DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNA . BAWl OKK430N, WKDNH6DAY, SBFTEMBEB 18, 1900. "Tai ! i a in w ai i i mu Magnificent Showing of Tailored Suits The most swagger Tollorotl Gowns in Salem -are tailored from goods solected by us and mado by n largo Now York maker. The fabrics nro tho choicest wcavJti la mannish mix tures: Droadclotha, surges, chovlots, diagonals, otc, In a woalth of patterns and now colorings. Loaders of fashion pro nounco tho Btylo of those suits equal to tho best shown In tho Northwest. Tho coats aro quurtor to sovon-elghths long'ths; tho skirts are plain and pleated gored, with tho over popular Jot buttons much in ovldonco. Tho window display shows tho reality of this pen picture. GRAND SHOWING OF MILLINERY Paris-Amorlcan styles fresh from fashion's .garden shown In profusion In tho largo mllllnory salon on tho socond floor. Stnto Fair .visitors nro cordially Invited to nttond this grand exhibition of now Ideas worked togothor and blondod with plumes and foathors until ovory model shows a stylo of ox cluslveness that can bo found only at this store. McNEEL SISTERS. TOILET ARTICLE SALE OE NOTE Commencing toda at 1 o'clock and continuing until to morrow noon, we offer Toilet Articles far bolow their regular prices. Eastman's Talcum Powdor, 15c and 25c valuos, special.. 10c Uenzolu nnd Almond Cream, rogulnr 25c bottloe, spoclnl. .lfic Tooth Powder, regular 25c bottlos, special UJe French Ulco Faco Powdor, rogular 50c kind, Bpoclal 2.1c Savon Jeroflo and othor box soaps, rogular 25c kinds, box. 17c muss noons. lite kind i i.u .m mK . v.. i.h In Mannish Mlxturos. nr"" m .-..-iKes Chevron, Diago nals, otc our cuinpi'tin: i MtM roivo can oxplalu to our enlr tiiinf:ictli wli nhlu finished goon ur not tu fashion this Fall, and thoy can nlso explnln -rh7 out showing Is always up to date. UKKt-S GOODS SUCTION. KIMONA SILKS A glauco at those now pattom creations will conviuoe the most skoptlcal that our silk showing Is always nbronst with fashion. For tho want of spaco a word) dwtirlptlon is Impossible. Soo them at tho Silk Counter MM&PL& Af jMWMBWMWMMiaBifciurtfiaa 3m&jtji 3E3SE5 &LIj&s&. tuaw PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mre, D. W. Clearwater, of Portland, aro visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Molr. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Warflold, or Alsea, aro visiting Mrs. Warfleld's cousin, Mrs. H. O. Irvin, and seeing tho fair. John Steelhammor, of Woodburn, was In tho city today visiting friends and relatives and the fair. Frank Lewis and family returned to their homo In Portland last night, after a short visit to tho fair. Mrs. John Budding, of Corvalllu, arrived this morning to visit tho stata fair. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and family, of Clear Lake, are In tho city vUltlng old-timo friends and rel atives. They will romatn in Salem a week or so. Thoy aro former Sa eom residents, And have many friends horo. Miss Helen Jacobson, of Portland, is visiting at tho homo of Miss Inex Wheeler, In South Salem, Willis Holdor returned to Port land last night, aftor taking In tho sfato fair. D. L. Patrlckson, a well-known business man of Portland, was in the city yesterday, looking aftor business mattors and visiting tho fair. Mr. Patrlckson has attended tho state! fair for many yoaw, and takes much plcnsuro In sizing up tho stock shows. I Many people deludv) themselves by saying. "It will wear away," when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladdor trouble. This Is a mistake Take Foley's Kidney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It ourea backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and makes ev ery traco of pain, weakness and ur inary trouble disappear. J. 0. Per ry. 1 i ' Norwich Union Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent City Hall, Salem, Or. MONEY TO LOAN TI'OS. K. FORI) Over Lndd & Hush Ilnnk, Salem, Or. PIANO TUNING LUTKLLUS L. WOODS Tuning, pollsalng, repnlrlng. lei. 008 .i. NPW TODAY FOR 8ALE Sovornl houBes In Sa lem, and fnrm lands at a bargain. Capital National Dank. C-l-eod FOR RENT Threo rooms, nicely and newly furnished. Electric lights and tolephono; splendidly equipped bath and toilet, on sec ond floor; call in afternoons at 715 Conetr street, corner of Cot tage. 9-8-4t ' WANTED At onco, boys to soil pa pers during fair wcok. Apply at Journal office 9-11-1 COAL OIL, GASOLINE And Vins tolato delivered to prlvato famlllos In any quantity, to any pnrt of tho city. Starr Oil Co. Phono 1729. 9-15-tf 4M4H4I 111! lHlmHlHHH)l)HHHHH4 ! SOxlSO OLINOER.- I10RN. -To Mr. and Mrs. H. H. , t Choice lots, 50x150, at Meeker's; $100 and up; on J easv navments. J $2000 New bungalow, 6 rooms and basement; bath J with porcelain tub; hot and cold, water; electric lights. Lot ozx as. Two new modern bungalows for rent. ! MEYER & BELLE Land Company ! 437 State Street. Phone 857 f nejcca Ollngor, Tuesday, 1009, a son. September 14, DIED. VELEY. At tho family rosldenco on Fir street, In South Salem, at 3 o'clock this morning, of heart trouble, Mr. O. B. Voloy, ngod 7J yonrs. Mr. Voloy was a votoran of the Civil War, an old Grand Army man. Ho was a nativo of this stato, com ing to this stnto sovornl years ago. Two daughters and a son, bosldes his wife, survlvo him, tho wlfo bolng a roMdont of this city. Ono daughtor, Mrs. Mlnnlo Gun, resides In Portland, and the other daughtor and son ro- side In Minnesota. Tho funoral prop- aratlon havo not boon comploted, but will bo nnnounccd lator MAXWELL flit '&&Z JWMkw AwWftimm Iks "AliJP'lMH iHiH AUTO GARAGE When your nutomobllo re quires repairing or cloaulng nnd putting In tho host or der by skilled mochnnlcs who repair tiros or roset thorn for you so that you will bo satlstlod that you can safely uso your auto without fear that anything hns not been proporly at tended to. Our chargos nro as low as can bo mndo by first-class workman, nnd wo gunrnnteo satisfaction to our patrons. OPEN DAY AM) NIGHT Garage on Alley Back of Salem Board of Trade CITY NEWS Wcwtlier Forecast Fnlr tonight and Thumb?. i rou Are cordially roqtteetod to phone any Item of Intorost, such as a por onat about a frlond or yoursolf, to The Journal. Main 82. No Item too mall. DrttAfo Undertaking Varlor Cottago and Ohomekota 8ts. Calls ay or night. J. C. Sill. Phone 724. tawrul New Hoiimw For sale or reut. For price and verms nee Vogot Lumbor Company. Andorson8 Shop six barters, o-iou l 'or 8to Wood I And coal call 108. Company. Voget Lumbor Write Guy K. Allen Woods. Oregon, Hah for all kind of 9-l4-17t White Swim llnkcry Headquarters for buns. 319 N. Commeiclal. 9-14-3t Fiincml Notice Tho funoral of Mrs. Soeger, of South Salem, will bo hold from tho Gorman Kvnngollcnl church Thursday nt 2 p, m. Krliol lleglns Fall work at tho Capital Business College will bogln on Monday, Sep tember 30 . This school will ba crowded this winter, owing to the prevailing good buslnoss conditions. Tho school now has moro calls for compotont holp than It enn flit. Those who wish to hotter thotr surround ings should Investigate and arrange to enter early. Now a hort-hand claw on Monday. 9-15-41 Wlillo Attending Tho fair top lu and i V. 19. Shater's line line of blaukoU. robos and tho best single harness made.1 126 South Commercial street "Paid In Full" "Paid In Full." which held the A Clptr Par HAcollenoe boards at the Grand opera house last Is tho Taahmeo hand-made 13H-, night, was one of the boat that has cent cigar, and a product of the Sa-jVlslled the city lu a long time. The tern cigar faotory Try one or a Ia ( piu u uloun. wholosomo ami good, Corona, 10-ceut. or a Hon Ton at B and tho pin or exceptionally strong eontt. 'Tht stage nuttings wore unusually I tine, especially In tho third uot. Tho Adjourned Half u lUy Owlne this being Salem day at tho Uto fnlrt Judge Oalloway adjourned court this afternoon. Judgo Gallo way's Intentions before he opened eourt this week wus to adjourn every afternoon, but the number of cases now on hand would not permit him to take any time off. Suclvt Elm lu Kin doutscher taanu, 45 Jahr alt, eaund und abcltsam, von guten owohnholtou und holtermon Gem eth sucht olne Gattln Jungfrau odor Wltwo. nicht mehr als 40 bis 45 Jahr alt. Addresilra In Doutsch Poter Peter Rodelaberger, Hlllsboro, Or. 9-13-3w Try Crystttleta For the breath. For tale at: Myer's barber chop, Kokorlon'a. Wator's cigar ttora. Adolph'a cigar stora. Dick Madlaou'a. The 8pa. Wlltftinetta Hotel. Th rouncll. TalklnKtoa'a. Tue Court hnuBo xsus about an average for a good play tu Salem, which means that It was light. However, those who went got tho worth of their mon ey, und had a thoroughly onpoyablo evening. Tho Journal takes pleasuro In commending the play nnd players. May Start MIIIh llorv As a result of tho monster flour mill belonging to the Portland Flour lug Mlllls Company bolng a total loss by lire thtt morning, a probability Is now In sight for future heavy opora tlonB of tho Saom Flouring Mills. Al though tho Salem Flouring Mills la a separato firm from the Portland Flouring Mills In the vlolnlty. n largo bulk of tho work formerly done by the Portland mills will probrfblo bo turned ovur to tho local mills. Tho Salem mils aro among tho finest on tho const Wlilto Mnnu linker)' For anything in tho bnkory lino. 319 N Commercial. 9-14-3t Faked it Hold-Up Storj Two traveling salesmen, who ovl doutly over-run thulr oxponso ac count while In this city, muilo a wide stall lu order to put tho minds of Interested parties til ease by claiming they wero hold up und robbed at the corner of Ferry und Liberty streets last Monday evening. It hupponed, however, that Night Officer Jory, while standing Just across tho streot from the plnco whero tho would-be victims claimed tho hold-up occurred, saw them pass up Ferry streot towurd tho Willamette hotel. Tho officer then went around to tho Whlto House lestaurant to order his midnight meal and upon entering tho eating house he was Informed that an officer was In groat need at tho Hotel Willamette. Officer Jory wont around to the hos telry us soon as possible thinking ftomothlng serious had occurred, nnd when ho arrived ho was confronted by the snmo two men he had soon pass ing up Furry street who claimed they hud been held up. They could uot work tholr little scheme on Officer Jory, however, as ho recognized them Imuittdlutoly und after thoy had told their story hejiuvo them u little good advlco about bolng so reckless with the rubbing story Such fellows as these do not desorvo protection from tho police It thoy should actually got In troublo, us assertions of the phony stylo not only cause the police much troublo at times, providing tho story goos with tho officers, but ulso places n bad reputation on the city. SENATOR BAILEY WILL ANSWER BRYAN aT32!'EgB!3M Fall-Footwear The gauge of Nero's drunkenness was n tlnoly wrought Intaglio ring. When ho could not see the figures on (united run uuud wisa. Dallas, Tox., Sept. 15. Sonator Baltcy declared today that ha will answer Dryan'a attack mado on htm, vhen he speaks at Dallas next Satur day evening. Last week Dryan spoko here and duilng hla address he scored the Texas delegation for voting a dutv on hides. He denounced their ao t'ous as a violation of the part platform an an aid to Cannonlsm, The speech was consderod a dl itct cballongo to Oalloy at the time by tho state politicians, and aa such It was taken by the Texas senator. With the new fall togs, new shoes are absolutely necessary. We are showing new and exclusive styles in shoes for ladies, gentlemen and misses which will meet with the ap proval of the most discriminating. c C J ' We Keep the Quality Up SALEM SHOE STORE F. P. BEAN H. C. PUGH it he knew he waa drunk. V