WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER IB, 19 00. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOFEr., Edlto- and Proprietor THE AUTO TURNED Here's a Suit That will please any man with good red blood in his veins. It is well balanced at every point stylish, but not ex treme; artistic, yet comfortable. i i.ieiw iiium Sowper Povotcd to Anurlrn Hrln it i. mi ' i ITovre unit Devclopcmeut of An 'trvKon PnWUnLM Btcrjr livening Kxccpt Bunday, s'Mem "re ... SUHSCHIPTION IIAXKH. I (lnvuUblr In Adrinco.) Dully, br carrier, per rear KS.00 Per month -..Wc DllT, by tnull, pr year. .. 4.00 I'or month .. ... fte Weekly, by mll, per ycr...... . '.00 Six montht .60c TURTL (UNITED I'ltEXH LEAKED Willi: Aberdeen, Wash.. Sept. 16. Two! DAlLiT CAPITAL JOUIINAL, UAIiEM, OREGON, WHO SHALL BE POSTMASTER? It is very early to speculate about this matter and some of the candidates have got Into the field too early. Postmaster Farrar has given that office a very good ad ministration, .and may be left in for another term. Trjat would probably suit the department and would enable Mr, Farrar to close his public career in a graceful manner. As a pioneer business man he has little chance to get into any new business or get back into his old trade. Among others who are being considered are John W. Ro land, Frank B, Southwick and Hal D, Patton. Mr. Patton was a Statement No, One man in the last leg islature and kept his pledge and dops not pretend the party or people owe him an office for his loyalty to principle. The choice probably lies between Roland and Southwick If Mr, Hawley makes the selection and in his home city he will probably be permitted to do that. Still the postmaster chosen should not be too offensive to the United States senators from Oregon, as they will have to confirm, o ARE THE SUPREME COURT JUDGES IDLERS 7 A Portland paper editorially declares the Oregon supreme court Is given to taking long vacations and general indolence, Evon losing a case before that court (see Harlow vs, Oregonlan) ought not subject it to a slander in a public newspaper. As a matter of cold articulated fact, no body of men in the state, public or private, put In longer hours or work harder, Some of the judgos of the supreme court work Saturdays, New Years Day, Fourth of July, and nights. This is no exaggeration, as Chief Justice Moore lias beon away from his desk a day and a half in two years, Ho was off a half day at the Iowa picnic, and a day at the Masonic grand lodge during the past two years. Justlco Eakfn, who has served three years, was out of town three weeks in 1907, two weeks in 1908, and in 1909 ono week, Tho judges go to woik at 8 o'clock in the morning and quit at 6 o'clock, and often work evenings. Tho prosont court is composed of three Republicans and two Democrats and In July and August forty decisions were rendorod, Can tho Orogoninn show any court in tho United States that did any more work or dispatched any more business? Somo of tho cases wore of state-wide Importance, and many of thorn matttors that had been litigated for yoars in lowor courts, THE FIGHT FOR CONGRESSMAN. Indications are that tho politicians have their knives whet ted for tho scalp of Congressman Hawley. Tho Snlom Statosman printed an item from tho Dallas Ob server bringing out two Salem candidates. B. F. Mulkoy of Jackson county is Going groomed by tho southern Oregon people foi tho position. Wilbur K. Newell, prosident of the state board of horticul tuio, has been favorably talked of by some. Bon Jonos of Polk, Lincoln ncan't be beaten, dato of tho Statomont people and tho Indians, In all this aggregation of lalont tho Republican party may not forgot Mr, Hawley, who is a man of ability. But politics is politics, and tho man who cannot make good in two tonus has a war on his hands, If Mr, Hawley can land right with his bill for free locks and canal at Oregon City he cana't be beaten. In tho past tho man has won who could divido tho other follow s voto and ho may do that successfully, Anyway tho knives aro out and thero will bo some scalp ing done, NOW FOR WORK AT SEATTLE. Beginning Saturday Tho Capital Journal will got out a spe cial Seattle Fair odition of this paper, A largo special odition of Tho Capital Journal will bo print ed for free distribution at the Oregon building at the Seattle exposition. Tho Marion county roprosontntive at the Oregon building fttwmiwinnitiu - IDLE MONEY will earn interest in our ; ; Savings Department and ;; is available when wanted. ; I A good place for trust jj funds in the hands of Ad- ! ! minlstrators, Executors, Trustees and Guardians. ;; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ii Onlllo Wright to Fly. U'MTiw mixta muhmi wmr. ) Frnnkfott. Germany, Sopt. 16 Orvllle Wright, tho famous Atuorl eau uvlfttor, arrived hero today ana v il make a number of public flights. o It 8ml 1IU Leg. women and three men, composing nn automobllo party, aro suffering' from serious Injuries today as the result ) of an accident which befell them yes torday near Junction City, when the largo touring car In which they were riding turned turtle and pinned three of their number under tho heavy car. Tho party consisted of A. Town send, owner of a largo bakery here, and his wlfo; A. B, Wilson, manager of tho Pitclflo States Telephone & Telograph Company, and Mrs. Crow. When the accident occurred Town send and Mrs. Crow were thrown cloar of the machine. This undoubt edly caved tho lives of tho others, who, pinned beneath tho car, were unable to release tbemsolvco. Town send and Mrs. Crow, although them solves Injured, Anally managed to ex tricate the others. NOBODY KNOWS WHY HE WAS-ON FIRE ESCAPE UNITED WKHH I.RAHEI, WIIU.'. San Francisco, Sept. 15. Thero aro many questions which so far re main unanswered regarding tho pecu liar manner by which Judd Irwin, a prominent local clubman and capital ist, was shot whllo attempting to en tor tho Cashwllor apartments, by climbing up the flro oscnpe. It is designed for the man who appreciates a good suit but detests exaggeration. The Materials are Cheviots and Worsteds, in the new colorings of grays, blues and drabs. The price will sound familiar, for every store quotes them Suits, $10 to $30 The point where we win out is showing better suits at these prices than money ever bought before. The proof is showing you, not telling you. Will you stop in for a look? G. W. Johnson & Co. 1 41 N. Commercial St I is 1 1 J"rHBW-tja II tJbIVsB- u l LJmfWk W&Wmmm siislsls&GsB'IrHT'l V W SppHrKfHfpW rJcV I I r " will see to it that all callers at thfi Oraffnn hullrlinf? fnr thn following week will get a copy of this paper, Let us work from this time on to get the Seattle fair visit ors to come to Salem and locate in the Willamette valley. Give us your best news items, building items, and social news for The Saturday Journal, We want to make that paper bristle with cordiality and in terest and show that Salem is the livest and most progress ive city on the Pacific coast. HgId US to do this and brine in vmir raal flstatfi nrls for The Saturday Journal Friday, tveryuody help to make the Seattle Fair edition a hummer, iwifif)it)iect)iitiiiiimiiiHHi Salem Peed Barn BAYNE & SMITH, Proprietors HIGH-FLYER CURTISS COMING TO AMERICA Paris, Sept. 16. Glenn II. Curtlsr tho American aeronaut, who won tho Intornntlonal aup at Rhtlms, and the Grand Prize of JCOOO In tho nvla tlon moot at Ureicla. which has Just ended, Balled for New York City today. Deforo leaving for America he statwl that ho probably will partici pate In tho Hudson-Fulton celebra tion, whon a number of aviation con tests will bo held. are today confronted with another trlko. Refusing to work unless sovoral bosses and sub-bosses are discharged, 3000 forolgner throw down their tools today and quit work. Only last weok 5000 workmen re turned to tho plant after It had beon tied up for two months by a strike, which woo characterized by bloody rioting. HITCHCOCK ON HIS WAY TO THE COAST Chicago, Sopt. 1R. Postmaster- OoHornl Krank Hltohcock arrived hore today to nrrangu for numerous conferonoos for President Taft to morrow. The postmaster-gcnoral leave for Seattle at midnight to night. The pollco are taking unusual pre muttons to see that no harm befalls tli Pruftldent while he is Chlcago'o guest. STEEL CAR COMPANY FACES ANOTHER STRIKE Pittsburg Sept 15 The officials of the Pressed Steel Car Company The Mission Of thoso corpuscles In your blood that havo boon callod "Little Soldiers," Is to fight for you against tho dlsoase germs that constantly endanger your health. Theso corpuscles are mado healthy and strong by the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. This medicine is a combination ol more than SO different remedial ageuts in proportions and bv a process known only to ourselves and it has for thirty years been constantly proving Its worth. No substitute, none "juBt-aa-good." WINNIPEG TO HAVE MORE RAILROADS (UNITED I-IIEIB WAKED WUC Winnipeg, Sept. 1C William R. Clarke, financial manager of the AN herta & Great Western Waterway Hallway Company, who returned from Europe today, after a ten-months' stay, nnnounccd that ho had secured unough capital stock to begin Imme diate construction of tho lino from Edmonton to Fort McMurrny. According to Clark ho sold, whllo abroad I7.-I00.000 worth of stock, snd $7,000,000 In bonds. smallIeroplanes may prove the best 1 1 wtr.v i'nhhm ikam-I" wmr ) Paris. Sopt 16 Aoroplanlsts and their friends today nro discussing the possibility of a small aoroplano suc ceeding tho larger size, at prosont In use. following a successful demon stration by Santos Dumont recently. Diimout made a speed of 55 miles un hour In a machine weighing 269.6 pounds, including the pilot. o Tho ItemoVul Sale At Darr's Jewelry store will con tinue only a short time longer. lie among the hundreds who have takon advantago of the unusually low prlcos on diamonds, watches, cut glass. Jewelry, etc. No greater bargains will ever bo mado In Salem. Capacity for 300-horses. Waiting rooms open day and night. All Modern Equipments. SOUTH END BIG BRIDGE ON S. COMMERCIAL ST. Regular Feed Barn prices 10 and 15c, with your own feed. Best feed furnished at reasonable prices Electric Lighted and City Water Barn opens Monday, September 13th. h ifttnnit)iiiiif iiiiliaitlili A. M. CLOUGH U.VDKIITAKEII Graduate Embalmer 1 1.1 COUKT ST. Coroner of Marion County Salem, Oregon Office Phono 120 Main Residence -i Main ? nieijmnsinms)ij. BUCKINGHAM'S J PALACE OF SWEETS i (IU-d Cross Pharmacy) ! Ice Creams, Ices and ; Confectionery. ! FAMILIES SUPPLIED. ! fMS)SjltH)l nlllll)tllllli ELITE CAFE All thought I'd loso my leg."' wr'tei J. A Swenson. Watertown.l Wis "Ten years of ecsema, that 16 doctor- could not cure, had at last i liflMM .Ll.JSISm auiuwMm Best Services in the City The Popular Resort Lunch Counter Open All Night m cross PHARMACY Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines and Druggist's Sundries. Perfumery ,all popu lar odors. Toilet and Fancy Articles. Combs, Brushes, etc. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Central Office for Independent Long Dis tance Telephone Company. Salem Oregon 177 N. Com'l. Phone 144 1 r i x laid me up Then Iiucklon'a Arnlctt Salve curtd it sound aud well " In il i Capital National Bank ;; W. A. IRVIN, Prop. nmuia tor mm eruptions, ecsema. salt rheum bolls, fever sores, burnt X ocalda cuts and piles 35c at J C .-.a ..II or. . W rerry It CMsWts)f i f WH WW rftMH--M-HMrHrl