DAILl CAPITAL JOl'RXAl SALEM, OREGON, SATUKDAV, AUGUST 21, 1000. . O i ooa PEOPLES Sermon bv W CHARLES T. WBw-J I KUS5ELL, rJaPYJ Pastor Brooklvn Tabernacle. Q4-m-iih-iii-imhmiOOO Sandusky, 0., Aug. 15. "Man Is tempted when lie Is drawn nway of Ills own desires nml enticed. Then, when drslro lint conceived. It brlngoth forth sin; mid slit, when It Is finished, brlngoth forth dentU" (James I, II, 15). In proportion to our Intelligence wo all know t tin t sin abounds In t ho world; nnd more limn this, that there nro tend enclcs lownrd sin In our own flesh, Tho Scriptural declaration Is, "I wns born In sin nnd shapen In Iniquity, and In sin did my mother concclvo mo" (Psnlui II, C). Tho cxplnnntlon of theso conditions is found only In the lllble, which tells us Hint tho beginning of In wns hi Eden, nnd tbnt Its pnlnful Influence has descended from parent to child until now, nnd Hint thero was but ono complete-, remedy for It, which Is beyond our power, but provided for us by our Creator through, his glorious Son, who redeemed us. Doctrines of Dovlli. Tho Bible Is God's message to nil those who uro desirous of learning tho DIvIno standard and choosing nnd light ing n good light ngalnst the wrong, against sin wherever found; but es pecially ngalnst win tind wouUnostf to ward hIii In oursolvcs. The more truly wo discern tliu true philosophies for - sin and the Divine remedy, the better we ure proHired to resist It fore warned we ure forearmed. However It may bo explained, tho fact ii'iimlim (hut the world of man kind, heathen mid civilized, realizing slu, feels lonsclcnce-Htrlehcn ami an ticipates punishment of some kind for violation of recognized laws and prin ciples of our belug. Ignorance, super stition, mental unbalance nnd theory, siipHj'tvil l.v prlesleraft, have led iiianklud, heathen tind civilized, Into n fear of an eternity of torture iih u tiuulshtin'iit fur sins. This tho Apos tle calls, Doctrines of demons" il Timothy I v. It, And no doubt the demons weru responsible In some measure for the deduction of this doc trine of eternal torment; because fear Is otie of the most imwerful lullticuces (hey can bring to bear upon fallen humanity as they seel: to captivate them to aln. Those who have had much to do with Spiritism (thinking that they were communicating with their dead friends, but really fellow hlplug wlili fallen angels, 'culled demons In the Scrlplutesi, tell us that at the beginning these "lying spirits" gullied control of their wlll.i by telling them that they should pray much, even while presenting to them ul luring, sinful suggestions (1 Timothy iv, 1). As a later step they tell them that everything Is glorious nnd every body happy "In the spirit laud," nnd that sins of the present llfo uro unlni portu'ut mutters, loiter on they prick their subjects' conscience nnd work upon their fears and tell them that their case Is hopeless and (but they will soon have them fully In (heir power and torment them forever. With de spair come utter abandonment and u willingness to treut with tho "evil spirits." This is sometimes followed by obsession and not Infrequently rea son is entirely dethroned and the vic tim becomes an liimate of an asylum, Tho safeguard ngalnst till of theso delusions and misrepresentations Is found in u corn-i' understanding of God's Woiil-.' u proportion as its tmu'hlu .inderstood nnd followed tho uio.il n lelleved of those "doctrines of demons" and given n rational undersluudliiK of what sin is and of what Its real penalty couslsts. Obedlenco to its liiMnutious brings proportional!- measure of harmony with Uod sad right t-uutfiiess and re sults in love. Joy. pt-ueo and n holy spirit or disHJrililon. "The Waoes of Sin la Death." Many experience grout dltllculty In ridding their minds of the "doctrines of demons"-that the wages of sin is eternal torment. They tind It dllllcult to believe the Truth uii tho subject, which the Scriptures preseut, namely, that "The wages of sin Is death: but the gift of God Is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Itomans vl. 23). God's proposition is that all slnucrs against his Just laws, after full opportunity, shall bo "utterly de stroyed" (Tbessalonlans 1, 0; Acts III, 23i. The iwwer of eternal life re sides In God. and he assures us that he will not give It to any except thoso who come Into harmony with him. Vernal life has not been thrust upon our race. It is entirely contrary to tho Scriptures to assert that man must live somewhere to all eternity, either Ju Joy or anguish. The Scriptures as sure us to the contrary of this "All tho wicked will ho destroy." Our Lord declares that God la able to destroy both soul aud body in Ge henna. He who alone has the power of eternal life has tnudo uo provision whereby sinners can obtain it aud thus Injure themselves aud discredit the Di vine uoverument to all eternity. The gift of God Is eterual life, and that gift will be bestowed only upon those who demonstrate a heart desire in harmony with God and acceptance of his provisions for their recovery from Cu rTX Bfstbt mmrM ooc PULPIT... Sin's Small B( beginnings Suggestions Craving De sire Yielding Absorp tion Detlruclion. O OO"' .s sin and death through his Appointed Way-Jesus Christ the Itlghtehus. Thus we lead. "He that bclleveth on the Sou hath everlasting life; and he that bellevelli not the Sou, shall not see life; but "Till: WltATIl OK GOD AIIIDtiTU ON HIM" (John ill, 30). Our Text Illustrated. Tho experience of our first parents well Illustrates (he lesson of our text. Mother Hve's desire for knowledge should have cntilliicd Itself to the Di vine limitations; but she permitted It to wander disloyally. Evidently she turned over In her tiiliul how wonder ful must be the wisdom of Uod, aud how she would like to possess us much as the serpent suggested she might have. If she would but disobey God aud cat the foi bidden fruit. Wo cnu Imagine that she had qualms of conscience-1 hat she heslla(ed (o disobey. Hut (o even stop to consider the pleas ures, the advantages, the desirability of traiisKi'esidnii was to leave her mind open to u fresh assault. The serpent's next move was (o suggest to her a rea son why her lieator had foi bidden (he eating of the fruit, namely, (hat God knew that this would maku them wise as himself', mid that he did not wish for equals lu knowledge, but desired to keep (hem In a condition of mental slavery through Ignorance. Such a suggestion should have been spurned by live, and was, uo doubt, rejected nt first No doubt sho brought' forth arguments (o prove (ho merciful kind nesscs nnd generosity of tho Creator nnd that such an evil, selilsh and Igno ble spirit as the serpent suggested could uot possibly belong to her Crea tor. Hut tho wrong wns In giving tho least countenance to these suggestions of disobedience. They should havn been promptly set nslde. Stopping to expostulate or reason Is merely open ing the door for further bcgullomcnt. In tho lapguago of our text, sho wns "drawn nwny by her own desire nnd wns enticed i" then, when desire hud conceived, the sinful act of eating the forbidden fruit resulted. How does desire concclvo? Wo an swer, The mind entertains tho desire, warms It, vitalizes It, reflects upon j what advantages or pleasures would result; enters Into and cujoys thoso forbidden pleasures mentally. Thus Mother Kv reflected that no doubt the forbidden fruit was specially delicious to tho palule, luscious; more than this, that the enlightenment of mind would bring to her vlstus of thought far be yond anything sho nnd Adam had ever previously Imagined. Thus her desire for knowledge conceived nnd gradual ly, pcrhups lu moments, perhaps In hours, perhaps in days, developed more nnd in uro the thought of (ho Joys mid pleasures (o result from tho ait of dis obedience until practically (he wholo of life was absorbed lu (his one desire, nnd everything else of her glorious and proper, blessings on every baud was practically forgotten and Ignored. Finally tho Irresistible momeut came. She look (he fruit. Sho ale It; slu was born, and the wage of death would follow lu due course. The main thing to be noticed Is that the admission of evil desire into our heuris. Into our wills, Is the beginning of sin the conception of slu. After the conception It Is only u mutter of lime until It shall be born, unless lu some manner that sinful desire be quenched, bo killed. Even (lieu It will be with serious consequences thai the wrongly comelvcd slu will be gotten rid of. The lesson Is, us the Am-.i.V suggests lu Hie text, the keeping f our heuris. our minds, so Hh- desires shall not conceive I herein. This means a loyalty to Cud mid to the truth aud to riKhleousuetw, about which the wi rid lu gtHicrul knows llille.. It means Mutt inauy kind uf dei-lre and u in bilious may Ue l,iuolteii lu lli- limit mid lead on to one kind or another klud f slu ful development. I.w u I lien liunUi'i to the Lortl."Kwp ihy lirmi wuii nl' diligence: f r ui of It iih n,.- i--m,, of lite" (I'niveriM Iv. ': E.ernal life or eleiwil death Is Hit Issue, not eternal huppine.- or cicrii.ii misery. True, uutl.r iio.1' provlMon. all who get eternal life will therchj get eternal happiness; but ull who tail to gel the eternal life or happiness III God's provision vlll get elerual death, the Second Death, utter extinction. As St. I'eter declares, they shall bo "as brute beasts, made to bo taken and destroyed" (II I'eter 11. 12). Aud St. Puul says, "They shall be punished with everlasting destructlou from tho presence of the Lord" not wJth ever lasting torment (II Tbessiilonluns I, 0). Divine Forgiveness of 8ln. We have seen how slu entered, and that Its wage or penalty of Dlvluo de cree IS death extinction. And we have seen that mental, moral and physical imperfections are merely ele ments of our dylug process. If this were ull that the Mble had to tell us, it would be valueless (o us, for why philosophize over u fact If it could uot in any sense or degree be avoided? If (here were uo hope, us the Apostle suggests, wo might as well eat, drink aud bo merry and make uo attempt specially to strive against slu, and thus to bring ourselves luto conflict with the weaknesses of our own na tures and oar evil environment. But, ns the Hd'H'lims itetiuie, "in 're i forgiveness with Hipp, that thou it:n. est bu feared" (l'nltn exxx. It. Th very fait Hint God has prmlded tin forglveiieos and made pnwl.li an es rnpn from the ifilulnal death xpiitenru and return to his favor eternal life makes life worth living urd puis u new ambition, n new In pr, n new en .my Into all tlme who enmo to nn niderstiiudleg ef It. If we wen' doming; with fallen men .Iko ourselves Instead of with (,'rd. we might say that some men would clmngo their word nnd others would not. Put when we think of (he un changeable God we feel convinced Hint I ho penlenco he once pronounced must slnnd. The grcnt Supreme Judge of the Universe, In (ho findings of his own court, will not retract his Just sentence, "Dying, thou shalt die." Ilenoo we would not be Inclined to expect eternal life from him who de clares ngalnst us as a raco that "the wages of sin Is denlh." That philosophy once seen Is con vincing to the last degree. Hrlefly stated, It Is Hint "y one man hIii entered Into (ho world, nnd deaih b. tin; nnd so death passed upon ull men, for lhn( nil -have sinned;" because all except tho first man were sinners by heredity (Itomans v, 12). In other words, Hip sentence of denth was pro nounced only against Father Adam. Everybody else who dies merely shares In his sentcuco under (he naurnl luws of heredity. Then God condescendingly explulns to us the philosophy of how that one man's sins being met, tho merit enn Iks made np pllcnblo (o nil of his posterity, so Hint the death of one righteous man could satisfy the claims of Justlco against tho raco as n whole. Tho Wonderful Story. Uut wo Inquire, where could tho one man be found who would bo willing to surrender bis own llfo for that of Adam aud his race? And if such u generous man could be found how could he, as n member of the condemn ed race, bo acceptable to Justice as man's Kansom PrlieV The Scriptures again explain that no such man could bo found amongst Adam's race, nnd that therefore God so loved the wot Id that he gave his Son to bo our Itcdceui or. Then the query comes. Would It be Just for God to give his Son? Aud the nnswer Is Scrlpturally given, that' Ho set before his Son ti -great Joy, u high reward, and Unit tho Son, fully In accord with his Father, delighted to do his wlll-'i'or the Joy that was set before him. endured the cross, despis ing the sliamu" (Hebrews xll, 2). We uro insured that the reward for this great transaction Is a great one. Tho Apostle, ufter describing how our Lord, our lledeeiner, llrst left the glory of tho heaeuly estate aud humbled him self to take Hie human nature and was (lieu found obedient unlo death, even tho death or (ho cross, (lieu adds, "Wherefore. Guil also hath highly ex ulted him, and given him it iiiime which Is above every name; that at the name of Jesus every kueo should bow. of tlilng-i lu heaven, aud things In earth, and llili.gs under tho earth; anil that eveiy li-ugvo -hould confess (hat Jesus CluiM Is l.ord. to the glory oi God the Father" il'!ii.l:'pluiis II, UlUi. "Ye Mutt Da Bern Aasln." As we were all born in sin us the children uf Adam, ml must be burn again If they would become the chil dren of God. Many have failed (o no tice (he Scriptural teaching that uut of our nice God Intends to produce two families of sous on different planes of being. The one class, begotten and born of Hie spirit, will be resurrected, bo burn i-plrlt beings, like '.into (ha angels, 'i In- oilier class, begotten again lo human conditions, will ex perience resurreclluii (Acts 111, lU-'li fa vors, by which (hey will be recovered from slu niiil death conditions mid ulti mately come tn hiiiiiuu perfection mid righteousness. These will uot be like unto tho angels, but be like unto Adam In his slnles munition before tho condemnation. The curse will bo removed nut only from these, but also from their earthly home, whk-h will thin become us Kdeu, the garden uf Hie Lord I'aradlso restored. Our Lord pointed out th lime of (he world's iHMtfiierutlou, lu full hariuoiij with St. ruler's words ubuve died, vying to his dUelplvM, "lu (he tegen ermlon ye that haw followed me shall sit upon twelve thrones, Judging the twelve tribes uf Israel" (Matthew xlx. iiSi. The regeneration lime, or resur rection time, has not yet come; lienco the apostles are uut upon the thrones of Israel; but Instead, the twelve tribes ure still under thu Gentile dom ination. And Gentile domination, lu Scriptural language, means the times lu which Satan Is the Prince of this world, "Who now worketh lu tho hearts of the children of disobedience," Tho niHistles uro uot to sit upon (he twelve thrones uf Israel until tho Sec ond Cumlug uf our Lord mid (ho bind ing of Sutuu aud es(ubllshlug of the Kingdom; heucu the I liny of lteslltu tlou, or (lines of Itegeucrutloii, for muuklud ure yet future When (but happy day shall have fully dawned it will mean a sweet releaso of the world from tho power of sin and death, to which all but tho saintly few are now In slavery, lu tho Jewish order of reckoning time, night carao first and day afterward. Thus the world has already beeu passing through a night time of darkness, Ignorance, supersti tion and sorrow, the results of slu and death. Uut (he redeeming merits of Jesus hare provided the Millennial Day, which will soon be ushered in aud chase a way forever (he shadows of slu and death. No wonder the poet sang, "O. hall happy day That kpeaks all aorrowj ending'" Tho Psalmist refers to the same glo rious day, saying. "Weeplug uiuy en dure for u night, but Joy coniatu lu (be morning." Zll It probably comes from the bile or some sick condition of the stomach or bowels. No matter which, put yourself BSECHAM'S Sold Evorywhe-s. 1 1 Uoxct 19c. onu lie. DIED WITH PICTURES OF FRIENDS AROUND HIM Fresno. Cnl., Aug. 20. - Mark Austin disrobed himself In his room In George JJabcock's residence this morning ut about 10 o'clock, sat on the edge of tho bed, put his foot nn tho trigger of n doublo-bnml shote;i n nnd blew his heart to Mecca. Prior to the ttwful net ho had gone to the trouhlo of nrraugiiu nil of tho photographs of his fri-mili In .i clrclo before him, then addressed rev oral notes nnd letters lo friends nnd to tho public, in nono of which ho assigned tiny can so for tho milcldi. Ho was a member of thi Masonic lodge of this city nnd for several years had been one of tho trusted employes of Holland & HoHiuil's gro cery store, who attribute ills suicide to III hoalth. Troposnls for Furnishing Supplies foe tho Oregon School for Deaf .Mutes. Proposals for furnishing supplies to tho Orogon School for Deaf Mutes for tho term ondlng Docombor 31, 1009, will bo received nt tho office, of the superintendent till Wednes day noon, Soptomhor 1. All bids must bo signed by biddor, state unit prlco, nnd bo oxtondod for quantity. Tho right Is reserved to rojoct any or all bids in wholo or in part. Quality bolng equal, proferenco will bo given goods of Oregon lnanufncture: COO pounds smaii white beans. 40 dozen canned corn, 15-dozen gallons tomatoes, 3000 pounds dry granulated sugar, en no. 30 barrols flour. , 2b tons bran. 3 dozon oystors (sample.) 100 pounds dried poaches. 300 pounds Italltm prunos in CO pound boxos. CO gallons vinegar. 1000 pounds salt, F. h. lu 100 pound sactoJ. 3 dozen Zan Drothors brooms, No. 1. 7 onsos Pyramid washing powdor. 7 cases Ivory, largo cakos. 8 ensos Silver gloss starch. 80 pounds baking powdor, Schil ling's. (i cases toilet paper. 200 pounds coffoo. 200 pounds Orogon full cream choc so. GOO pounds croam rolled oats, For blank forms and additional complete list of minor gnocerlos, meats and lard, hardware mil school room supplies, apply to R. S. TILLINOHA8T, Superlntondant. 8210. o. d. Sopt 1. Soldier Wart Death riot,. It soeraed to J. A. Stone, a clvJt war Vfiternn. nt Tfnmr, Tnr . that n plot oxlstod botwoon a dosporato lung ) troublo and tho gravo to cause hi- death. "I contracted a stuborn cold," he writes, "that dovoloped a cough that stuck to me in spito of n'l remedlos for years. My weight ran dowu to 130 pounds. Then I began to iiiq Dr. King's New Discovery whloh restored my health completely I now weigh 178 pounds." For - vere colds, obstinate coughs, homor rhnges. asthma and to prevont pne-i mou'n It's unrivaled. 50c and l Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by l C. Perry. O. T. C. Co. The company's steamer Oregon nnd Pomona leave for Pottland dnil' except Sunday, at O a, m. M. I. II.U.DWI.V, Agent. CONCERT Mary Adele Contralto MONDAY KVI.MXO, AUGUST U.J GUAM) OI'KUA IIOUHK Prices 50c to ?l.r0. Heut Sale Monday Case U Skin of Beauty , W ! B $dmmWt.l m ,-fiim I HH lteMtMbMalMBMMam.e.1 S'ltCV kk. IITI1IIITT-1TT" ati Mi. ntcUTJemtr, MWtWK. fl 3Wj! ran us na ntu. II x! a--" i s m No. 6 TOR SALE BY DUU00t3T3 AND TAKCV GOOD3 DEAIXR3 FERD. T. HOPKINS. Proprietor, 37 Great Jwie Street, New Yot e a ss Salem Auto Garage I, w vai a (ull line of all necessary auto supplies . -- ... V E SELL THE FAMOUS MAXWELL CAR Garage on Alley, Back of Salem Board of Trade .'. f-JLit'lfV. J. Fo PRIEHS, Mgr. MMiKT.ttiKnicmH&'KSttwnimim Q fir' sic SALEM THURS !E H GW THAT MADE ALL AMEMCA TALK ---------------------------------a"- iiiii 1 1 n Sfi$3,500,000 JVA V A 40 m.npiiANTsXgg iLyUy OC DOUBLE LtMOTH ( lMtyVjj!'l f-n (.!--- or WILD V3feV 2 0l,A-OAD CAJ Hf)iy7( IDO Wlt5 ANIMALsAgJtX SmONGESTOFAlM fMg&b' HOLDING 8000 UK. EA8TS STRONG MEN MEggT mmm HRSTOO Acrobats and the 12 Lorch Pamily ifRy 5KSx GO Aerialists end llw 10 Fly.Hg Jordaas ASJjnBy gjb GO Rldrs the Renos and Daisy llodf lal jgjjXW mJv&ZmzK. 50 Clowns, the World's Funny Mea yifliKiM thSJISsJ375 Circus Artist. d5RTcA', YrtV '-K VVA lnn M0vl T ' lmoai I OrnKK-iVLkaAUAt t I sfol' i'ca TalKdMl iMtMfttriAfPviii c-i-ij J'SWiHl' eveb SFPN on riDTM I " -i 731 11 SLi' Tn'oPrd r cr J -erved seals xv'Mho (n sale .how d , in 1 vr ( :, bROTMCr.S' r OuK TCl.f. at exactly the tiit..t p Le UniigeJ in the regular ticket wagwis on the show grounds. Is a Joy Forever ML T. FELIX GOURAUfril Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BKAUT1F1ER A rANWATHM MB RCfilKI fiOMrtEXIM la tVt-oai Yttfw 9 a-wmim w-.n f A Vt-rtt llP beauty, uA trerj tbo most beautiful must protect their ootDplaxJon. A faultless complexion, sweet, desires and whlchcan bowsdilyobtalnwIbyusinKf jQOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM., This won Known prcparouon nns oocn nignvy rocom-i mended by phvslol&ns, actrsKes, singers, and women of fashion for over half n century. It . rondors the skin liko the softness of velvet, Icav- Ing it clear and pearly white. XIOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM euros Skin Diseases, relievos Irritation, soothes ami in vigontos the skin, beutifles and iinpmve tho complexion aad cannot bs surpassed when pro paring for evening atttro. If your nutomobllo gets unmntingcublo and you do Biro It put In good ordor nt onco by skilled workmen bring It to our garage and wo will bo plonHod to Borve you at as low n cost us cnu bo uono by first class me chanics, who know an parts of tho machine, nnd place everything In first class run ning ordor nt short notice Our phone iiitnibor Is 3S0. Hi I AUG. 26