I faumal VOL. XIX. SALEM, OIIEOON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1000. NO. 108. t Halt tafe. PkiJ nl rmfnTlnllnlfn IssSs?! m minimi in il 3?5 iH gagnrwfrMtfiVy-AKVl IESSa EmiWUUUlLII.I, M - T- 6RINGIN SURVIVORS OF WRECK Steamer Rupert City Carrying 196 of "Ohio's Passengers Reached Vancou ver Today. HAS ECCLES BODY WRECKED STEAMSHIP BEACHED IN CARTER'S BAY AND MAY BE RAISED-EXTENT OK THE DAM AGE TO THE VESSEL HAS NOT YET BEEN LEAKNED. (United Press Leased Wlre.J Ketchikan, Alaska, Aug. 28. Latest reports obtalnablo horo by wireless tndlcnto that tho total num ber of dead In tho wrock of tbo steamer Ohio, off Stcop Point, Alas ka, now Is sevon Sovoral othorB aro still unaccounted for, but It 1b not bollovod the casualties will exceed that number. Tho body of Gcorgo C. Eccles, tho! heroic wlroloss operator, who stuck! to hh key until tho ship went down, I and lost his life trying to aid tho J approach of ships coming to tho res- Js on board tho steamer Rupert City, which will arrive at Vancouv r ifiilnv Tlin, T)nnnir Pliw tins 1 rt Q nnl.i lSU(W A lU tl'UW W AJMfJ VV I'M" songors .on bonrd. Tho Humboldt l .j J. ..Salem's With the big stock of the newest merchandise shown on the Pacific Coast. The only thing that you will find small in this establishment is the price. The goods, style and the quality can not be . surpassed. The Chicago Store always leads in progressive merchandising. NEW FALL STYLES IN LADIES' SUITS We nre now showing the grandost assortment that was ever shown In this part of tho world. Come here and look through and see what style and quality means at tho Chicago Store. It means mat you can buy beautiful garments at abour half what you have to pay eisowhere. $18.00 Suits now $10.90 $22.00 Suits now $12.50 $27.50 Suits now $14.50 These price are just for a short time to introduce these beautiful up-to-date garments. bwSSL y if Til B Uf CHICAGO STORE SALEM, OREGON. The Store That Saves You Money. nearlng this port with 32 survivors. The known dead are: Ooorgo C. Eccles, Winnipeg, wire less operator. Purser Fred Stephen. Quartermaster Albert Androwson. Two other members of the crew and two steerage pnssengors are re ported to have been drowned, mak ing the total seven ' Piirwr Stephen Missing. Vancouver, B C, Aug. 28. Tho stcamor Rupert City Is approaching this port today with survivors of the i vreck of the steamer Ohio. The fol-1 lowing message was received by wire i less from tho Rupert City: I "Ohio struck rock off Steop Point ! 1 o'clock Friday morning, on port! ... . paafiiti i i sldo forward. Afterwards beached) Ul II Dl( I? khNllAl In Carter's Bay, and now Ilea 8ub-l"U,llV IO LOOLI1 MfU. merged In six fathoms of water for-' ward and 12 aft. i "Ship probably Is most damaged port sldo bow. Sovoral bulkhead gone. Impossible to estimate extent damage. "Fred Stevens, purser, and Albert Anderson aro missing. Oeorgo Ec cles. operator, drowned. Body Is on Ruport City. Captain, chlof englnor, i chlof mate and boatswain nro stand ing by wreck. One hundred and thlrty-ono passongors landed by Now Englnnd Fishing Company's King fisher and 32 aboard Humboldt for Juneau. Ono hundred and eight pas sengers on board Rupert City. "Tho Kingfisher was qulto closo to j tne scene when tho dlsaBtor occur red." The Story of the Wreck. Vancouver. B. C Aug. 28. Tlrlntrltify tvlMi lint, ttin aurvlvira nfl ! th0 Btcamcr nu LrnW(lpil ,,, AttttU . th mTnn' Big Store. Dress Goods and Silks Tho big stores of Portland cannot show you any grander or finer stock of dross goods and silks than we can, and we can boat their prices 25 per cent less. Coma horo and get sam ples, then send to Portlnnd or any other big city, comparo prices, styles and quality, and whon you get through If you study tho Interest of your poek etbook you will buy from the Chicago Store. Tho reason Is this: Wo Know where to buy. how tn buy and to get prices that will stand joompetltion with any house In America. 1000 yards of tho new Oitoman Full Silk In all colors. 85q quality. Introduction price, yard noc SILKS SILKS SILKS If you want stylo, quality and a grand variety, come here. DRESS GOODS DRESS' GOODS If you want to take a look through the greatest stock of up-to-the-mlnuto dress goods, come to tho Chicago Store. We ask small prices Yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c 75c, 85c and up. I (Contluuod on pago 4.) " -j jul "l CONGRESS BROAD IN ITS VIEWS Would Protect all Water Rights and Keep Them Forever in the Hands of the People. RECOMMEND ADMISSION OF ARI ZONA AND NEW MEXICO AS SEPAHATli STATES, TAKINO TAX OFF CUT-OVER LANDS RECLAMATION iOR HAWAII. t.'ultei! Press Lm- Wire.) Seattle, Aug. 28. An unexpected display of fireworks mnrked tho last day's sosslon of tho first national con servation congress whon the oppon ents of tho Plnchot policies took is sue on tho resolution adopted by tho resolutions committee declaring that tho "water rights belong to tho peo pie and should not bo granted In pcr- potulty to any Individual. Tho fight wns led by Judge Hrin lord of the United States district court, who declared tliut ho bollovod any vhnngo in tho present policies of the government would bo an error. Tho castorn states havo been de veloped through this policy which ''H moved the best and truest form of consei ,.ition," ho declnrcd. "Under this policy nil tho wntor powors, min erals mid-forests cast of tho Missouri river havo passed Into prlvnto owner ship and it Is through this mothod thnt tho wildernesses havo boon con quored and tho groat progress ooui country has been possible "Tho now states of tho west enmo Into the American Union undor a compact that thoy should bo given tho samo pecullnropportunltlos. "Any change In tho policy, which has proved so successful, Is miotics sary, unwise and unjust." Hanford mndo n hard fight In get ting his statements through. When ho wus dofoated he announced his purposo to bring In a minority re port and fight It out on tho floor. Tho resolutions Included In the majority report follews: "Wo urgo upon tho states the en actment of comprehensive wator laws framod In accordance with the policy pursued In sovoral westorn states during recent years, Incorporating tho prlnclplo that the waters belong to tho people Wo hold that this right of tho peoplo js Inherent. "Recognizing tho necessity for ad ministering this valuable possession of tho peoplo, wo deny tho right of stato or fedornl governments to allon nto or convoy wntor by granting frnn rlilsos for the uso thereof for com mercial or power purposos In per petuity or without Just compensation lu tho Interests of tho people. 1 Wo hold that all natural resource belong primarily to the wholo peoplo and should not be alienated by mu nicipal, stato or natlounl franchises to individuals or corporations oxcopt for llmltod porlods. "Since the conservation of foroats and waters Is essential to the wol fare of the peoplo of all our Htates and since tho forest servlco and tho reclamation servlco have initiated and carried forward the policy of conserving these great resources, we declare our endorsement of tho alms and policies of these two branches of the government service and urgo our representatives In stato legisla tures and the federal congress to give them adequate support. "Wo commond tho action of Presi dent Roosevelt In creating nnd of President Taft in maintaining the nn tloual conservation commission; we consider the establishment and work of this commission to mark n notable , step In national progress and wo do' tnund that the fedornl congress take early action toward sustaining that I ' iminlnfl m or some equitable agency 1 for th" public welfare in an adequate I nianuer." ' Other resolutions demanded the 'Continued on page 4 ) AUTOS ARE DOING SOME GOOD WORK One Dead, One Dying and Six Seriously Hurt Is Record of First 10 of the 24 Hours Race. MAY BREAK RECORD A PINKERTON DETECTIVE'S LEO BROKEN BY A LAMP FLYINfl FROM A SKIDDING MAOHINF ONE MACII1XE IS TWISTED OUT OF hi I APE IX COLLISION. ITnltfrt Press teased Wire.) Brighton Beach, Aug. 28. Ono man dend, ono dying and six porsons seriously Injured Is tho result of tho first ten ltourc of a 24-hour automo hllo race being run horo todny. Tho latest accidont occurrod short ly boforo noon today, whon Patrick Corrlgnn, a Plnkorton dotectlvo, was stnuck by an automobile lamp which flow from a skidding racer. Corrl gan's log was broken by tho unusual projectile, and ho was taken to a hospital, Leonard Colo, a mechanician on tho Stearns machlno, was klllod at midnight when an Acme racer and tho Stearns collldod In front of tho grnnd stand. The 8tearns machlno wns broken nnd twisted, and Cola was takon from tho ruins, doad. Laurent Orosh, tho Stonrna driver, was Injured fatally. Cyrus Patscheko, driver of tho Acme car, wns thrown out and slight ly hurt and his mechanician was tak on to n hospital In an unconscious condition. When a tiro blow up on tho Allan Kingston car ns It sworved In front of n Flat machine, a crash followed, in which drlvors nnd mochanlclnn were hurlod through tho air. Hughes Hughes, driving tho Klngti ton car, was badly Injured, wbllo I'almas, driving tho Flnt, escaped unhurt. Later William Hclns, driving a Lo zlor machine, with his mechanician, William Olblln, woro soveroly, but not fatally Injured, when their car skidded and turned over. CURTISS TODAY BEAT A MILE A MINUTE IVnltH I'rMt t.fnt U'lro.1 Rholms, Fiance, Aug. 28. Olon II. CurtlsB, tho American aviator, today won tho coupo International In tho groat aeroplane racing moot hold horo. Curtlss covorod 20 kilometers, which Is oqulvnlont to 2.2. miles, In 11 minutes CO M, seconds todny In the conpo Intornntlonnl. IIo mndo hi flint round above tho onolwuro of the trlltunofl In sovon mlnutofl 57.4 seconds. That tlmo wns the host ho made. lllurlot of France. Gurtjss' most foared-rlvnl, made u trial trip of tho course In soven minutes S8 sec onds. ACCUSED COMPANY OFFICERS OF CRIME (United I'nrM l.mwl Wire. Pittsburg, Aug. 28. Suffiglont evidence has been secured to warrant the prosecution of officers of 'tbo Pressed Steel Car Company for nl leged cruelty to employes, according to attorneys representing tho strik ing employes of the company. investigation of tho alleged deten tion of strlho breukora within the walls of the company's plant nt Mo Keen Rocks is nearlng completion, and In vlaw of the announcement of the attorneys sensational develop ments ate expected WHEAT PRICES ARE SOMEWHAT LOWER tValtni l're Uaed Wirt.) Chicago, Aug. 2S. -Bull loaders of yiBterday who were chief lj respon sible for th uddn upturn In prices holpod by what looked llko legiti mate bull-nows, simply rotlrcd from the buyors' position in tho market todny, lonvlng tho trado to got out I of Itn holdings ns best It could. Some very low tompornturoa woro recorded for tho far northwest. Shorts woro nervous ovor tho strength shown yos teday. Tho attention of tho trado was called to tho decline In prices both at Wlnnlpog nnd Minneapolis. For tho first tlmo in wcoks thoro wns no decline In stocks nt Minneapolis for tho day. Dispatches reported every indication of n heavier run of shipping wheat next wcok. Tho northwest sold bo mo wheat here. In tho presont uncortiiln con dition of tho speculative trndo tho stock market unsettled, tho benrs tig grcsslvo, nil that wna needed wns ab sence of support from tho bull load ers to crcato unonsinoBS nnd' prices declined shnrply nt times. rose'burg wants development congress Tho proposition to hold n session of tho Oregon-Idaho Development Congress In this city Is altogether propor. It will bo another shot fired along tho futuro lino of tho coming railroad, nnd will crento moro and general ngltntlon which cannot hut hnsteti tho day whon tho and hoped for will ronch consummation. Thoro Is no doubt In tho minds of nil who hnvo glvon tho rntlroad question enroful Btudy that Roseburg will bo on tho main lino of tho rnilroad thnt Ih to begin Coob Bny's dollvornnce, nnd for thnt reason tho mattor Is of vital Importance to our people. It Is thoroforo to tho Interest nf tho i peoplo horo thnt tho proposed ses sion bo encouraged, and nq offort spared to lot it be known nhrnad thnt Douglna county in in henrty ac cord with Its purpose. Let thoro ho no luko warmnoss In tho mattor. Let It bo In public ovldonco thnt our peo plo cannot only grow coronls and fruits' to perfection, but effectively loud n blind whon it comes to build ing n railroad to n deep water har bor on tho northwest sonboard. Umpnnh Vnlloy Nowh. PARDEE AGAIN TALKS FROM THE SHOULDER (Unlttd Pma Laad Wlre.l Sonttlo, Wash., Aug. 28, Amid an exciting scono following a spirited reply to Judge Hanford by ex-Oovor-nor Pnrdoo, of California, Han ford 'a minority roport on tho resolution wns lost, and tho majority report, embodying the Plnchot cluuso do clarlpg agnlnst tho granting of wator powor rights In porpotulty, wns adopted by the conservation con gress today. Whon tho roport wa rnado, Han ford took tho floor and offered his substitute, declaring for a "liberal" policy on tho part nt tho government In dealing with tho public domain, tho same as that which has been in effect In tho past. Ho declared that "prlvoto entorprlso" Is tho right ngonoy that has takon advantngo of of developing tho resources of th country. Hnnford spoko on his sub stitute, nnd made many tolling poInU Pnidee 'inmedlatoly followed, de clarlng that not "private enterprise" but "private grood" has boon the ngoncy that Iiiih tako nadvantago of tho laws In tho past. Ho said that becniiso tho resourcos of tho Eaut havo passed Into private ownership, Is no reason why the "West should be robbed bIbo." With fervid or tory, ho attacked tho methods now In effect. Pardco was Interrupted with choors, and .at the close was given much applause. Tho clash bat aroused tho delegates to Intonso in-, terest, and when tho quostion was put. tho majority report was adopt ed by an overwhelming majority. Y0SEMITE BIG TREES AT MERCY OF WIND Yosemlto National Park, Cal., Aug. 28. Tho forest flro which last night had readied within two and a half mile of the Merced grove of big trooa Is at tho caprice of the winds today, and tho safety of tho huge 8quolaa depends wpon tho strength of tho breeze. Tho troops of cavalry have beeen Hunting the flames all night, and re In'orcomonU are on the way, o Occaslonalh a man la forced to r-al on his "uncle" before he can raise the ante. IN HONOR OF TYROLESE PATRIOT German-Americans Will Com memorate 100th Anniver sary of the Death of Andreas Hofer. HE MADE HISTORY MADE GALLANT FIOIIT FOR HIS COUNTRY BUT WITH A PRICK ON HIS HEAD WAS BETRAYED AND ON ORDERS OF NAPOLEON WAH F.XKUUTKI). Tomorrow tho aerman-Amorlconi of Snloin, lu conjunction with sovor al hundred members of tho Gorman American soclotlu of Portland, Oro gou City, lOugeuo, Mt. Angol and other places, will commomorato tho 100th anniversary of tho death of tho great patriot, Andreas Hotor. Tho vnrlous soclotlos will bo ra colved by reception committers ot tho local association, which will bo taken to their hall on Stato strcot, whoro much nnd rofroshmonU will bo sorvoa In the afternoon a picnic will bo held tit Savage's grow, on Asylum avou in. M utile, singing and various ad d reuse.! will bo innko up an lntorost lug program. Hofer, AudteiiH ( 1707-1 S 10), a TyroloHO patriot, was born October 2. 18C7, ut St. Leo nil a rd, lu tho PasBoyr valley, Thoro his father kept a tiivern called tho Snudhof. which Hofer Inherited, nnd on thnt account ho was popularly knows us .ho "Sundwlrth." In addition to this ho carried on a trndo In wine und horses with tho north of Italy, ac quiring u high reputation ,or Intelli gence nnd honesty. On tho outbreak of. tho war In 1700, ho commanded a company of riflemen against tho French nt Luko Qardn, und utter tho peace of Lunuvlllo ho took an actlvo part In organizing tho Tyrolese mill. tin. After tho treaty ot Presburg (180u) by which Tyrol was transfer red from Austria to Bavaria, Hofer was chosen a membor of tho socret Tyrol deputation which weut to Vi enna to confer with tho omporor on tho condition of tholr country, nnd when, on tho advice of Austria, the wholo of Tyrol In April, 1809, rose In anus, Hofer was chosen tn tho command of u largo division of tun Insurgents, and Inflicted nu over whelming defeat on tho Bavarians at Sturzlng. Reinforcements sent by Napoleon defeated tho Austrluns nt I Wourgl and the Tyrolose nt Feuorslu gor, hut Hofer coming to tho rescue J of his country repulsed the HavarliuiH with groat losa at Innsbruck Nor j withstanding also Unit Austria aft.r Napoleon's victory nt Wagrutn agreed i lo evnouato Tyrol, Hofer rosolvod to maintain the struggle, and on the j 13th or August, at Berg Isol. routed I with grout Bluirghtor a combined Frouch and Bavarian force, and com pletely freed his count, ry from for elgn dominion, For sumo time th internal affairs of Tyrol were admin Istored by un Independent govern mont of which Hofer was tho head but after the peace of Vienna the Havarlann again endeavored to assert their supremacy und after a heroic resistance Hofer was compolled to fleo for safety to tho mountains. A price was set upon his head nnd on account of the treachery of one of his most trusted followers, he waa captured January 27. 1810. In a chalet lu t)ie i'ugsoyr valley He was sunt to Manttiu for trial and on the 20th of February, by the orders of Napoleon, wus exoauted 2 A hours aft or his condemnation. In 1823 his remains were removed from tho pluc of sepulture nt Mantua to Innsbruck where they wero Interred In the Frn el sou n church, and in 1834 a marble statue was erected over his tomb. In 18ly the patent of nubllit) decreed fur htm by Austria lu 1800 was con ferred upon his family by lie mio of on Pusseyr