DAILY OAl'l I'.VL JOL'ltXAJ, 8AJ.EM, OIUCGON, WEDNESDAY, SETTEJUIKR 18, itOI. B k n I f44M444444--l ttiflteoum ;H--frf 44i 64-f 4oo$e40-eMvHM(Q 4 .,'ft4 ctH-jH-ef-a-HM i l m i t iwoe-MD-ho-Mj-vortJooefoe'Vo GREAT T G A! p Prices Cut, Slashed and Smashed KXUBTMnMV.VTISMJI, IMW.fJIT.rfn ':. f ' 'V Opened 32223BHM There will be more help to wait upon you today. Indeed it was a great sale; and indeed it will continue to be. These were the remarks of hundreds of custemers: "This is a true sale;" "These bargains are great;" "Your prices are alright;" "There is no fake about this sale," and hundreds and hundreds of people bought as fast as they could all day. - Don't be afraid that the bargains will not continue. Remember the entire $85,000 stock is being sacrificed i ' 31 lues Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values up to $15.00 in Mackintoshes ..98c up to $4.00 in House Dresses $1.98 up to $4.50 in Dusters --98c up to $25.00 in Tailored Suits $1.98 up to $5.00 in Capes --50c up to $12.00 in Capes $3.25 up to $25.00 in Capes $5.00 up to $7.00 in Summer Wash Dresses .-. $2.24 up to $15.00 in Summer Wash Dresses ... $4.98 up to $5.00 in Summer Wash Dresses $1.98 up to $1.75 in Wrappers 88c Furs Values up to $20.00 $8.00 Values up to $6.00 $1.58 I Wash Goods Novelties Values up to 50c p 11c Values up to 35c... - Values up to 60c - 31c Values up to 20c ,--- .8c $1.75 Black Sateen Waists 20c 25c Knit Underwear for ladies 16c Ladies' Kid Gloves, values to $1.00 28c Ladies' Kid Gloves, values to $3.50 - -$1.78 Soap 1c cake Corsets, values up to $3.50 for 11c, 18c, and 35c 25c Woolen Hose ...1 j. 14c 25c Cotton Hose . . 16o $1.75 Hose 1- 58c Large Bath Towels Wzo $1.25 Linen Napkins lr 1 $1.08 $1.50 Linen Napkins ; -$1.18 10c and 12y2c Linings w- 5c Ribbons, values to 15c &f r;w...3c Ribbons, values to 20c ..J;.8c Dress Shields " 2 .5c Belts, values up to $1.50... lJl'$gUp , 15c Belts, values up to $3.00. .... .j.hju- 55c 20c Collars 12c 25c Collars -... ..... 19c 15c Collars 1 ., 8c Purses, values up to $1.00 for 1 15c s Boys' Suits, value to $7.00 95c Boys' Sweaters, values to $1.00 49c Boys' Waists, values to 75c 20c 75c Shirts 55c PRICES ON Men's Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Ladies' Suits, Dress Goods, Gloves, Umbrellas, Ginghams, Muslin Un derwear, Outing Flannels, etc., etc. SLASHED AND SMASHED There never have been such reductions in Salem as we are giving now. THE STORE WILL OPEN EVERY MORNING at 7 o'clock. Closed this afternoon on account of Salem Day STOCKTON WW lil ' li I I I uoj SSCaXT 3