wmiWDiin whii hiwji mmwv'mt i,.,,.. "jfwiiwamifiiHWUMWMiwiDmmn ulijimw whmwwwmI FACE EIGHT: DAIIA CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SElTEJIDEn 28, 1000. BKaAMpJsjj 4M k I V . r ir " 1)' " frfiv' lilt It I i ! 1 1 1 1 , , ill r- ; H-' Wednesday Surprise Sale No. 451 For tomorrow only tho lnrgo Lnco Curtain section, 2nd floor, offers GO pairs of Not Curtnlns, with a wldo not ruffle down the sldo nnd across tho bottom. They nro two nnd ono half yards Jong nud nro valuoH thnt sell regulnrly nt f 1.50, on sale nt tho low prlco of 98 Wednesday Only This low prlco will .cuiibo fnst selling, so bo hero nt 8:30 sharp. No tolophono orders received. &&.&?.. -,-,-,-h--) 1 P 1 r t P P 1 rv r CITY NEWS Weather Foivcaat Showers tonight or WedncMlny cooler Wednesday. You Are cordially roqueited to phone any Itom of Interest, such as a per sonal about a friend or yourself, to Tho Journal, Main 83. No Item too mall, Anderson's Shop six barbers. 8-lfltf IVrlto Guy K. Allen Woods, Oregon, for nil kind of flail, 0-14-171 OottAgo Undertaking Parlor Cottago and Gbemoketa 8ts. Calls Iny or night. J. a Sill. Phono 724. Tlio Ovtde Is now on. Wo are receiving dally those prim fat Olympta oys ters nnd buttor olnms. Pnrrlngton, tho grocer nud murketmau. Tlio Full Opening And demonstration snip of Mother, tho tailor, Is meeting with tho ap provnl of tlio liHonlo nt the city, ns Is evidenced by tho number of orders toksii. Muelier, th tailor, 464 Court street. Tlu Salem lllrtt Study Clut Will hold Its first meeting of tho bO-abou nt HaUm Unit, on Wlllnmotte campus, tonight nt 8 o'clock. All In terested In birds nro Invited to join. By order ot prosldont, Sirs. J. F. Hughes. Tlicy Hiiro to Huiy For tho pnst two days Deputies Sheriff Kneli nnd Needliain hnvo had about nil they could handlo In car ing for tho rush of tax payers, who nro coming In at n great rata to save their property from tho sheriff's ualc. Bo far, tho tax payers have re sponded to tho Inst call promptly, nud thoro Is no expectation ot a big run In property sales this whiter. Suckt Kino Fkn Eln deutscher uann, 45 Jatar alt. gosund und abcltsam, von puton Gewohutvelton und heltermen Gem iioth sucht elne Gatttn Jungfrau oder WKwe, Hloht mbhr ala 40 bis 46 Jahr alt. Addresslre In Deutsch Peter Peter Redelsbergcr, Hllltboro, Or. 9-15-Sw" Frank L. Smith Moat Co. PAYS AS FOLLOWS. Fresh Eggs, 30c per dos; Hens and Spring Chickens. 16c; Dressed Veal, tat, up to 130 lbs., 9o; Dressed Hogs, fat, 9c ADDRESS Frank L. Smith Heat Co. "FtgliUitg tho Reef Trust" PORTLAND, OH. 1 TAILORED SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES The lnrgo Cloak nnd Suit sec tion offers nnothcr cxtraordl nnry Bnlo of High Grade Tail ored Suits nt nlmoBt one-hnlf their ronl vnluo, Hnndsomo nnd styish up-to-dnto Tailored Gnrmcnts values never boforo placed on sulo this early In tho . senson Long Cont effects, Soml nnd Tight-Fitting, strictly plnln tailored; Skirts nro rondo iii nil tho now pleated effects, every suit tho newest nnd most npproved fashion nnd nmtorlnl, sizes for MIbbcs and Women. Grand assortment to chooso from; vnues regulnrly soiling up to $50.00; whllo thoy Inst, at tho low price of $252 pr. ; Ollson's Barber Shop Uio best. U, J. Lehman, Amdstant Undertaker, with W. T. Rlgdon, 46b tsourt strcot. 6-27-oodtt Try Crystnlotfl For tho breath. For sale at: Myor's barber chop. Eckerlon's, Wnter's cigar store. , Adolph's cigar storo. Dick Madison's. Tho 8pa. Wlllnmctto Hotel. Tho Council. Tnlklngton'a. -v Tuo Court. A Milling Cwpomt Ion Articles of Incorporation wero lllod this morning signed by throo promi nent Portlnnd biiBluess men.nnd cap italists. William Lndd, Thoo. 11. Wll co xnnd J. W. Oanong, for the Odessa MIIIIuk Company nud tho Und Mill lug Compniiy. Santo tlnio ngo the big mills belonging to tho Portland Flouring Mills Company wero burned to th ground, nnd thoso mills were operated under tho management of thw three signers to the new Incorpor ation. It Is more than probnble thnt the l'ortlnml mills will be robullt on a much larger scale. Supremo Court- Next Monday morning the supremo court will open the regular Octob er term Among the first eases on appeal to b argued Is that ot State again Jack Lnltoso. tho gas plpo thug, who stirred 1'ortlnnd up recently- The argument on nppeul will bo heard Titotilny morning. Stnto ngnlnst McDonald will be argued Wednesday morning, nnd tho cases will then dwlndlo down to mostly dnmngo suits nnd equity ensvs. on Tuosduy morning bar examinations will be held In tho supremo court chambers. All thoso wishing to ap ply for tho oxamlnntlon would do woll to cnll upon Clork of tho Supreme Court Morelaud and secure applica tion wanna. Some Quick Work A clever pleco of work was dono by Deputy Sheriff Ksch yesterday attor noon, when he, with tho assistance oi tho telephone and City Marshal Dalloy. of Aurora, captured Fred La mona and Herbert Harris, on tho com plaint of George Ramp, ot Brooks, who accused tho two men ot stealing a horso from his pasture at Brooks. Ramp phoned into the sheriff's office near 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, nnd Informed Deputy Each that two mo ntravellng through that vlc'nlty In a covered wagon had mado way with a horso which was running looso In tho pasture. Deputy Each then got Into communication with all tho like, y person ho know residing on the llrooks-Snlem road, nnd an hour af forwards Marshal Bailey called up niiu sinieu mat ne una arrested two men traveling through that vicinity by Rnmp The deputy then wont down to Aurora and escorted hts prison ti thl city and locked them up Tluv will be arratenctl before Jmt ( Webster some time this atteN noon. Hn Fine Delivery IIousowIvcb get prompt servico nt Rngnn's Court Street grocery. Practical Iloostlng Mr. Lnwson nnd family of Hutchln Bon, Kanans, on their wny from tho enBt to Eugene, wero mot by W. A. Knorr, who recently bought tho Price shoo store, Just ns they started, nnd ho put up tho inducements Salem of fers to now comers so strongly thnt Mr. LaWBon changed hts mind nnd will locnto hore, being now on the way. This Is prnctlcnl boosting. Sold Rig Fnrm Lato yesterday afternoon 30S acres of tho finest lnnd In tho Waldo Hills district chnnged hands. Tho propertywno Bold by Its owner, Dr. W. A. Quslck, to a Jefferson man, Mr. Fred Yost. Tho lnnd Is a part of sections 2 nnd 11, In t 8 b, r 1 w, Tho consideration, as t appeared on tho deed filed with tho county re corder, was $16,012. CO. This Is ono ot tho largest transfers filed for some time, nnd tho lnnd Is snld to bo fully worth tho amount Mr. Yost paid for It, nnd then somo. Tnft Hero Sunday According to the program, as at present arranged, President Tnft will lcavo Portlnnd next Sunday cvontng nt 0 o'clock. This Bhould mnko tho tlmo of his arrival hero about 8 o'clock. Whllo tho President will not 0t oft tho cars here, It Is prob nblo thnt ho will nt lenst Bhow him self on tho renr plntform, and gtvo such Snlcmltcs no caro for thnt kind of thing n chnnco to seo tho big man. LnHt Will Filed Tho last will and testament of tho lato Honry" D. Mount was filed in tho county clerk's oulco this afternoon, nnd tho widow nnd son, orvlllo, wore nppolntcd executors of tho will, Tho deceased given to each of his chil dren 81, nnd S2800 to bo divided cqunlly betweon them, provided, howovor, thnt his wlfo, Rebecca Mount, hnvo tho ubo of tho amount during her life. Tho widow Is re quested In tho will to'provldo money for tho education through college of tho son, Albert. Will 0ci Cawket The .nskot contn!jln' tho remains of tho Into Mrs. G. W. Crannls will bo opened nt tho Flirt Methodist church loworrow botcui tho hours ot 12 nud , .SO o'clock .nl lur friends who desire to view llu remains nro requeued to cnll nt IM tlmo ns the casket will not bo oponod ugiilu nt tin- ciave. Tho funoiil will Hike piaco nl 2 o'clock. Get Your Money'H Worth By going to J. W. Lnwrenco. tho up-to-dnto grocer, corner of Ferry and Commercial strcots. Phono 311, Dltiputo Verbal Contract A warm fight is bcln,? carried en In tho offices of tho Dosert Lnnd bonrd this afternoon by tho Deschutes Irrigation nnd Power compnny nm tho settlers regarding Irrgntlon conr tiacls botwecn tho land owners and the irrigation company. Tho dispute if the result of nn nllogoJ failure to :':rform cortnln pnrts of u verbal con tract. Tho settlers claim, In suppoit of tholr cause for complaint, thnt when tho coiitrnct was dtnwn tin Willi tho Irrigntlon compnny for tho Ini tiating of lands unsurvoyed thot wnc a vorbnl undorntnndlng thnt nil lnnds amounting to nn nvor-iMtlnmto ot tho nron contrnetcd for would bf Irrigated free of chnrgo. It Is -)Uteuded by tho Deschutes Irrigation aait Powtr compnny thnt no oibal ngroemuut was mado nnd that : new lion Is In effect which calls f-ji $ 10 na ne.v for tho Irrigntlon of at' lands not In cluded In tho orlgiaa, eontruot. TEAMS ARE PLAYING FOR BLOOD (tTNITBO l'KEKH IJUSI1D W1RK. Omaha. Nob., Sopt. 2S. In one ot the closest races In the history ot tho Western league. Sioux City nnd Dee Molties nro this afternoon battling for the premier honors ot 1909. Whllo Sioux City Is clashing with Omaha hore. Dee Moines is lighting It out with Lincoln nt Dos Moines. If Sioux City wins one game ot tho double-header scheduled for this af ternoon tho bunting will bo hers. If Sioux City losoj both games and Dos Molnos wins tho doublo-hcnded from Lincoln, the ponunnt will fly n the De Molnos park. However, li Dos Moines loses ono game Sioux City can loso both games, and still get away with tho bunting. FACED GALLOWS THREE TIMES San Francisco, Sept. 38. William Buckley whoso sentence ot death tor tho murder ot George Rice in 1901 was recently commuted to 15 years' Imprisonment by tho governor, will bo paroled In all probability soon. governor Gillette filed a request with the prison directors for tho pa role ot Buckley, and at the board's meeting October 9, tho recommenda tion ot the governor will come be fore them for action. Buckley was convicted of murdei Ing Rice In 1901, when tho machin ists' str'ko was iu progress. Since then the case has been reviewed by every court In th state, nnd Buckley has been sentenced to tho gallows three times, and each time ho has been granted a reprieve. o- Now that Court streot is paved, who will bo responsible for tho bill If the property owners win their suit This Is of mow importance than The Girl Question." MR. STOLZ WANTS NEW BINDER Mr. Stolz, chairman of tho street committee, Bccurcd nn order of the city council last night, authorizing tho street deportment to expend 81C0 experimenting with tho bot bitumen' ns a blndor for mncndamlzcd streets. His plan Is to put a gallon nnd n half to tho squnre yard on tho Inst cont boforo tho surface cont nnd thon roll tho surfneo down into it. Ho beliovcs thnt this will mnko n surfneo thnt will wear and will keep out tho water, and It is to bo tried on tho south ex tension of the Winter street improve ment. If It Is a success It will pro moto tho uso of macadam in tho resi dence districts, whero tho need of n cheaper pavement is very much felt. ,0 . Tho Poitnl Deficit. . Tho Corvnllls Gazette-Times puts nB much truth in tho following lines as can possibly bo crowed into thern: Postmaster General Hitchcock In his efforts to ornso tho yearly postal deficit need not go beyond tho gov eminent printing offlco to complete tils Job. Tons of lltornturo from thnt plnco nro sent to pcoplo who hnvo so llttlo Interest In tho mnttor forwarded thnt tho wrapper or onvelopo Is never torn off boforo the wholo Is thrown Into tho wnsto basket. This mnl'.cr Is hauled at tho cxpenso of tho postal depnrtmont nnd tho cost ot carrying It o'ver tho continent Is responsible ror a great snnro or the yonrly deficit. No mnttor from tho government printing offlco should bo sent oxcopt upon request. This would not otuy lesson tho postnl deficit It would lessen tho cost of tho government printing offlco by two thirds nnd at tho snmo tlmo got tho printed matter Into tho very hands thnt should hnvo It. Thoro need bo no postnl deficit. p INCORPORATIONS ),; Odessa Milling Compnny; incorpor ators, Win. M. Lndd, Thco. B. Wilcox nnd J. W. Gnnong; principal placo of business, Portlnnd; cnpltnl stock, 160,000. Nehalem Valley BanH; Incorpora tors. A. Rowo, Bollo Maddon Rowo nnd Wllllnm M. Gcrgory; principal placo of business, Nehalem: cnnltnl stock, 810,000. Mnrvolo Manufacturing Company; Incorporators, A. J. Matter, J. H. Scott and Oliver M. Hlckoy; princi pal place of business, Portland; cap ital stock. 810,000. Llnd Milling Company; incorpora tors, Wm. M. Ladd, Thco. B. Wil cox and J. W. Ganong; principal principal placo of business, Portland; cnpltnl stock, 850,000. Llnnhavon Orchard Company; In corporators, W. II. Davis, E. R. Lake, and F. J. Flotchor; principal placo ot business, Albany; capital Btock, 8300,000. Tho W. F. King Company; Incor porators, C. E, Smith, W. F. King and J., Gerardo; principal placo ot business, Prlnovllle; capital stock; 825,000. Tho Hill Investment Company; in corporators, E. H. Schkauffer, G. W. Hill and E. Hill; principal placo ot business, Portlnnd; cnpltnl stock, 85000. Hcrmlston Produco and Supply Compnny; Incorporators, T. Camp- Lboll. J. W. Campbell and M. P. Swoggs; principal placo of business, llormlston; cnpltnl stock, 85000. o Ttstlflco After Four Years. Carlisle Center, N. Y G. B. Bur hans writes: "About four years ngo I wroto you that I had been en tirely cured of kidney trouble by tak ing two bottles of Foley's Kidney Romedy. and after tour years I am again pleased to stato that I bare never nnd any roturp of those symp toms and am evidently cured to stay ourod." Foloy's Kidney Remedy will do the st.me tor you. J. C. Perry, o If you are ablo to take advantage ot the present you need not worry about tho past. - o Dr. Abernethy, tho groat English phyalclau. said: "Watch your kid neys. When they aro affected, life Is in danger." Foley's Kidney Rem edy makes healthy kidneys, cor rects urinary Irregularities, and tones up the whole system. J. O Perry, o A Burglar In Town His name Is "bad cough." He does not care tor gold or sliver but he will steal your health away. It he appears in your house arrest him at onco with Ballard's Horehoand Syrup, tt may mean consumption If you don't. A cure for all coughs, colds and chest troubles. Price 35c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. , NEW TODAY 70U SALE Several Houses la Sa lem, and farm lands at a bargain. Capital National Bank. 6-1-eod FOR SALE Carload of vetch and oat bay at a bargain. For particu lars phono 460. 9-28-1 1- WANTED A porter at the G'laon barber shop. 9-2S-tt FEED BARNS NEW FEED B'ARN Has opened on Commercial street, two and a unit blocks south of Ladd & Bush bank Regular feed barn prices. Bayne & Smith, proprietors. Piles And Purgatory Begin With tho Snmo Letter nnd There Arc Other Resemblances. Suffer? Oh, nol "Suffer" don't express It, but thoro Is tho PYRAMID PILE CURE. It is a cure that comes to stay, and gives ono a fresh grip on things. IT PROAHSES TO CURE and keeps its word. Even to tho last letter. It is mado that way. This Is why. And It is not expensive with in tho easy reach of overy ono. Only 50 cents a box at your druggist, and a box goes a long way. YOURS IS THE WORST kind and of long standing? Already tried overythlng you over henrd of? Discouraged? Woll, rather. But the PYRAMID PILE CURE wob mado for Just such cases. Yours Is not a bit worso than hundreds of other cages thnt tho Pyramid Pllo Curo linn cured SKEPTICAL? NO FAITH? No wonder. But listen. Wo aro so suro that our remedy will curo you that wo will sond you a Freo Treat ment. This will begin to show you whnt enough of It will do, and thon you can go to your drug storo nnd got as much as you need. It won't bo moro than n box or bo. DON'T PUT OFF getting rid of this torrlblo trouble. Of itself It Is hard enough to ondure, but It leads to things worse. In truth It badly disarranges tho ontlro low er bowol trnct; creates ulcers, ab scesses and a oerlos of evils any one of which can easily provo fatal. DONT PUT OFF Bonding for tho fro trial package Wo send this to show how great our faith is in this euro. It wo did not bollovo In it, wo would not mnko this offer. Today ia tho best day you will ever hnvo to Bend for It. Do your writing rjlnlnly, so thnt thoro will bo no mistake. ,FI11 out coupon; It won't tnko a mtnuto's tlmo, and mall It to us. FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Fill out tho blank lines bo low with your nnmo and ad dress, cut out coupon nnd mall to tho PYRAMID DRUG COM PANY, 21G Pyramid Bids, Marshnll, Mich. A trial pack ago of tho groat Pyramid Pllo Curo will thon bo sent you nt nnco by mall, FRED, In plain wrapper. Namo Streot City and Stato. Health and Beauty Aid. Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of plmplea and blotches Ilko Foley's Orlno Laxative, for Indigostion, stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation. Cleanses tho system and la pleasant to tako. J. O. Perry. 0- ' When n man really Intends to do a thing ho doos not talk much about it, but goes to work. o A clover, popular Candy Cold Curo Tablot called Provontlcs Is being fl lunAnnmt w Inter crlnta nvarvuihara Iu a few hours, Provontlcs nro said to bronk nny cold completely. And ProvenUcs, being so safe and tooth-1 eome, nro vory fine for children, No quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor slckonlng. Box of 43 25c. Sold i by Capital Drug Storo. ' Public Sale Wl I II I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION at WIDOW SMITH'S PLACE, ONE - HALF MILE.N0RTH OF TURNER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 2 Commencing at lO articles: $ 1 3 1-4-in. Bain Wagon 1 Two-Seated Hack 2 Sets Work Harness 1 Set Hack Harness 1 Saddle 1 Osborne Mower 1 Osborne Rake 1 Chilled Plow, No. 40 1 14-inch Steel Plow 1 Lever Harrow 1 Double Shovel Plow 1 Garden Cultivator 1 DeLaval Cream Sepa rator 2 5-gallon Milk Cans 1 Ax 1 Sledge TERMS Sums under $10.00, Cash; over $10.00, 12 iiiuiiuio nine, Willi llliuuai ell O JJUC UtJIIl. Ro I mrU C S. WELBORN, Prop. t MllVilI j hOfif f llllllliaiilf4H-f-4r JC 5C 5j 5j ffi SjC 5JC JJI 5JS 5(C ip 5 Jyt PERSONAL MENTION 5( 9fi 5 3f$ Sj 5(C j 5j JJ JfC JfC JJ 9fC vfC 5jC Mr, J, C. Prlco nnd wlfo left today for nn outing nt Wllholt Springs. Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Lnmport havo returned from tho Seattlo fair. They visited their son, E, II. Lamport, who Is In tho harness nnd saddlery business In Tacoma, and tdok a trip to Victoria and. Vancouver, B. C Thoy will leave next week for San Francisco tt attend tho "Portola" colebrntlon, nnd visit relatives in Los AngelcB nnd Pasadena for the winter. John O. Vensom, of Portland, is; looking nfter business mnttors in A Salem today. f Mr1. G. Walters hns left for Illi nois, whero sho will visit friends and' relatives for a few weeks. Tommy Caufleld was nmong tho excursionists over nt Falls City last Sunday. W. A. Rhodes, nn Insurnnco mnrt from Scnttlc, was In tho city today looking over the stato Institutions. Mr. Rhodes Is accompanied by his wife, nnd they nro tnklng a vlow ot tho Wlllnmetot vnlley cities with tho intention of selecting, ono as a per manent homo place. Both Mr Rhodes and his wlfo like Salem well, Mrs. Rhodes commenting upon tho city as being so lnrgo nnd "roomy."" Alfred Schilling, of Portland, was transacting business hero for a short tlmo today, leaving for Albany In tho afternoon to visit his brother, Harry, for a few days. Mrs. John Everett loft this morn ing for La Grando to spend n month with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Tay lor. Mrs. W. P. Babcock and mothor, Mrs. Woodruff, nnd daughter, Amelia havo roturnod from a visit at tho Sc , attlo exposition. - "Tip" Conway, tho Jolly llttlo street car motorman from Portland, Is In tho city visiting his mnny friends O. D. Konnlth, of Dallas, transact ed business hero yesterday. Miss Mario F. Conners, of Port lnnd, Is In Snlom visiting friends nnd rolntlvcs. Rnlph Huber loft Inst night for his homo In Sncrnmento, nfter visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Huber. In this city, for a month. Dnnlcl Arlington, of St. Pawl, Ore. was atotndlng to business mnttors nnd ahnklng hnndo with old frlond hero today. Arthur Willis left this morning for Canby to boo tho races now taking placo in thnt city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orvlllo Lovott and" daughtcrTMabol, of Monmouth, woro In tfio city shopping todny. Thoy will lenvo In tho morning for Scat tlo to visit for a week. Clydo Anderson returned yestor day from a hunting trip up at Clear Lnke. J. L. Houck, who hns been fn Sa lom for sovcrnl years, leaves ehortly for Seattle, whero fib will tako a po sition In his unclo's storo. -4 Chnrlcs Elgin Is tnklng his vaca tion, nnd tnklng It awfully easy. Ho expects to go over to his Lincoln county ranch soon whero ho will sit In tho shado nnd watch tho goats cat up tho shrublfery. George W. Hopp, of Olympla, Job foreman of tho Btnto printing offlco, was In tho city yesterday, tho guest of Joo E. Motcnlt, with whom ho pioneered in South Dnkota. Mr. Hopp was a fellow townsman In Clay ton county, Iowa, and Is still nllvo to tall tho talo. Norwich Union Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent City Hnll, Salem, Or. MONEY TO LOAN' TI os 1C FK1 Over Lndd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or. " PI ANO TTITNflMf LUTELLUS L. WOODS Tuning pollsalng, repairing. Tel. COS H I 1 aH8HM4-f o'clock the following 4 1 Hay Rack 1 Wood Rack 2 Farm Horses 8 Cows, fresh or nearly- so 1 2-year-old Heifer 5 Yearling Heifers 3 Spring Heifer Calves 3 Shoats, about 70 lbs. t each 12 Hives of Bees 1 Vinegar Barrel 1 Cook' Stove 1 Cross-Cut Saw Corn Planter Shovel Scythe And Other Articles I F (Znruit AiirUooor T -. . w-,, ,.u.uu..w -. tM - -... .lie. iiiiii.