DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, aVLEM. OHKtiON, SATURDAY, SEPTKMIIKK 1H, UH)t. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BY REV. DR. LINSCOTT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE. STUDY CLUB (Copyright, 1908, by Itev. T. S. Llnscott, D. D.) September 11), 11)01). Ilovlow. Golden Toxt for the Quarter So mightily grew tho Word of God and provniled. Acts .lx:20. The following review can bo used as a complete lesson in Itsolf, or ob a review of the eleven preceding les sons. , ; Jjf The dntu and title of each lesson and where found, tho Oolden Text and one question from each lesson follew: July 4 Acts xv:3G to xvhlG Paul's Second Missionary Journoy Antloch to Phtllppt. Golden Text, Acts xvl:9. Como over Into Macedo nia and help us. Verses 37-39 If a man shows lack of courage, or tact, or, faithfulness, In ono position, does that in any meas uho disqualify him from getting an other, or from success whon In an other position? July 11 Acts xvI:lG-40. Paul'B Second Missionary Journey The Phil lppian Jailer. Golden Text: Acts xvl:31. Dollovo on tho Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt bo saved. Verso 10 In what class do you put thoso who, knowingly, cither di rectly or indirectly, profit by tho sips of fallen women? July 18 Acta xvll:l-15. Pnul's Second Missionary Journoy Thes snlonica and Dcrea. Oolden Text: Psalm 119:11. Thy word havo I hia in my heart, that I might not sin against theo. Verso 2 Is It necessary for us to adopt nil Pnul's opinions, deductions and prognostications, in order to be well plcnslng to God? July 2G Acts xvll:lG-34. Paul 8ccond Missionary Journoy Athens, Golden Text: John lv:24. God is a Spirit, nnd thoy that worship him must worship him In spirit nnd In truth. Verso 18 Which brings tho more lusting happiness mid develops (ho nobler character, nnd why, tho Epi curean philosophy, a life devoted to tho pleaMiroN of mmisoj or tho Stole, Christian philosophy, a life devoted to tho service of other, and to self- denial? (This question nui'-t he an swered In writing by member of the club.) August 1 ActH xvlli:l-22. Close of Pnul's Second Missionary Journoy Golden. Text: John xvi:33. in tho world ye shnll havo tribulation, but bo of good cheer; I hnve overcome the world. Verses 2-3 A goodly proportion of tho membership of the church havo tho ability to preach; ought not this ability to be developed, thus giv ing to every local church several preachers who could dtvido tho preach ing between them, paying qnly one n salary, who would thus havo plenty of time to act as pastor? August 8 I Thess. v: 12-24. Paul's Instructions to the Thessnlonlans. Golden Text: I Thess. v:lG. See that nono render evil for evil unto nny mnn; but cvor follow that which is good. Verso 21 Can tho real truth ever bo n hurt to a truo man, and should not such a mnn bo as glad to change his opinions, when ho finds he is wrong, lis to chnugo n worn-out gar ment for a now ono? August 1G Acts xvill:23 to xix:22. Paul's Third Missionary Journey EphosuB. Golden Text: Actsxlx:17. Tho name of tho Lord Jesus was mag nified. Verso 27 Why Is It thnt God has ocndltioncd all extension of human progress and betterment, Including snlvatlon Itsolf, upon tho zeal, ability, and goodness, of thoso who already enjoy its bonoflts? August 22 Acts xtx:23 to xx:l. Paul's Third Missionary Journoy Tho Riot In Ephcsus. Golden Text: II Cor. xli:9. Ho said unto me, My graco is sufficient for theo; for my strength Is mado perfect in weakness, Vorses 23-27 Whon tho gonernl welfnro of tho pcoplo Is injured by the business of tho fow, is it, or not, tho duty of tho Stnto to mnko such busi ness illegal? August 29 I Cor. xlil:13. Paul on Christian Love. Golden Text: I Cor. xlll:13. Now nbldcth faith, hopo love, theso three; but tho greatest of these is love. uses 4-7 Why is it that love tend', to promote patience, politeness, k'ndr.esa, gentleness, huml'u), and evtn, othor virtue? Boptombor G Acts xx:2-3S. Paul's Third Mlsslonnry Journey Pnrowolls Golden Text: Phil. Iv:13. I can do nil things through Christ, which stiengthonoth me. Verses 7-12 Wh Is It that ohurch members will listen, unwnnrltxl. fnr , hours, to ,a political speech, nnd got tired of oven a good sormon, If It lasts longer than thirty nilnmos? Sept. 12 Acts xxl: 1-17. Close of Paul's Third Mlsslonnry Journey. Golden Text: Acts xxl:l4. Tho will oi the Lord bo done. Vorses 8-U Shou'd Christian par ents train tliolr children from infancy to know God, to be sklllml m prayer, in faith and In good works? Lesson for Sunday, September 26 Tompernnco Lesson. I Cor. x:23-33. o :c 5j ;: CHURCH SERVICES 0:30 p m.; ovening sorvico at 7:30 oclock Prayer meeting Thursday evening nt 8 o"cloPk. A cordlnl wol cotnc to all. St. Pnul's. Cheiuuketn nnd Church streets Nov. Dnrr G. Leo. motor. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Usunl services at 7:30 nnd 11 a. in nnd 7:30 p. m All are wolcome. First Chilstlan. Corner of High and Center streets. Preaching by tho pastor nt 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. nt. Respective themes: "What Is It to bo n Christian?" nnd "Prcsont ilny preaching." Dlblo school nt 10 a. in.; Dr. H. C. Epley, superintendent Christian Endeavor at 8:30 p m.; Seymour Working, pres ident Spoclnl music by mombors of tho C. C. C. C. The public is cor dlally Invited. D. Errott, pastor. Evangelical Association. Cornor 17th nnd Chemeketn strcots. H. C linker, pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. in: morning sorvico nt 11 o'cleck: Young People's Alliance nt IT RAISES THE DOUSH - CRESCENT M f EBB-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER ami doos moro than tho higher prlco powders and docs It better. ' ONE PQUNI 25 DENTS SBLD BY BRBBEM First Presbyterian Church, street, near Chomokota. Rev. Henry T. Dnbcook, paBtor. Mom lng sorvico nt 11 o'clock. Preaching by tho pnBtor. Theine: What to do with one's duty." Special music by tho choir. Evonlng sorvico nt 7:30 o'clock. Preaching by tho pnBtor. Thome: "Witnessing for Christ." Special nuuslc by tho choir. Tho church orchestra this evonlng will tnko a much enrncd vacation. Sunday school nt 10 a. m.; Sonior Christian Endeav or at 0:30 p. m.; mid-week prayor meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Pub lic cordially Invited to all of theso finrvlona ' Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 440 Chemeketn strcot. Services Sun day at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. , Subject of lesson sormen: "Mntter." Sunday school nt 12 o'clock m. Tho Wednesday evening mooting Is held at 7:30 o'clock. Reading room in tho church open each aftornoon ox-t copt Sunday. All are cordially in vited to attend tho services nnd tho reading room. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY WILLAMCTTE VALLEY DIVISION PORTLAND MARKBTB. Wheat Track rrioc. Club 87c Dlucstom 07 Russian 8Gc Valley 89c .... Flour. Patents : JC.25 Straights JG 06.40 Exports S3.8G Valloy G.60 Oraham, 1 M. sack 6.60 Wholo wheat 6.80 Hay. Eastern regOon, fancy . ...18Q19 Alfalfa 14 15 LflO or $14 Potatoes, nuylng prices, cwt 75 80c lluttcr. City creamery , extra b 3Cc Outside crcamory 233Bc Storo 19021c Eggs. Orogon ranch 3031c OaU. No. 1 Whlto ....... 27. GO028. 50 ctobor $28 flflHHMMHHM Are you in shape to wmmhi BHlMHn wn n the battle for business? H BBKnr Arc pnvate records, documents H HHK d correspondence where you can get them B HB instantly? These new Shaw-Walker filing B Hdevices will help you, as they arc helping others. H HNF "Finger Tip" Sectional Fnf Drle mWSmk re just what you need. You can have just what R3$rJa$$ jHjH you want in stack large or small and at a cost $$$1$ WSL. Kinow' You can start Kaall (psif $vM jjJoftrm busincs grows. AMtfeMu'3fl a'L&&S ' ljjjjjlrgi i.icitie stationery itt Printing Co.'s Loose Ienf Ledger nnd Hilling Sys tems anil Supplies. ELLIOTT Phone ISMtl 221 S. Com'l St. ,,l '' nil Hinder 4M-(Mfiaillllllf lf ltlHf m 9 ibhm MEPB22SSa Demonstration OF Choose. F. C. Twins 18u F. C. Triplet lHo Mil lis toffs. nran $2G02O Middlings $31 Shorts, city $20 030 Cnop $20030 Food Dnrloy $20. GO Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, bushel 86c Oats, bushol 4O042oi Flour, valloy $G.2G Hay, cheat $14.00 Hay, oat $14.00 Hay, clover $14016 Potatoos, bushol 700.80 Apples, bushn ., 6001. U0 Hosp, 1009 crop 16018a Hops, 1008 crop 10012c lluttcr nnd Eggs, Retail. Egg aoo Creamery buttor 40o Country butter 27 030c Retail. Hard Wheat $G.30 Valloy 11.35 Rran, por sack ,96 Shorts, por sack $1.86 01. SB idlod barloy $30 00 o Gambling. Your life against 25 conts is Just oxactly what you are doing if you nogleot a cough or cold on tho chest, instena or treating it with Ballard's Horohaund Syrup. A 26-cent bottle of this splojdld remedy will cure an ordinary cough, heal tho lungs and act as a tonio ror your ontlro sys tem Sold by all dealers. Genuine needles, oil and I new parts for all sewing x machines. Sewing ma- $ chines rented. I Pianos and Organs I 1 from the cheapest to tho , best sold on installments j ' and rented. ! GEO. C. WILL ij ;;. f wffiiii)Hi :: ij Sewing Machines j! latest Sheet Music i Edison, Victor and;; Columbia Talking,; Machines A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL I Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos, s 3. C. WILL I GEO. C. WILL muimotmuw tfHlf f llllflllHHifflll mi atf I SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE Located at tho Corner of S, Commercial St. and Slough Road Tho convenient trading phco for South Balom pooplo. Duy your grocorlos, got your moat and havo a shavo all under tho satno room, POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store Wo nlso carry a full lino of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugo and stamps, Phono 783 Electric Cooking AT STATE FAIR CCL CLEAN SAFE INEXPENSIVE HHIlHIIMtlllllll III 111 Of f iceCommercial and State for clean, healthy nursery stock ok all kinds THE i OREGON NURSERY CO. ? LET 1)8 Just remember tills IIIIIIIHlHIIIIIIIHIHil Fresh nnd cured moats of mi kinds. Poultry for your Sunday dinner. Prompt de livery. Phone 703. itninnnnnnnm4nnnniinmw Judson's Market WE AUK NOT OOINO TO HIT DOWN and figure up how wo can mako your plumbing bill blggor. Our skill ns plumbers does not consist of tho abil ity to work In a lot of extra chargos on your bill. It consists soloy In our ability to do good work promptly, thoroughly and reasonably. Whon It conies to tho bill part ovon you will admit wo could havo reasonably ennrged moro for such plumbing. GRABER BROS. Ill 8. Liberty St. Salem r lilHUIIIMIIMUIIIH Threshcrmeii Attentions Now Is tho time to bring your ; ; threshing engines to havo thorn ropaired. Do not wait until tho last day, as there may bo some ! ', one ahead of you Come early -and mold the rush. Wo carry ' a full lino of high pressure '. stoam gauges, also best Scotch water glass. Repairs on nuto- ; mobllos. marine nnd threshing '. ', engines and all farm machlnory a specialty E. M. KIGIITLINGER, 178 South Liberty Street minium i nut in in it-. OREGON sjenna ::; MINERAL PAINT CO. ::! Manufacturers of and doalors In '. ' ; X Paints, Stains, Varnishes, ' T Fillers, Shellacs and AVull '. ', Tints ; ; , I M. A McCorklo, Prcs. '.'. W. Y. Richardson. Sec. '. '. salem, or. : : j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I EPPLEY'S PERFECTION J BAKING POWDER MADE IN SALEM NONE BETTER :: SHOULD BE USED BY :: :: ALL SALEM PEOPLE IIIIHllllHIIIIIllltlH 4-n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II H 1 1 1 H . .