Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    dWa?:- &iiLJ;
'The Knocl out Uiow.
, I Ich kt.otl.nl out Corbet
... ,m ii U Uih prlzo llghtara.
From Uiu emlluiji .!.; of Ilia ring tba
knock-out blow wo ilmi-l for tho jaw,
tho templo or llio jit iilurvulu. Stonincb.
punches were thn. n In to worry and
weary tho fighter, L t If a scientific man
had told ono of the Id HghU-M that tba
moat vulnerable ej was tlm region of
tho stomach, he'd l ivo luughcd at blm
for an Ignoramus. I r, Plcrco Is bringing
hofl to tho public n parallel fact; that
thfsomacls tho most vulncrablo organ
out ofNho prlw rlns as v ell as In It. W
protectlmrhttftlj, throats, feet and lunc,
but thoVhfcrubWSjo nro utfrlv Indlfler
ent to, until dlsc$Vlnds tlm solar ptev.u
and knocks us outT Mako your 'Uinnt
wwib ,.rm. gtrang-py imsjiv: j.i,.i.'0'
rou protect vourclT in i iir most vuim -able
spot. r'Uoldcii Mcuical Discovery
cures "woUk stomuh," Indigestion, 01
dyspopsla, torpid llvtr, lad, thin and tnv
puro blood and otlu r dciatcs of tin or
gans of digestion ai ! it'itrltlon.
Tho "Golden 7& tl Discovery " has a
ipcclflo curatlvo e. t upon all mticoui
surfaces and horn euros catn. Ii, no
matter where kcalid or what f igo It
may have reached. In Kas.il Catnrrh II
Is well to cleans II o pnwgog aI'Ii Dr
Sago's Catarrh lu-t icdy llu.U wli.i'i using
tho " Discovery "i.s iv rotistltutlonul rem
edy. Why tho ( ' Medical HIscov
ery" cures caUr i il dlsousM, as of the
stomach, towel ?, t Jder and other pelvic
organs will bo(,,ulu to you If joti will
read a booklot of vursuls from l.i. writ
logs of oinlncnt mullcul autliorluu, en
dorsing Its Inpi limits and cxphlnlnf
tholr curatlv .. forties. II Is innllod
free on request. -'dress Dr. U.V. I'lirce,
liuflalo, N. Y. V booklot gives nil th
Ingredients enti . t Into Dr. PlercVi
medicines from wli' It will bos i n 'hat
thoy contain tic' . lie p of alcohol pur-),
trlplo-roflnedglii i im being usid Insluka.
Dr. Plorco's pr I thouuiml-paRo HI'-''
trixUxl Common v life Mifllcal AdvUri
will bo sent frn i r tmtmd, for 31 oi.o
centstntniis, nnl Ik.iiiuI forai siuiuiis
Address lir. I'lnt i t uliovo.
For a regular
I 25c Dinner at 20c i
Tliey enn't ho bent.
I'roprieiora -r
A Bin, Ciktiu IUlup tt fvrrwt Utwrrwirtom,
HtVCR MOWN TO MIL fUM Fowl flrll th.
(MtUa UHiiutrl cr Udm; tUfUt-lrt. turn prri-M
focfljOOtr U. WiiImM tbmtrlsd,ib-i..ire
bo itUT4. tUnplMtrM. irjvrdniltitlgMftl
bbtv am ifov jwr rqn i om
I UNITED MCDICALCO., soft 74. UnomHu. N
Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C. Stuna
Ib always pnrtlculai noout tho musl
cal Inafr ment uaod. Dut oven tho
most critical can find no fault with
tho lnstrumonts sold horo. Coma In
and try your apodal fnvorito. Noto
tho tono and volumo, tho flno finish,
tho beautiful harmony, Your first
visit will not ho your last, wo fool
217 Commercial 8t. Balem, Or.
In considering making your own
light, or cooking, why not consider
tho F. P. Gas Machlno and Stub
hers Light
Will sell and Install this machine
and guarantee It to give 100 per
cent moro light for tho same mono)
than electricity or city gaa. Let me
llguro with you, estimates furnished.
Call at my shop and see the lights
and stoves In operation.
I also carry PYKO DENATURE)
ALCOHOL utilities. Safe, economl
cal, odorless.
rhoao 180
858 State Ht
Gold Dust Flour
Made by the SVDNEV POWER
COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon.
Made for Family Use.
Afck your grocer for It. Bran
and Short always on hand.
Mack U Won the 2:25 Pace;
Lady Cyrus the 2:15;
Easter the Three-Year-Old
Tho second day's racing at Lone
Oak track wob woll attonded and
those presont witnessed some excit
ing spcod events. Tho main surprlso
was sprung In tho 2:16 trot Farm
ers' purse for flOOO. Tho knowing
ones had picked Zombrouut to win.
Hut after tho first boat matters woro
easy for Lady Cyrus. This muro Is
In tho stnhlo of tho well known Idaho
rolnsninn, F. C. Irwin, tho gentleman
who brought out tho guldolcss won
der College Maid (2:0!)). This raco
was tho most exciting ovont of tho
day, being hotly contosted from tho
start to finish, Lady Cyrus winning
tho third hont In 2:10, thoroby es
tablishing a now record for Lono Oak
Tho throo-year-old trot was an In
teresting ovont, but from tho Bcoro
It was Bcun that Easter, tho Califor
nia entry, had things at his mercy.
At no time was ho crowded, although
Harry T pushed him up to 2:21 Vi in
the Rccond heat.
Tho 2:2G paco was a four-heat af
fair, going to tho McKlnnoy gelding
Muck N, who won tho first heat quite
huiullly In 2:15; Donnlo Tnngont
waa second by a closo drive.
In tho second hont Mack N led to
tho ihroo-nunrtcrs, where ho made a
stand-still break, tho heat going to
Uonnlo Tungont in 2:1716. Mack N
recovered quite handily In tho next
two but was forcod to raco every Inch
of the way by S. S. Bailey's good
Zomliro gelding, Captain Apperson.
The main races for this arternoon
aro tho three-yoar-old pace, tho 2:30
trot and 2:08 paco.-
One of tho lnrgost flolds on tho
coast will turn for tho word In tho
Greater Oregon stnko for $6000, 14
horses having been namod as suro
Btnrtors, i
It Is the consensus of opinion that
2 08 will bo beaten nnd all tho horse
men unite in saying that tho winner
will know that he linn been to tho
Two Year-Old Pace llllhee PurM.
Golden Hllss, ch in; W. A, Ruther
ford, Sitlom, Or.
Mussel Shell, ch s; Dr. E. S. Kel
logg, Helena, Mont.
Sis Uondor, b f; Potor Cook, Kick
roall, Or.
Sally Younger, b f; Potor Cook,
Illckroall, Or.
Holly Hrand, b s; E. C.-Koyt, Por
rydalo, Or.
Hollo Smith, b in; G. O. Mlllor,
Dalloy S. Wave, h s; Marlon Put
nam, Salem.
Potor G, b h; P. Gunn, Ladnor,
11. C.
Sagto Hal, blk h; L. W. Watts,
Wavorly II, b f; 8. 8. nalloy. Al
bany, Or.
Oregon Wnvo, ch g: S. 8. Dalloy,
2:20 Puco Purso $800.
Esther D, blk in; R, Thompson,
Lcola, b m; Frank Frazlor, Pendle
ton, Or.
Decoration, b; N, L. Strang, As
toria. Denionlo Wilkes, b s; II. 10, Arm
strong, Pleasanton, Cal.
Lord Sldnoy Dillon, b h; Carl Deer
lug. Fairgrounds, Or.
King Lovolaco, br h; LrL. Thomas,
Stayton, Or.
2;J2 Trot Lewis and Clark Puim .
Katlenn, h in; W. J. Mlllor, Chlco,
Era, br m; William Morgan, Pleas
anton. Laddlo G, blk g; F. II. Durko. San
Joso, Cal.
Wenja, br m; F. II. Durke, San
Olllo I), ch in; Donbon & Twohlg,
Irvlngtou, Cal.
May E, ch m; IJondon & Twohlg,
Irvlngton, Cal.
Kinney Rose, b s; W. Nashagen,
Woodland, Cal.
Charlie T, blk g; C. L. Deltydor,
Pleasanton, Cal.
Goldonut, ch s; Geo. W. Ford,
Santa Ana, Cal.
Llda Carter, h in; Win. Hogoboom,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Montcrat, blk s; M. C. Keefor,
Woodland. Cal.
Delia Dorby, blk. in; Mrs. Alma
Whitehead, Salinas ,Cal.
Weatewater, b g; A. L. Scott, San
Crylia Jones, blk g; E. T. Hay,
Knstiir. b h; E. T. Hay, Spokane.
Laurel Leaf, b m; Mrs. 8. O. Wal
.on, Fresno, Cal.
Tho Statesman, b h; C. F. Sllva,
Sacramento, Cal.
Sophia Dillen: C. F. White, Seattle,
Easter Dells, b m; Mrs. N. Steven
son, Marysvillo, Cal.
Emily W, b m; Mrs. Emily Ward,
Los Angeles.
Escobado, b s; Mrs. Emily Ward,
Los Angeles.
Zomlironut, b a; Tablo Rock Min
eral Water Co., Portland.
Henry Gray, g g; Arnold Zblnden,
Satin Royal, ch s; S. J & W. O.
Vuughn, Molalla, Or.
Doc Munday, b g; 8. 8. Dalley,
Albany, Or
Kid Wilkes, sg; II. E. Armstrong,
Pleasanton. Cal.
Leo Crawford, b s; Joo McQulre.
Prince Lot, br g; Alex Drown, Wal
nut Grove, Cal,
Nordwcll, b h; Table Rock Mineral
YVnter.Co., Portland.
Itu&HJtw,8tAko ItaettrOre(MM Ikthf,
i l-lti Mlle----AVei$lit for Age.
Purse 9SOO.
St Salvanla, ch h; W. W. Perclval,
Independence, Or.
La Taranta, br gi F. 11. Plerco,
Solo, Or.
Tho Councillor, c g; George Her
ron, Marshfield, Or.
Marwood, br h; O. C. Emmett, Van
couvor, D. 0.
Sam McQIbbon, ch gi 0. O. Em
melt, Vancouver, B.C.
Doc Itowo, b g; Ceo. Horron,
Marshfield, Or.
fc V -V A 4 & A 4 ttV A A A "J
Jf jfk pt f J f Jfa p f
This Is fair lair weathor.
Hop picking haajabout reached the
Btago whoro It Is atop picking.
A Punch and Judy show ought to
have a great run in Oregon.
Dig Built Aft will bo la Seattle
October 1, and will dollvbr an ad
dress to tho livestock men.
"Paid la Full" was played In full
last night. It was a good play,
most admirably presented, but thoro
wero a fow real nice Salem people
who wero not thera.
It Is usoloss to And fault with peo
Dlo for not natronlting good piays.
That is their privilege, of codwe; but
a play with a moral that is upumng
and educational Ib mot with empty
benches, whllo "Tho Girl from Rec
tors or tho od.u'aIiy salacious "Car
men," Is greeted with full houses,
thero Is no uso kicking, elthor.
"Tho Gentleman from Mississippi"
will bo at the Grand Friday night.
Salomltos Bhould remembor thl, and
not by any mistake attend It, as it Is
ono of tho very host plays that has
visited tho coast In years. Save your
money and wait for thoro jro sovoral
IIuclu Tom's Cabin troupes, with tho
original little Eva and An. entirely
new lot 6t hound pups on the road.
81 Porklua with tho hobo band Is al
so a possibility
Tho Modtord Tribune notes tile
tact that tho Portland papers have
discovered Roguo ltlver. In vloW of
the tact that others had tatihd It be
fore, and also Its inost famous prt
ductr might this n6t be classed aa a
"Pdar-y" dlsc6veryt
An applicant for cltlcenshlp In Now
York had never heard of Abrohatii
Lincoln or George WUhlHgtoa, at
whou asked tha name of six states he
mentioned Now Jersey, New York,!
Doiitou, West Hoboken, Union Hill
and Hoboken. He seems to- havo all
tho qualifications for a good position
in tho Interior or agricultural de
partments at Washington.
Lakovlow Is holding a big private
land drawing. As this Is a lottery
run by prlrato Individuals, Instead
or the government. It Is probably
against tho law to mention tho win
ners, o
Kills Wonid-B Stover.
A morcllcss murderer Ii apponil
cltls with many victims. But Or.
King's New Llfo Pills kill It by pre
ventlon. They gently stimulate us
stomach, liver, and soweis,. ereveat
Ing , that cIogglfTg that, .Tavite s
pendlcltls, curing constipation, kit
tlouinosa, chills, malaria, headache
and Indigestion. 26c at J. 0. Fer
Conditions dovolop s, providing
wo adapt ourselves to them.
Do not bo persuaded into taklag
anything but Foley's Homt ad Tar
for chronic coughs, fcreaekiUs. hay
fever, asthma aad-luar, treahle,
It stops the cough and heahi the
lungs. J. 0. Perry.
Put Bomothlng Into this llfo It you
would expect anything out of It.
Rest Treatmetrt for at ".
If for Ro other jreasoa, Chier-
laln's Salve should he Kept ib every
household on account of Its great
value In the treatment of eurae. It
allays tho palu almost lastaatly, asfl1
unless tho injury U a severe one,
heals the parts without lvlg a
scar. This salve is also uaeajualeal
for chapped hands, sere atopies aad
diseases of the skis. Fries, 26
cents. For safe by aU good dru
gglsts. o
He who sows wild oats should not1
expect tho general public to assist la
tho harvesting.
Near Dtt fa We Fee.
It was a thrilling ecperiesee ie
Mrs. Ida Soper to faee death. "Fer
years a severe Jusg treiihle jfv
inteniA aufferlar ." ska writes, "aad
several times atHr ! my
death. All remedies failed aad oe-
tors said I was laearahle. Thea Dr.
Klaf New Diceerery hrouight
nuick relief asd a aar. 'so erm
nent that I Save aefee treaWed li
12 years." Mrs. Setter Um la We
Pond. Pa. It werki headers la
coughs aad eMti sere laaMcv, aw
orraages, la grippe, asiama, ereap,
wliaAnla Aauvh tnj alt tirn-lafctat
aSctioss. Eec'aaa yi.ee. Trial 0
tie free. Guaraateea y J. O, ferry.
Jec Iafaats sad OOUrea.
Hm KM Yh Km to htfr
Bears th
Mdhleter. Mexico. Sopti 14. A
clash1 between the followers of Vlco
President Corral and of Royos is ex
pected t occur Thursday, wnicn ts
the national Independence day of
Trddpa aVe preparing to suppress
an outbreak which it is feared will
fallow ,tho return of hundreds of Mex
icans from tho United States. Reyes,
h'lmBelf, Id the garb of a rancher,
appeared on tho plaza hero last night
How's This?
Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward . for any caso. of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, O.
, Yto, the. undorslgnod, havo known
Fv J. Ohonoy for tho last 16 years,
nnd bellevo him oorfoctly honorable
la all business transactions and finan
cially amo to carry ou. uuy uuutsu
lions made by his firm.
Wholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure is takon Inter
niily, acting directly upon tho blood
and tnuoous surfaces of tho system.
Tesllmohlals sent free. Prlco 7 Be per
bottlo. Bold by all druggists.
TaKO Hhll's Family Pills for con
stipation. Faith in good and confidence In
truth will mako stopping stones oui
of obstacles,
Honnltr Hop.
Aro you Just baroly getting around
by tho old of crutches or a caaoT
Unless you havo lost a limb or havo
m deformity -If your trouble Is
rheumatism, lumbago, sprain, stiff
tolnts. or anvthlhc of Uko nature uso
Dallard's Snow Liniment, and In no
time you can throw away your
crutches nnd bo as woll a anyone
Prlco -JBc, 60c and $1.00 Sold by
all doaloro.
Tho safe bet W gonorally tho ono
you did not mako.
A Dleaslnit irood, nigh grade, truly
flavored, amber colored cup of coffco
can bo nau ana wunout mo ium
coffco dangor, or damago to hoalth
br slraolr using Dr. bnoopn new bud
stltute, called "Hoalth Coffeo " Piure,
wholesome, toasted cereain, mnn,
nuts. etc.. make Dr. Bheop's iieaun
Coffee both healthful aad satisfying.
No 20 to 30 mlnutoa tedious boiling.
Mailr m a ml iuU ' ay Dr. Bnoo?
If served as coSee, It's taste will even
trick an expert. Test It and see. J.
W. IUrrltt.
Hahlt creates strife, dovours the
home, and keeps tho dlvorco mills
. o
From n small beginning tho salo
and uso of Chamborlaln's Cough
Remedy has oxtondod to nil nnrts ot
tho United States and to many forolgn
countries. Why? Bocauso it haB
prfaVed especially valuablo for coughs
and colds. For salo by all good drug
gists. o
It docs not requlro much ability
to becomo delinquent for a newspa
per. o
Your life against 3B cents Is lust
exactly what you are doing If you
neglect a oough or cold on the chest,
Instead of treating It with Dallard's
liorehouad Syrup, A 26-cent bottle
of. this spleadld remedy will cure aa
ordinary couah. heal tho lungs and
act as a t'onlo for your entlro y-
tem Sold by all dealers.
Men fancy that thoy know It all,
but tho women know better.
The liurlC Glow of Doow.
Was seen In tho red face, hanas
and body of the Uttlo son of If. M.
Adams, of, Henrietta, Pa. His awful
plight from eczetna bad, for five
years, deflod all remedies and baf
fled the best doctors, who eald the
pqfsoncd blood had atfocted hirf lungs
and nothing could save htm. "Dut,"
writes his mother, "seven bottles ot
Eloctrlo Dttters completely cured
him." For eruptions, ecsema, salt
rheum, sores and all blood disorders
and rheumatism Electric Bitters Is
supreme, Only (SO. Guaranteed by
J. C. Perry.
1 o
Man should novdr grow so old, do
croplt, halt or lamo that ho should
fall to boost and root when attending
a ball game.
o -- .
Dr. Abernetby, the great SaglM.
pbyslctau. said: "Wateta yew kU
neys. When they are aaTeeted, life
Is In d eager." Fe4eys KMaey Real
edy mtk healthy kldsejrs, eer
reets urinary kregularklee, and tease
up the whele system. J, O Perry.
o .. ...
Man Is every defying natural laws
and by so doing always books a
ONIIJrew Cry
Call and try them. Meals 16c.
Board per week $2.75; also fur
nished rooms very reasonable,
USatetH Restaurant
i"i ai ji
Salem Granite and
arc offering monuments of the HIGHEST GRADE
What more can you ask? Wo solicit your pat
ronage and urge an early order for fall delivery.
Wilton W. Martin, Prop'r
259 Liberty Street
On Reai Estate
Reliable Representatives vvAo4eti
Jackson, Miss. fort Worth, Texas
P-mn-j-- mu Mtnli 6 tin nVVftmi
, work. The development d the Koclkwtet will aaloti efeaiat let
thonoands la the next few Tear. Pnfrni new, tsA r utaltfw. y
Tints of all sizes. Pratt & Lambert Varnishes. Sun
sh ne Stains and Varnishes.
Salem Hardware Co.
New medical prciiarntlon In liquid nnd powder form. Tus wily known r
ror Alcohol dliesiei. Can bo given with coffee, te, coco or milk without ptleal-s
none success absolutely guaranteed
1 lUU iimtloiNH TO U1S UIYHN AWAY yitHS
t u...i.ii. i.n- i.im .H.M...iut
habit Do you wish u package If you havo lu your famllr 'ln h,bl.' '
father, brother or eon. who la giving you trouble, or making life mlierabU for you, (
and wliwn you wlali to ho cur?d frSni thin dUea.e. do not healtau i a raiment, but
act at ouce Alcohol haa thli ylctlm In hla clutches and the unfortunate, one iW
not able to eacae him. IIIHCOIIUI, hua cured thou-amU and will cure any one
belong ib to yoii. Write to ill ot once, before It la too late. It la guaranteed lurro,
KL? and lis iffecta are osltlv If, you wlih free treatment '.W'r'E
tloua. flit out coimmju below aud mnll to ua. Don't he-late, the 600 package '
will aoou b kWcii nwny and Mill lurllier pacaage win ci i. nun .
r-ture one l-'ItlSB. Cut out thla foupon Bend It to.lay. Hent lu plain wraMc,
Coupon fur frte
"" ''nilflMKm ASSOCIATION.
I will open my new storo on Liberty street,
near corner of State, SATURDAY, SEPT, 111.
Havo just received a fine new stock, including
the latest in Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoos, Como in and soe my display and got
tho prices,
Are those who will havo us lauudor
their waists, dollcuto lingerie, etc.
Our facilities are thoso of the
beet for tho jiorfect handling ot this
character of work. Our holn Is thor
oughly experienced, and much moro
skllii,.: than tuout help you enn secure
to come to your homo or to "take
A trial will make you u client ot
Salem Laundry Co.
Telephone US, JUfMrtW H. Liberty Ht.
tin ieaoMMiMsfl Hat aWMl
nw tn-i1llnA tar lh ur of th drlslf
Drink Habit (Jure,
U'J Kaat 13Iat Bt New Voft. N. T
Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High St.
Proprietor of
Cabs and Llvory. All Mfs
Modern Rubber Tire.
ii. m. ii a m
bus medlclno which wilj cure any
known dlseaso. no makes a specialty
of and guarantees to cure Catarrh,
Asthma, hung, Throat, Rheumatism,
Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney
troubles, ulso any blackened or
swollen soreness, broken limbs;
Hnutllpox, Epidemic; all kinds of
Holls, LohI Munhood. Female Weak
ness, Horn8 Troubles nnd Paralysis.
Consultation freo. Curo of Ylck So
Tong Co., Chlnesa drugs nnd herb.
163 High street, upstairs, Salem, Or.