Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1909, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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'5 '
. '
E. UOFtr, Editor ud Proprietor
ludepcndcut Nowipper' Dorolod to American Principle and
the Progroni and Derclopomout of All Oregon.
Ptibllihcd Brorr KTcnlng Kxcept Sundaj, Hlom, Ore.
(lnrarlablr In Advance)
Dally, by currier, pot year I.00 rcr monlh .60o
DaUT, by mall, per year. iJOO I'er month Mo
Wert), bjr mall, per vcr.... .... 1.00 81k monthi ....Wo
Tiio old-tlmo enmpors tills year ox
lrcsa rcrols that tho board ut tho
ctzto fair has seen fit to encroach
upon tho camping grounds of yenrs
xuno by. A meeting was hold In tho
at grovo last Thursday night, at
Mtlch tho cumpors oxpressod 'thorn
scares as iu favor of Increased facili
ties tor tho comfort of all. So mo
wfeo had camped on tho ground for
35 and 40 years woro greatly grlovod
Mfcat each yonr tho trocs disappear
ud not ono la replaced.
Mr. II. A. Qnnnls, of Kastorn Linn,
mid that ho was dono with being
treated llko n Slwnsh. "Wo pay our
tat," intd ho, "to koop up this fair.
Itnia situated that I ruuot como
vltb my team. My toam nnd that ot
hundred othors must sttind In tho
wentlior and wo nro forced to ho
pattered with manure and mud If wo
camp nonr our team, Tho stnto has
taken our cnjnplug ground and tilted
It for buildings Instead of going. Into
tho open nnd saving tho bountiful
eroro. Thoy burn up tho lumber,
otakar, wood and straw of tho camp
era and wo nro compelled to rustlo tho
following year or pay throa prices for
a few sticks of wood. Tho troughs
In which wo are expected to water our
gY reason of twenty-four yonrs J
of constnnt growth nnd sor
rlco In Salem, this bank Is pre
pared to give Its customers tho
bent of banking facilities.
Theso nro at tho sorvlco of
tboso keeping small accounts as
wall as those with largo lml
anros, Your nccnunt will bo wol
como legardless of the slzo of
tbo deposit.
I Capital National Bank
WffrK-HMffr- I I
I OStlONtD BY, 'Rk4Sf " '"'"CS V Jftsflf I i
nfiin r - TKrii ,' tv 'ttsBS'- i 4.
Clothes That
What's more disturbing than to feel and know that
your clothes are faulty, either in look or fit? Our
sort of clothes satisfy, and the man who wears them
feels sure of them.
Suits and Overcoats
$10 to$30
Come to this store for your clothes the store that
never has clothes disappointments in store for you.
141 North Commercial Street
horses nro a. decado old. Thoro Is no
water to flush our tollots, and when
tho crowds throng tho grounds It Is
necessary to havo water hauled for
this purpose. Tho trees aro cut awny
and wo linvo llttlo shelter. Lumber
onough Is burned onch year, actually
destroyed, that would houso our
teams. During my llfotlmo I hnvo
scon tho old camping plnce ot my
childhood disappear. Wo como hero
fof plcasuro, nnd to visit with our
friends nnd relatives; but that outing
ils mnrrcd by having to fight for
spaco in which to placo our teams and
our touts. Tho campers mnko tho
fair and without thorn tho Oregon
stnto fair will dwindle If tho camp
ors of this ground becomo dlssatls
flod nnd opposo legislative approprl
ntlons, whnt will bo tho result? Wo
desorvo hotter treatment.'
Mr. Clint Cole, of Albany, said:
"It has boon my mlsfortuno for yonrs
to camp in tho vicinity of tho unload
ing nnd londtng, nnd my rest nnd
plcasuro Is destroyed. It is unjust
to us to lond their stock In our camp
Mr. T. L. Davidson, Jr., snld: ' t
nm no kicker; but Just mnrlc mo nu
sent In 1910."
Ifnd Taken no Until Slnro Chrlstinns
Sonttlo, Wash., Sopt. 29. In hor
quest for a dlvorco today boforo
Judge Shnltolford, ot tho suporlor
court, Mrs. Lillian Kemp told tho un
happy facts of hor wedded llfo, re
lating tho nllogcd cold nnd crabbed
conduct ot hor hmsband, Hugh Komp.
Tho court listened with Judicial
onliniioss, nnd whon sho had finished
"la thero Anything furthor?"
"Well, Judgo," responded tho wit
ness, "my husband Is not tidy In his
jxTKonal npponranco, nnd ho hnB not
taken a bath since Inst Christmas."
"Tho dorroo Ib granted." wns the
roady respouio of tho court.
The woman was allowed to rosumo
her maiden namo ot Lillian Hamil
ton. '
I I I f HftMfrf9H
All Physicians
Must proscrlbo somo of tho In
grodlonts that aro contalnod In
Hood's Gnrsnparllla-for rill trou
bloo of tho blood, stomach, kid
noy and llvor.
They Includo sarnapnrilla, Btllllngln,
yellow dock, gentian, wild cherry bark,
mandrake, dandelion, juniper berries,
pinslssowa. etc.
The combination nnd proportions aro
our own formula and givo power to euro
beyond tho reach of any other prescrip
tion or substitute. That's why It is
wise to get Ilood'fl and only Hood's
Refuse to Make Extra Speeches
or a Septic Tank of His
Stomach to Please
(Dy Robert II, Hazard, Staff Corre
spondent, United Press, with Pres
ident Tnft.)
North Yakima, Wash., Sept.' 29.
Ordora havo been sent ajicnd on tho
pcosldontlal Itinerary to cut nil pro
grams to tho bono. Mr. Taft's pn-
tlenco hns bocomo oxhausted over
tho cheeky manner in which tho lo
cal arrangements committees In tho
various cltlos ho haa visited has on
Inrgod his labor by adding speeches,
hand-shaking receptions nnd long nu
tomobllo rldos to his program.
At Spokano yostorday ho voiced his
protost at both tho luncheon nnd tho
dinner becnuBo ho was called upon to
sponk, nftcr ho. hnd boon assured that
ho would not bo expected to say any
thing. "Tho promlso Is always oxactod,
always glvon nnd nlwnys violated."
snld tho Prosldent nt thu luncheon,
referring to tlio functions whero lo
cal committees hnvo pledged them
solvos to spnro him.
At dlnnor ho ngnln voiced his dis
approval with tho nrrangemonts that
forced him to talk after n long day
of many speochos. Tho guests nt the
bnmiuot thought tho Proeldont wns
Joking, hut thoro wn not Joko In
tended. t
In addition In sending out order's
that nil speaking programs must be
chopped, the Proeldont hns directed
tlint tho menls served In his honor
must be mado as n-lmplo as possible
All mysterious foreign dUhos nre to
be wllmlnnted, tho doasorts out out,
and tha menus comprlno dishes n dl
Xstlbl ns posslblo.
Iudlgeetlon Is the bugboar Hint tho
President fears on this trip. If his
dlgostlvo npparntus goos back on him
he knows that It will spell tho end of
the trip.
Say .Mr. and Mrs. 1'nr.
Is It any wonder that tho fat peo
ple hate hot weather? If your heart
nnd lungs and stomach were bound
hi mind with layer after layor of false
llesh that gave out a terrible unnat
ural hmtt and that Interfered with
their normal functions you wmild mu
dwstnnd the aversion of fat people to
hot weather There U absolutely no
reason for fat people staying fat In
tlU hkc of triumph. We dn not ad
vt drugging yourself, dieting or ex
orcising jourself to death, but there
U a method that has been proven sue
ceeetul. It Is the famous Marinoln
tablet which da the work of'roinov
Ing fat uxHctly like nntur Intends It
should be done. They stop thu dlgos-
tlve organs from producing fat. Thoy
ek out the fat as It lies around tho
body and remove It at the rate ot
from IS to 15 ounce a dn Thes
little tablets are mado from the gicn
Marmnhi proscription, nnd com
prd into hard tablets by tVc
miMidoiis power. You may enrry ono
In your pocket, and always eat a
men ltii peace of mind, for you know
that tho'tnblet will get you tho best
results from such a meal. Those tab
lets contain nothing but Mnrmola
Cascara Aromatic and Peppermint
Water. In they do their work so
pleasantly. harmleMly and so fast
that you will be surprised. , Thoy are
sold b) every druggist, price 75 oeutt
per ratw, or If you prefer you ma
w rite the iUriuol Coiupauy. Detroit,
TcMllleu After Four Yours.
Carl'sle Center. N Y Q. B. Dur
ham writes: "About four years
ao I wrote vou thnt I had been en
tirely cured of kidney trouble by tak
ing two bottles of Foley's Kidney
Remedv and after four years I nm
aeain nloael In stntn tlint 1 hava
B'er had any return of thoe symp
toms and am evidently cured to stay1
wired " Foley's Kidney Remedy will
jdo the sumo for ou. J C. Perry,
Rlverdalo, L. I., Sopt. 29. Mo
chanlcan J. T. Bates Is dying with n
fractured skull end Driver Herbert
Lytlo is In a serious condition as thu
result of Lytlo'B car being ditched
today during tho Long Islnnd derby
of automobiles cor tho Suffolk coun
ty course.
I jlle was dr vlng on Apporson, and
when ho mndo Mio turn two miles
west of Mattlctuck, tho machine sud
denly Bkiddcn and shot Into a ditch.
Lytlo wns thrown CO feet ahead ot
tho car, and tiis tncHy hurt, while
Bates was crushed undor tho com
pletcly wrecked machine In addl
tlon to sustaining a fractured skull,
both of Bates' legs wero brokon.
Louis Chovrolct, In a Bulck ma
chlno, established a now Amorlcan
road avcrngo for class B cars, soiling
between $1250 and $2000, when ho
covered 113 miles at the rato of
C8 V4 miles an hour.
Mechanician Bates died two hours
after the accldont.
Driver Lytlo's condition Is ex
tremely serious, but physicians say
that he has a chanco for recovery.
Whon news of tho accldont roached
tho grand stand Mrs. D. W. Loft,
owner of the Morcedos mnchlno "In
the race, hnd tho car withdrawn nnd
announced that sho was though with
racing, although she had bought the
Mercedes from W. K. VnnduTbllt es
pecially for such contests
Secretnry Wilson will lonvo Taft's
cabinet In January. Ho has been a
cabinet olllcer for 12 years.
For Women's
Every woman should fortify herself
against those weaknesses and de
rangements which are usually pres
ent nt times when Nature makes
extra demands upon the system.
For women's special ailments
there is no known remedy so safe
and reliable as
These pills possess corrective and
tonicpropcrties which havca marked
effect upon thu general health and
promptly relieve nervousness, sick
headache, depression, backache,
weakness and other unpleasant
symptoms. Ucechnm's Pills estab
lish healthy conditions and furnish
Help at the
Right Time
Sold Everywhere. In boxc 10c nod ZSc
All Patent Medicines or medicines ad
verllsed iu this paper aro for sale at
Drug Store
The on!) cash drug stow iu Oregon. I
owes' no oue. ami no oue owes
it; carries lurgu stock, its suoHes, i
counters d show cases are loaded
with drugs, medicine, notlous toilet
artiele wlue and liquors of all
KnuU (or medicinal purpose Dr
Stone Is a regular graduate in medi
cine and has had tunny ears ot ex
perience iu toe practice Consulta
tions are free. Prescriptions are
free aud oul regular pikes for med
icine Dr Stone can b found at hU
drug store fc ilom Or . from 7 in the
morulug until 9 at night
Owing to the fact that so many of The Journal sub
scribers were out of town on our last annual BARGAIN
DAY, August 31, and failed to take advantage of it and
wish to do so nowi we have decided to give everybody
another opportunity to secure the reduced rate SEPT. 30.
The proposition is very smiplei If you are behind on
your subscription simply pay up to SEPT. 30 at the reg
ular rate, then pay $3,00 for one year in advance, You
do not have to wait until SEPT. 30 before paying, drop
into the office any time'you are in the city and pay up
to SEPT. 30 and then the year in advance,
This rate does not apply to papers delivered at your
house by our carriers but applies to all rural route, mail
and store papers,
This Offer Is Good
For Old and New
and take advantage of
SEPTEMBER 30, 1909'
Do nof ask for this rate after the above .date, as it
ends then,
Huie Wing
Big Sale on all
22c yd. Fancy Goods, sale. .15c
35c Dross Goods, sale,,.. 25c
75c Dreee Goods, sala.. 25e
He yd. Heavy Goola, sale .lie
Silk 25c, 86o. 60c. 75c, ?1.25 yd
$2 00 Fancy Waists, sale. 1. 25
ti 00 Fanoy Waists, sale. ?2. 50
$150 Umbrallns, sale... f 1.00
20c Hose, sale 120
$3 75 Children Coats, sale $2.50
35c Underwear, sale 25c
325 North Commercial
ents.of all sizes. Pratt & Lambert Varnishes. Sun
sh ne Stains and Varnishes.
Salem Hardware Co.
Sang Co.
Goods this Week
V i
Nightgowns, 50c up to.. $2. 75
Skirts, black nnd white, all
colors 50e up
J2.S5 Fanoy Klmonns, salo
Comforts, $1, $1.35, $1.50
nnrt $3.00
$3.25 Swonters, salo $2.25
$2.50 Pants, salo $1.75
23c yd.f Mattings, salo lSc
Wrappors, all klnl3. hie side.
Street, Salem, Oregon
vr, h