Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Stockton's Fire
. -1.1- ; .Mi 1., -
a,i, i'
T f '
. .
Will Close Saturday
September the 25th
at 9 p.m.
,, t"V J. '
,-' ' '
The Rush Has Been Tremendous
Many Reductions Will Be Even Greater This Week
"" "i " i
. Open Next Monday With Im
f proved Courses of Study
and Teachers.
mm mm mm
All this week Superintendent
Powers nnd Prlnclpnl Kirk of tho
Snlem public schools nro very busy
nt their offices' In tho high school
building for tho formal oponlug of
tho sohools next Monday. All now
studonts nro requestotd to cnll at tho
offlco of tho principal on tho second
floor nnd Kot tholr courses of study
arranged nnd select tholr toxt-boolcs
so, as to bo ready for tho work of
tho term.
Fuvorw Atliletlcs,
.Principal Kirk has beon In South
Dakota high school work for tho past
seven years and Is an all-round friend
of public school nthlotlcs. Ho Is an
udvocato of clean athletics for boys
and girls. Tho Salem high school
will probably maintain a basoball
team nnd a football tenm. Mr. Kirk
thinks there Is room In tho high
schools and the higher grades for
rnoro track nthlotlcs, ns giving u
chance for more students to parti
cipate Ho thinks girls should not
bo limited to baskotball, as It Is 11
nblo to bo nbuscd nnd is too violent
for many girls to participate in. Ho
would substltuto gymnasium work
for too much nttontlon to tho team
gamos. Mr. Kirk will provo n very
pleasant man for tho boys to meet
nnd Indications nro that ho will wear
well although this Is a larger flold
than he hss hitherto worked In,
New Report Out.
City Superintends Powers has out
his new report nnd courso of study
nnd it Is n substnntial pamphlet of
130 pngett, and dosorvos careful ox
nmtnatlon at tho hands of all Inter
acted in school work. Tho Snlem pub
Ho schools are being built up and
developed on original linos, no inoro
epjuring of what other communities
nro uowg goes noro. .Mr. rowers
report stands out as the work of a
man who has a strong grip on all tho
ilsfalls of his work.
dosortlon. Attornoy Carey F. Mnrtln
appoarcd for tho plaintiff.
Mary A. Ramp vb. Jnmos 13. Eld
ridge, et nl., to remove cloud from
tltlo to ronl proporty, plaintiff nwnrd-
od decree. Attorney Mnrtln repre
sented plaintiff.
Mallndn A, Simpson, c,t nl., vs.
Clnrn Stanton, ot nl., partition suit,
salo by roforco of proporty not con
firmed. Ocorgo II. Simpson acted ns
ccxinsol for tho plaintiff.
Hattlo Dayton vs. Ocorgo W. Swe
glo. et nl., suit to nulot tltlo. In do-
fault of tho defendants Judge Gallo
way cntorod n decroo ns prnyed for.
J. II. MoNnry and C, u. McNnry ap
peared for plaintiff.
Krina Myrlo Tuckor vs. Chester' A.
Tucker, dlvorco proceedings, testi
mony tnkon and argued, nnd enso
tnken under ndvlsomcnt by Judge
Galloway. This is n contested dl
vorco enso In which Frnnk Ilolmnn
npponrs for tho plaintiff, whllo Win.
M, Knlsor nnd M. 13. Poguo nro rep?
resenting defendant.
Amelia Bourn vs. Grant Bnum, de
fault and decroo of dlvorco ns prnyed
for, plaintiff bolng roprosonted by A.
O. Condlt.
R. T. McForon, a minor, by his
guardian nd litem. Leo McForon, vs.
John Doyens, ot nl., suit to foreclose
mechanics lion, testimony taken nnd
case continued. W. P. Lord and W.
C. WIbIow appear as counsel for plain
tiff, whllo Carey F. Martin Is coun
for defendant. .
Judgo Galloway adjourned, court
Friday, and will probably not con
vono It again until October.
Moods nnd Mystjnry Tliat Aro Em.
ployed In a Pieco of Sted.
Judge Galloway disposed of many
onsets last week in dopnrtmont No. 2
of the circuit court. Decrees and
judgments wero awarded as follews:
W. H. Dickons vs. Clara a Dick
ens, case in equity to dissolve mar
riage tlos, decree granted as prayed
for by tho plaintiff on the grounds of
r. "Vj
Tho preser
v a t i o n of
CtLtHHAJtu fsft your neaitn
C STOMACH w'8hould oa
your first
At the first
sign of dis
tress, take
the Hitters.
It's an excel
lent tonic and
health maker.
Try it for
Stoinacli nnd IJowel Ills or IHIIoutiiet,s
A cutlory company will roako a
hundred razors from tho same piece
of steel and by tho samo process, and
part of tho razors will bo good and
part of them bad. It may be 60 ot
one kind or 75 or 25 nobody knows
Tho maker doesn't know; tho buyer
doesn't know. Barbers sny thnt oven
the rlrlco doosn't seem to mnko much
dlfforenco. You may gt a good ra
zor for n quarter or a bad one for
$5. And tho samo razor will get a
contrary odgo today, so that yea can
hardly Bhavo with it, and tomorrow,
without additional sharpening. It will
work llko a charm.
One tnp will go on a bolt ons'ly
and stay there. Anothor tap will
hardly go on nt nil, A third may be
screwed ou tfglit and snug, nnd yet
keop earning off iu splt of nil that
can be done.
Sometimes men who work with
machines liavo a premonition of com
ing dlsti'tor. as do tho men that sail
on tho seas or thread the winding
paths of the b'g woods. Nature, as
well ns pieces of mechanism, seem to
be able to communicate to man why
they are in a calamitous and threat
ening mood. Chicago Tribune.
Offer to Leave the Matter En
tirely to Taft, Who Arrives
Tonight, and Go to
Work at Once.
Omaha, Sept. 20. C. O. Pratt,
loader of the streot car men on striko
hero, nnnounced today that this after
noon he would nsk President Taft to
nrbltrnto the question nt Issuo bo
tweon tho men nnd tho company. Ho
"If President Taft finds n slnglo
contention of ours unfair wo will re
turn to work immediately. If ho
wishes to postpono bis decision until
a better time or if tho company
ngrees beforo the president to sub
mit tho contentions to an Impartial
board wo will return to work pond
ing a decision."
""A number of minor riots occurred
yestordny nnd a few persons wero In
jured slightly. Fow cnrB nro run
ning today.
(Continued from page 1)
systems in tho vast country districts
liavo been abolished, according to
Tumor, bocnuso tho government
noods tho money, nnd ho dcclnres
thnt hundreds ot thousands nro hold
In nctual slavery, only It Is not called
"slnvory, but onforcod sorvlco for
Tumor says l-o found ovldonco of
slavery in tno Yucatan sisnl and
hemp plantations. Ho says nbout
sooo -inqui Indiana nro imported
from Sonorn, 300 Chlneso nnd 100,
000 native Mayas, who formerly
owned tho land, nro working in this
Tho onorntlon of tho lnw described
by Turner Is thnC n mnn Is slezcd for
clout, whereupon his entire fnmlly bo
fomo slaves. Ho 1b' paid living ox
ponies, but tho orlglnnl dobt nover
decreases. Tho debt Is transferred
from father to son, nnd countless
thousands aro horribly tortured to
make thorn work at tho novor-ond-Ing
Did You Know Glbbs?
becnuso President Diaz controls the
news centers, and suppresses the
In hta article Turner snyB that bo
found Mexico u country with a con
stitution and laws as fair as our own.
but with neither In operation. He '
says that thcro nro no political par-1
tie, the president ruling everything!
with a standing nrmy. Public school i
Whon you hnvo asked Glbbs and
somo of too otnor neighbors In to
meot your distinguished friend. Ma
jor Shoofs, just returned from Ma
nila, and whon Glbbs, who Is a slick
talker, takes charge of tho major and
leads tho conversation all ovonlng, to
tho oxcluslon of you, nnd demon
strates that ho, Glbbs, is tho only
man In tho crowd who knows tho
Philippines from Fnntnot ck or a
rampart from n ramrod; and whon
ho sldos with tho major against tho
rost of tho company In every discus
sion, and patronizes you in his su
perior knowlcdgo of history, geog
raphy, politics, surgery, sanitation
and war aron't you glad you Invited
Glbbat-A-Nowark (N. J.) News.
' o
From a small boglnnlng tho salo
and uso of Chamborlaln's Cough
Remedy has extonded to all parts of
tho United States and to many foreign
countries. Why? Because It has
proved especially valuablo for coughs
and colds. For salo by all gpod druggists.
fTHHHlf lS)fif llilHs)f H)llHfllf
Chicago, Sept. 20. Tho county
judges today accepted the resignation
of Judgo Holland pending an Investi
gation of charges that he is concerned
In the Illegal drawing of juries. Hol
land's resignation will prevent him
from participating in Jury drawngs
until the investigation is completed.
Holland and Reyburn, also churged
wth Holland, were arrested on new
warrants today and released on $25,
000 bonds each.
The action of the judges followed
a 'statement of State Prosecutor Way
man today that " it's strange when
ever a crooked banker Is being tried
other crooked bankers are drawn on
the Jury The same Is true of tlals
of nun in othe professions "
Salem Peed Barn !
BAYNE & SMITH, Proprietors
I Capacity for 300 horses. Waiting rooms open day
and night.
All Modern Equipments.
Regular Feed Barn prices 10 and 15c, with your $
own feed. Best feed furnished at reasonable prices
Electric Lighted and City Water
Barn opens Monday, September 13th.
s( H ! ! ! f H f ) !
Coos Dny Electric Company; prln
olpnl offlco, Mnrshflold; cap.ltal stock
$150,000; Incorporators, James H.
Flanagan, C. F. McCollum nnd W.
S. Chnndlor.
ARsocIntcd Adjustment Company;
principal offlco, Portland; capital
stock, $150,000; Incorporators, R.
thankfulness spread today nt tho
!. Fnrroll.
Forest Grove Abstract Company;
principal offlco, Forest Grove; capi
tal stock, JGOOOt incorporators, W.
H. Hollls.E. I.. McAloar n'lid O. M.
Klickitat Vnlloy Dovolopmont Com
pany; principal offlco, Portland; cap
ital stock, $750,000; incorporators,
W. H, King, John II. Hanson nnd
Wnltor S. Dlx.
Modorn Development Company;
principal offlco. Toledo; capital
stock, $0000; incorporators, Gear
C. Wnllor, C.W. Dnvles nnd Urffcb
United l'rrti Lcn.td Wire.
Toklo, Sept. 20.- Tho cruiser 14
zumo ot tho imperial Japanoso a.vy,
under command of Captain Talte
hltn, sailed today to participate l
tho approaching Portoln festival at
San Francisco next October, cow-
momorntlnK tho dlscovory of
Francisco bay.
Tired? Just as tired In the morning as V
night? Things look darkP Lack now
power? Just remember this: AVer's
SarsaptrUla Is a strong tonic, entirely
MoktnomMabt. Tae only thou mtdU free from alcohol. It puts red corpuscles
A. Tonic
iktnomlttah. Taieonlalhoumt
cinn the bttl doctors tndottt, Conuilt Into the blood gives steady, even power
our cicn doctor frttly. i'JSil,QJz to the nerves ; strengthens the dlgcstl-at.
i iiiiitiiiiiiiimfiiis)iiiM
Pass tiio word to your relatives mid friends to como now.
- 4f
Low Colonist Rates
To Oivgon will provull from tlio 1?nt
via the
Oregon Railroad! & Navigation Co.
' and
(I.liictf. Ill Qrogon) ,
ml I "
O i ,l n ,, 2
From Chicago u $::i.U0
. Prom fit. Loulw ..... .. ,. . "82.00 T T
' , From Oiniilm .'. . 2.00
. 1'iyjii.t. Pmil . ., $23.'do.
Hifrom ICanww City 23.00
Deposit tho amount of tho faro with tho nearest O. It. & N. or
S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered In tho Hast without
extra cost.
Send us tho' name and address of any ono interested In tho statu
for Oregon literature.
Genoral Passengor Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
niii8f 4imt ft mtwimiisi