f -.JTa.v VOL. XIX SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1009. NO. 229, (Thr Dailn ial ilourual ' ) i f I TAFT TO GO TO ALASKA AND ISLANDS Says Next Year He Will Visit the Philippines and Inci dentally the Haw aiian Islands. WILL VISIT ALASKA GETS SOME LOFTY IDEAS WHILE ON THE SUMMIT OF THE SIER RAS AND BEGINS TO THINK HOW MUCH COUNTRY THERE IS RESIDES WALL STREET. (By R. II. Hazard, staff correspond ent United Press, with President Taft.) Grader Point, Yosomlto Vnlloy, Oct. 9. President Taft has decided to mnko a trip to tho Philippines in tho summer of 1011, unless somo situation arlsos that will provont It. Tho president talked with tho con-gressmf-JSt his party about tho pro posed trip today and said that ho would mako tho Journey to tho far eastern colonics unless something Intervened to prevent. Taft has announced already that h'o will visit Alaska and Hawaii next summer, but tho thirty-day voyngo to Manila Is a now presidential un OUR OCTOBER SPECIAL SALEfPRICES I Are attracting people from far and near to The Chicago Store. get their prices, then come here and see the money we can save t uaie, newgooassnownnere. BARGAIN Ladies' and M ses' New Fall Tailored Suits Go to tho othor stores and get their prices, thon coino hero and boo tho garmonts wo aro selling at prices you cannot tluch olsowher. $15.00 Suits, llko cut now $ 9.50 IIS. 00 Suits, llko cut now $12.50 25.00 Suits, llko out now $14.90 In buying suits you should look carfully to tho class of matorlal you aro getting; also tho lin ing and workmanship. If you look theso points over carefully wo will soiling them nt i Special Sale Prices on LADIES' TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS They como in Wool, Silk, Linen, Madras and Lawn; nil handsomely tailored and trimmed. You cannot beat tho prices wo are selling at $4 50 Wool, Tailored Waists $2.45 14 90 Silk, Tailored Waists $2.90 Madras Waists from 45c up Dress Lawn Waists, . .49c, 75c, 98c and up Ladies' 35c Derby Ribbed Winter Underwear SALEM, OREGON Goods Now 19c The Store That Saves You Money Half Price f.mlHIl fsHWf f HHlH8t fiiHHt IIiliff HWii dertaking In tho way of travel of unprecedented magnitude. Tho trip to Manila will be mado on hoard one of tho faBt navy cruisers and n party of senators and congressmen will mnko tho voyngo In another vessel, meeting tho president In tho Orient. Roprcsontativo Duncan McKlnloy, whom tho president affectionately calls "Old Sorrel Top," on account of tho color of his hair, will bo ono of tho party. McKlnloy accompanied Tnft on tho famous trip to tho Philippines which resulted in tho mnrrlago of Miss Alice Roosovolt to Congressman "Nick" Longworth. Taft's lntcnso Interest In tho Phil ippine situation, shown by his recent speeches in which ho has given con siderable timo to tho discussion of tho islands, is well known. Membors of tho party todny dis cussing among .themselves tho pro posed trip, commented upon tho groat affect It would have In bringing tho Islands Into closer touch with tho homo government. Tho sight of tho president of tho United States, It was suggestod, coupled with tho knowlcdgo that ho was sufficiently in torested to pay thorn a visit, would go a long way in developing a feeling of patriotism and loyalty for tho United States Among tho native peo ple of the Philippine Islands. AUTO TRIES TO CLIMB A TREE (united mess leased wins. Chicago, Oct. 1). A. J. Kcarns, a Burlington engineer, was instantly killed and Kirk Eastman, Miss Fan ny Linn, Edgar Miller and J. H. Robertson wcro injured early today when their nutomobllo skidded Into a tree. Robertson wns Internally In jured nnd may dlo. neau en: PRICES IN. GREAT HARGAINS IN Millinery Tho Chicago Store Is the placo whoro you can find millinery bargains. Go to tho other stores nnd get tholr prlcos ,thon como hero and sco tho money wo can savo you in Trimmed Hats, Fancy Wings, Shapes, and Ost rich Plumes. NEW HATS ON SALE $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 AND UP WONDERFUL VALUES IN Dress Goods and Silks f Thousands of yards if tho latest and newest Dress Goods and Silks now on salo nnd judging from how fast they aro selling wo must bo selling all tho Dress Goods and Silks for Salem and tho surrounding country. Dress Goods, yard. 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up Dress Silks, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up Wo aro showing the greatest stock in Salem of Ladies' Kid, Wool and Silk Gloves Lisle Gloves From--25c. and up Wool Gloves From-.25candup Kid Gloves From.-98candup (al lcolors and black) Chicago Store THOUSANDS OF NATIVES DROWNED Cyclone Sweeps Across the Caribbean and Vents Its Fury on the Coast of Yucatan. POPULATION GONE ISLANDS ARE SWEPT CLEAN 1JY TERRIFIC TIDAL WAVE DRIV EN IJY CYCLONE, AND NONE OF ALL THE RESIDENTS ARE LEFT TO TELL THE TALE. I UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. New Orclans, Oct. U. Between two nnd three thousand natives wcro drowned during a hurrlcnno which Bwept the Yucatan coast and Islands off that section of tho Mexican main land, according to tho captain nnd crew of the steamer City of Tamplco, which arrived In this port todny. Most of the victims wcro poor fish crmen. A short ways off tho coast aro a number of Islands and tho ships of ficers reported that many of thorn were swept clean of Inhabitants and buildings and that trees wero uproot ed and carried out to sea by tho aw ful forco of tho wind. Go to the other stores and i I you. Nothing but up-to- jj m Remnants of Wool Dress m fliP'PBHLiiiiiiiiiLW & G f y IZ 'Zii s ; DETROIT WINS FROM PITTSBURG In Brilliant Game the Badgers Best Keystones by Score of Seven to Two. Great Game. NO STANDING ROOM ON THE GROUNDS FOR IMMENSE CROWDS AND THOUSANDS ARE TURNED AWATt DETROIT IS ALL THERE IS OF PITTSBURG AFTER TODAY'S IRQ GAME. FINAL SCORE. R. II. E. Detroit 7 I) : Pittsburg 2 1 Tho contest Is four best In kcvoii mill In now one to one. (united mess ixaBed wibe.1 Pittsburg, Oct. 9. When tho sec ond gamo of tho world's champion ship sorlcs botweon tho Detroit Amer icans nnd tho Pittsburg Nationnls wns called at 2 o'clock tilts' afternoon, tho following wcro tho batteries for tho two teams: Donovan nnd Schmidt for Dotrolt and Cnmnitz nnd Olbson for .Pitta burg. Tho llno-up wns as follews: Detroit Jones, loft field; Dush, shortstop; Cobb, right field; Craw ford, center field; Dolehanty, socond baso; Morlarlty, third baso; T. Jones, first baso; Schmidt, catchor; Dono an, pitcher. Pittsburg Byrno, third baso; Leach, contcr flold; Clarke, loft flold; Wagnor, short stop; Mlllor, second baso; Absteln, first baso; Wilson, right flold; Gibson, catchor; Cam ultz, pitcher. Tho Giinio by Innings. First Detroit Jones hit to Wagnor and beat tho throw to first, and it wont for a hit. Bush sacrificed to Absteln. Jnnes tried to steal, but wns out, Olbson to Byrno. Byrno was spiked in making tho play, but resumed. Cobb wont out, Mlllor to Absteln. No runs. First Pittsburg Byrno wnlkod; Leach doublod to right, scoring; Clarke sacrificed, Morlarlty to T. Jones, Loach taking third; Wagner fanned; Mlllor doubled to loft, Loach scoring. Schmidt muffed Abstoln's high foul, nftor which Absteln fanned Two runs, two hits, one error. Second Detroit Cruwford fauned; Delnhanty wont out, Wagnor to Ab steln; Morlarlty singled, Clarke stop ped tho ball, but oil; T. Jones sin gled to loft nnd Schmidt doubled to cantor, Morlarlty and Jones scoring The crowd In tho Detroit bleachers went wild with enthusiasm. IJjno van fanned. Two runs, three hits, no errors. Second Pittsburg Wilson wont out, Donovan to T. Jones; Olbson valkod; Camnltz fouled to Morlar lty. and Gibson stole second, Schmidt throw being high; Byrno fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. Third Dotrolt Jones wns saf on Byrnes' low throw of his roller; Bush fclnglod to lot; Cobb was permitted to walk: Crawford filed to Clarke; Del chanty singled to centsr. scoring; Willis relieved Cnmnitz who was taken out of box by Manager Clarke, Cobb, who was on third, thoi b.m iU rrowd wild by stealing homo; Morlar lty walkod; Jonas foreod Delelmoty at third, Willis to Byrno; Solim'St f IM to Clarke. Three runs, two hi" . one error. Third Pittsburg Loach doiiolul to left; Clarke fliod to Crawford; Wag enr fouled to Schmidt, and Milled fanned. No runs, no hits, no ortois. Fourth Detroit Donovan mil. Byrno to Absteln: D. Jonos out name way; Bush fanned. No runs, m hKs. no errors. Fourth Pittsburg Absteln Elng'cd to left, Schmidt caught Wilson's foul; Gibson filed to D. Jones; Wil lis lino dto Dolehanty. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Detroit Cobb wns put out by Absteln, unassisted; Crawford sent n two bagger past Byrno and Dolehanty wnlkod; Morlarlty filed to Absteln; T. Jones was given a free pass, filling tho bases. With tho crowd at fovor heat with excitement, big Schmidt sont a slnglo into tho loft, scoring both Crawford nnd Dole hanty; T. Jones was put out trying to roach third, Loach to Byrno. Two runs, two hits, no orrors. Fifth Pittsburg Byrno filed to Crnwford; Loach wont out, Morlarlty to T. Jones; Clarke was out, Donovan to T. Jones. No runs; no hits, no er rors. Sixth Dotrolt Donovnn wont out, Miller to Absteln; D. Jones filed to Loach; Bush walked, nut was put out trying to stcnl second, Gibson to Wagnor. No runs, no hits, no errors. Sixth Pittsburg Wngnor was sofn on Donovan's poor throw to first; Mlllor wont out, Bush to T. Jonos; Wngnor going to socond; Absteln fannod; liana trlod to steal thliJ, but was caught when Morlarlty mado a beautiful stop of Schmidt's high throw. No runs, no hits, no orrors. Sovonth Dotrolt Cobb slnglo past Wagnor; Crnwford wont out, Wagnor to Absteln, and Cobb was caught try ing to reach third, Abstoln to Byrno. Tho doublo play was a beautiful ex hibition of bnsoball skill and wns given a tromendous roar of applause Dolehanty fannod. No runs, no hits, no orrors. 8ovonth Pittsburg Dolohnnty fum blod Wilson's tap; a fast doublo piny by Dotrolt eliminated Wilson and Gib son. Tho piny was mado Bush to T. Jones to Morlarlty. Willis fanned. No runs, no hits, no orrors. Eight Detroit Morlarlty fllo dto Clarke; T. Jones wont out with Wag our to Abstoln, nnd Schmidt put out Mlllor to Absteln. No runs, no hits, no orrors. Eight Pittsburg Byrno fliod to Dolehanty; Leach wont out, Donovan to T. Jonos; Clarke filed to Dolohan ty, No runs, no hits, no orrors. Ninth Dotrolt Donovan wont out, (Contlnuod on page ) - 0 SALEM CITIZENS AWAKE Property Right Under Your very Very Noses Is to Be Sold at Prices You Cannot Let Pass. Salem pooplo do not ronllzo tho op portunities that aro oloso at hand. A strnngor from another statu comes In hero nnd takes advantago of openings which go unnoticed by homo folks. Tho greatest of theso opportunities that go begging nt prosont are tho many rich farms near Salem. ' While tho prlco of real estato is advancing rapidly In Salem nnd vi ol nlty. tho prlco Is still low, consid ering the locution nnd fertility of tho soil. Lund which can be'bought now at from $50 to $100 per aero, can not bo purchased at any prlco within a few years, when its value Is fully roallzod. Today a farm of 208 acres, only 3Vi inllos southeast of Salem, was placed on tho market at a ridic ulously low (lgure. It Is In tho heart of tho finest farming country near Suloni, und is complotoly surround ed by farms that nrj hold at from $20 to $C0 moro per acre. It is on an oxcellont county road, and has flue running stroums on two sides of It. There Is onough wood on tho placo to last a family n number of years. There Is only ono way to ex plain tho owner's notion in selling at suoh n low prlco, he wishes to dis pose of all of his property and turn It Into money, which he can put out at intorest, and not worry about It. This Is cortalnly an opportunity of n lifetime, and should bo taken ad vantage of by somo Salem person. For particulars see Smlth-Gllllng-bam Co., Room G, McCornack Bldg. Phono 9C ANOTHER ROAD TO THE COAST Jim Hill Will Extend the Bur lington Line from Chey enne or Some Near Point to 'Frisco. VIA FREEDONIA PASS WILL STRIKE THROUGH SOUTM ERN OREGON AND THEN SOUTH THROUGH RICH HACUA.MENTO VALLEY OPENING IMMENSE FINE TIMBER COUNTRY. (r.MTr.n rxes leaked wire. 8nn Francisco, -Oct. 9. Great lm torest is being tnkon in railroad a business circles hero today in tho an nouncement by Thomas B. Walker, millionaire lumberman, from Minne sota, that James J. Hill la planning to oxtend tho Burlington from Obey onno or somo point on tho Denver lino to San Francisco. As Wnlkor has enormous Umber holdings in Northeastern California, and as ho recently bought tho place called "Mountain Meadow," near Coopor Vnlo, Lnseon county, incit ing tho Frocdonla Pass, probably the only avallnblo outrnnco to tho Sacra mento vnlloy from tho north for a now line, his statements nro gUoa. "much credence. It is known that ha is n closo friend pf Hill, nnd Jbat be has boon associated with him 1 many business vontures. Wnlkor said: "I had a talk with Mr. Hill some timo ago, nnd ho told mo thnt ho did not consldor a lino to tho north from San Francisco would bo n great advantage taken by Itself, but that his mind wns rath er to oxtend tho Burlington to San Francisco, coming from tho northern part of tho stato nnd tho Sacramonta vnlloy. "When tho timo comes the Bur lington will bo extended to tho coast. Tho Oregon Trunk lino will be built to n connection with this through lino in tho northeastern part of Cal ifornia. This will glvo nnothor Una to tho north, and n moro direct route to Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Montana. It Is also likely that nnothor feeder will bo built south through tho San Joaquin, "But tho most Important part ot tho wholo plan Is tho extension of tho Burlington to tho coast, which has bcon so long talked of. This will glvo a dlreot outlet for tho timber in tho northorn part of tho stato to tho cantrnl and enstorn part of tho country, whero the market Is." Ho said today, however, that his purchaso of tho pass did not mean thnt ho had cornered tho situation. Ho snld that ho wants u railroad to carry out his timber, nnd ho would not interfere with any lino doslrlng to build through tho pass. REOPENING OF THE WILLAMETTE SAN1TARMM It will bo ploaslng nows to the many friends of the Wlllamotto Sana torium to lenrn that tho Institution which has been closed for tho past month for repairs Is ready to rocelvo patients again. Tho building and furnishings havo been thoroughly renovated. Mrs. E. T. Adair has tak en tho position ns matron and Miss Luther of Denver, Colo., who baa had a wldo exporienco In tho larga hospitals of tho oust, has been no cured as hoad nurse. 1 Undor tho new nnd favorahlo con ditions wo predict a continuance of tho gouorous patronage which tho in stitution has always onjoyed. Tho Sanatorium will bo run as a general hospital and will bo open to all physicians. 0 Tho Best Results Aro obtained by buying FolKorfl Golden Gate Coffee wholo roast and grinding it at homo, just be fore using