wmmmA J DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1009. (M lliHl!U,;lHMlW4IMJUHI H :j M M SOCIAL AmJcrwm8cliwnrt7. Wedding. Ono of the prottloat weddings of tho summer waa celebrated at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hugo In WcBt Snlom, Sunday, August IB, at 7:30 p. m., when 'Mies Mlnnto A. Schwartz of Salem and Mr. Walfrod T. Andoraon of Washburn, N. D., married. Roy. Bauer of tho First Congregational church performed tho coromony. Little MIbs Mabel Rilgo, a alstcr of the bride, carried tho ring on a silver tray llnod with rono petals, and MIsb Cnrrlo Haw thorno played Lohongron's Wedding March. Tho brido wns attired in a beauti ful lihio traveling dress, woro a largo white "picture" hat and car ried nn arm bouquet of fragrant creamy sweet peas, and tho groom woro tho customary Btilt of black. Tho parlor was beautifully deco rated, masses of ferns making h bcnutlfiul background, with their dellcato green fronds, for tho profu sion of sweet peas used In tho deco dntlons, nnd It was under a groat crescent of theso that tho corcmony was porformed. A wedding dinner wns served on tho spacious veranda In tho soft light of numberless Japa nese lantorns. Thcro woro forty guosts, and mnny beautiful presents of sllvor ware, cut glnso nnd china. short time, but has mado many friends. Tho groom Ib a prosporouB young man and la connected with tho First National bank of Washburn, N. D. Tho young coniple loft for Newport, being plentifully showorod with (Mondessohn); Requiem (Homer); nnd "Mlono Llebo 1st aruon" (BrahmB), Tho four English songs to be given nro ones that Miss Case Interprets most artistically and shows her rich mohow voice to such ndvnntagc: "0, Rest In tho Lord" rice, nnd presented nn assorted col lodion of old shoes at tho trata They will roturnto Dakota by way of Snn Frnnolrco nnd tho Central Poclflc. Miss OasoV Concert. The Mary Adole Case concort on next Monday evening promises to bo as much of a social event as musical, notwithstanding thoro nro bo many peoplo out of tho city. Tho concort will undoubtedly bo ono of tho greatest musical treats Salem has ever had. When ono considers thnt this Oregon girl hns been recognized nbroad ns nn artist of exceptional ability nnd that the critics through out tho British Isles pronounced hor voice ono of tho most beautiful con traltos beforo tho public today, we should consider It n rnro opportun ity to bo able to hear hor. Resides a volco of decided beauty and richness, slio possesses youth nnd rcmnrkablo good looks. Tho pro gram for Salem Includes many of M'ss Cnso's greatest successes with hor audiences boforo. Miss Cam studied hor German nongs with Fer guson of Bcrllnvtnd will glvo thrco Gcrmnn numhors hero that aro most delightful: "Dor Tod und Das Mnodchnn" (Schubort). "Aramu Tho brldo has been hero but a'Durch dlo Daemrarung" (Strauss) , The Salem Granite and Marble Works Offer tho highest grndo of nmterlnl, artistic designs, unex celled workmanship, lowest posslblo prices. What moro can you ask? Wo solicit your order nnd urge nn enrly ordor for full dollvcry. WILTON W. MARTIN Hail UllKIU'Y ST. "Llttlo Boy Bluo" (Joyce), nnd Beckor's Spring Song. . Tho big dramatic number on tho program will be "Ah' Mori Flls." that splendid aria for contraltos from Moyorbeor's "Le Prophote " This number MIpo Case has aung bo foro many largo audiences with great success. Mr. J. Hutchison from Portland will accompany Miss Case, and this announcement will bo welcomed by nny who know of Mr. Hutchison's work, ns ho is an artist of flno mu sical understanding, nnd his accom paniments nro a dollghtful part of tho programs. Mr. Hutchison Is from London and Is located in Port land for n short time. Ills standing In tho mnislcnl world of London wan a most enviable ono, having traveled with mnny of tho most famous nrt Ists who visit the British Isles. Stu dent) of piano will thoroughly enjoy th'o very talented musician. Th-3 program In full Is us follews: "Dor Tod und Das Mnedchon".. , Schubert "Trnum Durch dlo Dnmmrung". . "Mlono Llobo 1st Oruen". . .Brahmt "Ah, Mons Flls" Meyerbwi "L'Hcuro do Pourpre" Holmes "L'Esclavo" Lalo "O, Rest In tho Lord," Mendelssohn Requiem Sidney Homer "Llttlo Boy Bluo" Joyce Spring Song . . .T Becker Tho seats go on snlo Monday morning nt the Grand Opera homsc. i i gj , Dm 5 tossTsnsasT 1ME f-hink i mi' u Cj J t m. ' k fl v. 2Zr ! Mills cjjp 33 ,L -.w 41M-44trt-SaQ&-KtC1S4i 1 1 you ever II 1RC7 of 0 That tho firebox Is the most essentia! part of your cook J stove? It Is the very heart of It, That Is ono thing thnt mttkes us so proud of our Real Estate Range K7.T3flrBK3Slt?Kr; The Ilenl Estnto Range has a firebox nt least 3 Inches wider than the average firebox, giving better room and oetter heating service, with less wood. You don't havo to remove the front grates to Insert Dip coll, which prevents tho cold air from circulating through tho pipes. It will glvo moro heat to tho water coll, hunting faster and hotter than other stoves. The Real Estate Rnngc Is a beauty, too, nnd Is far ahead of nny other range In more respects than the essential JUBt mentioned. It Is mado of tho host steel nnd will stand every test you can glvo It. Wo will bo glad to send It to you on approval. Wo know you will like it nnd keep It. f IT TACCIT COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER JLj. Jm JUiJOL 371 Court Street 4- IV I1SVIVII1VTV1 VTVTVTVT1PTV IVIVIf If II! TflTPI I'Wffl'ITW ! IPTlTlFtTWI f Vf i cganxu'AnwsT ivrgjieacpijEgr, BIHlxIny Reception. A birthday reception was given yesterday In honor of Mrs. C. E. Sherwood by tho Indies of the Grand Army, in Commercial hall. About GO wero present, and as many more sent regrets. Mrs. Sherwood was 70 years old. Thoro was splendid sing ing by Mrs. Mary Charlton, who sang tho old-time songB no dear to tho old people. Dainty refresh ments wero served. ,Mrs. Sherwood has lived In Salem over 30 year and hns endeared herself to a wide clrclo of frlonds. Those who attended, to show K9 Keep Your Feet Off of Your Mind by Wearing Price's Easy c SHOES In just one more week there will be a large shipment of now stylos in for ladies and ready for your inspection. We will have the new last for ladies; it will not be shown in any other store in town; we oan not describe it but it is the cjroatost we have ever shown. WAIT FOR IT. We havo just received the erjency for the famous Waldorf line of Men's Shoes, which sell for $2.50; if you can get a better shoe in any store in town for $3.50 we will give you a pair of "Waldorfs" FREE. Come in and see the new lines. PRICE'S VISCOUZED RAWHIDE is the brand of new high top boots that we are showing this season; they are better and cheaper than any other line of high top boots, or your money back. Wait for cheaper shoes; we will explain why shoes are jjolng to be cheaper soon. 1 their love nnd friendship for their long-time ne'ghbor and associat-, were: Mrs. Myra Ilobcrtson, Mrs. Ella Miller, Mrs. E. J. Fuller, Mrs Sarah Jones, Mrs. Mary Jory, Mrs. P. Strong, Mrs. Thomas Holt, Mr. L. II. Bowerman, Mrs C. Jory, Mrs. H. Adklns, Mrs. Lorn Adklns, Miss Helen Adklns, Miss Luln Kaylor. Mr. C. R. Lucas, Mrs. L. D. Denf son. Mrs. Nellie A. Dee, Miss Daisy Donlscn, Mrs. Fnnnlc Reese, Mrs. FlBhburn, Mrs. Florn Clark, Mr. W. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Ashley White, Miss Mary Charlton, Master Charles Chnrlton, Miss May Hnughamont, Mr. J. V. Hnughamont, Mrs. Jen nie Ferguson, Mrs. Mary C. Bum gnrdner, Mr. nnd Mrs G. F. Sher wood, Mrs. Julia Chappell, Mr. Annn Veley, Grandmn Lucas, Mn. James R. Necr, Mrs. Necr, Mr. nnd Mrs R. II. Kcgnn, Ralph Korngold, Mr. Kntherlne Spray, Mr. M. S. Fuller, Mrs. P M. Peterson, Rev. J. Errctt, Mrs. Sarah Oliver, Mrs. M. J. Bumgardner, Mrs. Addcn Rhodes. Mrs. H. C. McAllister will bo hOBt ess at a box party at the Mary Adolo Caso concert on Monday evening. Miss Mlnncttn Maggor's Treble Clof club will occupy two of tho boxes at tho Mary Adelo Case con cert next Monday evening. Wliat Is Hcet for ladfgestlon? Mr. A. Robinson, of Drumquln, Ontario, has.bcon troubled for years with Indigestion, and recommended Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots"as "tho host modlclno I over used." If troubled with Indigestion or constipation give them a trial. Thoy aro easy to tako and pleasant In effect Prlco, 2Cc. Samples free at all good druggists. MHHHIHttumauHHUHliuuunnnHHHHM TIIIH AFTERNOON AND TONIOHT AT YE LIBERTY THEATRE Tin Trump' Htory ClgiH'-Hutt Pickers of Paris A Case or Seltzer A Trip to Jupiter Liberty for an Hour The .1 mine's Whiskers SON(! "Could Vou CJrow Komi of n Nltv Young Monde" Hy Hurry Moyer. Tills program In well no III M-cliig. One that will please both old anil young. ho-f o-ns--a-HH-a t ff 10 iaif a PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. SALEM DIVISION Street m,fm 442.- . Phone Leaders in Pine Footwear 1 Mies Wilcli wo will carry In btovk after September lht, with their sell ing prices: HOWL PHOSTKU LAMPS. CLEAR L..MPS. Selling Watts. Price. Watts. 40-.-.. .85 40 60 .. H.1G CO ,..., loO $1.50 100 150 12.16 100 SS0 J2.05 260 Selling Prlco. .90 $1.10 $1.49 $2.05 $2.85 F; LAMPS DELIVERED ONLY AT OUR OFFICE Commercial and State Sts. x nmmm ma hh 1 if m'T q n mm 4 fgi X1BVKWZ--