Ik 0ttmaJ B VOL, SAIjK.M, OKKUOV IIIl'USD.W, .SKPTHMIWIt i, 100IJ No. 201) 1 I ill 111 fe4i i I JSil 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jilliiiililllii III JI IV w FIRES ARE . SWEEPING FORESTS "Two Big Blazes Get Together and Rush Down Heavily Timbered Canyon Loss Is Great OIL WORKS BURNED HOMKK AIMJ DH.STItOYKD AND KX. HAU8TKD l'lltK KIOIITKItS MAKK Kl'TlliK STAND AOAINST TDK .".DVANCK OF T1IK FIjA.MKS FIHKS AT SAN DIKdO. Iumitw) rims ixahid wiim.l OxnnrU, Cnl., Sept. 1C. Two for- ost llros that hnvo boon raging In tho niountiilng mmr horo,. mot oarly to- day pn tho crest of Dnlcombo grade, and nro swooping down tho Dnlcombo canyon. Scores of tiro fighters, wonrlcd from their oxortlons of tho Inst three" dnya, havo boon rushed to tho nuw danger zono, nnd nro mnklng an nppuroirtly fntllo stand against tho ndvnnco of tho flames. Tho Dnrdsdnlo oil wolls, property or the union on company, wnicn my tho Sotnls region today for medical attention. They stated that tho, fighters nro mnklng headway against tho flames, and conditions there are much lmprpxed. (UglTHD TOMS LEAKED WMR. San Diego, Cal.K, Sopt. 10. For-1 est fires that havo boon raging noar I Esondldo and Dehsa, San Dlogoi county, slnco onrly yesterday, aro r- ported to liavo been controlled. Sev eral squaro miles- havo been flrc Bwopt, and It Is thought that tho damage will amount to several thou . nnd dollars The menacing flro that has fol lowed the bed of tho Swootwator riv er bus been turned, and the ughtors bollovc tho danger In that soctlon Is passed. ANOTHER STRIKE AT PITTSBURG UNITtlO I'MKSS LEASED WIRE. Pittsburg, I'u Sept. 1C With tho Pressed Steol Car plant tnirround od by C000 dlsiutlsllod workmon, the scones of vlolonco which charac ter zed tho two months' strike, Bet tied only laBt woek, aro bolng re newed today. When tho 7 o'clock whlstlo blow this morning the strik ers surrounded every foot of tho big mill, and whon tho workmen not In -ympnthy with tho strlkors attomptod to enter tho plant they wore, forcibly restrained. Sovornl men, who ro fuscd to llston to tho demands of tho striker, wore roughly handled. Tho mon who wont out on tho strike yestorduy are practically tho Bnme tlint tied up the plant for two montliB. Vhon tho first strike was settled last wcok by tho company granting every domnnd ot tho strik ers, tho workmen Insisted that Jill strike-breakers bo Immediately die- CLAIM SHE KILLED HER HUSBAND Mrs. Gus Carlson, Arrested at Nanaimo on the Charge of Murder, Maintains Her Innocence SKULL WASJROKEN WOMAN SAID CKIMti WAS COM M1TTHD 11V UUlMIIiAHS, HUT UI.OODV PILLOW SLIPS FOl'N'D INDIfATK Hi: WAS KILMCD Wllll.K IN HD- . GREAT DAY AT TRACK WEDNESDAY Josephine, b m. . . . C 3 IWhltohnll, gr ... 12 14 Lord r.ovelnco, b b. 5 1 Ilushnoll King, brm 3 2 I Dolllnh, b m 7 6 iltnyO'Ught, brs.. 8 5 Ilymottus, b g. .. . 2 0 Tommy Qratton, b g 4 4 Tlnio, 2:?0. 4 7 S 1 7 B 1 4 1 charged. This, according to tho dls- .satisfied workmon, the officials prom- .directly in, tho path of tho flames, aro lod to do. Iustend, howovor, tho oru 'burn'ng, according to roportR bought ! ployes charge that a number of tho to this city by couriers, who woro , strlko-bronkors wore nut ovor thorn sont for more flro fighters. Tho total as bosses, and yesterday thoy again nn,i tbo thoor Is that the mail whs loss will bo consldorablo. wnlked out. ' struck , bed( tho ropo wound around Soveral of tho mon flgl ' flro Many of tho strlkors aro today do- ni8 neck, and that M was drngged wure uxurniuio uy mo ueai, auu ei- ciuriug inni moy woro oeirayoa oj 'aitiAi aaaTTi BRcni.t axiiKa) Nanlnmo. D. C, Sopt. 16; As a remit of tho Inquest Into the death of Gus Carlson, who was brutally murdorod In his own homo last Mon day night, supposedly by by burglars, his wlfo is today In jail charged with porpotratlng tho crlmo. On tho witness 'tnnd, the woman novor altered her vorslon of tho tragedy, nor became confused, even whon subjected to a morcllcss cross examination. Tho pnllco produced threo pillow slips, two of which woro bndly splashed with blood. Tho medical ovldenco had revealed that Carlson's skull was fractured, Have Battle Royal for the 2:08 Pace and $5,000 Purse Money LOVELACE WINS IT IX THOUSAND UNTHUSIASl'S AUK HHOUUHl' TO XHKIU FUUl' HY i:vi:hy inuT TitACK in pki KliCT CONDITION AND KVKltV HACK WAS NI3AH TIM13 ltKOOUD hnustlon. and woro brought horc from ' the leaders of tho first strlko. (Conttnuod on pago 5.) vr Tall Opening i of the grandest stock of high-class, seasonable merchandise that was ever opened up in Salem. The best price you get on any article elsewhere we will beat. We are here with the goods and prices. Great Bargains in Tailor-made Suits Coats, and Millinery I lp5495 Busy. Busy. Baty Is so com for the swift selling of eonts. suits and m'lllntrv for tb past two weoks at the Qhlongo Store, "hey me going so fast that wo havo them arriving dally by vsprtw. We can savo you from SO ;o 30 per oei-t on any garment you buy. Spot cash buying In New York Is he r" i v can give you such bargains. Just thlnU r! It. I.adltW $8.00 Droadcloth Coats for S3.90 aud j-: "!2).C i.p-to-the-minute suits for $12.00; $7.00 and $S.oo Trimmed Hats for 12.50 and $3.50. P Thu ruclug at Lone Oak wan most exciting yesterday afternoon, uud the b.UUU peoplo who wltnuHsed thu hjiou from tho grand stand woro ralsod to their rout again and again by thuir outhuslusm. Thu y-year-old pacers were tho first to furnish tho "sport of kings." and tho way tho young racing ma- ciuuus went auor mo long ouu oi mo puru offered was onough to maku one always remembor. Wo wimi 10 rugistur now our regards foi thu King Soul colt, and the other two aro In thu snnio class. Uud Admiral Uvans not expel lencoil a hud piece of racing lucU at tho flulHh of the first hunt there might have boon another story, and thou well, thu race Is concluded, nnd no predictions uro in ordor; but let us say that thu colts uro good property to their respective owuoru. .Summary Itncu No. 1, 15:1:0 CIoscm, it Yoiir-Old face, Vullry Tiiim', tjtn,. OOO, Itest 2 In it. Admiral Kvuns, be 3 2 King Beul, oh f i . Uosa, cli in 2 3 Tlnio. 2;104 nnd 2:20H- Thu 2:30 trot was tho property of Lady .Malcolm from (ho star., th Nellie Mars mads hor race every liu-h of the way In tho first heat, nnd the way Velum 'A. took her tho noxt two hunts caused nil to look with Intel ent towards the finish. Snwyor, tho driver of Volma '.., wits sut buck to fourth position In tho socond heat, because ho swerved after taking ins position m tho strotch. Summary ltuco No. 1!, U:iIO Trot, I'urM-Vnoo, Ik-st i In n. Shamrock, blk s 4 B 5 Volma Z b m C .4 2 Dolly AlclClnnoy, b m 3 2 3 Lady Malcolm, b in 1 1 1 Nellie Mars, brm 3 3 -I Time, 2;204. The 2:08 paco for $5,000 was ouo I of tho hottest contested and most ox- I citing races seen horo for yoars. I It took flvo heats for Oregon to beat California, but Lord Lovelace finally annexed It after going thu hardest race of his carcor. fjlj this event, nnd for throo honts tho dlf iC foront horses raced, woll bunched. and nil saved their distance. In thu first boat thoy raced well together to the quarter pole, whoro Culsollo stop ped to thu front and romped lioiii - ,i mil., in o.nns Lord Lovolaco was the contondoi Mlthe next hunt, incidentally winning Lvl It nnd n new record of 2:10. Hy. , mottus won tho third hout In 2:07. and Driver Lindsay, who hud the stmt I behind tho Lovelace horsu, lniniu- FJ rll .(nit i.lnlnBl,.,1 ... .1... I..., . 1. . 1 """"U imiiommi iu uiu juiiKim llini Home Itnro NoUsi. Driver Hogoboom, with his General Hurtls horso could not comnoto with Lord Lovolaco or Ilymottus, although in tho last threo honts ho finished I splendidly. Lord Lovelace and Hymettus,. Qoon purby. driven by Mr. cuisoi- ' III. 11,1.1 A.tn.n Cy ,rli..il lit. Tl.nv.ini . t ....u 4...U... v., uasvv.. ij vut.jitui, had an accident whllo scoring yester day In tho 2: $8 paco, Adam Q. had tho polo and Qucon Dorby hooked whools with him. Ono -wheel was broken off Mr. Culsollu's BUlkoy, but owing to tho horses pacing at a rath er stow gait no othor Injury was dono to either driver or rigs. Uud pools boon soiling ut tho Lone Oak track yesterday Ixrd Lovolaco would havo made a good haul In tho 2: OS pace. It was tho goneral opin ion Hint Drlvor Lindsay would bo shut out, but ho sont his big bay horso under tho wire In hents in posi tions 5, 1. 2, 2. 1. Sam Casto, driving tho winner King Sent in tho 2:20 trot yestordny, took tho raco In two straight honts. Sam drovo hard in tho last rnco for the first half, but tho last half wan Intermixed with continual breaks on the parts of Admiral Hviuir and Uosa. O. T. Urown's Endy Malcolm, driven by Klrklnnd In tho 2:30 trot, gave an exhibition of beautiful rac ing yesterday. Suo won tho raco in threo straight heats, nnd owing to her going off hor feet ouch tlinu whllo leaving tho wlru the plucky buy mni'u was forced to spin hor best to gain th" loud nt tho last quartor. o HARRIMAN LEAVES ALL TO HIS WIFE This Makes Her, Next to Hetty Green, By Far the Rich est Woman in the Wide World A HUNDRED MILLION WILL DATKD H1X YKAHH AOO IT 1H HKr.IKVI.D HAHHIMAN HAD AltUANOl.D WITH WII'K AH TO TDK USK AND UIHl'OSITION OP HIS 1MMI-.NHK WI'-AIni PRESIDENT INDORSES BALLIN6ER 'And "Latter Fires Glavis, But the End of the Row Is Not in Sight for the Present Winner f UNITED I'BBSS IJUMBD Willi). Washington, Hopt. 10. in accord- Wonderful Bargains in . Fine Silk and Dress Goods Thousands of yards of FIno Dress Goods and Silks now on sale. . he only way you will appreciate this wonderful stock is to come to our store and ake a look through. You cannot find such a perfect stock of fashionable dress goods elsewhere In this valWy. We bellevo in quick" ale and small profits. So If you want exceptionally good alues for your nioni". , come to th Chicago Store, thut makes the prlcos. Fins Silks, Yard 25c, 35c, 493, 59c, 65c, 75c and up Fine Dress Goods, Yard 25c, o5c, 39c, 49c, S5c, 75c and up CHICAGO STORE SALEM, OREGON The Store That Saves You Money (ru!e uiuuornia noise nao impelled iuh LV chances of wlnnlug. Tho Judges tuuuwi i in WUUIUII I WOO It Willi All. Llndsii) nnd Hymettus was sent aw a;. ' tho polo for tho fourth hout. This ho won In 2:08, drlvon out by Lord Lovelaca, who challenged him at the head of tho stretch and niauo mm raco ovory Inch of tho wav. Dut six horses appeared to start far me last neat, and by tho tlmo thoy turned to score tho sun was sinking woll behind the hills. In four scores, Mr Qulnn brought Ilymottus through but onco, evidently preferring to allow tho othor drivers to score all the step from their horses. Mr. Stridor warned Mr Qulnn to score with tbo rest, and on the fifth score when the horses camo bonoath tho wlro the word was glvon with Hymettus' head at Lovolaco's saddle. Thoro was sonnr criticism from those who had been purchasing tho jiymouuB ena or tno argument, but uiu iiursumen una ino crowd woro witn Mr. Stridor, as tho rules sin to mat any liorse delaying a start may Ue started regardless of Kalt and do- eltlon, aud tho sooner the horsonien t ri. lipniii.ht .. Hi.l.. .1... ......... ...11, 'f I wiWHfiUV in i UIC uiu nuuiipr Will ' ne racing game become moro olo- VUatod, fejKitiiiniury ICuro No. .'I, lijOH I'uce, " ' ifter (Jiegon 1iii-m $5,()l(, Itit 1 ' in n. Solano Hoy. br g. . 10 8 3 4 Adam O.. b g 12 l"lnn '. h tr 15 11 Queen Derby, b m . 1 7 9 C 6 ! Moortrlx. b s It 10 Qcneral Hurtls. b s 9 13 C 5 3 1 unco with authority glvon Mm lost night In a lottor from Prosldont Tuft, Hocrotary or tno interior Iiniungor to day dlrectod tho dismissal of U. H. aiavls, chief ot tho Hold division of tho gonorul land office, with head quarters In Seattle. The reason for tho dismissal of aiuvli Is stated in Taft's hitter to Ilulllnger ns follews: "tho filing of a disingenuous stntomont unjustly Impeaching tho of ficial Integrity of his auporlor offi cers." In this lottor Prosldont Tuft exon erated Hulllngor of charges made by Qlavls against him In connection with the Cunningham coal land cases in Alaska. Glavis prosontod tho charges on August IK and after unsworn had boon mado by Hulllngor, Assistant Secretary Pierce, Commissioner of tho Qunurnl Land office Dotiutt and Chief of tho Field Sorvlco Schwurtz, tho president prepared his decision ut loverly. Taf tilito sustained tho action of Ilulllnger in regard to thu restointloii nnd withdrawal or public lauds In connection with ulloKiitlons regard ing power sit oh and the HO-callud water power trust at the National Irrigation congress ut Spokauo re cently. In Taft'n decision hn fliulu In tuvetf ot Ilulllnger In tho Hnlllnger-Ilnoliot controversy, concluding as fol ewh: "I niv tuilKtnent, he Is the hunt friend of tho policy ot conservation who Insists that ovory ston taken in that direction should bo within thu law and buttressed by logal uuthorlty. Insistence on those not Inconsistent with a wholo-heartod and bona fide Interest nnd enthusiasm In favor of Conservation. From my conferences with you and from ovorythlug I know In respect to tho conduct of your de partment, I am nblo to say that you are fully In sympathy with this ad ministration's attitude lu favor of the conservation of national resourcos." In view of the fact that the prosl dont sustains Ilnlllnger, there Is mu oh speculation as to what tho result will be regarding Chief Forestor I'lnehot. The chief forester has held that Il&l llngor had overthrown tho Hoosovolt policies of conservation, to which hw (I'lnehot i was dovotod uud of which he was au ardent supporter. The statement that Tnft consider Ilalllngo rln accord and sympathy with tho administration loaves tho clour Impression horo (hut Inasmuch as I'lnehot has bitterly disagreed wit Iialllnger In accord and sympathy not woll tonform with that of tho ad ministration Thoro Is spoculutlon a to whether Plnchot will remain lu the servlco The forestrty denurt- tuent Is not under tho department of UNiTBiM'itnns miasm) winn. Now York. 8cpt. 10. Tho will of Rdwnrd II. Harrlmnn was probated today, reading as follews: "I, Edward Harrlmnn, of Ardon, Now York, do give, devise and be queath nil my property, ronl, person al nnd of ovory kind nnd nnturo to my wlfo, Mnry W. Harrlmnn, nnd do horoby appoint Bald Mary W. Harrl mnn executrix of this will." Tho will Is dntcd Juno 8, 1003, nnd is witnessed by Chnrlos Ponbody, now prosldont ot tho Mutual Ltfo Insur ance Compuny, and C. C. Togothoff, 'Harrlmnn's prlvnto secrotnry. Now York. Sopt. 10. Hnrrlnjan's will Is probably tho most romnrkable Inst tostamont ovor mndo hy a multi millionaire. Though tho full toxt ot tho document contains but 44 words, It dovlsos nn r-stnto estimated approx imately nt $100,000,000. No pnsltlvo Idon of the extent of tho estate ran ho gained until tho la hcritnnco tnx Is assessed and collect ed, nnd It Is expected 'that this trans, action will ostnbllsh a record that probably will romnln supremo for many long' years. It Is bollovod that Harrlmnn had n olenr understanding with his wlfo ns to how ho desired tho cstato handlod, nnd that lip mndo this cloar to hor yoars ago. Tho form of tho will, however, leaves Mrs. Harrlmnn absolutely In control of tho vast estates, and places (upon, hor no legnl restrictions whatovor. With tho tremendous fortune of hor hiiBbnnd absolutely nt hor dis posal, Mrs . Harrlmnn suddonly emerges from compnratlvo obscurity to a position of ono of tho most !m portnnt and powerful personages In tho world. Tho Sago estate, which tho famous Wall street banker Iofi to his wife, win ostlmalod at betweon $50,000. 000 and I7C.000.000. and thoro Is prnct'callv no doubt that Mrs Harrl mnn's holdings nro far In excess ot that tromondoun sum. Tho H'iniil" little documont plnced on record today at Ooshon, N. Y puts In tho hnmU of Mrs. Hnrrlman. wh was Miss Mnry Avorlll. daugh ter of a capitalist and -nllnnd stock holder, of Ogdensburg, N Y more actual powor than many of tho crown nenui of fu world, Thoro or five children, two sons, Averell and Rowland, and throo daughters, Misses Mary and Carol nnd Mrs. Robert L. florrv Vouo o Mioe n"e mentioned In th" will, and tholr shnro of Iholr fathor'n enor mous wealth will bo such as may be allowed them by tho'r mother CANNON AND TAFT flAY DRIFT APART f HNITKlt MlfcSS tBASKn wine.1 I Wnshliigton, Sopt 10. Prosldont TnffB spoerheH during hl wostorn trip are being closoly watched by of flcJals horo to discover whether ho has como to tho parting of th wayp with Speaker Cannon. It Is said that oppposlte views on tho present cur rency system throatons a rupturo. bo tweon thn speaker and tho Prosldont. As Taft has brought tho currency question so prominently forward al ready It Is expected that it surely will become an Important suo at tho noxt session of congress. A dlf foronco In views botweon tho speaker nnd tho Prosldont In that ovont would bo a attor of much Importance. GO A LONO "'AYS for SUBJECT OF JAWFEST (Continued ot Paqe S ) IJ'SITBII IHBHH I.UANHI) WIM1.1 Han Jose. Cnl.. Sopt. 1G A wordv war among tho ns'ronoin-i-a of u globo, rotative to the qiiotlon wh'h or or not th planet Mrn Is nhnbld Is expected to begin shortly following tho annniincenuutt of Dlro"tor W. U' Campbell of tho Lick observatory that tho planot Mars lucks water, vapor auu outer aimospnoric conditions nec essary lo life