DAILY CATITAIi JOURNAIj, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, BKlTEMBEit 10, IS 09. Iw w 6RIZZLY DROPPED IN TO SUPPER Knocked at the Door Like a Gentleman, But His Guests Inhospita- bie Left Him I dxitxv ntM uitto wtu.1 Summit, Mont. Sept 15. Just as, the Great Northern section men here were sitting down to tkir rctis a Ml yesterday, a large sllrer tip grizzly bear dropped around laforasl ly and announced hla presence by scratching at the front door t tke house. Peter Hebaii, section fore man, opened tho door, and, feeler 1m could recover from hla swisswsat, brain struck him on the left shonlder wRh a huge paw, and knocked hla the legth of the room. lastaatly there was a general ezedaa of Oreek laborers through the rear windows of the shack. After putting the enemy to flight, the bear burned his attention to the supper table, and was calmlfrnelflng himself to a large plate of fried han, when William Morris, a trap per, attracted by tho frightened cries of the Greeks, appeared oa the scene, and with a shot from hla Win chester ended bruin's career. The bar weighed nearly 700 pounds. ing to the story, purchased a small rawhide whip Saturday eTenlng, and Parted on a hunt for the Justice. She found him Sunday morning at the Lancaster railroad station, where self of the population of the rlllago had gathered preparatory to accom jb i,ylng the Lancaster baseball team to a nearby town. "You're Just the man I'm looking for." calmly declared Mrs. Clark. when she discovered Bulkley in the crowd. Then, it Is alleged, she be labored him about the head and body with the stinging whip, until she was seized by a deputy constable. Bulkley has denied that he made sty Insulting remarks about the wo man. SIXTEEN YEARS FOR ONE FISH Avalon, Catnllna Island, Oal., Sept. IS. A local taxidermist Is today mounting a US-pound leaping tuna that cost A. W. Hooper of Boston $15, 000 and the greater part of each summer for sixteen years. Hooper Is a veteran angler, and has fished in almost every popular water on the face of the globe. Six teen years ago he conceived tho am bition of adding a Catallna tuna to his trophies, and year after year ho Jour- noyod to Avalon and angled for one Mebass' wounds wro dressed by a j of the monster fish without success. local physician, who found It neces- His determination to land a tuna fin- eary to take 63 stitches in three 'ally became an obsession. wounds caused by the bear's claws. ! Early in tho present season, when o ' ' I he tuna run was flrt ronortnd. Honn- or came from Boston. As usual he was unsuccessful and started back. At Chicago n message reached him from a California friend that tho tuna hnd returned. Hooper doubled on his trail, nnd yesterday made nnother cast outside of Avalon bay. His long ambition was ronllzed for after a strugglo of nearly nn hour he gaffed his fish. Ho will return to Boston when the carcass Is prepared for shipment HALEY'S COMET IS COMING appropriation granted by the senate and house for tho President's travel ing expenses, by saying: "I believe that even Congressman ; Glllett permitted himself to vote for 1 it Yon have got to make a case 'mighty plain if you ever want Qll-l-tt's vote. He is something of a Yankee when it comes to money mat ' ters. 1 "1 tell yon the real people who control the nation's pocketbook are i ibe men la the lower house of con- Has Been Off on a Jaunt forJgre." 75 Years and Has Trav eled Ten Billions of Miles i tixircxi fuss LEASED WlkX Providence, R. L, Sept. 16- -Ha- DANGEROUS PATIENT ESCAPES FROM ASYLUM fr KITED rkCSS LEASED WfkE. Spokane, Wash., Sept 16. After a sensational escape from the Medic leys comet has been seen again, after , ., 0 MMflm tQr th(J lmm Fr,u LYDIA E PINKHAM'S PRIVATE TEXT-BOOK AILMENTS PECULIAR TO WOMEN rvtuuttD n THllrWAt plMHAHMlMCI'ilCO. UNN MAMMMUtlTl an absence of 76 years, Write NOW For FREE 80-PAGE BOOK Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women Buck,he insane son of the late INSANITY MAY SAVE HIM FROM GALLOWS p , w , ?.l Zn 'I Jude Norman Duck, 1. U lar to ; S? ob9Tto7!day, and a posse ha. started In pur- at Heidelberg. Germany. cordlato , J a telegram received by P. X. Sea- ,,,. , ..., ,. ,. .. grave, of this elty. , ,,,.. v .,. ..,.. Since Us last appearance, the com- j ha ,. , mMn et baa traveled over ten billions of, ., ,,.. , , miles. Its average speed is 4 miles' ... , .. ' . ... per second. ' .. ' "J.1. . ., ... Seagravo came Into intatW , ' . - - " " prominence among astronexaers of . . . ........ ' the globe because of the accurate , rend the etTO, ba. The cell was on "" "' w"c" uo the second floor of the asylum, and reappearance of the comet. ,,. ... ,.. ...,' ' SANTA ROSA ALSO j B fiS, under a MmIob SURROUNDED BY FIRE that members of the Masonic order , , J are seeking his" life. He was com- llMTEUrSCSS LEASED WIIT.J llJ .,., I- . .. ,v Santa nosa. Cal.. Sept. IS The ' XtA t0r attemPUnS to klllJohn H. men who have boon fighting the for-1 Sbiw' Ma80n, ffldal at Spokane. est flreN in this region for the past (UXITED rCXSS LCiKCn WIKE.) San Francisco. Sept. 1C. The trial of James Cunningham ( the laborer who Is charged with having murdered Carolina Ilrnscli, a clerk in flrny Bros, construction compan)' offices, was Interrupted today and the Judge ordered that tho self-confessed mur derer be taken before the examining board this afternoon and nxainlned for his sanity. Cameron King. Jr. Cunningham's attorney, took tho stand nnd swore that ho bollves his oljont to be Insane, basing his belief on the Hllugixl fact that Cunningham own give ffci rohir cnt story of the shooting. On King's testimony tho order for Cunningham to appear before the board was given up. o STRIKERS ALL GO OUT AGAIN AT PITTSBURG IMMENSE DEPOSIT OF NITRATES ueek are now making some headway against the oncroachlng flames, ow ing to the abatement of (he wind. The fires are still brhnlng fiercely, but with the great amount of back firing which has been done It is be lieved today that the situation is well in hand. Should the wind rise again it is dlf- M'ELROVS BAXD TmmSDAY.. W. E. McElroy, Conductor. Soloists, Slgnorlna Bettlna .Soprano D. J. Gllmoro Trombone Oregon Male Quartet Trombone solo, "The Whirlwind" Lovy D. J. Ollmore. Grand descriptive selection, "The Carnlrv nhart.A1' T ...I... flcult to estimate the damage that i Serenadef ..LoTO anA r"dleae5 uoiu uu uuuc uj ejiruHuing ine lire Into the forest again. Thousands of acres of timber have been consumed and a number of ranch houses desroyed. and until each individual loss can be ascertained no estimate of the damage done can be made. MAKES FIRST SPEECH ON HIS LONG TRIP vsnvm rkMs leaicp wii ) Sprlngnold, Mass., Sept. IS. Tiestdent Tatt, Journeying toward the West, stopped here today for Are minutes. In a brief speob delivered here tb? President praised Sonator Crane aid humorously praised Congrea- ICXITMl I'KniMI MUDEII Willi.) Pittsburg, Pa, 8opt. 16. Praotls ally the entire 6000 striking employ es of the Pressed Stool Car Company who tetiurncd to work last week, af ter tylnc un the nlaut for moro thsnJ- ''liiwr, two months, quit In ji body this af.fwho haa loJatol claims aggregating lornoon. I it. uu uacres in tne uistnot. Ttie ue Macbeth Introducing solo for Bassoon. Bruno Heltkemper. Part IL Overture, "Martha Flotow Soprano solo Slgnorlna Bettlni Fesi March: from Tannhauier . . ' Wagner CONGRESS WILL TAKE UP SUTTON CASE IfMTBP rCH LtAHW WIKE.) Washington, Sept. 12. Dlssatls fled with the recent investigation at Annapolis into the death of Lieuten ant Sulton. of Portland, Oregon, It wa learned today that Representa tive Good, of Iowa. Intends to Intro duce a resolution at the next session Why You Should Send Now This book is a treatise on all those diseases peculiar 'to women. They are fully explained in plain and simple language, that anyone can understand, and instructions for a complete course of home treatment. In a word, with Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book at hand to refer to in case of need, you need have no cause for anxiety about your ailments. The Danger of Delay Any woman who possesses this book has at hand such informa tion as may save her a serious illness, and if she is already HI, it will give her an intelligent understanding of her case and suggest a cure. This book is a text-book not a mere advertising pamphlet. Until you have read it, you cannot make sure of the exact nature of your trouble. A great many women suffer from some complaint, which may not seem very serious to them, because they do not know what it is or to what it may lead. Perhaps you are one of these women. Do not remain in doubt another day send for this book and find out for yourself. This book is written in the kindly sympathetic spirit that guided Mrs. Pinkham in all her actions towards her suffering sisterhood, and you will feci when you are reading it as though you were having a confidential chat with some motherly and trustworthy woman friend. Remember, your letter will be treated as strictly private and confidential and the book will be posted to you in a perfectly plain envelope, without any printing on the outside. -Fill Up This Coupon- cm out this Coupon at once while you think of it. Don't wait till by and by or you may forget it. It may be the means of saving you from years of suffering perhaps from death Itself. Fill in your name and addrcs and send it along to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., I.vnn, Mass, it will bring you Mrs. Pinkham's 80-PAGE PR I VATi: TE.VTMJOO K In a plain envelope by return of post, aitefuttrtts Otv sj trttt . Suit til affairs commltteo Investigate the Sutton case, and also conditions at Anapolls at the time of tho llouton ant'o death. FIRES ARE RAGING NEAR SANTA CRUZ n u Glllett. when ho referred to the ' of congress, demanding that tho nav- I'MTED rSESS LEASED WIHE Santa Cruz, Cal., Sept, 16 Tho forost and brush fire which has boon UMTEtl 1'MMHt IXtSNt WISH New York. Sept. IS -That San Bernardino, Cul., contains enormous nitre beds thRt promises to surpass the famous Chi I win deposits was the announcement made today by William a California millionaire. burning seven miles from hero for the past two days Inst night consumed tho school house of tho Hill school district In spite of tho desperate ef forts of fire fighters to snve It. A honvy cloud of smoko hangs over this city today nnd the heat Is In tense from the hot blaze of ulr com ing from the direction of the forest fires along the ridges. 'ho men claimed that. Instead of the strlkebrakors being discharged, a had been promised, many of them had been promoted to bosses. The employes nro Indignant, and a rope, tltlon of the bloody rioting during the first days of the strike Is feared, unless tho strlko-broakers are dis charged. AN IRATE FEMALE HORSEWHIPS JUSTICE UNITED rSCIS UAtKD WIU.l Los Angeles, Sipt 15 Beauo Justice of tho Peace O 8 Bulkley made alleged disparaging remarks about her, Mrs George Clarke, wife of an Antelope township rancher, publicly horsewhipped the official, ac cording to Information that reached this city today Mrs Clark accord- Grand Opera House FRIDAY, SEPT. 17th Win. A, Brady nnd Jos. It, GrlMMer Announce I-lrnt Time In This City "A Gentleman from Mississippi" A Coiiunly of Washington I.lfo by llArriteMii IlhoUcit 11ml TIiim. A. Wisr. Sow in II Becond Year In New York Cltyj HI .MonlliK in Cliirugo, The best comedy slnco "The Senator " N Y Evening Moll lrtc- Si.no, 9I.OO, 7.V, AOr hcU Ka! IVlihiy. I) u. lit. posit which UlugiM assorted Is fabu I lllllult rlnh lit t,i,iiffet (iiau,. IhIim ,i,ua I burg on the Mojave desert I I)lHgw stated tuda) that his clulnu Mere loeated aftwr his Interest had (been enlisted by W. P l.HMon, u prospector. Mining experts Mere m to Johannesburg dls rl t to In vllMat and their reports Here wi I favorable that nogotlallons are said ttjnave entered lato with the Sou h -rn Pacific railroad for the tonuirut iion of a hrMNeh line Into the Lone Willow dlstrlot, whore the claims are loealttd. AutHirdlug to Dlugee. wtmple of iht deposits were analyzed by It. V Hunt & Co of San Frnnctsm .Mho reported that the) contained from 25 to 2S per cen pure nitre. He Is said to have Interested several New York ftnau- e'ers In the development of the claims j Almost the entire world's supply of nltro at present comes from the Chil ean deposits, whloh aro controlled' by the Kothkchllds. The cost of the I product in tho.Bouth American coun- j try Is about J10 a tou.to which Is ad- ,ded $11 export duty. This duty Is ono of the largest sources of revenue ot tne inuenn government AERONAUTS LAND AND ARE ARRESTED mmmmmmamm Rome. Sept. 15 Commander I , Borsallc. of the the Italian navy, and Slguors I'celll cad Ntcoll, aeronauts, ' were arrested In Austria today at the t-tinpk-tlon ot a daring balloon night I j from Venice across the Adriatic Sea , t Austria. Although no details ot the arrests I ave beeu received it is believed that ihe men aro charged with bng mil itary spies The flight ot the th.ee men iovred a distance ot 100 miles Do not fnui-y that you are indls peustble The managt-ment may be .irruuglug to dispense with your services vi S II in Y A rSBl I ft i Fff'l 1 s I Aji;!Wsw 3 v HsEV rr-JMssHSHiB V- -Jtw&jssS; L.ifi FALL STYLES Do not wait until the lines are broken, but lecme now while all goods are the freshest, and make your selection of Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes $10 to $35 All the new styles and shades are now here. The cut shown here is one of the many styles we are showing for this f alPs wear. Salem Woolen Mill Store Sfy mmmmmmmmmmma.