DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 100!). SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BY REV. DR. LINSCOTT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB (Copyright, 1908, by Row T. S. Ltnscott, D. D.) August -0, 1001). Paul on Christian Lovo I Cor. 13: 1-13. Qohlou Toxt And now nlitdeth faith, hopo, love, thoso three, but tho greatest of thrfso Is love. I Cor. 13:13. Vorse 1 What Is tho utmost which can bo claimed for tho gift of eloquence? Why Is nn eloquent man without lovo like n brass band with cymbal accompaniments? Will cloquonco without lovo make n man acceptable to Qod? Will cloquenco without love make a man ncccptnblo to his follows or give any lasting satisfaction to htm- Verse 2 Is there any necessary moral prnlso duo to n man who has tho gift of prophecy and haB Intultivo knowcdgc of mystery, Is there nny moro necessary prnlao to bo accorded to a big mnn than to a littlo man? If God gives a mnn tho faith so ho can romovo a mountain and ho nt tho sntno tlnio Is without love, what good Is tho faith to him? Vorso 3 Do somo pcoplo glvo lib erally, and suffer porsonnl inconvon lonco who havo no real lovo in their hearts and if so, whnt Is It which prompts tn these nets? If n mnn gives whon It can bo seen, nnd does not give whon it can not be scon, Is thoro nny lovo In his heart, or any renl morlt in his char ity? Should tho church rofuso to nccopt of monoy for tho gospel, or for char ity, from those who clearly glvo to bo soon of men? Do thoso who give without lovo, , but to bo soon of inon, reap any bend' j fit from it, or doos it hurt them? I Can you concelvo of n man giving his body to be burned for Ifls ro JJlglon with an Impure motlvo or with out lovo in his heart? I What is the only thing which rec ommends us to God in nnd of itself? Versos 4-7 What proof can you glvo that love Is long suffering nnd kind? If wo really love a porson will we ovor speak to him to his injury, no mntter what tho provocation may be? Whnt Is It In lovo which tends to pntlcnco, politeness, kindness, gentle ness nnd humility? Mny a porson bo controlled by love and bo envious nt tho same time, nnd If not, why not? Dovs love always tnako a man think of "tho other follow" before himself? What does lovo take nil Its pleaB uro from? Verses 8-13 Can despondency or doubt, or depression, or hopelessness, or any othor bad feeling, occupy tho heart that is filled with love? What will bo tho relative values or uses In heaven of faith, hope, elo quence, knowledge, lovo? What Ih it-ally the sum total of nil things, or that which niiiiih up In It-m-lf nil the blexvudncss, nobility mid liapplncsN, that tin- inlml can con ceive, or the heart crave, nnd why Is It so? TIiIn question mutt be an' Mvoinl In writing by member of the club.) Lesson for Sunday, September 5, 1JIO0 rani's Third Missionary Jour noy FnruwoIlR. Acts 20:2-38. CHURCH SERVICES !: ::!) X: !''! $ Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 410 Chomokctn street. Services Sun day at 1 a. m. Subject of lesson sermen: "Christ .Tobub." Sundiiv School at 12 in. Tho Wednesday ov oning mooting 1b hold nt 8 o'clock. Reading room in tho church opon onch afternoon oxcopt Sunday. All arc cordially Invited to attend tin services nnd tho reading room. St. I'mil's ftplscoNii. Chemekota and Church street. Rev. Dnrr G. Leo, rector. No sorvlcos on account of rector's vacation. Fun services will bo resumed September t. Lutheran St. Johns. Missouri Synod. Regular Sunday service at 10:15 a. m., In tho Ger. man Lutheran St. John's church, cor ner of Center and Fourteenth streets George H. Engol, pastor. United Kvnngellrnl. Cottage street, near Center. Rev. t G, L. Lovell, pastor. Divine worship nt 1 a. m. Suhllay school at 10 h. m. Christlnn Hndeavoi at 7 p. ni, No evening service. Prnyer meeting Thursday ovonlng nt 8 p. m. Holiness Meeting. Thore will be a holiness tnbernaolo luoetlng on the corner of Oak nnd Winter streets, conducted by Rov. Guy Pholps. Sorvlcos Sunday at 11 n. tn., 2:30 nnd 7:30 p. m.. Begin ning August 27 and continuing until Soptomber G. Rov. Pomborton, Rov. Neff, Rev Hopper, Rv. Dakor. com mittee. First Christian.- Corner of High and Conter streets. Dible school nt 10 a. in. Preaching by tho pastor at 11 a. m. Thome: "Faith's Companion." Christian En doavorsit 7 p. m. Geotgo C. Rltchoy, of Nowhere, former pastor of this church, will occupy tho pulpit at the evening service. Special music by members of tho C. C. C. C. D. Er rott, pastor. First Methodist. Preaching by Prof. Sherwood, of Wlllnmotte University, at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath school at 12 ni. Epwortn League at 7 p. m. Punching by Re. L. C. Zimmerman at 8 p. ni. A cor dial Invitation is extended to all. Kirot ItapUst. Bible school 9: 16 n. m.; Mr. W. T. Jenks, superintendent. Morning preaching at 11. Interdenomination al lovo fonst 3 p. m. D. Y. P. U. nt 7 J leader, Mr. W. F. Fostorj sub ject, "The Young Christian nnd tho Early Church." Evening preaching ni S. Preaching service both morn ing and evening will bo conductod by Ilro. W. n. Kindle of Portland. "Como let us worship togothor." Evangelical Association. Corner Sovontoenth and Chomokc tn streets. H. C. linker, pnstor. Sun day school nt 10 a. ni.; morning serv Ico 11; subject ."God's Kind of Lovo." No evening sorvlce on ac count of tho tnbornnoio mooting. Prayer mooting Thursday ovonlng S. I o , The Domocrnts aro carrying tho ! next house if representatives this ' yenr. T"hey nlwnys do It In tho year i when tliore Is no election PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. SALEM DIVISION m ssVssssBKSm ''HtHE HI iHl GPLssLfleP jBSssssH 8 Sizes which we will carry in stock alter September lot, with their bell ing prices: HOWL FROSTED LAMPS. CLEAR LA51PS. Selling Soiling Watts. Price. Watts. Price. 40 .95 40 ? .90 GO ,, $1.15 CO .m , $1.10 100 , $1.50 100 $1.40 i50 $2.15 150 $2.05 250 $5.95 250 $2.85 LAMPS DELIVERED ONLY AT OUR OFFICE Commercial and State Sis. SYNOPSIS OF TIDE ANNUAL STATE BIENT OF THE General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Of Perth, Scotland, on tho 31st day of December, 190S, mndo to the. Insurance Commissioner of the State o'. Oregon, pursuant to law; Capital. Amount of capital paid up deposit with. New Yrrk Inn. Dept.". ... $ 250,000 00 Inconii". Premiums received dur ing the year $1,83G,296.10 Interest, dividends, and rents recolvcd during' the year 50,039.1s Income from other sources received dur ing tho year 505,575.2 Total Income $2,397,910.80 Dlobiirxeiiieuts. Losses paid during tho yenr, Including ad justment expenses etc $ 742.993.3o Commissions and salar ies paid during the year 737,935.06 Taxes, licenses and fees . paid during the yenr 40.8C3.96 Amount -of nil othor ex penditures 409,057.05 Total expenditures. .$1,930,850.02 Astcts. Vnluo of of renl estnto owned $ 190,000.00 Valuo of stocks and bonds owned 1,240,042.31 Cash In banks and on hand - 142,014.23 Promlums In course of collection , and In trnnsmUslon . . ..'.. 275.3S4.5C Accrued Intercut on bonds 14,012.38 Total admitted as sets .-.$1,807,453.93 Liabilities Gross claims for losses unpnld $ 33S.274.24 Amount of unearned premiums on nil out standing risks .... Gil, DSC 35 Duo for commission and brokerage 90,749 20 All other liability.. 194,270.53 Total liabilities ....$1,205,280.32 Total promlums In farce Decombor 31, 1908 $1,207,035.83 rtutlneNS In Oregon for "tho Yenr. aross premiums ro- coived during tho yenr $ 1.72C C"! Promlums returned dur Ing the yonr 191.57 Lobbob pnld during tho yenr 33.00 Totnl amount of proml ums outstanding In Oregon Docembor 31, 1008 3,070.10 GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORA- TION, LTD. ny Frnnklln J. Moore, U. S. Manager. Sntutory rosldont general ngont and attorney In fact: Frnnk E. Dsoly. o Now a solontK snys gold has n dlst'nct odor. Ho must havo been handed a hunch of the tnlntcd klnn. In this i9suc wc commence a scries of discourses under the caption, "Peo ple's Pulpit " Tbey are strictly un sectnrian, nnd not intended to build up nny one denomination at the ex pense of another. As Bccchcr and Taimagc of the same "City of Churches" were independent preach ers who gave their time and strength to the moulding of public thought, "with charity toward nil and malice toward none," so with Pastor Russell of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Pastor Russell's only fault (if fault it be) is Ills extreme Orthodoxy his close adherence to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. But after all, if the Bible be not man's only chart and compass as respects God and the future, what have wc? And if this be so perhaps it is impossible to give too earnest heed to its teachings. On one point Pastor Russell is quite em phatic, namely lie insists that it is inconsistent witli reason to believe that all mankind, except the merest handful of "saints," were predesti nated by God to eternal torment in fire, because of -ignorance or unbe lief. Ninety-nine of us out of every hundred reached that conclusion years ago; and it shook our faith in the Bible considerably. Pastor Russpll, however, holds to the Bible tenaciously nnd claim to prove that on tins point it lias been misunderstood by many of its friends as well as by its foes. He has shown a few faulty translations, and offered pref erable interpretations for some parables, and altogether lie has thrown a new light on the Scriptures. His presentations of the Bible's teachings have certain ly rescued many from unbelief. Mr. C. T. Smith, dcccascd,who was one of the editors of the Atlanta Con stitution, paid Pastor Russell, a most pronounced 'compliment along this lino in the following terms: "It is impossible to read his writings without loving the writer and pondering his wonderful solution of the great mysteries that have troubled us all our lives. There is hardly a family to be found that has not oit sonic loved one who died outside the Church outside the ptan of salvation, and, if Calvinism be true, outside of all hope nnd inside of eternal torment and de spair. He makes no assertions that arc not well sustained by the Scriptures. His argument is built up stone by stone, nnd upon every stone is a text, and it lie tomes a pyramid of God's love and mercy and wisdom. There is nothing in the tliblc that the author denies or doubts, but there arc many texts upon which he Vows a flood of light that seems to uncover its mcaniue" IsssssssssssBr ji&mSM PASTOR ttl'SSBLt. OP TIIK HOOK IAN TABnNA.CL Poln anywhere stopped In 20 mln utes Ruro with one of Dr. Snoop's! I'inK fain Tablets. Tho fornwila Is on tho 25c bix. Ask your doctor or drugglot about this formula. Stop womanly pains, headache, pains any where. Write Dr. 8hoop, Racine, Wis , for froo trial to prove value of his Hoadache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by Capital drug-store, BEING DEAD DRUMK SAVED HIS UFE f nnlt"1 PrM ImunI Wlr i Tannma. Wash., Aug. 28 O'org" Hilton, a railroad conductor, Is alive today because ho wa so full of whisky, Jst night as to make him lnimuno from the poison of Illumin ating gas. , nilton, who Is CO years of ago. blow out tho gas In his room ,at the Freomont Hotel, and wont to bed At 10 o'clock this morning his moans wero heard and tho door of his room was forced. Ho was found unconscious, and tho room was filled w'lth gas. Although Hilton has not yet been restored to consciousness, Dr. Robertson, who attonded him, states he w'll likely reoover. Ac cording to tho physician the alcohol the man drank prevented the gas from killing him outright. 'ill mfulilMrMrsrilMMiKSMSM a The Laziest Man In the World Would not be contented to be kept In the house and doing nothing by rheumatism. Neither are you, who aro always busy and active. Then don't neglect the first twinge of an ache or pain that you wight think Ij Just a "crick." Rub well with Ballard's Snow Liniment and no rant er what tho trouble Is It will disap pear at ouco Sold by all druggists. Fairbanks- Hnf Morse wl For Prices Call On IHhkUsVsEbW ''annaisiisiisiisiiaiiiiisiii'iaifi''1 I! SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : Brewing Plant and Offices On Trade St in Wholesolc District Mlem, Omjon BUILD Your Own Home Iioautlful oast front lots, high and slghtl), In Meeker's Addition on Rural avenue, adjolnlug Fnlrmouut Park. Lots -50x150 Prlco $100 and up, ou easy payments. , For sato by Meyer- $ Belle Land Co. lit" State Stnt't, or by Mr, M-eker, on Soutu Coninierciiil Stive I. Ooiiii-r Rural Avenue l