DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEJL OHEGOrf, FRIDAY, 8KITEMHEK , 1000. f HALF-MINUTE STORE TALK Lota of people hare aa Idea that putting a guarantee on our merchandise la a risky taMineM. but It Ua't: we doa't sell risky goods, our are quality merchandise aad Uteve's m risk In either 1 buying or selling that Mad. HALLBUR6 LADIES . FURNISHING GRAND OPERA HOUSE SPECIAL mireu nnmiriAV. Mar. VI livlllh RATES TO JOHN F. OORDRAY, Mgr. S&S Mi fl lis New Oregon Coats for Girls With Oregon buttons, made to oar orfer exclusively br a large New York maker. These coats comprise all the clasateat style sneh as are -worn by Easter gfrte. besides having high grade tailoring and the beet of find ings and Malaga ased throughout In making Unite seats. Ther are cut frcw pieea-dyed selected fabrics. This tore shows then exclusively for this s'aie. ReadyfoWear Section R. C Hallherg will opes at Salem Saturday a aaodern and up-to-date ladles and ehlldraa's turalthiag goods store la the north room of the Catlls & Lisa block, on Liberty street. Handsome. dtut-proof suit and ralllnery cases will keen the stock lc prfect order, and all the shelTlsg i Box Office and fittings bare been made for tbs purpose of rendering the best service to the trade. The beet trimmers and fitting ex perts from Salem and Portland are employed, under the direction of Mrs. Hallberg Fitting rooms for trying on new suits and dresses and all accessories are In keeping with the new establishment. The HallbergB display a large new Mock that the readers of this paper One Night of Grand Opera Saturday Evening, Sept. i W. A. Edwards Presents The International Grand Opera Co. 100 Principals, Chorus, Superb Or chestra, Complete Scenic and Costumed Productions. Prices Box seats, $2.30; Entire Lower Floor, $2.00, Balcony, First S Rows, 2.00; Balcony. Last 2 Rows, J1.60; Caller'. $1. Seats on sale at STATE FAIR All Roads Lead to Salem Dur ing Fair Week and All Will Give Reduced Rates. NEW TODAY WANTED An experienced wait ress at Cottage Hotel 9-l-3t j rOR SALE Sovoral houses in Sa lotn, and farm lands at a bargain. Capital National Bank. 6-1-eod PONT" FAIL-TO ?EE Charlie's life savers work at 10S South Com mercial street. 9-3-3 $5.00--$5.00--$ 5.00-$ 5.00-$ 5.00 GRAND CLEAN-UP All Linen. Khaki. Lawn anDlnilty SulU and Dresses, values reg ular!) selling up to $20 00. At the low priee we have placed on these goods they will cause sum sensational shopping because It Is to every woman's advantage to buy now and lay thorn away until next season Kenowher, your choice for $5.00 will bo interested in seeing, and ths opening day will be especially given UP to receiving callers, and showing off the new ladles' and children's store on Liberty street Tli) in imt all t tats week A i.rgiiv and a good for state fair . Remnants To-day Only Kvi (hurt iw and odds and -ii is in- placed on sal? at pxactly HALF PRICE &ffl&JXJ(ec -j-fr lliaj ! Mil II 11 I II I ixcnnnrrA. rrnx u or Its value. The value of the wheel being reduced also reduced tho pun I'hment. making it simply petty .lar ceny. Lincoln County High School For Information In regard to Lin coln eottnty high school. Stenog raphy, typewriting, vocal and Instru mental masfc. manual training. Rent of furnished cottages, ooet of living addreas Prof. Wilbur, Newport. Or. Will Pill Ixnr Land After making an extensive surrey along the Brooks-liowell Prairie road leading oast of Brooks through Lake I.ablh. the eounty court decided yes terday to remove the old tumble down bridge spanning the extremely n. h low land in lake I -a Wish and MM ih place In. The fill will lie nihde with material taken from a hill4 I lnSr by. PERSONAL MENTION -!, L U Ly aV sV A L V ffi Mrs. Hawk and daughter Mlwt Pearl Hawk have gone to Newport for an outing. Mrs. Geo. J. Battey of Highland has been quite 111 and is at the home of Mrs. Bowerman on Leslie street. J. A. Bexcll, financial and busi ness secretary of the Oregon agricul tural college, Is In the city on busi ness. Midshipman Tam Catch of Annap olis naval academy Is making a visit to his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claud Galch. Mies Alice A. Langley loft last night for Oregon City to visit her sister, Jirs. It. J. Smith for a few days. Sim Llndsey, the nice horse man, The Oregon Electric announced today that it would establish n spe cial rate for fair week over tholr linos from Portland to Salem. Thoy wll' give the traveling public the benefit of the fare and one-third rate round trip Owing to the Oregon Electric having a stopping station at High land, tho fair visitors can leavo tho cars there, and then It is but a short walk to tho entrance of tho state fair grounds. Tho Oregon Electric line will prove a groat convenience to tho traveling public during fair wMk. as many Portlnnd business men can make a visit to the fair and re turn tho some day, without tho ne cessity of hurrying to catch nny par ticular train M6re trnlns will he added on the electric lino, and tho company Is making preparations to handle the fair crowd with Ilttlo or no discomfort in crowding. Th Southern Pacific railroad will also give a special rato oror Its linos to Salem during fair wook. tho snmo WANTED A few more hop plokera at Englewood hop ranch, l ml'e northoast of asylum. C. T. Lange Phone Farmers' 41x3. 9-3-2t CANNING PEACHES I am readv t take orders for Crawford peaches for canning. Drop card 494 Mill stroot. Salem. Mark H. Savage S-27-tf PARTIES Wishing to board stu dontB from the Capital Business Collog this fall are requested to notify the principal. A number of furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping will also b? noodod. Phone 388. 9-l-3t Is again In the city with a fine string rate will be In effect that Is over the of speeders. electric line. On Portland day tho DIED. WALKER. At tho family homo, in Donald, Oregon, Septombor 3. 1909. nt the age of throe years, the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Newton Walker. The remains will be brought to this city by Undortakor RIgdon and bttriod in Loo Mission comotery. CITY NEWS ! Weather I'lPti-aH Pair tonight anil Saturday. ma J"3o i en Hailed by th.. court, Commis sioner Beckwlth has nor boon ablo to lay his hands on It. but It he full to get that Pnnamn lint, which Is j much more olassy than those Corn I mUlouer Gouley or Judgo Bushey re- Tou I cently purchased, tho claim may bo Aro cordially rjBo4ted to phone taken to tho higher courts, and a pe any Item of Interest "Jh as PM miou ptosonted to tho county court sonal about a friend or yourself, to, . , , .... Tho Journal. Main 82. No Item too for " npproprlalon for further woar amall, t"K appurol, mioh u shoo strings, and . maybe n now pair of suspunders, niloti's llarlxr Shop die Ix-nl Anderson's Shop six harbors, 8-1 tf Free Public IKiurw nr Aii.m nrimiii. nt thu rttiivur. Try tVylIela ... .w,... ...... r-i....i.. a,. For tho breath sai unmioiiiuuu uuu niswuiiu u - ltHirl (it a (Ar Th city health boom or Portland Although the clam has.,, ,..1,1.... ni , km Whv. An 1 w ' " ' nutoraoblU licvMM-was istwed to that office thto moraiag aawher! 2290 for th ofMrrattoo of a hw fivo-pas-senger car. For sale- at: Myor 8 harbor shop, Kckerlon's. Water's cigar storo. Adolph's clgnr store. Dlak Mndlson's. Tho 8pn. Wllluinotto Hotel. Tho CotinclJ. Tnlklugtotm duty, with Its headquarters at Point Lome, Cul , will speak at the Mason I ije hall on Monday. Bepteiuher tl. at s I 'clock p in Tb.- piibllp In cordially 1 Jniltod 9-l-'-!t iCottAgo Umlcrtaking Parlor j Cottage and Chamokota Sta. Calls day or night. J. Q. am. I'bone 7St 1 A LlvHy Huuimny I A span of smalt black horsiM made rocord run last evening betON thoy could bo brought to a ta&dtlll The Ilttlo fallows beeame frlghtanttl while pumiliiK the City View eaiuetery. ou &Mith riimnierclal atreet, a the re sult of the toagu of the buggy be coming loose and dropping, letting the single tree strlka their heals. Thoy started m suddenly that tho driver oould not retain his bold on the linos, and ran down Commercial street u front of lllU's cigar storo they struok another rig. throwing both tho frightened animals to the yavomont Walter Johnson un hooked them from tho singletree Uey having run the entire distance without loosening a tug. ami they got to tnelr feet again. When examined by a veterinary this morning In Mr. Johnson's bam. It was touud that tneir tuna logs and retiock wure badly bruised from the ontlaual striking of tho alnglutreei. The team bolouga to Harding & Wbedllee. of tals city. Will Hnvo Cltuwy IJ1 - It la evident that Commissioner IlucUwItH 't Intondlug to "drs up" for fair week, utid perform hU duties as u oftlclnl around the stoak haras tu tho bust possible style. The tol k)wlug olalm, which was nlgned by tho county court today, appears In favor of "Dad" lleekwlth: "To caih that I am compelled to advance af terward for a hat that was advanced to me without advancing the eah an examination of the machine. It Heforo tho price advuucod In Pinv was found that $30 would oaslly cor The Court. Hop PlukluK Glov Leather hop ploktng glovofl 2Sc. Canvas S and 10c. TIih Golden Utile llasaur. Mr 11. T. Swnrt, prop., 271 Commercial street 9-3-2t Thu Auto Sklddwl I A big ml auto belonging to Nathan I Davidson WHde a show of Itself lant j night by sktddUig off to ono Bltlo of I the treet on State street, noar the irapUol building, and tho wheels craped so hard ugalnst tho curbing that un at tho heavy tiros was pried off. and a genernl bursting of In ner tuhos took place. Tho driver of the 111 u oh I no got busy with a'jsck. und toon had his machine In running onler again, but not boforo ho In serted a new Inner tube llmiiml Watohvu, cut gla8 and ovory ploco of Jewelry In tho splendid stock of Burr Bros. Jowolers at greatly re duced prlooa during tholr removal sale. Placed L'nilitr Itonil Chan. Hodl was arraigned be fore Justice of the Peaee Webster yesterday afternoon oa the charge of embezzling money from the school district. No. 1X9. In which he was dork, nnd after waiving examination Judgo Webster placed thu bonds at 11 600 and Hoedu! will await the ac tion of the grand Jury next. October. Hunk Wii" Too Murli Tho t wiin of Chan. Waters, a far mer residing north or this city, took fright at u passing automobile yes turdny aftornoon nnd ran away. The toil 111 whs Htuudlng In front of the liluukiimlth shop on North Commer cial street when as MHto pawed by und the driver Hounded hla horn. When the team wmt found agulu, having ran clear homo, nothing was left on them but a few pieces of ImrneM. The buggy "" eotiiplotely demolished. Is DohiH Nicely ifinrl Ilrodtne. the young man who had th misfortune to have both of his legs broken In an auto aooldont yesterday morning, la getting along Nicely today, ami the physicians think his ultimate recovery Is not as far off j Mr. and Mr. A. A. Armstrong, af ter a two months' vltit at Wllla mina, with their daughter, Mrs. Mc Namra, have returned home. Albert Franklin returned to his home In Tncoma last night after a pleaeant visit with Salem friends. Eugene It. Thomas of Clear Lake was In the city yesterday looking after business matters. John Itumach, a Por.land business man .was in the city yeaterday ac companied by his wife, this city, but of late years in the thl Mflty hut of late years In the ent, will occupy the pulpit at the First M. . ehuroh next Sunday. Dick Elder returnod to his home In this city Inst night after transact ing business In Portland for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Olsen left IsHt night for Itosoburg to visit with friends and rolatlvos for a week. Junius McEvoy nnd wife have Just returned from a much enjoyed out ing at several of Oregon's summer rosorts. Mr. nnd Mrs. McEvoy have boon to Beaver creek near Newport, and Mr. McEvoy is enthusiastic over this beautiful place. He says after tuklng a cold plunge every morning and then n tramp about the wonder land all day ho could return to camp in tho ovonlng and eat a few boxes of tacks and sleep tlk Hip Van Winkle. MARSHAL LASHED THREE WOMEN IHnllnl lff l.ii4 Wlr 1 Wesson, Mloh.. Sopt. 3. Thr women who wore arrested hero last night were given a lashing by the town marshal before they were al lowed to go tholr homes as a result of j n recent order he Issued Informing I women that they would be whipped I If eMiight loafing on the streets after o'clock In the eveumg , Great Indignation Is felt here be cause of the man's action and pub- j He sentiment ht arouswi against him ' O' steam road is going to mnko tbp faro from Portland to this city and re turn $1.50. The tranportntlon fa culties this year are far more favor able than last, and groat crowds of out of town visitors are expected to arrive dally. GLBASON. At the homo lu South Salem, Thursday, Soptomber 2, 1909. Oren Gloason, the 4-monthv old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Olenson The funeral will be held tomorrow, buftal at Lee Mission comotory. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frnnk Meredith, Ilosldcnt A Kent Boom l.'S, Ludd & lluih Bank Bldg. THE CLIFF HOUSE. AH newly fitted up. Clean nnd neat Cotrage and ten's for rent at Nye Creek The only perfect view of the ocean. W. I). WHEELEK, Prop. Newport. Oregon MONEY TO LOAN II'OS. K. FOHI) Over Ludd & Bush Hank, Snlem, Or. PIANO TUNING ' LLTELLUS L. WOODS I Tuning, pollsnlng, repairing, lei 60S 1 When! Kemiiliit Unchanged. Chleago. Sept. 3. Wheat hesitated at the opening, with May and Sep- us expected when first tuamlnod. The, tember higher, but w(th December y uuig mail Is suffering severely, ( Vic lower. Closing was mixed ic howovor, but Is bearing It stoloally. higher to Mc lower, with no change ! whatever 'n December, as compared Court Htiwt .Nearly FiiUhod. witn yeaterday'a price. Liverpool Tho paving of Court street will be mitned U to d higher, and closed computed by tomorrow night, giving Salem luiothor beautiful drtvoway. from Commercial to Twelfth It is probuhlo tho work on Llborty street and High will he tackled next, aud it will bo but a short tlmo until Sa lem's principal streets will all bo paved with the ver best pavement there is. Sixty Days in Jll Owing to .William Bulhok being but a boy, the authorltleTcfoalt rath-, Aa ll.t.ll.. ...III. t.1... ..A...J... .... w. Miiuir nun 111111 yi'iiuruiii. wnon i u 11 1 SJ CELEBRATE0Ct ,UI rot d lower to Id above yesterday MOTHERS should teach their little ones the daily use of some pood dentifrice and by so doing spare them much pain and annoyance Our claim tho Hit a super- r ; . .. " """"i CtLEDHAUD';r '" remedy in ue nau ins examination oororo Jus-, sr STOMACH v ua of tit Of the Peace Webster. For .DITTCDCI Appetite, crlmo of stealing a blcyclo from this' Q ELrvOsuk llrmlachv, city and taklug It to Cocvallls, whero lkX ' 'Hge-.tlou, ho attempted to soil It, of which he iifcv'Ww?, Jpep.I, ' was lounu guilty. Juiugo webiter mmkJltm CoHthcnevi 1 1 1 sentenced him to sorvo 60 days in "'WBHrJWr ,i miuh cteanses, presen'es ana Deau- the county Jnll. The prosocutlng ' -sKCr ha. neon posl- tlfieS the teeth, prevents tooth witness, young Davidson, plnced the J&mnT. Jt tivly t.roven Aon nnrl ,m,ric f value of tho wheel at $40. but. after .&tmmmM dmnciuao wry """ f " Fy r beroro ana iragrance to tne preatn. public jj Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Fall Shoes We have chosen the best of the new styles of the leading manufacturers, and Our Fall Lines show a distinctiveness which will commend them to careful dressers. OUR STYLES FOR LADIES show every novel effect which is commendable and appropriate to rilatch present styles in wearing apparel. OUR STYLES FOR GENTLEMEN are in new effects, both in shapes and details, and com prise those of extreme novelty for young men, and others on quieter lines for conservative wearers. Our repair work is second to none and better than most. ."We keep the quality up" Salem Shoe Store F. D. BEAN H. C. PUGII r -.7.;?IvriL:"ClsWi irx:rS5T7rr