,r DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1000. Classified Ads . Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent ft word tor first Insertion. One-bait cent a woid for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken or less tbin 25c. Ceunt lis word to tbe line. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Three first-class cow, giving milk. A. D. Pettyjohn, Sft lom. Route No. 3 9-5-lf FOR SALE A largo young bow, with six pigs. John Qlrardln, Turnct. Orogon. S-31-5t FOR SALE Cut roses at Hamilton Oroonbouse, Yow Park. Will be thoro afternoons only. 4-23-tt FOR SALE Good 1 H. P. Stavor Ifasollno onglno, cheap. Inqulro t 178 South Llborty St. 6-22-tf. FOR SALE A One mule. Ago 17 months. Address E. Schlndlor, Polk county, route No. 2. 8-31-tt FOR RENT. "WANTED Mammioth lilnckborry, Logan and Prlmusborry trans plants. Address Oregon Nursery company, Salem, Oro. 8-24-lmo. FOR SALE In Hlghlaud Add, nlco homo, 7 rooms, fine lawn, fruits and flowors. 2305 Elm live. 9-1-3 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cows. J. N. Robortions Vi miles south 0i Prlnglo school house. P. O. Tui nor, Or. Phone 45x2. 9-2-3t FOR SALE Tbrcolilng outflt, con sists of 20-Lorsopowor doublo cy linder onglno and 36-00 Reed's separator,' all of the latest mako. Thoro Is a Parcon's feeder. Por foctlon vclghor and Farmer's Frlond Ulowor. 1'rlco reasonable and torms easy Apply to J. J, Lnngmaclc, Albany. Home pnono 1852. D-21-Itf OTANDARD BRED STALLIONS for ealo, or will trado; flno 3-year-old registered staLdnrd brod stallion; best of brooding by dam and slro; will bo shown by Sam Casto at Stato Fair grouudi, Bnlom. Ad dross caro Journal offlco. 8-2-lm. WANTED. WANTED. 100 packers at the Sa eom Fruit Union. 9-1-31 WANTED Fifty mors hop plckors nt first yard wast of Asylum Apply at Ollsou's barber shop. 9-23t WANTED TEAM and wagon U haul 1C cord of wood from Urol san plaoo. J V WIUou. at Derby & Wilson's olllM 0-2-31 "WANTED. Pruno pickers 16c per bushol two weeks steady picking B. Cunningham. Phone Farmors' 111. 9-1-31 WANTED Mammoth blnokberry, Logan nnd Prlmusberry trans plants. Address Oregon Nursery Co., Snlom. Oregou. 8-24-lmo WANTED Flvo mon with toams to haul grav I, 4 to 4.50 por day. Flvo mon. city work, $2 por day. A. C. SMITH & CO.. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 644 STATE ST. WANTED To buy 5t) to 100 acres good laud. live to ton mites from Salem, partly under cultivation, with Improvements nnd somo fruit. Address, with decrlptlon and locution of land. "A C. D.." care Journal office 8-3 1-1 w LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY AND FEED STADLB8 Old Postolllce stables, at 254 For ry ctroot. botwoon Commercial mud Front. Telephone 188 Some of tho flnost Uvorlos In the. city jftti be found hero W. W. John son, tt MISCELLANEOUS. JAY Before you buy a range or fur niture of auy kind, call on the Owl now mid seooud-lwml store, S2C N. CoiuiuwroUl. . S-13'lm PHONE Vour orders for woodsnw lug to Main HO. Prompt aUen t'on. 8-31-lm V?Hh U)w rate on the railroad tho stato fair thU ywar promlso to have bigger crowds than over. -0-9- Uiiw'n This? Wo offer One ilundrod DolUr Re ward for any ease Qf Catarrh that cannot b cured by. Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. TolU. O. Vo, the undersigned, have Known K. J. Cheney for tho last 16 years, ttud bolleve him perfectly honorable Ja all business transactions nnd finan cially able to crry out any obliga tions made by his firm. WALbtNG. KINNAN. & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, no'.lnif directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by ull druggists. Toko Hull's Family Pills for constipation. LODGE DIRECTORY. UODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Codar Camp No. 6246. Meets ovory Thurnday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. A. E. Banber, V. C; F. A. Tumor, clerk WOODMEN OF WORLD Moot ov ory Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman hall A. L. Harvoy, C. C; L. II. Flotcher. Clerk. 1-10-09 PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first class work dono. I, D. Driver, 517 North Capital strt, Balom, Or. Phono 920. 0-2G-tf KENNEDY & PORTER 130 Llbor ty stroot. Phono 486. Doalors in Orogon Slonna (Salem -mado) paint, wallpapor and ull Interior furnishings. Painting, papering, and all manner of Interior work dono promptly In first class stylo at modorato prices. 8-C-tt BAKERS. CAPITAL BAKERS Bread, enko, plos, and nil klndo of pastries, cookies, etc. Watch for our wag on. Phono 964. Radock ft Smith. 11-19-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth moro than any othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocor's. California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooler, Props. DRAYMEN. R. O. CUMMINOS COMPANY All klndB oi transfer work dono. Fur nituro and pianos boxed roady for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto, Stand nnd ofllco at 263 South Commercial stroet. Phono 210; rosldonco phono 023. 3XPRI5S8 WAOON Will tnke orders nt nil hours. Furnlturo nnd plnno moving. Phono Mnlii 406. Fred Schlndlor, 306 Stato fit. S-12-tf BUSINESS CARDS. RUTTD & WBNDEROTH Flno wlnob, liquors and cigars. Wo han dlo tho eclobratod Kellogg nnd CaHtlo whloklos. Cool and re reading boor constantly on draught South Commercial St. 9-3-lyr WENOER & CIIERRINQTON Pia nos and orgatiB sold on easy tonus. Phono 1187. 247 N. Commorclnl stroot, Snlem, Or. tt SALEM WATER COMPANY Ofllco, city ball. For wutor sorvlco apply nt ofllco. Bills payablo monthly In advance G, F. MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Mlllnr street, South 8aom, manufacturers of nil kinds of boxes, c rat 03 and fruit dryer ac cessories. Phono 308, tf OSTEOPATH. DR, B. H, WHITE, OBtoopath and Norvo Specialist. Grad uate of the Amorlcnn School of Osteopathy, Klrknvlllo, Mo., lt)02. Post-graduntu and specialized In nervous diseases nt Los Angelos Collego 1909. Treats acute and chronic dlsonsoB. Consultation free. Office 17-18 Drey man Bldg. Phono 859. Rosldonco 34 0 North Capitol St.; phono 4 CO. 8-30-tf DOCTORS. l)lt. II. S. STONE, D. C, CHIRO PRACTOR Splno nnd norvo specialist. Rooms 4, 5, 0, D'Arcy building. Phono Main 87, Salem. Orogon. 4-28-tf PLUMBERS. TIIKO. M BARR Plumbing, hot wntor and Btoam heating nnd tin ning, 104 Comcrolnl stroot. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly OTTO MUHLLHAUPT Plumbing, heating. u'lng; prices reas onable; work guaranteed; est! intnoa furnished. Phono 373. 1060 Ckomsketa street. 4-17-tf TONSORIAL. II. 0. MEYER & CO -The best nnd largest shop In tho city. Blx first clas ' barbers. Only first clns bootblack in city; porcolnln baths, and everything portnlnlng to a first class shop. Also carry a full lino of cigars nnd tobacco and harbors' supplies. 162 Commercial street, next door to Sl&tcsmnn ofllco. 4-0-tf Xotlcu to Contractors. Notice U hereby given that scales bids will bo openod at a meeting ot tho Common Council, at Salem, Ore gon, to bo held on the 6th day ot September, 1909, for tho improve ment ot Llborty street, in said city, with Warren Brothers Ditullthlo Pavemont. from the south lino of Stnto street to tho south curb lino of 1 Ferry stroot. in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by i tho Common Council for said Im provements, and now on file in tho joltlco of tho city recorder. Date ot the first publication ot i this uotlce. the 31st day ot August, ' 1909. , By order of tho Common Council. . W. A. MOORE3. S-31-5t City Recorder, o I Tho now railroad from Falls City i w II furnish a special train ervic i during the state fair. LEBANON RESIDENCE BURNED Clyde Morrison Badly Burned, But Not Dangerously So. House and Contents Total Loss. A flro nt 3:30 o'clock last Sunday morning caused the ontlro destruction of the house nnd contents nt the southwest corner of Williams and Roso streets, occupied by Clyde Mor rison, wlfo and baby, tho occupants barely escaping with their lives. Tho flro was oaiiBod by the ex plosion of nn nlcohol stove which was used In heating milk for tho Infant. Mr. Morrlsan had arisen shortly before tho hour mentioned nnd lighted tho stove. It was noticed that tho nlcohol did not burn as uni formly as Is tho custom of this fluid. Within n short time tho stovo ex ploded, scattering tho burning con tents ull over tho room. Mr. Morrison was completely en veloped In tho flames, Wearing only his night clothes ho fell an easy prey to tho flro, and In n remarkably short tlmo was Bovoroly burned from his knees to nnd Including his face, the mttor bolug In such a state that the skin was literally peeled from his face. Whllo his body was badly burn ed, it did not suffer us badly as his faco. At first it was feared Mr. Morrison might have Inhaled tho flamo, but nu examination later dovolopod the fact that this 'wnti not the ouho. It Is not bolloved ho will bo scarred to any perceptible extent. Mrs, Morrison Had hor hands se verely burned In uttomptlng to ex tinguish the flnmes of the night gown of her husband Other than the hands Mrs. Morrison was not burned. REAL Here's Your Chance It Ir seldom that such an opportunity Is offered to get such cholco building lots on such easy terms ns thnt now bolug offored In the Miller block on South Commorclnl .stroot. A numbor ot prospective builders hnvo already Invested and you are ndvlsod to look this mnttor up at onco If you wish to resorvo one for yourself. Prices range from 4G0 to $050, on easy payments. Phono us nnd wo will cull with conveyance nnd show you tho proporty. Smith-Gillingham Company Room 5, McCornnck Uldg. Phono 90. COUPLE DIVORCED AGED 0NLY NINETEEN I I'nltwl 1'rws I.MMNI Wlr.l Seattle. Sept 3. With the pay ment of Jlo. ooo u cash and provid ing tor a trust fund of $30. one. Ed ward Uwe Jr.. son of IMwurd l.owo. multi-millionaire of Ciraiul UapliU. Mich., was today granted an ubeolule divorce from his wife, :atheilue Uwe, by Judge Irwin In ihe n-innlor court at MuHteeano. Mr. and Mis. Uiwe are each 19 years of air a. The allegation upoir which I.swe brought suit and which was not de nied by Mra. l.owo. was lueoinitatlbll Ity of temper. o KIIU WouM-Ue Slayer. A merciless murderer Is appendi citis with many victims. Out Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills kill it by pro vcntlvn. They gently stimulate tho stomach. (Ivor and bowels, prevent ing that dogging that Invitee ap poudlcltls. curing constipation, bll tlousness, chills, malaria, headache ry's. and indigestion. 25c at J. C. Per o Father You novor heard of a man getting Into trouble by following a good example. Son Yos. sir, I have -tho countorfoltor. Boston Traus- scrltp A SpruliHHl Ankle. Ah usually treated a sprained ankle will dlsablo tho injured person for a month or more, but by npplylug Chamberlain's Liniment and observ ing tho directions with each bottle faithfully, a euro muy. in most cases, bo effected in loss than one week's, time. This liniment Is n most re markable preparation; try it for a sprain or a bruise, or whon laid up with chroulc or musoular rheumatism and you aro certain to be delighted with the prompt relief which it af fords For sale by all good drug- KIS18 which was a mirnclo under the cir cumstances. In escaping from tho houso tho oc cupants practically walked through fire. Tho baby escaped without any Injury whntevor, which was most providential. An alarm of flro was sounded and the flro department nnd many citi zens responded, but were powerless to save either tho house or contents, the flro having gained such headwny. Within n fow minutes all that was loft of tho rosldonco was aheap of ashes nnd n few charred timbers. Tho housu wns owned by Joseph Butler. It was valued nt $1000 nnd wns Insured for $550 In tho Oregon Flro Relief Association. No Insurn'nco was carrlodon tho contents. Lebnnon Express. o It's a pity when sick ones drug tho stomach or stimulate the heart and kidney. That is all wrong. A weak stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And this Is also trua of the hoart and kidneys, Tho weak norves aro Instead crying out for holp. This explains why Dr. Shoop's Restorative Is promptly helping stomach, heart and kidney ailments, The Restora- I tlve reaches out for tho actual causa of these ailments tho falling "In Bldo nerves." Anyway test tho Re st irntlvo 48 hours. It won't euro bo soon as that, but you will surely know that help 's coming. Sold by Capital Drug Store. . o Patnon Hnv.o you pigs' feet? Walt or No, air; It's n bunion makes mo wnlk that wny o It Saved Ills Leg. ill II At t- .. aii mougni l u ioso my log, wrltos J. A. Swenson, Watortowu, wis. -Ton years or eczema, mni id . MUUIUII. LUUIU UUl UUIU, 11UU lib IUDL laid mo up. Thon Bucklon's Arnica Salve cured It sound and well." In fnlllblo for skin eruptions, eczema, salt rheum, bolls, fever soros, burns, senilis, cuts and pilot, 25c at J. O. Perry's. o Gladys So you'vo sent Horbert about IiIk business, hnve yiu? Mny belle Yos. Ihit I have since usod the re call on him. Ot-illlrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A ESTATE NEWS I I BARGAINS IX REAL ESTATE. 200 acres, 170, acres hi cultivation, balanco timber, good now 7-room houso, two barns, lots ot fruit, all flno land. S Vfc mlloi from railroad town, on good road, Is a good home; n snap, SOS per acre; easy terms. 50 acres, extra fine land, all In cul tivated, new 0-roem houso. larsc bare, fruit, etc.. on road one-ball mile from statlou oa new rail road; this place mu.t be seen to be appreciated: only $5,600. 9 acros, fine new house, barn, etc, wolt fenced, less than ono ratio from Salem, buildings all new, cost ovor $25, all goes tor $3,000. Houses la all parts of Salem from JC00 to $6,000. Lots in all parts of Salem. It you are looking tor a home or for Investment, be sure and see A. C. SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Employment Offlqe I . .544 State St. Phone 1507... Mayor Rodgers Is' making an ener getic effort to secure a visit to the Capital City from President Taft when ho passes through Oregon. O M. - A llurgljr In Town Ilia nnniD la "hail MViph " Tfo firms ml care for gold or sliver but ho1 w'll steal your health away. If he, appears In your house arrest htm at ; once with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it may mean consumption If you don't A cure for all coughs, colds and chost troubles Price 25c. J50c and $1 00 per bottte. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. TIME TABLE. Effective Sunday, July 4, 1000, nt 12:01 A. M. Northbound. No. No. No. No. No. 10 Oregon Express B:15 a.m. 18 Cottage Grove Pass 8:115 p.m. 20 Itoseburg Passenger 3 :15 p.m. 14 I'ortlamT Express 8:20 a. n. 12 Shasta Limited 7 :i3 p.m. Southbound. 13 San Francisco Express.... 11:31 a.m. 11 Hbasta Limited 7:43 p.m. 10 Ashland Passenger 10:3tla.m. 17 Cottage Orove Pass. ...0:45 p.m. ID California Uxpress D:GUp.in. Northbound. 22(1 Wnv Freluht - .11 :40 a.m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. !22 Portland Fast 1'relglit ...O:60p.m. Southbound. 223 Way Freight 11:45 221 Portland Fast Freight ...2:43 a.m. n.m OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Leaves for Portland nnd Intermediate points." :00 n.m. I'ortlanil-IIIIIslioro Intermediate, . .0 :00 a.m. Portland and Intermediate points. 10:05 n.m Portland mid Intermediate 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate 1:05 p.m. Limited. Portland, Tualatin and Il1llsboro.:i:3Gp.m Local. Portland-lllllsboro Intermediate. .4 :1R p.m. Portland and Intermediate points, 0 :20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate points, 8 :40 p.m. Local Arrives From Portland and Intermediate points. 8 :30 a.m. Portland-IIlllsboro Intermediate.. .0:40 a.m. Limited. PortlandUlllsboro and Tualatin. 10:20 n.m. Local. Portland nnd Intermediate points. 11 :55n,m. Portland and Intermediate points. 1 :33 p.m. Porllniiillllllshoro Intermediate... 4 :0Op.m. Portland and Intermediate...... 5 :45p.m. Portland and Intermediate 8:20p.m. Portland theater train 12:35 a.m. O. T. C. Co. The company's Meniners Orcgonn ami Pomona leave for Portland dally except Sunday, nt 0 a. in. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. Daughter Mammn, who wns Min erva? Mother The goddoss of wis dom she never mnrrled. Tho Club Follow. j o Dr. Aberncthy, tho great EngllBh physician, said: "Watch your kid neys. When thoy aro affected, life Is in danger." Foley's- Kldnoy Rom ody makes healthy kidneys, cor roctB urinary Irregularities, and toucs up tho wholo system. J. 0. Perry. FOR KENT. Modorn S-room houso; barn; closo In For Sale. 400 acres $20 per aero 300 acres $30 por acre 328 acres $30 por aero 259 acres, rich river bottom, $70 por aero 160 acros $00 por aero 82 acros $160 por aero 40 acros $100 por aero 20 acres $100 per aero 10 acros, well Improved, $200 per acre. 5 Mi acros, improved $1000 Houses. Homos in all parts ot the city, $600 and up. Vacant lots, $75 and up. To exchange your proporty soo I1EOHTEL & MINTON, 341 Stato St, Rooms 7 and 8 FOR SALE. 127 ncros, four miles from Salem, 40 beaver dam land, 4 acros po tatoes, barn full of hay, 1 cow, 1 hog, l heifer, plow and harrow, all the chickens, go 3d farm, $S0 per aore. 2S0 acres south of Salem, a fine dairy farm, nil In cultivation, fair house, barn, cow sheds, family or chard. $60 per aore. 15S acres, near Monmouth, good 9 room house, giod barn, good well, an Ideal place. $16,000. 15 acros. good house and' barn, good windmill, n fine place, $4000. 300 acres in Polk county, 200 In cultivation, rest In timber and pas ture, n good dairy farm, $25 per aore. 325 acres on Howell Prairie. 200 acros lu cultivation, house, barn, running water year round, a fine farm, $65 per acre. SS acres 10 miles northeast ot Sa lem, no better farm in the valley, plenty of clover and hop land, $150 per acre. You can buy all kinds of country and city proporty. Oome nnd see us before buy'ug elsewhere. J. C. SCHULZ, 490 State street Salem, Or "Money may make the mare go." said Undo Ebon, "but I don't see as It's much of a guarantee against klokln'. " A Burnt Child Dreads the fire. The dread Is whole some, but not the burn; that can be healed and instantlr relieved by atn plying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Be i prepared for accidents by keeping a ' bott le always In the house. Best for prains, bruises, outs, scalds, rheu matism, neuralgia, bunions any nud all aches and pains. Price 35c, 50c and $1 00 Sold by all dealers. I Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing, P. & B. Ready Rooflng, Screen Doors and ad Justlblo Window Screens. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 2.-0 Court St. Phone 121 Phone the ButcherQuick! What Butcher? E. C. Gross & Son, of course; we always get the best meat there. It Isn't necessary to go down to the market these warm days. Just call Main 291 and tell them to send you a nice steak, roast, boll or anything you want in the meat line and it will reach you on time and in first class condition. She Doos tho course of truo low run smooth? Ho Oh, yos; there nro banks on both sides. Pink Pain Tnblots Dr. Shoop's stop headache, womanly pains, any pains, nny pnln. nnywhore, In 20 mlnutos sure. Formula on tho 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula It's flue. Capi tal Drug Store. TSWa S T Farms All Bizos and prlcos. Call for largo printed list. City property ot all descriptions. See us boforo buying for bargains, OLMSTED LAND CO. :J7 Stato Street. FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY My list may contnln exactly what you want. T. C. JORY, 205 Com'I St., Salem, Or. Union Land Co. Newport, Oregon. Population nnd property value treb ling every year. Tho next 3 years Is the time reasonably-priced lots can to purchueod. LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. If requtiexl. buildings erected on any property sold. Correspondence solicited. J. A. 0LSS0N, Mor. . Newport, licmni. fll)lHil--HHsM)fr SEE I SAVAGE &BORTJ For farms and city property t 135 S. Commercial St. i wtinnwnnminuun CHICHESTER S PILLS 6! Hll! s Oiegsn Trunk Line will build lnti Bend gv fill. I. U.J . I C.lJ laVutKO) 1 ff "(i ' 'j-in:.TF:ns J fa , ' Ctilllrn cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA i. A i