Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Coos Bay Believes in Motto "If
You want a Thing Done,
Go, If Not, Send,"
So It Goes.
Tho Const Mail has the following
railroad stories;
0. A. Slgnalucss of Koscburg, 0
N. Johnson of Duluth, Minn., Sena
tor E. J Swcdback of Minneapolis,
and O. C. Sothor,. ofilcors of tho
Crawford Point Land company, aro
In Marshfleld to look aftor their In
terests and attend tho dovolopmont
congress. Tomorrow they will hold
their animal business meeting for
both companies at tho secretary's
residence In Cooston. N. F. Throne,
tho sccretnry, arrived in today from
Ilosoburg, where ho has boon for
several weeks. Theso two compa
nies own between eight and nine
hundred ncrcs of tho moat favorably
Bituatcd land on tho east sldo of tho
bay and linvo sold oft qulto a por
tion of their original holdings. They
havo so mo flno waterfront
Mr. Slgnalncss stated that ho is
greatly interested in tho railroad sur
vey that Is being mndo from Oakland
thlB way. Tho surveyors havo
worked over several routes ulnco
striking tho mountains nnd havo ac
quired considerable right-of-way in
Quality In
Tho supremo point about tho
lied Cross I'hnrmacy Is their
reliable quality. Our business
isn't guesswork any nioro thnn
your cooking is guesswork. Wo
know for n certainty that our
drugs aro of tho very best qual
ity bofore over wo lot them on
tor our Btoro. Wo havo found
that thoso aro tho kind of drugs
most people want. Don't get
tho Idea that high quality
makos tho prlcos high for it
Lot us fill your preoptions.
Wo can do it right. a
Red Cross
Douglas county, in tho vicinity of
Colos valley. Several crows have
boen wen on the property on the
oast sldo of Coos bay nnd Mr. Slgnal
ncss bolievos tho company Is looking
for tormlnnls on that sldo. This sur
vey Is ono that Is shrouded In most
mystery and nobody has yet got a
line on tho company's Intentions.
Steve Hondcrson, tho Dnndon
booster and railroad promotor, who
o In the city, says tho railroad com
pany which was recently organized
at llnndon Is no fairy arrangoment,
but the real thing. Ho says tho com
pany will be grading their railroad
from Bnndon to Port Orford within
twenty days and that they have sul
flclont funds to build through to
Langlols. His associates havo not
asked for a cont of money, but peo
plo have voluntcored bo freely that
tho fund Is already availablo and
will bo put Into circulation right
away, orfeiiugs aro In sight that
will guarantco completion of tho
road as far ns tho Sixes river, about
eight miles from Port Orford, and
whon tho road is built that far other
funds can easily be obtained. This
company Is not nil led with any of
tho big railroad companies, accord
ing to Henderson, but recognizes tho
vnluo of Biich a road and thus will
build It. Thcro Is all kinds of busi
ness for a railroad In that section,
and tho timber Is tho principal re
source for a road, Tlioro nro' farm
and other products to ho transported
and a road would open up a great
territory to tho southward,
Baby Morplilno Fiends
Aro made by all soothing syrups
nnd baby modiclnos that contain
opium and narcotics. McQoo's Baby
Elixir contains no injurious or nar
cotic drugs of any kind. A suro and
safe euro for disordered stomachs,
bowols and frotfulnoss. Splendid for
toothing infanta. Sold by all drug
gists. o
Citizens of Harrlsburg aro watch
ing tho Wlllamotto river with deep
Interest theso days and wondering
how long tholr city will bo a river
port. Threatened changes In the
chnnncl mnko It not nt all unlikely
that tho stream will return to its
former course in tho nonr future,
and in that ovent Harrlsburg will
bo about half u mllo from tho river
to tho east.
Wlint Is Host for fndfgostion?
Mr. A. Robinson, of Drumquln,
Ontario, has boon troubled for years
with Indigestion, and recommended
Chamberlain's Stomach and Ltver
Tablets as "tho best modlclno I ever
used." If troubled with Indigestion
or constipation give them & trial.
They aro easy to take and pleasant
In offoct. Prico, 2Cc. Samples free
at all good druggists,
Albort WoUs, ono of a family of
oloven children, was Instantly killed
a week ago by soma loose and rotten
plnnks on a Wilson river bridge,
tipping undor his horao and sliding
thorn both down a gulch Tho horse,
a' honvy 1400-pound farm animal,
falling on top of tho young man
nnd killing him Instantly.
For Indlgostlon an all stomach
troublo tako Foloy'a Orlno Laxative
a it stimulates tho stomach and liv
er and regulates tho bowels and will
positively euro habitual constipation.
For sale by J. 0. Perry.
Dickinson Says Panama Road
Should Run in Interest of
Railroads, Not Those
of the People.
ItJnlttd I'rtis Leaied Wlre.l
San Francisco, Aug. 23. Accord
ing to tho statements of Bernard
Uaker, published In tho Call today,
Prosldent Taft nnd Secretary of War
Dickinson are nt outs regarding tho
freight tariffs to bo charged on tho
Panama rnllroad and tho mannor in
which the road Is to bo run.
According to Baker, who was a
former commissioner appointed by
the president to Invcstlgnto transpor
tation conditions on tho Isthmus, Taft
Is In favor of tho federal government
operating the fanama rnllroad In
conjunction with privately owned
steamship lines regnrdless of tho ef
fect It will have on transcontinental
Dlcklntson, so Bnker stntcd, holds
the opinion that tho railway ncross
tne isthmus should not compoto with
tho ovorland lines. Baker quoted
from a letter by William Whcolor of
ban Franolsco, who formerly Was as
sistant secretary of commorce nnd
labor, which said:
"President Tnft expressed hlmsolf
as heartily in favor of tho govern
ment oporntlng tho Panama rnllroud
lu connection with the prlvntoly own
ed steamship lines, nnd to uso his
own phrnso, 'regardless of what ef
fect such operation might havo upon
transcontinental railways.'
"On May 1," said Baker, "I mot
Hon. Jncob Dickinson. Ho stated
mat he thought the govornmont had
no right to use the Panama rnllroad
In competition with transcontinental
railroads, nnd furthor, that ho
.thought no secretary of war would
.have tho right to do it, and that it
should only he done by congress."
Utlcn, N. Y Aug. 23. Mrs. Wil
liam Matthews of Marcy Is ivufforlng
from nn injury to her leg today
which tho Bustalnetl by bolng thrown
from tho seat of her carriage yes
terday when a speeding automobile
struck tho wheel of tho vohlclo and
overturned it.
It Is be) loved that tho men lu tho
machine wore mllltla momboro who
nro bearing dispatches from Now
York to the oommnndunt of tho pro
sldlo nt San Franolsco.
Mrs. Matthows declared today
that she will causo tho arrest of tho
nutolsts even It she has to pursue
them to tho Pnqlflo Coast.
Following tho nccldent Mra. Mat
thows. telephoned to Itomo, N, Y.,
for tho officers to arrest tho Bpeed
orB, but by the time thoy rocolvod
hr moBtmgo tho mon hnd passed.
At Rome tho men stated that they
wero making a record dash to San
( Francisco carrying dlspatchos from
New York
White House" Shoes for Men and Women
Don't experiment with unknown brands of shoes that you are going to wear dur
ing the rainy season. Every pair of our shoes is built of absolutely .solid leather, and
is intended to give satisfactory service. The Star-5-Star brand has stood the test for
seventeen years in Salem. That's why our customers have confidence in theni. That's
why we carry a larger stock and sell more shoes than most shoe stores.
Let us show the new Fall styles in dress shoes. Our assortment is complete. "Buster
Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes for children wear longer than ordinary shoes, and they arc
made on correct fitting stylish lasts.
Have You Seen Our Display of
in all the new Shadings?
match the new dress goods colors perfectly
An oxchango, in glancing ovor tho
papers, has dlscovorod a numbor of
cusoh wboro peoplo havo boen injured
In various parts of tho anatomy.
Hero aro a fow cases clted: Whllo
Miss Poarl Klnsmoro of East Wind,
Ind., was coming down stairs Tues
day sho slipped and burlsod horsolf
on tho landing. Amos Mittleby of
Woolpost, Kan., whllo harnessing a
fractious horso was kicked Just
south of tho corn crib; ho is ablo to
bo out again. Whllo Harold Croon
of Deulah, MIbb., was oeoortlng Miss
Violet Goof homo from a church so
ciable Saturday night a savago (log
-ot upon thorn and bit Miss Goof
four tlmoH on tho publlo square.
Joseph Tiutt .of Qrlramelsburg, Iowa,
cllmbod on tho roof of his house last
wook to find a loak and foil striking
on his bnck porch, causing serious
Injurloa. salau Trimmer of Dol
bory, Nob., wob playing with, a cat
Friday whbn tho animal scratched
him on tho verandah.
. o r
Furmor near Salem sold 3000
biiBhols of oats at 45 cents a bushol
. o
ItevolU at Cold Steel.
"Your only hope," said three doe
tors to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, of Detroit,
Mich, Buffering from lovero rectal
troublo, "llos in an operation. Then
I used Dr. King's New Life Pills,"
sho writes, "till wholly curod." They
prevent appondlcltles, cures consti
pation, headache. 26c at J. C. Perry
Only ono thrcohlng niachlno ha
boon blown up by smut in Umatilla
county thia. year less thnn usual.
Cholera Infantum Cured.
"Something llko two year ago
my baby, which was then about a
yoar old, was taken sorlously ill
with cbolora infantum, vomiting and
purging profusely," writes J. F.
Dempsoy, of Dempsey, Ala. "I did
what I could to relieve hor, but did
her no good, and bolng very much
alarmed about her wont for a phy
sician, buc fulled to And one, io came
back by Eldor Bros. & Carter's store
and Mr. Eldor rocommendod Cham
borlaln'n Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Romody, I procured a bottle
of it, wont homo as quickly as pos
sible and gave tho baby n dose of
the remdy. It relloved her in flr
tcon mtuiutes and soon cured her en
tlroly," For alo by nil good druggists
Dress Headquarters
for Salem Women
Dress Headquarters
for Salem Women
Our Store is closed on account of moving to our new location, 277
Commercial Street, where we will open
September 1
with the swellest line of Ladies' Suits and Coats, Millinery, Hair Goods, Etc., ever shown
in Salem. Everything will be new-New Store, New Goods, New Fixtures.
Prepare to call on us SEPTEMBER 1.