Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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' 7
With grand opern this Snturduy
evening Snlcm has n bright mld-sum-mcr
penbon closing and the socint
on8on opening with a musical bank
of unusual proportions. The grHit
number of people stilt' at the son
Ride, at the Seattle fair and In the
mountnlns, there will not be as bril
liant an nudlencc, In a social way,
as would be the case later In the fall
or winter. But this city Is certainly
favored t have an Italian opera pre
fented by bo largo a company as tho
International Opera Company, of
New York, which plays only In the
largest cities of tbn United Stntps,
and Is dropped off here mora by ac
cident than otherwise. May tho ac
cident bo a fortninate ono for all con
Mimical Comedy Coming.
Salem 1b to bo given a rare treat
next Thursday and Fr'dny nlghtu,
September 9-10, when locnl talent
will presenr"Sablno Hoonelt" at tho
opera houso for the benefit of the
public library.
"Sabine Haenelt" l a musical com
edy In three nets, by Mr. and. A. L.
. Knorr, and the story Is very amus
ing. It doals with an American
opera company financially omba
(r, rasned In Turkey, nnd tho comedy
chnrncters nro played by Mr. Cyrus
Pr'co and Toots Perkins, well-known
fun-mnkers. They keep tho laugh
going all evening. Mrs. Gretchon
Knorr plnys the rollo of "Sabine
Haenelt." tho American girl.
Mr. Will Mott, ns tho Yankee
"John nurns," takes tho part splen
didly, and his rich barltono voice will
bo heard ln several numbers. Mr.
Hob. Moltfctyro, tho.wpllknown tonor,
plays tile Turkish ofneer, arid has
Sumo pretty solos. Miss Adnllne
Melring i very attractive and prettty
as his swoothonrt, nnd Mnrgaret Os.
trandor. an the Dutch girl "Lena." Is
very clever.
t Thf song numbera Includo "I Won
der Who's Kissing Her Now." "When
You Stonl n Klw or Two." "Love Me
Jut Docauto." "Stelnle." "Whistle f
You Want Me. Dear." "Pony Boy,"
"Tolephono Song." "Its Hard to Find
r Real Nlco Man." "I'm no Stingy
Romeo" and many others, some of
which pre Mrs KnorrV composition.
Mips Lo'a DeLong nnd Zoo Olmstond
hnvo vory pretty numbers, and you
should seeMls Loulo Thompson and
Virgil Lloyd In tholr skotch.
Tho pony ballot Includos Constance
Cnrtwright, Prlscllln Fleming. Luclk
Stnlov. Iza McGllchrlst. Emmnllnn
Kluno and Gonov'ovo Frnzler, all very
rrotty and gracomi gins. inoe '" j
th broiler chorus nro Mows. Robert j
Paulu. Virgil Lloyd, Abble Grnbor,
Edgar Sherman. Clifford Hedrlok,,
Albert Shorf. James McGllchrlst, i
John Glffory, Bob Price. Holcomu
and Mlies Eugenln Hne. i.oin i;SiS Loeeon." Leroy.Es&an.
Long. 7m. Olmstead. Myrtle MonUj
gomory. Hazel Downing. Alta Ait
mnn, Vera Martin and Maude Diir
bln. A Memorable Occasion.
A vory ploasant surprise was giv
en to the venerable Nathan T. Pick
ett, at his home on Maple avenue. In
North Salem, nsi he was passing his
80th mile stine In the Journey of
life, August 31. 1909, when he was
literally burled by his daughter,
w ffiry fcJttbK&. eaia& F m
will not Interfere with your work or occupation. Ml teal M rear mm 4 taint, tell me bow yen
offer If you wtih, and 1 will lend you the treatment for your oaae. entirely f ree4n plain wrap
per, by return maU I will alo send you frn l ml my book--"VMUJn tM MfMUl Mf Ml" with
(jxplanatorr Uluitrattona (howUf whr woman suffer, and bow they can eaelly cure themaelrte
at home. Erery woman should hare It. and learn to aUtwawuM. Then when the doctor eaye
"You must hare an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women haTe eurul
themselres with my home remedy. It cures ill (14 r nut. Ts MslWrt : luftlen, I will explain a
simple home truttment which speedily and aflectuaUr cure Leucorrhoea, Uretn Blckneaaand
Painful or IrreruUr Henstruation In youn j Uulles, Plumpness and health always results from
Its use.
I Whererer you lire. I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will clad!?
teUajiysiiSerertbattlxiileBaTnitMilreaUrcstifaUwomea'sdIaeases.aiutiDaKbawoariiwrii i"-v " ........, ..-wv..-v
ttroaf, plump and robcut. H u4 ai mr aMmt, and the free tendaj'strtatmectUycun.aiJ J Phlco. California, when UD asalnst
the took. Write to-day. a you may no see thl offer acaln. Addres 'I. ,. , ... ....
ysa m tiiMUFBB BmU - - Notra Dame. Ind.. U. 8. A. i horses with splendid records. It is
tell any sufferer that this lut Tmtatit really cant
Mrs. C It. Scott, beneath a shower
of 290 birthday post cards, 10 let
ters of greeting, and ono telegraphic
message from his six children In Ave
states, and his many friends of tho
past and pretcnt, representing 10
states, irom Indiana to Washington,
congratulating h'lm on hlB safe ar
rlval at the -ctegennrlan cycle.
Some years ngo his aged spoubc,
who has traveled with him 57 years
In lira's- Journey, conceived the sur
prise, and, conlTdlng It to tholr
daughter, Mrs. Scott, who, entering
zealously into the plan, has been the
presiding genius that brought the
event to such a happy consummation.
Some very unique specimens arc to
bo found in the over 300 greetings,
a few of which are worthy of men
tion. Many of tho post cards had
tho picture of t' sender on the
fnco side, one of which was the hap
py. Joy-beaming countenance of an
old darkey that used to work for
Mr. Plckott In tho long ago. Another
was a 3000-word typowrltter lottor
of reminiscences from a friend of 40
years ago, giving a brlof historical
synopsi- of tho events happening in
Mr. Pickett's old neighborhood home
In Indlnnn. Another telegram from
a railroading nephew In California.
j Several of tho greetings nro original
poems, ono from an aged minister,
IiIb former pastor, But tho most
prized of all was n poem by his wlfo,
a masterpiece of its kind. What a
hoBt of mcmrrles of tho past roust
flood and cheer the souls of Mr. and
Mrs. Pickett, ns those over 300 greet
ings, some of thorn covering a sepa
ration of ovor 40 years are read aa
Sunday School Convention.
An Interesting little program has
been prepared for tho Hayesville dis
trict Sunday school convention, to
bo 'hold nt Auburn", three miles enst
of this city, on Sunday, September
19 Tho officers nre: Fred McMil
lan, president; G. G. Looney, vice
president; nusscll Kolzer, secretary
troasuror. Each school represented
b to bring a properly written roport
to the convention. Tho day will be
ipont as follews:
10:00 Devotional service. Con
cert reading, Im, 66:1-13.
10:26 "Progroiw of S. S. Work
In Marian County." J. J. Swnrtz.
10: -15 Song, Itlekoy.
10:60 "All In Lino for Temper
ance," Pruitlniul.
11:10 Song. Hnzel Green.
11:16 "Pinhloms Facing the
Hoy." Clear Lake.
11:16 DIkoumIoii.
1 : 55--Soug, Convention.
12:00 Bosket d'nner,
1:30 -Song, convention.
1:36 Business (.ofin'-n Reports
0f schools.
i:65Addres. "Moetlng the Dlt-
ncuUleg of s, s work."
2:20 Questions on above.
: 0 Song, Hnyosvllle.
i:U "Arousing interest in the
2:66 Song, Bethel.
8:00 "Tho Superintendent and
Ills School." superintendents.
3:26 Song, convention.
3:30 Adjournment.
Don not envy but pity the roan
who o master ! money.
Plutocracy In power Is bad enough
but when reinforced by Privilege U
heroni' s Intolerable to men who de
serve to be free.
Free to You and Every Sister uf
erlng from Woman's Ailments.
I am iromui,
I know womu'i saffertoce. v.
a ot iousa wo ear.
this cure ft, taj reader, for youraetf. your
daughter, jour mother, or yourauter. 1 want to
tell you bow to our yourMlTea at horns with
out the holpoi a doctor. Men teaatl undtmtatd
women' iufferinr. What we women know traa
uttUtc$, we know better than any doctor, i
know that my'hosne treatment 1 safe axd ture
cure for iMttatoM at WeHb eltcauft. Wctrttbs. tu
lettaeai f f tMat (I 8m Seat, tnlu, ktiff m ftkM
KrMe, Maris ar tnitea TwMrt, er trwfct; the mh I
. keU u4 bemlt. Mrif im bUat, Mnwwi,
cmlaf hteai o m hIm. atluUelf, tube It irj.Ul
fltttot. ruiteHi, Uawf . ui UtUi traeMee tut uiui
kf MtteMMl Me(il to uur ex
I want to aeod you a taatbU It aw't btitaMl
tt&ttr Im to prore to you that you can cure
all women's diseases, and makea women well
youraeu at noma, easily, quicciy ana
urely. Bemember, that.H till Mil r ataiaf to
rtTethe treatment a complete trUl; and If yen
lleentaaweek or leaa than two cent a Amy. It
Many Improvements Are Made
That Make It One of the
Finest In the United
The Improvements at and tho
beautifying of the stato fair grounds
art now practically completed. For
tho pnst week Salem plumbors havo
been installing the toilets In 'tho
bungalow, the now building con
structed this year for tho accommo
dation of visitors, and by noxt Fri
day tho workmen will havo tho neat
resting cottage ready for occupancy.
This Is one of the most Important
Improvements made at tho fair
grounds. In ono compartment thore
has been arranged a room for lndlce
only, where thoy may sit down and
rest, and, should tho wcathor require
It, a flro can bo built in a largo corn
fortablc-looklng flrcplaco in ono end
of tho room. Tho nursery Is another
gient convenience, which will bo
turned over to tho many mothors who
bring their children to tho fnlr. A
gentleman's waiting nnd rostlng room
hns been provided, whoro nowspapors
will bo provided. Directly off from
tho gentleman's resting room Is a
shoe shining chair, which has boon
set wp in a small room, and thoro
will bo a man engaged who will look
after tho wants of tho men visitors.
In tho ladles' apartment tho board
hnB engaged a matron to conduct
that place and make things as com
fortable ns possible for tho tired wo
men nnd children who stop at tho
bungalow to rest during tho long
day of sightseeing.
The cemflnt workers havo now be
gan on the entrance or now adminis
tration building. Tho only work
now remaining to comploto tho hnnd
omo t-tructure is covorlng tho out
side with a coat of cement. This la
over hnlf finished, nnd by noxt Fri
day, two days boforo tho oponlng of
the fnlr, tho workmen will ho througn
nnd tho new turnstiles will bo set In
plnco. Tho wiring, of tho now ad
ministration building hns all booh
completed, nnd Monday ovonlng, tho
13th, it will bo lighted with hun
dreds of electric lights.
Thoro remnlns btit.n fow rods of
plpo to bo connected boforo tho now
sower will bo In commission. By noxt
Thursday the water will bo turned
on .and tho fnlr grounds will then bo
oqulpped with a serviceable sowor
Tho South6rn Pacific Company has
fulfilled Its part of tho improvements
by constructing a new switch two
blocks long, around tho north side
of tho grounds. For a tlmo it was
thought that tho switch would not bo
constructed' this yonr, but by noxt
Tuesday tho railroad workers will
have It In order for tho. handling of
live s'tock oxhlblts, nnd othor ship
ments for tho fair,
Everything Is quiet as yet around
the pnvlllon, with tho exception of a
few docorators working on tho Polk
county oxhlblt. This is tho only ooun
ty tnk'ng action In Installing tholr
oxhlblts so far this year, nnd when
Polk hnf ItB apartments flnlshod It
will bo ono to stop and look at, as
some of the finest oxhlblts ovor shown
nt tho state fnlr havo boon collected
by Pplk county. It has not been de
cided what will be dono with thoi
Marlon county booth as yet, but It
Is probable that a candy or refresh
ment concern will tnko t over, or
possibly another county would pro
fer'to establish an exhibit In tho va
cant location. The counties which
will not bo represented this year aro
Lane, Marlon and Columbia.
Judging from the records the
horses aro making every day In
Cnllforn'n, at the dlfforont fairs and
race metis, and tho manner In which
tho local horsemen are driving their
racer; around Lone Oak track, the
state fair will have an exceptionally
fast meet this season. Salem horse
men and enthusiasts who attended
the races laBt year at the fair will
remembor the bay pacer former
ly belonging to Dr. V. 8. Mott. of
this city, called "Zombronut." but
now the property of Porter Bros.,
d'stlngulshed as being among tho
largest horse owners In the North
west For the past week "Zombro
nut" has been making the southern
peoplo sit up and take notice. In
Sacramento he won a race In three
straight heati, making a new mark I
of 2:114. He has also been winning
places in Pleasanton, Woodland and
predicted that "Zombronut" will
ovon boat his recent rocord when ho
races on tho Lono Oak track, tho
fastest on tho const,
Aumervlllo Noted.
Tho Speer-MUler Lumber Company
Is moving In tho snwmlll machinery
recently purchnsod of D. F. East
burn nnd Is erecting a lnrge mill
on East Main street, which will soon
bo In operation.
W. W. Perkins, of Gold Creek. Is I
In tnwn. lnnlrlncr nffnt Vmnlnnac Inlnr. I
Tlinrn Ilk anmn nrnenaftt nf tnetnll-
.. v " mm.v llvuJi;Vi V lUOlUII'i
lng an electric light plant In this1
Many of tho farmers and 'tholr
families nro leaving for tho hop yards
Tho pruno growors report an enor
mous output of prunes this season,
John Crum and L. O. Eastburn
mndo a flying trip to Portland Wed
nesday. L. R, Randall and wife, of Tallman,
wore visiting tho InttoT's 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kirkpntrlc, over
Mrs. Cockorllno, of Medford, Is
horo visiting Mrs. D. E. Swank.
Thoro wob an lco cream social at
tho auburbnn homo of Rev. D. Mcln
turff on last Tuesday ovenlng. A
general good tlmo 1b reported.
ChnB, Ransom la erecting a modern
bungalow on his lots In tho Mcrrlfleld
MIsb Sadlo Davis 1b hero from Kan
sas, visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Davis.
A number of our townspeople, con
sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Colvln,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Lewis, Mr and
Mrs Frank Rahn, Dr. and Mrs. Cole,
O. A. Pound, J. Dally, W. Ctam, B.
Spoor and O. V. Darby, woro In at
tondanco at tho Sclo fair this week.
Tho public school building is bolng
treated to a now coat of paint on the
Mr. T. J. Arthur hos Joined her
husband horo, and they havo set up .
housokocping In town.
Miss Lotha Hamilton, of Portland,,
haB boon visiting hor mother, Mrs.
D. W. Smith, tho past week, return
ing homo Monday morning.
Mrs. II. C. Porter returned from .
Newport last 8aturduy, from an eight
woeks' autlng
Mrs. A. B. Griffith and children,
SU-n nlilcli wo will
Commercial and State Sts.
y?3 ,
J.S0W., i
ALCOHOL 3 I'R ii i'Ui
Ac aWelYcraralionlorAs-slmlaitoihcfhodarclRcdula-llngllic
Siontachs oni'Dow-lsor
Promotes DigestionJCfcfrftil
Opium-Morphlnc nor Mineral
t Narcotic.
si IHlass ,
W, J
niyl'a Sod"
Ar.erfeet Remedy for Cowdf
( lott . Sour SmttucIi.Dlarrhxa;
Worms jCoivvulsJonsfoTrish-J
ncss cndLoss OTSleep.
. ftcSWIc Stfnnhirt of
lunrantccd undcrtiic tbo
Exact Copy of Wrapptx.
who havo boon visiting relatives in
Nebraska, returned lost week.
Mr. Sutton, of Idaho, Is yfelUag
n,s BOn A. Sutton.
O. H. Gilbert, manager of tho Pa-
clflo States Tolophono Companr, was
visiting rolatlvoa over Sunday.
Mrs. D. L. Eastburn and daughter,
Mrs. Will Myors, aro home from Wll-
holt Snrlnics
Thomns Johnson, with his brother
and family from the Bast, have gone
to Newport for an outing. XX
mi i
JassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHwW B
Wwh " SaaH
BBBK '- k3f' ' T TSBbbBbI
carry In Mock after September lot,
ing prlcen:
$ .95
40 ..
CO .,
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TMteiirruaaeMntrr, teaeTr
Mr. Edward Keene, who Is tale
man at tho Spencer Hardware Oe
pnny, has roturned from at toad lag
tho Linn county fair, held at Bele,
And says It was a great aveeess.
- - o
Tho fact that tho old route across
tho Bantlam was a bad one will prove
a fine thing for Lebanon, taklsg the
rond through that city. Deaoerat.
with their hell
: $ .90
ft Vv
sfr Ait
WW "- -W BWW-a - -,.,y - 9 ,