DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, -WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19 M. 1 Words of Pratt For the several Ingrodlonta oi which Dr. Plerco's medicines aro composed, s glr n by leadore In all the several cnooU oi medlclno, should bavo tar more wMg-hl than anr amount of nonprofessional tes timonials. Dr. Plorco's Fovorlt Proscrlp tlon has tub jiadue or uoskstt on over; boulo-wrappor, In a full list of all 1U In trcdlenta printed In plain English. If you aro an Invalid woman and suffsi from frequent hcadacl backache, gnaw lngdl$tr& In stomach periodical paint, dlsagrctUlc, caturrhal. pelvic drain, dragghWdown distress In lower abdomen or pclv5. pcrnnps dark pots or speck dancing beforo tho eyes, faint spells and klndfcd symsstctns caused by femalo weak ness, ofihi derangement of the fcmlnlna organs, Wi can not do better than take Dr. PlercB Favorite Prescription. The hff) ni.si.rgcon'sknlie and opera ting tall; rU be avoided by the timely ,jl7C ute of Mu Prescription" In such dies X T r- in- 'fuiwn'if . '"'y, Hon aruH'jV t.Vrnptup of thn fnmilv oJJn 25 stcian ciinho avoided cafes. T'V y y th oonnMon pxjimin J and t thoratt; conn ol successful treatment cnrrlnl mi' Injht. iiHv.-ti.yT.Ltm? iiune7 " Favor! t Prescription " ircoinposcd oTTTto very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for tho euro of woman's peculiar aliments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from ' Favorite Prescription; It will not perform mira cles ; It will not dlsolve or euro tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medlclno can. It must bo ilvcn a fair cnance by perseverance In It use for a reasonable length of time. Y"'i rnn'f nfTnr'1 '" "'"p rrL.nn. tru m ns a mwtltnto for till """ly n l)finwn rninrviiltlfm. blck women aro Invited to consult Di. Pierce, by letter, re. All correspond ence Is guarded as sacredly secret anc womanly confidences aro protected by professional prlvncy. Address Dr. K. v. Pierce. UufUlo.N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellots tho beil laxative and regulator of tho bowelt They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Obo a laxative; two or thre cathartta. Easy to take as candy, f f lHfHllHHlf I WHITE HOUSE !! RESTAURANT ;; ii J For ii Tegular J !! 25c Dinner at 20c i! it ! ! They can't lo bent. 1 1 ilMcGILCIIRIST & SONll J Proprietor J Ifl FRENCH FEMALE n r lid rii.L.o. A Sam, Cut aim Itiusr for BiTruuiitJiMttMUTKHf, NtVIR KNOWN TQ TAIl. fort I flartl Hwlrl fUlL- fMOoo Ouftrtibtrsni r Mvnff Ilfttt4f4. Httil rtril i furflOMrboi. Will Mndlbon q trlsJ, V txitu.Wur 1 wbartl(Tt4. tUmplr I'm. Ifjtjir 6ntnlt d boi I mtv iBn prn j wit vrticri i idj I UNITED MCDICALCO.,o74.LNOtrn. FA. Sold In So lorn by Dr. S. C. Stone J A GOOD' PLAYER Is always pnrtlculai auout tho musi cal ina iniont used. Dut ovoa tho most critical can find no fault with tho Instruments sold hero. Como In aud try your special favorite. Noto tho tono and volumo, tho fine finish, tho beautiful harmony. Your first visit will not bo your last, we (eel confident. L, V. SAVAGE, 247 Commercial St. Salem, Or. Fire Proof FP Fool Proof MARCH OF P.ORTOLA AND DISCOVERY OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY "Tho March of Portoln and tho Discovery of tho Day of San Fran cisco," by Zooth E. Eldrldgo, and "Tho Log of tho San CarlOB, and Documents Translated and Anno tated," by E. J. Molera. Is tho double tltlo of a history that adds to tho world's knowledgo of the early dnya of the Pacific coast of tho United Stntcs Tho volumo Illustrated with original drawings and photograhphlc reproductions of the first map of San Francisco Bay, and nlso tho sig nature of Don Gnspnr de Portnla, showing the nccoiited mark of tha final "a," gives to the reading public for the first time a translation of im portant documents, and also for tho first tlmo gives events of tho mnrch nip tho coast as recorded in tho diary of Construiso. Tim story of tho mnrch In search of Monterey, whldh resulted in find ing San Francisco Day, is told in a most interesting and entertaining manner, tho diary form bolng discarded for that of narrative, and tho sequence of events is carried for ward like tho reading of a romance Profuso footnotes and a porfect in dex of places and names, gives tho Bcholar every opportunity of porfect notation. In tho translation of tho various documents accompanying tho log of tho San Carlos, tho first vessol to en ter San Francisco Day, tho quaint language and construction of sen tences of tho archaic Spanish of that period has been retained, adding to tho romance of tho hlBtory. In ordor to secure the data for this book tho authors hnvo gone to gront trouble in their research, and it was through the good ofllcos of tho efn: elals of tho "Archive, of tho Indies," at Seville, Spain, and tho records of the city of Ptiobla, Mexico,, that tha documents were obtained, and that they were nblo to sccuro a photo graph of the original map of tho bay, Tho doemment boarlng tho authentic signature of Qavornor Portola was secured from tho city of Puobla by Mr. MoWa. and with it Is an auto graph letter .allowing tho snino nccon tuatlon of the final letter. Tho book Is publlshod by tho Cali fornia Promotion Committee Snn Frnnclsco, and soils for CO cents n copy. AT LEAST TEN THOUSAND ODD FELLOWS IN LINE Seattle, Wah., Sept. 22. Prob ably tho largest fraternal turnout over mado In tho Nqrthwest wob wit nessed today whon mombors of tho Independent Order of Odd Follows marched through. tho principal busi ness thoroughfaro la honor of tho sovereign grand lodgo, which la now holding Its annual session in this city. It was estimated that not less than 10,000 members of tho order participated. Tho parado passed In rovlow boforo Clrand Sires W. L. Kuykondall, of tho grand lodgo; General M. A. Ralnoy, commanding tho Patriarchs Militant, and MaJor-Genral E. P. Edsen, commanding tho Department of Washington. Members of tho fraternity to tho (numbor of 1500, accompanied by threo bands, arrived from Tacoma in tlmo to join tho parado, and oxcur s'on steamers and special trains ar riving Oils morning brought many other lodgo men to swell tho column of tho marchers. Tho Patriarchs Militant, in full uniform, lent n military aspect to tho affair. Anothor feature that gavo n picturesque touch to tho parade was several thousand members of ARRESTED GANG OF EXPERT SHOP-LIFTERS IDNITID rtlSB IJC48ED WIRE. . Scatle, Wash., Sept. 22. Two well dressed women and two men companions aro In tho, city jail today and tho police claim they are mem. bcrs of one of tho most successful gangs of shoplifters ever operating In the Northwest Tho authorities oxpect to mako other arrests today. George and Nelllo Ileson, Patrick and Mabel Horrlgan woro the names given by thoso arrested last night, nnd several trunks nnd boxes filled with valuable merchandise woro re covered. According to1 Information in pos session of the detectives-, who havo been working on tho case, tho band has been operating ln.Pqrtland, Spo kane and Tncoron on an cxlcnslvo scnlo Tho arrest of tho quartet last night was mado just in time, as thoy had ptirohneeil tickets to Portland, mid their baggago was already checked. MURDERERS JOKED ON WAY TO GUILLOTINE -o- Ilillixl by Tmlnmcn. t UNITED 1'lir.Rf) LEI KM Wind Livingston, Mont, Sept. 22. Er nest Acre, of Aurora, 111., was killed hero today when trainmen compelled him to jump from a moving train on which ho was stealing a ride. When tho young man struck tho ground he fell and rolled to tho sldo of tho track. When picked up tho n-un was dead. In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the F. P. Gas Machine and Stub beP8 Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee It to givo 100 per ceut more light for tho same money than electricity or city gas. Let me ( Ugure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see tho lights ' and stoves in operatlorl. I also carry PYItO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities. Safe, economi cal, odorless, A. L FRASER Phoe 1S5 258 Bute Bt. Gold Dust Flour Made by the SYD.VEV POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Use. Ask your grocer for it. Ilran and Shorts always on hand. How's This? Wo offer Ono riundrod Dollars no ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Af, tho undersigned, hnvo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollovo him perfectly honorablo l.i all business transactions nnd finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions in alio by his firm WALLuNO. ICINNAN, & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Curo Is takon Inter tniiy, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfneos of tho system. Testimonials aont freo. Prlco 75c per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. Talc. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. PRINCESS ALEXANDRA TO WED KING EMANUEL unitcd rr.RMR LEAitnu wme.1 Llibon, Sept. 22 Tho engage ment of King Emanuel, of Portugal, to Prlncoeb Alexandra, daughter of the Duke of Fife,' will bo ofllclally hnndunc'od at Windsor caatlo on No vember 15, according to published reports in tho Lisbon papers. o Tickling or dry coughs quickly looson- when using Dr. Snoop's Cough Romody. And U Is so thor oughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothors to meo nothing elso, oven (or vory young babies. Tho wholesome green leaves and tondcr stems of lung hoallng mountainous shrub giro tho curative properties to Dr. Bhoop't Cough Remedy. It calms tho cough, and heals tho Bensltlvo bronchial monibrancs. No opium, no chloro form, nothing harsh to injuro or sap press. Domand Dr. Snoop's. Accept no other. Sold by Capital Drug Store o Dryan dny, October 12, at tho So attlo fair is to be a great event. Hon. M. A. Miller, stato committeeman of Oregon, expects to havo a good-sized Oregon delegation present. subnrdlnato lodges, who marchcU Jn uniform. Thero are a number of special pr'zes in the shapo of cash awards Near Death In Ulg Pond. It was a thrilling experlenco to Mrs, Ida Soper to faco doatb. "For years a severe lung troublo gavo mo Intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doc tors said I was Incurable Then Dr. ICIn' New "Discovery brought qnlck rellof and a curo so perma nent that I have not bo troubled In 12 years" Mrs. Soper lives in Dig Pond, Pa. It works wonders in coughs and colds, sore lungs, hem- the ' orrhages, la grippe, asthma, croup. whooping cough and all bronchial affections. 50c and 11.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by J. C, Perry. o i Thero are several ways of proving and oups for ecftllency or display, and I yon are binnll potatoes, but the surest many lodges put forth very effort to capture ono of these. Moro than 500 ladles of tho Re b6kah lodge took part Jn tho parade, automobiles having been supplied for their use. Several elaborate floats representing tho RebekahB, woro in line, and constituted ono of the In; terestlng features of the occasion. 0 ( OHIIlrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ca'storia Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop wire. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing, P. & B. Ready Roofing. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court St. Phone 121 way Is to harbor a grudge. Dr. Abernetby, the great EnglUh physiciaa, said: "Watch your kid neys. When they are affected, life is In danger," Foley's Kidney Rem edy makes healthy kidneys, cor rects urinary irregularities, and tons up tho wLolo system. J. O Perry. o The county judges nnd commission ers have held an interesting meeting in Portland, diicuaslng county management. Health and Ileauty Aid. Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foley's Orlno Laxative, for indigestion, stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation. Cleanses thj system and is pleasant to take J C. Perry, o CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Valence, Franco, Sept 22. -Convicted of 14 murders for robbery, Plorro Derfuyor, Louis David and L. Drunicr, threo of tho "Four Chauf feurs of the Drome," woro gullll tonod before a vast crowd hero today. As the heads of tho murderers rolled Into tho basket aftor decapita tion by tho heavy blado of tho guil lotine, tho citizens cheered, Whon the men woro marched to their death thoy Joked each other on tho way to tho scnffold, and displayed tho utmost coolness whon tho execu tioners mado thorn kneel and placo their heads on the block, under tho blndo. Tho murders for which thoy paid tha penalty, shocked tho wholo of Franco. Upon tho dUcovory of the bodies of each of tho victims, It was found that thoy had all boon terribly torturod beforo tho murderers had onded their sufferings by killing them. C' It Saved III Leg. "All thouEht I'd loso my leg." wrltos J. A. Swonson, Watortown, Wis. "Ton years of eczema, that 15 uociurs cuuiu hoc euro, una at last laid mo up. Thon Uucklon'a Arnica Salvo cured it sound and woll." In- falllblo for skin eruptions, eczoma, salt rhoum, bollB, fovor sores, burns, scalds, cuts and pllOB 25c at J. C Porry'o. o Tho Orango haB started a cam paign for beautiful school groundB, nnd moro sightly nnd Bnnltnry school buildings. o A pleasing gooa, nigh grade, truly flavored, ambor colored cup of eoffoo can bo had and without the leal coffeo dancer, or damage to health by simply using Dr. Shoop's now sub- st tuto. called "Health correo." rure, wholcsomo, toasted cereals, malt, nuts, etc., mako Dr. Snoop's iicnitn Coffeo both healthful and satisfying. No 20 to 30 mlnutOB tedious boiling. 'Made n h mliutx' tw Dr. Shnon If served ns coffeo, it's tasto will oven trick an export. Test It nnd seo. J. W. Harrltt. o To shirk a responsibility, however small, Is to encourage yourself In shlftlossnoss. o Good for nillousnofis. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets last night, nnd I fool fifty por cent bettor than I havo for wooka," says J. J. Firo stono, of Allogan, Mich. "Thoy ate cortalnly a flno nrtlclo for bilious ness." For salo by all good drug gists. Samples freo. o Remomber that tho Salem public schools open next Monday. Havo your children rca'dy. Find out what books and materials thoy need this week nnd avoid tho rush, o Why Druggist Recommend Chamber lain's uouc, viuiicrn unu Dlarrhoen Remedy. .ur. Frank O. Hnnrahan, a promi nent druggist of Portsmouth. Va., Btiys: "For tho past six years I havo sold nnd rocomniondod Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody It is a groat romody and ono of tho best pntont modlclnes on tho markot I handlo somo others for the samo purposes that pay mo a largor profit, but this romody Is so suro to effect a curo, and my customers so certain tp appreciate my rocommondlng it to him, that I givo It tho proforonco." For salo by all good druggists, o When father scolds Baying daugh ter is lazy, mothor always explains that daughter isn't very strong. o A Sprained Ankle. As usually treated a sprained anklo will dlsablo tho injured porson for a month or moro, but .by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observ ing the directions with each bottlo faithfully, a curo may, In most cases, bo effected In less than ono weok's time. This liniment Is a most re markable preparation; try It for a sprain or n bruise, or whon laid up with chronic or muscular rheumatism and you aro certain to be delighted with the prompt rollof which it af fords. For salo by all good drug- o Hequmt for Hid. Sealod proposals to furnish sup plies required by tho Orogon Agri cultural Collogo for the months ond Ing Doconiboi 31, 1909, will bo re colved at tho buinoss offlco of the college until noon Saturday, Septem ber 25th. THo right Is reserved to roject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any part of a bid. Envelopes should bo Inscribed, "Proposals to Furnish Supplies." Goods of Oregon manufacture or production will bo given preference, other things being qqual. All goods must bo delivered at the dormitories as ordered by tho respective stewards, Lists will bo furnished on appli cation at tho business office, W. HORACE KERR, Clerk. Corvallls . Oregon, September 20, 1909. 9-20-Ct dly Portland's Popular Rre-Proofl i luiei THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland at 10:55 a, m, and 4:55 p, m, M. C. DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON Brainy Women Aro thoso who will havo us launder tholr waists, dollcato llngorlc, otc. Our facilities aro thoso of tho best for tho perfect handling of this character of work. Our holp is thor oughly experienced, and much moro skllittil than most help you can sccuro to como to your homo or to "tako out." A trial will mako you n client of ours. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 23. lUd-Jdii H. Liberty St. Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High at. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rlgt Modorn Rubber Tiro. GREAT CHINESE DOOIOIl L. M. HUM has medlclno which will curo any known disease, no makes n specialty of and guarantees to euro Catarrh. Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rhoumatlsra, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney troubles; also any blackened or Bwollon Boronoss, broken limbs; Smallpox, Epldomlc; all kinds of Dolls, Lost Manhood, Femalo Weak ness, Hornls Troubles nnd Paralysis. Consultation froc. Care of Ylclc So Tcmg Co.,, Chinese drugs nnd herb. 1G3 High stroot, upstairs. Salem, Oc !- OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT open my new store on Liberty street, near cornor of State, SATURDAY, SEPT, 11, Have just received a fine new stock, including the latest In Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, Come In and see .my display and get the prices, JACOB VOGT !! iiiiiif aittiiHmf aianiiM i !! fltllllilltHiiialT4Mil OREGON CALLS-- "MORE PEOPLE" Puss tho word to your relative ami friends to como now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from tho 1'ni.t HKITUMHKIt 15 TO OOTOIIKU J5 MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals 16c. Doard per week $3.75: also fur nished rooms very reasonable, AT THE Salem Restaurant OitO COURT STREET via tho I; Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. f and SOUTHERN PACIFIC (Lines in Oregon) . Prom Chicago , $33.00 Prom St. Lotiiv , . . , . 3S.00 Prom Omaha JplXS.OO Prom St. Paul $23,00 i iiiui Kuutuig City 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit tho amount of tho faro with tho nourest O. It. & N. or S. P. Agont and tlckot will bo delivered In tho East without extra cost. Sond us the name and address of any ono Interested In tho Btata (pr Oregon' lltoraturo. ' W.M. MoMUUUAY, Ganornl Passongor Agent. I'oitlnud, Oregon. i P. B. WALLACE. At. Bears the Signature of &;vtf&5& (it flill.Mi MMMMHMHMMB ! v iiit1fttfmm