Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1909, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(ConUnuod from Fago 1),
rnako things ploaaant for tho out
siders. Jfo gavo a dinner to tho
President and tho Portland news
paper men and representatives of tho
press fiora othor cities, Sunday
morning ho gavo a breakfast to tho
labor leaders and roprcsontatlvcs of
progressiva policies In public af
fairs especially tho champions of
Statomcnt No. Ono, nnd tho represen
tatives of organized labor. It was
tho first tactful diplomatic thing
that was done, as tho breakfast was
attondcU by men who represented
corporations nnd from tho humblor
wnlks of life or rather tho tollers,
ns woll as thooo who employ labor.
Tho greetings glvon theso men led
ono to bollovo that tho uncrowned
kings of labor w,oro rcnlly tho men
closest to tho honrt of tho groat Pros
ldont. Ills grootings woro cordial,
but not slobborlng, hut all woro
plnced on torms iof friendly equali
ty. Tho bronkfnst party consisted of
President Tnft, Senator Dourno, John
Hays Hammond, Captain Uutt, Dr.
J, J. Rlchnrdson Charlos 1). Morrlck,
John C. Yornng, Frodorlck V. IIoI-
mnn, J, Frank Slnnott, II. Q. Kun
drot, Ij. H. Adams, Dr. Androw C.
Hmlth, II. C. llowors, Mr antes, John
M. Gonrln, Congrosflinnn Hawloy, W.
II. Fltzgorald, Hocretnry Central La
bor Council; Will Daly, president
Rtato Federation of Lnhor; F. V.
Mulkoy, Thomas McCusker, K.
Hofor, of Snlom; W. 8. U'llon, of
Oregon City, nnd Ed. Ilosonliorg, or
gnnlzor of tho Flsliormon's union of
On his rldo up to Snlom tho I'rosl
dont said tho labor organizations
could maku lonly ono mlstnko. nnd
Hint wiih to got boforo tho pcoplo as
tho representatives of a distinct clnsn
Thalr organlzallons woro needful nnd
beneficial, -but could not stand tho
projudlco lnovltably nrouBed agalnit
any class asking special privileges.
President In Marlon County.
Tho first stop after Oregon City
was mado at Woodburn, whoro tho
bonfires blazed and tho enthusiasm
ran high. Tho President asked them
whnt they raised, and tho boys yelled
"prunes and hops." That is right,"
said tho Prosidont. "Tho best prunes
and hops in thn world. And you owo
It to Jonathnn Bourne, who stands
hero (pointing to tfonathnn) that
you hnvo got an 18-ccnt duty on hops
Aro hops bringing a good prlco?
(Cries of you bot.) Well, hero's hop
ing you may all enjoy tho greatest
prosperity. Good by o and God bless
you," said Dig Dill Taft, as tho car
pulled nut amid a torrlflc ovation.
At tho Indian School.
Iloro another ovation was tondorod
nnd tho band playod America as the
train pulled out. ITo compllmonted
tho Indian school on tho good work
It wns doing, and In a fow minutes
tho train was at Salem, whoro tho
monstor demonstration of tho trip
through Orogon took plnco. Tho
train did not top again until Al
bany. It reached Ashland by day
light and sped on into California.
Sowitor Ilmirno roturns, stopping at
tho principal towns In Oregon, whllo
John Hays Hammond accompanies
tho I'rosldont through to Washing
ton. TIiobo moil nro tho I'rosldont'A
personal friends, and ho calls thorn
both John, and nt closo quartors tho
President, whllo novcr off his digni
ty, Is ono of tho moBt cnmpnnhnnblo
of mou, nnd ns common nn nn old
nhoo, to uno n homely expression. Tho
dnvptlou of Sonator Dourno to tho
I'rosldont Is reciprocated, to say tho
Tltu Salem Deception,
Tho President naked bow fnr it
was to tho ntato hone. Ho was told
that tho lights on tho doim. which
alono wcro vlslblo, wore about a
quarter of a mile. Ho had been ask
ing mo about tho people of Marion
county, and wo had any rorelgn-boin
citizens. I was telling him that wo
had qulto a strong Gcrman-Amorl-
enn elcmont, and that Aurora, Mt.
Angol, Sublimity and several other
nolghborhoods were almost entirely
German, and that they woro tho most
thrifty, industrious and prosperous
farming element wo had, and while
wei wcro talking tho crowdB at Salem
began yelling, and tho President
stopped out with my romarks fresh
on his mind and began his speech.
Ho complimented tho German-Americans
highly, and then Included all
tho foreign-born citizens and their
descendents. Ho especially praised
tho Germans who came to America
nftor tho Gorman revolution flf 1849,
saying they woro 'tho best forclga
blood that had como to our coun
try after tho landing of -tho Pilgrim
fnthors. His speech then branched
off into good citizenship generally,
until tho trnlirpullcd out amidst tho
biggest outburst of genulno enthusi-
nsm manifested anywhere, there arc
'estimated to have been 20,000 peo
ple out to welcomo tho President at
Salem, and his brief stop here will
bo long remembered. As tho train
left ho wns handed an Immense
bunch io f yellow chrysanthemums as
a remembrance of his brief stop at
tho Capital City of Oregon.
(Contlucd from Page 3)
Fat Folks One Dollar
Invested In a hottlo of theso wonderful, harmless fat reducing tablets and
in 30 DAYS you will be a normal, well-formed person again. Don i carry
nround your ugly bulk your ungainly superfluous flesh. It mmaa "
miserable, ridiculous, and whnt Is moro Important, it subjects jou to iauu
consequences. Sudden death from Fatty Degeneration, V,cart "18?n,'
KIdnoy Trouble, Apoplexy and Muscular Rheumatism all como irom
and through the nation of Israel nnd
through the mediatorial work of Christ
is yet to bring blessings to every mem
ber of Adam's race an opportunity for
obtaining life eternal. Meantime let
us all assure our hearts of the truth
fulness of the promise. Hint the bless
ing of the Lord mnkcth rich and that
ho addoth no sorrow therewith. Any
sorrows that come to us nro enrthborn
nnd not of tho Lord nd mny be over
come; so tlm' eventunlly wo may be
of tho mighty host who In heaven nnd
In enrth and under tho earth will bo
heard giving "prnlsc nnd honor to Him
who slttoth on the Throno and unto
the Lamb" (Revi-latlon v, 13).
The Electric Fixture
and Supply Co.
Are now in their new quarters at 245 North Liberty
street. We have a number of new, catchy designs to
select from. Come and see us.
Electric Fixture & Supply Co.
L. S. HYDE, Manager
' 9.
Thousands of Testimonials from Grateful
Persons Prove This.
YOl'U MOXHY HACK IF IT KalLS. "AXTI-CORl'L"' is absolutely
tho greatest dlscovory In medlcldo for reducing FAT. It Is mado in the
form of a llttlo tablet out of VEGETABLE matter and Is easy and plons
nnt to take. It Is ondorsod by every reputable Physician and Collogo of
Medicine. Ask your doctor.
ANTI-CORl'U" Is nbsolutoly harmless. Tho formula used In mnklne
this preparation is on fllo In tho Durenii of Chemistry In Washington,
which In proof that It Is PURE and HARMLESS.
ANTI-CORl'U" reduces fat 3 to 5 pounds a week. It roducos Double
Chin. Fat Hips, nnd Flnbby Cheeks. No wrlnklos result from this reduc
tion, for It makes tho skin closo fitting nnd smooth.
SHORT DREATH, and acts llko magic in MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM and
PRICE ijil.00 PER MOTTLE. Money back if it don't do nil wo claim.
If your druggist doos not keep it, show him this advortlsomont and
make him get It for you, or you can send for It DIRECT to us. Wo pay
postago and send In plnln wrapper.
JIO Day' Treatment in Ecvery Hot tie.
rinpri We will send you n snmplo of this wondorful fat-reducing rom
rl rr C',J on receipt of 10 cents to pay for postago and packing. The
M. lLL snn,pi0 itself may be sufficient to reduco tho desired weight.
Mention this paper. Desk 5. ,. dMit ,u
31 West 152 Strct. New York, N. Y.
Km ijffihk. H j &. B
ASK the women who bought here the past week, during our sale, whether it is worth
your while to go suit shopping at FRAKES Best material and style. Most Salem
ladies will surely avail themselves of the generous savings in this special line. The
surest proof of our success is found in the envious knocks of competitors who do no busi-
ness of their own.
All week special, we will offer all of our
trimmed hats regardless of cost positively
at 1-2 off, everything marked in plain fig
ures. Look around and then come to us and
see for yourself as to quality and prices.
Silk Petticoats special for Monday and Tues
day Only
$15.00 Petticoats, Monday-Tuesday Special $9.00
$12.00 Jersey Top Petticoats, Monday-Tuesday Special $7.00
$8, 9, $10 Silk Petticoats, all colors, Monday-Tuesday, Spl. $5.85
The Ladies' of Salem and Vicinity Will Undoubtedly Be Pleased to Know That Our
Beauty Parlors Will Be Dpen This Coming Wednesday
"If It Comes From Frakes' Itfs Correct"
279 N. Commercial St. MISS M. D. EVANS, Salem Manager
-- umi mi ii- -- '