DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUIiDAY, AUGUST 28, 190. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 1 UOFfir, Editor Mid Proprietor iD'let'cticlvul Newspaper Dcrotcd to American rrlnclplci and Itif HrosreM mill Dcrelopcment of All Oregon. furlllitftl Kery Kr'eutni? Itxccpt Sunday, il'IlsemiTION nATKS. ( l'lrnrlnhly In Viltnuco.) 0llr, bj earner, por year 10.00 1'cr mouth -..60c Dallv.Jbr malt, K" Tff 'WO Per month 35o Weekly, by mull, per veur . ..... '.00 Six month ...60c U Nl ONLA BE L ENGLISH WIT UPSET TALL i HO Humorous Driver Sprung Antej diluvian Joke That Made Vehicle Hunt for the Graveyard. (United I'rtM Leaied Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28. L. A. Muiombor, a young mllllonalro, of nwlenn, tlillfnrnln. In nt the Flntol Kenndy. In this city, today nurslug n curcly sprained knoo, received yestOM'ry afternoon nt Vlctorln, B 0., whon h tnllyho on which ho and n party of friends wore riding wat overturned. Nearly ovory raombor .if the party was Injured, four of thoin most seriously hurt being takon to Victoria noipltals. That somo weio not killed, Macombor says, Is a mlraolo, Tho tnllyho was drawn by six horses and tho vehlclo was upBct by reason of the driver's fondness for cotnody. When opposlto n grave yard, In the outskirts of Victoria, and as tho tnllyho rolled nlong the odgo of u Htcop ombnnkinont, tho driver turnod to his passengers nnd said: "Vlctorln pooplo are Jut dying 1 get Into this mngnincont plot of land." No sooner were tho words out of his mouth than tho tnllyho listed, slipped and flnnlly rolled over tho grade. Tor a moment It appeared iih If tho driver of tho vehlclo aspired to secure a plot of the laud foi which "Victoria people were Just dying." He was finally extricated from n tangle of harness and soft dirt, the least Injured of the oxcur slonlsts. In ruspouso to tolephone calls, an nmbulanro was sent out from the city, nnd tho lujurod wore token to hospitals. ZEPPELIN'S AIRSHIP GETS SIDE-TRACKED 1 United I'rca l.rantd Wlre.l Ilorlln. Aug. 2S. The population of Ilorlln and u half million visitors besides were keenly disappointed to day beviiuso of iho failure of Count Zeppelin's dirigible "Zeppelin 111" to arrive on scheduled lime. An un precedented program of festivities had boon planned nnd those wore necessarily postponed when tho air ship failed to appear. The Zeppelin HI left Nui'ontburg ut S o'olock this morning nnd at 10 o'clock was reported ut Itotbuviiriu, 200 miles away. It was moving to ward llltterfleld where Zeppelin was arranging to Join tho ship. According to present figures It Is Impossltilo for tho airship to arrive here beforo late tonight. It Is ex pected that Zeppelin and his com panions will board the airship tomor- The Fight Is On Kvry mmnt f yur llf, when yu mv at hamo er abroad, ayvK r i- Uetween the pouon gems that are In air, food and water, everywhere In fact, and the bllllous of your invisible friends, thelitUesoldier-corpusclcainyourblood. II these little soldiers are kept strong and healthy by taking Hood's Sana parilln, you need have no fear of dis ease, lfr gin using it at onco it you are at all under the weather, or havo trouble of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Get it of your druggist. M- - ' HHM' M ti ID EPOSIT Your Savings WUh Us- SThcy will corn interest and be available when ; wanted Savings Deportment Capital National Bank : : 'f It'll ft r'TTTTTTtTI I111'p Ealem, Ore. , ,r .- r; . - j 'x-'Km "$ row morning at Dlttcrfletd, leaving oarly In the day for this city. This would onablo Uorlln to carry out Its festive progrnm tomorrow. CltAmbcrlAln'a Oolic, Cholera and DIaitIiooa Jlcmcdy Nctct Knawn to Fall, "I havo usod Ohamborlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itomody slnco It was first Introduced to tho public In 1872 and havo novor found one Instonco whoro a euro was not speed ily otfoctod by Its uso. I havo boon a commercial travolor for eighteen years and novor start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says II. S. Nichols, of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For solo by nil good druggists. LAST BOAT LEAVES FOR NOME Steamer Victoria 'Sailed Last Night Loaded With Deli cacies for Alaskan Miners. iuiuiru Trr I .fori I Wlr. I Seattle, Aug. 28. Tho stoumor Victoria sailed late last night for Nome and St. Michael carrying the last freight to be shipped for up-river points this year. The last river steamer is scheduled to leave St Mi chael by tho 5th of September. The Victoria carried a heavy cargo of perishables. Fresh meats, vege tables, delicacies of the soasou and miscellaneous supplies were piled high In the hold. This stuff Is des tined for various towns nnd camps nlong tho Yukon and will provide the last shipments of such dainties the ivsldents will receive for n long time. Until about Octobor 10 Nome nnd St. Michael will bo accessible to steamships, although tho river route will bo closed to navigation until tho following Juno, -o- LA F0LLETTE ALSO JUMPS ON CANNON I Pnlt1 lr LwitM Wlt 1 MudUou, Wis., Aug. 88. La Fpl. lotto's Weekly today attacks Speaker Joo Cannon for tho appointment of Edward 11 ."Vreoland oi New York us chairman of tho house committee on banking and currency. Tho period!, cal says: "Vreoland was appointed to work with Senutor Aldrlch to 'frame up a currency program to suit the high finance needs of Wall strot. The bunking system Is anxious to havo legislation put through without n iiltch because tho next house may bo Democratic" OHIIlrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 0 ASTORIA &&& bbbbbBbIbbbbbRbP i X f H!m T jllT- L. yiBgmgMmm vfHHB BBBBaVP SaW BHPiiBBEf XktKm 11 VS. V BBBBBBbI 1 vJf- fr, ,&&' t w I bLLIb v yriBliHiBlK l m Mtrr" JHKT' ' JbLH BBBBBBB. NbbBbV BBBBBHBM-1 ' 'KHHftF& . JbIHb jJBBBBBBbS IBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBBK'JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHbH A GREAT COMEDY MONDAY "The Girl From Rector's" Prove One of Most En joyable Ever Seen in Salem. "The Olrl from Hector's," which comes to the Grand opera house .Mon day, August 30, enjoyed tho longest run of any production In Now York last season. The plcco orlglnnlly opencd for n limited engagement nt Weber's music hull simply as a "try out." It was tho Intention of the producer, after Its success had been established, to close tho playhouse and reopen with "The Olrl" at the commencement of tho next theatrical year. Tho offering, howevor, proved such a tremendous sensation that It continued Its run for seven months Tin: im:mm:tox sistkhs in i ii i: c.titi. i-uom and was sttn doing capacity business when it wa necessary to end the en gagement In older to fill out of town contracts Even the records ostablbdiod by ' Weber nnd I'Muids whon their pro ductions wero tho rngo of New York were broken by "Tho Olrl from Keo- 1 tor's." The work Is from the pon of Paul ' M. Potter who won world wide fame , ns tho author of "Trilby." t tjs ?p vfC p 9C j 9fC 9fC 9C J5 5fC 3C 9p 9C X-RAYS AND SMILES l 1 la kl Ap A 1 U lt U iV iV k tlf if ip rj H f The state fair this year will be "four doxonth" nnd also the best hold In Oregon. F W Knrmnn Hew 119 mllos yestordny, which mako him positively tho furthest man. Tho women of Spokane recently held " a husband show," but whoth or It was to show their good points or bad ones Is not stated. If tho lnt- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Waters Waters Bros.' Over Bush's Bank, or Call at HnilllHIIHIIIIHHH U - Grand Opera House MONDAY, AUG. 30 PmKPiTTlwMr S The. Girl FROH CTORS Prices: $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c Sox office open Monday 9 A. M. ter wiid tho cobo thero would be hair pulling sure, for each woman would think she was entitled to first mon ey. uixtoii's" Knb orterj $50, a mnrrlago ll eeiue, a wedding supper and to pay the parson or any coniple getting mnirled In h!g hop yard this season. TIiim may love's young dream turn Inti a hop dream. Hill will run stonmors from Port land to Snu Francisco, Ho will also run u railroad between tho same polntB. Tho lady bathers havo added tho auto tiro to their bathing attire Isn't much of either but air nnd "rubber." It's really nice and polite of tho old buildings to get up nnd let tho pretty young lady buildings havo their seats, still it is the custom on tho car of progress. A Newport g'rl has started n now fnd using an auto tiro ns n sup port while in bathing. Thus will tho deadly auto continue its death dealing way. monarch of tho sea a well as of the land. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i i.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bros.' I $V?3k s..4nKt y Will 'ferrPLTsS 4KMSf V s w lv J&H T "is IV The wealth of Polk County will pour into West Salem. The railroad is completed. Put $5 into West Salem lots every month. . More than 30,000 people will travel through West Salem by the first of the coming year. , Can't you see a great future in store for West Salem? t - M - M - frM - M - fr HtHIIIMH HIM NEWPORT FIRMS Delow nro published tho ndvortl-emenu ii iu leading business houses, hotels, camp grounds, -ic m I !'; A glanco through them will bo a great help to o.. I; lie h'lr summer vacation. 9o-wt94io i V J. T. 1'OUTEIv GOOD THINGS TO EAT The Palace Market and Grocery Porter's Block NEWPORT, OREGON FREE DELIVERY AT ALL HOURS ' niff iamif HlllfaHHlmBt BAYVIEW I Rooming House One and ono-hnlf blocks south 1 1 of bont landing on Main street ? Itoynl Restniirant In conncctiou MRS. O.E.CARTER, Prop. I NEWPORT - ORE. jjRader Camp Ground;; With foundation and without, i ;; ; ; also furnished tents, good ) ! ! wntcr and septic tanks. Rates . . i furnished on application. j j i Nye Creek, Newport, Ore jj ! ! A. J. Rader, Proprietor. ! j eHoMMtf I ill I I Meat Market II Kd Stocker & Son. j j Fresh nnd Salt Moats. F:sh, Oysters, otc. j ; Special cholco mutton nnd veal . . always on hand. ! ! The only exclusive market In J J Newport. iEf iiiiiif WW-HHIHrWaHWj; j Anything You Need to Eat at J Smith's Nyebeach Delicatessen Home Baking S He)f fll It lf !! Alnnn rnmns nnnthnr nntronnmer who says tho earth Is shrinking. This bit of Information should bo quite Interesting to tho fellows who Imagine they own the earth. . o OHIIlrrx Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 Investment Co J Investment Co. Branch Office in West Salem HIHII fri M frfri-t-t i M M 1 1 1 a i i m i f-fr-M4 - O. 11. PItBWITT iat'' ''' if ii HHIHiHianianiauia I uhe Grand FURNISHED ROOMS : : : : : One block nertb from boat landing Z Lnrge kitchen In connection for tba uie of the guttta TERMS REASONABLE. X Mrs. A. D. Sliollenburg f Newport, Oregon ta)teaHaH!Hattt)9l iiHif f niianmoft "Takitezf 1 1 The most beautiful placo at J J Nye Dcnch, Newport, Oregon. ! ! Private rooms nnd board. 1 1 jj Mrs. W. M. Berry j; ; Best of EVERYTHING menns ! i Anything from tho ' NEWPORT SODA WORKS II ' ; Syrups, Siphons, Sodas, Cldor. J l HACK AND BAGGAGE ;; J Hack and'bnggago wagon meets - ( ovory bont. Parties wishing to ! 1 J mnko trips on tho bench, light ! j house, Seal rocks, Otter lock, and tho famous Devil's Punch ! i ! ! Dowl, cnll or phono J i' HARDIXO & CRAMER. im)if uunfw im ' l.f ifg 9i9f ISff llf a Buxton's Grocery!; i ,11 II , I ... aii lines mo dcsi j We handlo Heinz s Goods. Next door to Post Office f Newport - Oregon J fata mf iimf if it HOTEL BRADSHAW Oood furnished rooms, with or wltnout cooking privileges, half way from bont landing to Nye Donch, flno view of ocean. Free hack meets each bont. First-class restaurant noxt door. Mrs. Bradshaw, prop., Newport. Oregon, 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; i z 1 1 1 1 IHI I H H 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I J